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It's been one long day, Voldemort's forces are getting out of control and I have been unable to locate Voldemort himself.

having Lilly and James potter under the Fidelius charm is putting them both under stress and I can tell James is getting antsy and restless, With Sirius black under heat from Voldemort's forces because he chose to be there secret keeper protecting them.

Sigh if only I was able to get to Sam sooner, I might of been able to save him but alas I was held up at the ministry of magic again, it seems I spend more time at the ministry than at Hogwarts.

''headmaster I bring grave news from the potters house.''

''from the potter's quick tell me Phineas what's the problem.''

''I 'am afraid Lilly and James have been killed by Voldemort, he managed to locate the house and killed James quite easily catching him unarmed and Lilly sacrificed herself protecting harry from a killing curse, killing her as well but when Voldemort tried once again to use the killing curse on young harry potter the curse rebounded back to Voldemort killing him, but the good news is little harry potter is still alive.''

sigh it seems all I do is sigh these days as well, ''thank you for relaying that to me Phineas, If you would please get Hagrid for me and have him send young harry to his muggle relative's in Privet Drive in the village of Little Whinging surrey.''

''yes headmaster ill send him right away.''

grabbing a badge on the table I speak into it saying ''Minerva can you please come to my office.''

Placing the badge down on the table I rub the bridge of my nose and sigh, how can this be? Sirius black was the secret keeper for the potter's how could Voldemort get the address from Sirius, Unless he told Voldemort it himself? because not even with Legilimency will Voldemort be able to find it's location in his memories.

Don't tell me Sirius was the mole in the order all along? I have been having the feeling that someone was leaking information to Voldemort's side for a while now, That was why I let Severus Snape join the order! To work as a double agent against Voldemort, But he was unable to find out who it was.

Now I see it was Sirius black this whole time and he was so close to James and Lilly potter that they even named him godfather of harry, Now with Voldemort gone for now I'll need to look for Sirius black.

thinking till here I can feel my hands shaking and my face feels hot with sweat dripping down my cheek.

''headmaster what is it that you needed to see me on such short notice'', ''Thank you for coming Minerva it seems Voldemort got to the potters through Sirius black and now they are dead along with Voldemort himself, I'll need you to watch over Harry's muggle relative's until Hagrid bring little harry there.''

''albus how could this happen? how could Sirius betray the order! How could he betray his friends to the dark lord'', ''I do not know the answer's to those questions Minerva only Sirius could tell you that'', ''But albus what about the dark lord what do you mean that he is dead, how could the dark lord die just like that''.

''Yes I would like to know the answer's that as well Minerva, But as it stand's it would seem that Lilly's sacrifice added a layer of protection to young harry, Rebounding the killing curse that Voldemort sent Harry's way.''

''but albus what kind of power could do something like that.''

''Minerva it is actually quite simple it was the power of LOVE.''

''love albus lots of people love when the dark lord and his minions kill but why was it that harry potter was the only one to ever survive.''

''yes Minerva loving is simple but the question is in what form of love could be so powerful? It must have been the love of a mother or father that would give his / her life willingly and with open arms, knowing that she/he will die but hoping with all their heart's that their child or loved one will live, that is the only thing that, I, with all my wisdom can come up with, That and maybe the one protecting need's good karma and the one being protected needs to be untainted.''



After arriving in privet drive using my light out, absorbing the lights from nearby lamp posts I walked up the street with a black cat greeting me, Hello Minerva I said as I watched Minerva transform from a black cat into her human self.

''Is it true albus.''

''I am afraid it is Minerva the good and the bad,'' ''and the boy'', ''Hagrid is bringing him'', ''Albus I don't think it wise leaving him here with these muggles I have watched them all day, They are the worst sort of muggle imaginable they really are!!.....'' ''The only family he has Minerva! ah here comes Hagrid now.''

Looking up in to the night sky I can see lights in the distance getting closer until they began descending it was Hagrid on Sirius black's motorbike.

''Safe trip I hope Hagrid''? ''Ah albus the little tight fell asleep as we where flying over bristle''.

Saying that we all proceed to the front door of number 4 privet drive, Placing young harry down on the front door step with a letter I wrote to petunia, stating the demise of her sister and brother in law and that I will need them to raise harry like they would there own son, That he will be going to Hogwarts for school for witchcraft and wizardry when he reaches the age of 11, In September of that year and wishing them well.

Casting protective enchantments using the residual love barrier that Lilly used on harry as the core of the enchantment, Then proceeded to ring the door bell then left knowing that harry will be in a loving home.

As we are leaving I could see Hagrid crying so I pat him on the back and said to him ''there there Hagrid its not really good bye after all''.


''Headmaster we have located Sirius black, It seems he has chased down Peter Pettigrew in a small county of Dartford near London, It is a populated muggle area!'' " Thank you Phineas for informing me I'll be heading off then." Using the Floo network that connects my fire place to the ministry of magic, I then proceeded into the fire and exited at the ministry then I apparated to Dartford _London.

However when I arrive it was a scene from hell, Rain pouring from the stormy sky, Wind blowing the tree's, Trying to uproot them, blood mixed with the water with body parts scattered on the ground.

Holes blown into brick walls with heads rolling in the bloody water, Muggle police officers were collecting the bodies and looking for identification and block off access to the public.

With a quick flick of my wand I had all the body parts sort themselves into groups and the names of the dead written on a piece of parchment, Then proceeded to use the obliviate spell on the police officers to alter there memories of me and the scene of the crime, But the police that have already left I'll need to get the Aurors to adjust there memories.

What shocked me more and even terrified me was that two of the heads that I saw was all to familiar to me, They where the head's of my dear friend and late comrade's son and daughter in law Jessica and Robert knight.

Knowing the knight family quite well I knew that there is only two people left in the knight family now, Vivian and Oscar and to think I said I would look over them after your death my old friend sigh, I am sorry but it looks like this war in its closing moments took yet another of your family.

After adjusting the memories of the people in the area I then proceeded to Apparate to the knight family residence, Walking up the driveway on to the path towards the front door I can hear raised voices, I can understand the voice to be Vivian's and from the police car parked in the drive way it seems they have just described the crime scene to her in all is dreadful glory.

Walking up the stair using the Alohomora spell on the front door opening it quietly I enter the house silently as I entered the living room I witnessed Vivian sitting on the old sofa with a little boy in her arms, Which I assume to be Oscar, Vivian was getting far to worked up and I could tell if she is left alone like this she very well may die so flicking my wand casting a sleeping charm on her, obliviating the police officers altering the memories of the crime scene and of this evenings happenings with Vivian, Then I adjust the memories of Vivian once again ( sigh this will be the fifth time adjusting her memories well the second time for me, Three for Sam.)

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