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Chapter 8: Misunderstanding

She thrust the computer into his hands. " Well tech genius, find out the exact timing when the email and information was leaked," she spat out with unrivaled anger. He just stared at her as he took the computer and started going through the hardware to obtain the information he needed.

The more time he took, the more angry she became. She wished he at least had the courtesy to ask her before firing and accusing her. She scoffed at the thought that he assumed it was because of money.

Ray was a businessman, he invested wherever he saw a good opportunity. That's how he made his millions. They didn't need such an underhanded method to make money. Just the besmirching of her work ethics turned her vision red.

Lucas frowned when he found the information he needed. The time was 11 am on Saturday. He felt extremely guilty for accusing her when clearly she was with his at his place at that time. So it was impossible for her to send out that information.

He looked up to see her anger. He stood up and stood in front of her. " I am sorry," he apologised softly. She fumed. He shouts when he was wrong but now to apologise he whispers. She hated his ego. She just snubbed him and started collecting her documents ready to walk out of his office.

He held her wrist, she turned to glare at his hand on her wrist and moved up to his face. It was filled with regret and guilt but she couldn't and wouldn't forgive him so easily. Her pride would not allow it. She prided herself on working honestly and diligently, She wouldn't take well to someone, especially him insulting her character.

" Let go, I need to work," she snapped at him. He was slightly relieved that she was not instantly quitting but he was still remorseful at the cold shoulder she gave him. He only saw red the minute the evidence was placed before him that he didn't think twice to listen to her side. His company was his bottom line and he thought she crossed it.

" It was entirely my fault for assuming, please forgive me," he pleaded earnestly, disregarding his ego. He needed her to forgive him. He couldn't bear the thought of her leaving him. " Let go off my hand!" she shouted at him.

He let go because he realised she needed time to cool down. He was certain he would win her back by the end of the day. He sat down behind his desk massaging the bridge of his nose. He still had a leak in the company he needed to find and squash. The perpetrator pinned it on Maya as she was new and a mere part timer.

They didn't realise that pinning it on her made it worse as he would not take any slander on his woman. He realised how hypocritical he sounded when he had just accused her a while back. He was filled with remorse at his actions.

He wished she would not look at him with such hatred. He closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, wishfully thinking of the wonderful Saturday he had spent with her. He couldn't sleep well on Sunday as his bed felt empty without her in his arms.

I better make her mine soon, I can't bear to be apart. Once she is mine she doesn't need to be working anymore. She can just be at home and spend time with the children. He rolled his eyes at his own archaic portrayal of a woman, but just the thought of Maya carrying his children warmed his heart.

Maya was pacing furiously in her office trying to reel back her anger. She was generally a timid girl but when her anger surfaced she would turn into a different person. She tried taking deep breaths. One side she was furious at his accusation, on the other side she was trying to figure out who would want to frame her and why. It was too soon for her to have made enemies.

As she was bringing her heart rate back to normal, she didn't realise someone sneaked into Lucas' office. She was too preoccupied going through the documents on her laptop to see if anything else was missing or was sent out behind her back. She needed to be alert in the future.

Her anger reduced drastically as she recalled his multiple apologies. She didn't want to forgive him but she was no longer furious with him. She decided that she would ignore him longer and let him stew in remorse.

She started sending out documents to Mark and Harry. She also sent out next week's goals to Alex and had him modify what was required. Lucas was leaning against his seat when his door opened and someone walked in. The sound of heels on the marble floor reminded him of her. He was about to open his eyes when a pair of soft hands covered his eyes.

" Looks like someone is no longer angry I hope," he whispered wishfully. She just shook her head and the movement made him smile. " Why are you closing my eyes?" he asked a bit more boldly. He was pleased with her playful attitude.

Lucas had not realised that it was Melissa who was with him and not Maya. She was roughly the same build but she was much slimmer than the curvy Maya.Wiith his eyes closed he had no clue who it was. Melissa quietly turned his walls clear while she tied his eyes closed with Maya's scarf which was on his desk. She then kissed him from beside his chair. He greedily responded.

He was so happy and pleased that she initiated the kisses that he didn't think twice about how her kisses felt slightly different. He didn't dare take the blindfold off as he wanted to please her. She turned to see Maya staring at them through the glass.

She then turned his glass opaque back and walked out of the office before Lucas could react. When he removed the blindfold he was alone in his office and none the wiser. He was just about to go looking for her when his phone rang, the caller his father. He frowned as he answered the call.

Maya having seen the entire scene with her own eyes felt a sharp pain in her chest. She always had trust issues due to her family and the people who used her. Her own relatives used her to get close to her brothers and father. She vowed to never be used again. After witnessing the entire scene unfold, she didn't bother confronting him as she could clearly see him enjoying himself with Melissa.

She packed her bag and walked out of the office without bothering to look back. Seeing him with another girl was the last straw. She didn't have the strength to confront and demand an explanation. She held it all in as she reached the elevator. She then broke down in the elevator. Luckily there was no one there. As she reached the ground floor, she hailed a cab and went back home.

She tipped the driver handsomely as she exited the vehicle. She left the phone on the back seat without bothering to take it with her. She didn't want to listen to him or answer his calls. She wanted a clean break.

Maya walked into her house with her red puffy face and tear stained cheeks. Her mother had seen that look many times on her. She wordlessly held her baby in her arms and rubbed her back soothingly.

She walked her to her room and helped her change into her home clothes. Maya was silent the entire time. She just crawled into bed and hugged her mother's waist as she rubbed Maya's back. She fell asleep due to the tiredness and the stress from the long day.

She woke up many hours later. She heard a commotion downstairs as she walked down to the main living hall. Her entire family was present. Her mum and dad were sitting on the sofa with a glum expression. Vince and Samatha sat to their right. Ray was sitting opposite them. Ash and Aryan were pacing up the room. Shane was busy arguing with someone on the phone.

The minute Shane put down the phone, Ash blew up. " Did you find out his information?! He is going to regret the day he made her cry" he swore. " He may be the CEO but he will be crushed mercilessly within a day. Ray get Isotech to launch the product and cripple his project!" Aryan demanded.

"He is no ordinary person, he is the only son of Derick Damien. He would not be easily brought down. We need to be patient and think this through," advised Shane towards his more hot tempered siblings.

Irene was the first to notice her daughter walking into the hall, she stood up and walked towards her daughter. " Are you hungry? Do you want to eat anything? Do you want a glass of milk?" she enquired lovingly.

" No, I am fine Mum," replied Maya stoically. She looked at the concerned expression on everyone present. " Dont worry about me, I am fine. It's not like this is the first time I was cheated," she laughed cynically. " Please let this issue rest, don't do anything," she pleaded looking at each brother in the eyes before settling to look at her dad. He may be old but the displeasure and anger could be seen on his handsome face. She walked over to her dad and sat next to him. " Papa, dont worry about it, I figured out the issue really fast this time. I am really fine, Just tired. I think I will be going with aunt to Germany next week. I need a holiday," she said calmly.

As she walked out with her mum and Samantha, her father spoke up. " Don't do anything to him yet, but make sure he never comes in contact with your sister," he declared to his sons. They were unhappy but they still heeded their sister and father's request.

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