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Chapter 7: CHAPTER 007

In an unknown location in the Atalantic Ocean, numerous Agents are working tirelessly as they recieved thousands of reports from all their agents that are tasked around the world.

"Director Fury, there has been a Level 6 situation in Yemen. Various Cultist successfully summoned a Calydonian Boar." An female Agent said to Fury as he was busy reading reports

"Was Hercules already sent?" Nick Fury asked without even looking up from his work

"Yes. However there has been a problem since their battle is headed into a populated city." Agent Maria Hill said as she gave the Director her tablet which displays the video of Hercules battling with the humongous Boar

"Was Hercules informed that his trajectory is currently headed squarely to a city?" Nick Fury asked as he finally focused on the report of Agent Hill

"Yes sir, however his response to it was that the boar is currently on a Berserk State which multiplied its strength." Agent Hill said as she showed the video of the boar charging to any human near it even though Hercules was clearly hurting it."It was also cursed to have immense hate for human beings according to what Hercules sensed from the creature."

"Call Agent Barton for reinforcement and deploy numerous Agents to evacuate the civilians. The use of missiles are authorized." The Director ordered as before going back to his papers

"There is a Level 5 situation in texas where two unknown individuals displayed power beyond normal technological advances." Agent Maria followed up as she displayed the video footage if the clash if the two individuals.

Nick Fury was originally oaying less attention to the next report of Agent Hill so he merely glanced over to the tablet. However his single eye widened as he witnessed the image of a literal burning skeleton riding a flaming motorcycle.

"Who told you that those two are from the technological side of things?" Nick Fury asked as he clearly know what that being was, and he was a hundred oercent sure that it isn't any way related to technology.

"Well, there was this other enigmatic individual who was capable if rescuing numerous civilian that were caught in the crossfire of the two powered individual." Agent Hill said as she displayed the video of the newsreport. "He claimed to be an Agent of Seireitei and that the two individuals were rogue researchers."

"Raised the Level of that subject to Level 6. And find out who that guy is and what this Seireitei is." Fury dictated as he returned to his work

Agent Hill reported numerous happening around the world that was being monitored by the SHIELD. She only mentioned those that may prove dangerous to the security of the world or the security of numerous civilians. The only reports that she mentioned were situations wherein the local authorities may proved to be incompetent in handling the situation.

"Agent Hill, send some of the Agents designated at North America to head to Texas where the two Level 6 Individuals were spotted at." Fury reminded to the already leaving Agent Hil

* It seems like a new Spirit of Vengeance roam Earth. I just hope that this Spirit Vengeance would be on the side of humanity.* Nick Fury mused as he poured himself a cup of Whisky to calm his nerves.






"I am sorry miss but you are not allowed to leave this room." Umbra said as he locked the door

"What's the meaning of this? What do you mean I am not leaving? You can't tell me what to do!" Roxanne Simpson freaked out as she feels threatened by the sudden change in Umbra

"Look here, Johny boi over there is currently in a very bad position. And I am sorry if I acted earlier that I don't know how Johny Blaze ended that way, but I suddenly remembered that you are his current weakness." Umbra said as he remembered an important event in the movie that he overlooked.

"What do you mean he is in a bad position? Who are you really? What do you know what's hapoening to Johny? Tell me! I want answers!" Roxanne snapped as this was the first time that she saw her former lover this hurt.

She was already familiar with Johny getting hospitalized due to his job and she could at least stomach that. However this time,the injuries were different. There is no way Johny would sustain such injuries in a motorcycle crash.

"Listen to me Ms.Simpson, you are currently in a very complicated situation that involves a certain Demon and a group of Fallen Angels." The Hero of Olympus said seriously which surprised Roxanne since she can feel danger coming from Umbra.

"In simple terms, you are a liability that can be used against Johny at the moment." Umbra said which further confused Roxanne

"What do you mean I am a liability" The reporter asked as she can infer that there is more things going on that meets the eye.

"I am just humoring your questions since I want you to be able to adaot to the possible scenarios that may happen to you these following days." The Hero of Olympus said as he took a seat at the available sofa. "There are three possible scenarios that may happen to you Ms. Simpson. First up, you may become a hostage that can be used as a leverage against Johny. Secondly, you may get caught in the crossfire and get hurt really bad. Lastly, you might never experience either of the first two and you live a normal life." Umbra said casually

"What in the world are you saying? Me as a hostage? By whom? And what was that about getting caught in the crossfire? The Johny that I know is an narcissistic adrenaline junkie that was never into guns." Roxanne outbursted

"Here's the thing though. What I am telling you is that this situation involves a Devil and a group of Fallen Angels. And trust me, they have something more dangerous than mere guns?" Umbra stated with amusement as he saw how bothered Roxanne was

"Do your remember Johny getting into occult when you were younger?" Umbra asked in which Roxanne nodded in agreement. "Was your father diagnosed with cancer during the time that Johny was infatuated with the occult?" She nodded again in agreement as that was exactly what Johny was doing suring the time that her father was suffering from cancer

"Do you really believed that a miracle happened that your father mysteriously recovered from a disease that up to this date was uncurable." Umbra said in an amused tone.

"It was Johny who made that happen. He made deal with the devil to cure your father in exchange for his servitude and soul. If my prediction is correct, Johny acted strange after your father died suddenly after getting cured in cancer. That was because he was at the mercy of the Devil during that time. However your love for Johny was strong enough to drive away the Devil, but unfortunately for Johny the Devil still intends to claim what Johny promised during the deal." The Hero narrated to pass time and to actually refresh his memory of the Ghost Rider backstory.

However this narration left Roxanne in a daze since her brain tries to compare what Umbra narrated and what happened before when her father died. Which was shockingly on point as she remembers the bits and pieces that happened during her teenage years.

"Now would you look at that, the sun already set. I guess it is time to for them to wake up. Hey Sylvie, disable the fire sprinklers now since things may get smoky." Umbra said which didn't registered to the head of Roxanne since she is thinking about the things that Umbra told her.

However Roxanne would be snapped out of her trance like state as she would finally notice that Umbra is currently holding two spear directly above the head of the two patients wrapped in bandage.

"Wake the fuck up bone heads! We have a Devil to burn." Umbra shouted before driving down the two spears straight down to the head of the passed out Johny Blaze and Carter Slade.

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