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Chapter 1: 1 Been awhile

Its been awhile since I have been able to travel through the world and explore the places I have not been to. "My bad" [For those who don't know me my name is Zino Ray Cuga. I'm currently in the void looking for a world to start at.

For the rest I will just show my stats

Name: Zino Ray Cuga

Race: Human/Elder Dragon






Skills: Weapons master: Greatsword, Longsword, Bow, Hammer

Dragon transformation

Elder dragon energy


Dimensional storage

Equipment: Full set of Nargacuga gear.

That's all there is to my stats and don't worry this is not a system just one of the three wishes I made. The other two are Predation and Dimesional storage. When I was taken away from Earth I was granted 3 wishes from something in the void and I can care less about what it was. One of the things I was granted is the ability to travel through the void and go wherever I wanted. So my first world was the Monster Hunter world were I absorbed most of the monsters even the Elder dragons. Because of that my race had changed without my knowledge.

Now the big question is where should I go to next with how strong I am and what I can do after absorbing all those elders is enough to make a mockery of anybody.

I retired even though I don't look a day over 30 after my race had changed.

The biggest change was when I first equipped the armor. ohh was that a day you could feel the difference between the skills that the armor gave you. Like that critical eye skill oh boy was I able to hit weak points eaiser. I normally don't keep a weapon equipped because if you trying to fit in any other place they would stick out.

What I'm trying to do now is figure out where I should go and start my raising of those little newbie hunters. Ahh and who knows maybe even find a wife and have my own kids. None of the cultivation realms will work with my powers I'm not trying to get really strong to where i can not have a nice fight every now and then. Guess it will be like one of those isekai novels with swords and magic.]

"So time to get this travel on."

After traveling the void for so long that I don't know how much time has passed. I finally found the world I was looking for. There are dungeons, monsters, different races, and lots of magic.

The world's name that I'm going to is N-Gamma. Guess I will land right next to the town.



"I DON'T F****** KNOW"

"Is that a person in the distance. Hey who are you!"

" Ouch that landing was pretty rough probably spooked everyone in that village over there."

"Hello who are you"

"oh sorry, my name is Zino Ray Cuga but you can just call me Zino."

"Alright Zino so what was with the loud sound."

"Sorry about that just taking a trip and kinda landed to hard."

"A trip from where."

"I lived in a village a ways away from here. So is their a adventurers guild in the town I would like to become a adventurer to make some money."

"Sure follow me, but it will cost you 5 copper coins to enter the city."

"Ugh I don't have any money is their some place I can trade some monster parts for money."

"Yeah we can trade at the adventurers guild, so just follow me."

[Walking through the streets you see a lot of adventures, guess it is were you make the most money. Also on they way I had seen what the different demi-humans there are in this town. From dogman, catman, dwarves, elves, and a few more.]

"Alright we're here now go trade your items and pay up."


Zino looks up at the guild, the building has a look that was Roman inspired.

[This building gives me ancient Earth feel.]

Walking into the guild building the place was packed and everybody was looking ready to fight.

"Excuse me what us going on in here."

"what did you not just hear and feel whatever it was that hit the ground with a lot of force."

[That might have been my fault.] Zino said in his mind.

"Ok thanks so where is the counter that I can trade some monster parts."

"Just walk straight you new here."

"Yeah, came from the forest to register here."


[Huh that's it where is the get bullied trope that happens in those novels, manga, and anime. Must be because of how old I look. Ahh what ever.]

Zino walks to the counter and sees three different lines.

Zino lines up in the line at the middle.

About 30 mins later

At the counter was a middle aged man, it was the line that was almost the shortest the other 2 lines had pretty females at them.

[Those are some pretty females right there, but I'm not looking for just any woman. Guess I'll se where life takes me.]

"Hello what can I help you with."

"I would like to trade in some monster parts and also register as a adventure."

"Well I would register first that way the tax will go from 1% to 0.08% of your total."

"Alright so what do I have to do to register."

"Just write down on this paper the required information."


[So let's see it ask for my name, age, race, magic, class and weapon of choice. Ok this will be easy let just fill this out.]

Zino turned the form back and and the clerk asked him to check for sure.

"Your name is Zino Ray Cuga, you're human, 60 years old, you have Dimesional storage, you are a soldier/assault class, and your weapon of choice is a longsword. Is all of that correct."

"Yes it is."

"Stand by as I process this and make your adventures guild card."

"I was surprised that there is no test for our strength."

"No there is no test like that here, everyone starts out at the same level and have to work their way up. It's a way to keep people from abusing their power."

"Guess that's one way to do things."

Few minutes later

"Here is your guild card Mr.Cuga. There is no fee for the first process, but if you ever need to get a replacement for whatever reason then it will cost you 1 silver is that ok."

"Yeap it's ok so can you explain to me about the ranks, how monsters are classified, and how the money is denoted."

"Sure and my name is Ben, so let's start with the easiest which is money."

<Check the auxiliary chapter for these things>

Bossishere353 Bossishere353

Just a thought that keep bugging me and I wanted to write, will be using weapons and armor from monster hunter world only. Reason it is the first monster hunter I played.

I don't own anything to do with monster hunter.

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