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Chapter 5: Growth

The birth of Daichi brought about a change in his parents' lives, taking care of a baby was something they've never done before and the first few months were hectic for the young couple, but with everything in life they learnt through trial and error and eventually got into a routine.

One thing the couple noticed as time went was Daichi's' behaviour which was unlike what others his age behaved (according to the aunties they spoke to on a regular basis), his purple eyes radiated a touch of intelligence, one you had to be attentive to even notice and his parents were anything but inattentive. They simply presumed their baby was developing quicker than normal and was probably going to be a genius when he was older which made them happy.

At 4 months old he was already crawling and while not impressive, it was petty advanced for his age group which delighted his parents; at age 1 he was already taking his first steps and his words were slowly becoming coherent which simply made his parents incredibly proud and his development became apparent to those around, while he still struggled with most words his efforts were paying off.

However, there were times where they were concerned about him such as moments where they'd catch him simply staring off into space. "Honey I'm worried, he's doing it again" Tsubame stood at the doorway as she observed Daichi with a worried expression, he sat still in his room staring off into space completely silent, Akira walked towards his wife and hugged her from behind "we've already taken him to be examined and they said there's nothing wrong with him, and as he's so young he can't explain it himself" a sigh escaped his lips as he mirrored his wife's expression. "Let's hope that whatever it is, it'll pass with time" he pulled his wife away as it was late at night, with a heavy heart he could only hope for the best.

What Daichis' going through was simply the process of regaining his past life's memories, the process wasn't originally discussed when they were making the deal but she decided that these memories and experiences will assist him in his tasks to come, and the most effective method to integrate these memories to his mind without effecting his development was to release them slowly over a period till he regains it all.

There were times where it seemed like he was having nightmares, but really were memories of war he'd been through, something no child his age should view but a necessity for what was to come. This process continued till he reached the age of 5 where he finally regained his memories of the deal itself, at that point there was no conflict of identity or language barriers to overcome allowing him to fully acclimate himself to his new life.

Another thing his parents noticed was his growing strength, by the age of 2 and he was fully capable of feats those double his age will struggle with, when this was examined they discovered that his muscles were more developed than those his age, and when asked if he trained he simply denied it. After this event his parents simply ignored anything weird that might occur around their son as if they continuously remained concerned, they won't have a moment of peace, they simply accepted it as his quirks.

On the day of his 5th birthday, the sun barely stretched over the horizon as he sat up and stared out of his window to the city before him, a clarity that hadn't been present since the day of his birth was finally there, takin a view of the city he has seen hundreds of times yet again taking it all in. His house located on one of the few cliffs present in the territory of the clan allowing a good view of the city, the office building of the Uzumaki Patriarch located right in the centre, a high rising building 5 stories tall, with the Uzumaki clan symbol proudly displayed on the side. The shinobi training centre located opposite it and the hospital right next to it, the spread of various buildings and beyond that the very whirlpools protecting the island, it was truly a sight to behold.

"Happy birthday Daichi!" His mother's voice reverberated through the doors as she came through holding a cake and his father right behind her holding a few boxes "happy birthday lil brat" a grin on his face as he stared at his son. Daichi turned to his parents as he had the biggest grin on his face "mom dad!" he got out of bed towards his parents "you're finally 5, my baby's growing so quick, soon I'll have to start chasing all the girls away" his mother crying fake tears as she saw her baby, "mom I'm only 5, I have a while before you have to start doing that, I'll be counting on you" sending a wink at his mother while his father simply laughed at.

"Ooh how many daughters should I be expecting" his father asked with his gruff voice lined with hints of amusement "hmm maybe 5 since I'm 5, what do you think" "I don't think so!" came his mother's immediate response "you will only have one wife and treat her right!" This caused both males to laugh as they looked at his mother.

"So son now that you're finally 5, we can decide on what you want to do, do you want to train as a shinobi, get an apprenticeship as a beginner Fuinjutsu student or learn from us how to run a business?", Daichi immediately replied "can't I do both Shinobi training and sealing student?" this caused his parents to pause "Daichi those options take a lot of effort individually, needless of doing both at the same time" his father patiently replied, while he knew his son was mature beyond his age he didn't want him to bite off more than he could chew.

" Dad mum I'm sure I can handle both" the conviction in Daichi's eyes was clear for his parents to see, still not convinced his mother intervened "how about this, first show us you can handle one of those and we'll see what your mentor says". Daichi knew he couldn't get a better deal than this, so he agreed "ok I'll like to start with shinobi training" "alright! I'll get your application sorted in a few days".

After a morning of festivities with his parents Daichi analysed the abilities he got and what effects they've had on him so far. They were set to effect his strength by the Shinigami as default with a rate of 1% improvement for every 100 steps, its been a few years since his first steps and right now he should be stronger than a genin probably mid chuunin, however he's not sure as he doesn't have someone to compare with apart from the civilians around him. "Let's change the attribute to speed, I can't simply have the strength but lack the speed to actually hit someone" as he made this decision, he felt something within him switch, like a snap at the back of his head.

Unmatched Unmatched

IF the average individual takes 6000 steps a day, our MC gets a 1% boost in a stat (e.g. 10kg in strength at the start) for every 100 steps, in a duration of 4 years. Tell me is that OP already?

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