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Chapter 2: Meet the Prospective Employee

She looks at the silver watch on her left wrist and it's now 8:05am. Time to get to the meeting room to meet her employees and introduce her honorable self!

Gaining back her spirits, she excitedly strolls to the meeting room where all the employees are gathering. As excited as she is… she stops at the door, reminding herself to keep her cool and not get too excited. Ah, so difficult. But first impressions are important, even more so after what happened earlier…

Fixing her suit jacket and straightening her dress skirt, she opens the door.

The chatter inside the office soon quiets down once she enters with Linda. They all look at her with curiosity, anticipation, ridicule, or indifference. This young woman who appeared since earlier in the morning, called for some employees who have been embezzling from the store and even the police came. In the short time before the meeting started, different rumors have already circulated. Some saying she's a detective, others that she has been undercover employee, a normal person who's friends with the boss, that she is the boss stand-in, etc.

The young woman Yelba has long legs and a thin waist. Her long brown hair is tied up in a half-bun, her almond light brown eyes reflect the expressions of the people inside the room, as if they can see more than just what's in front of her. Her thin graciously-sculpted lips have a natural lift at the corners, making her seem amiable yet also wily. She's wearing a black suit jacket and a skirt that reaches her knees, and a white dress shirt with the top buttons unbuttoned. Her attire makes her seem serious, but together with her refined face features she gives off the air belonging to a young graceful noblewoman. Her smile as she looks around is friendly, making the people around pay attention to her next words:

"Good morning. Nice to meet you all, my name is Yelba Regon. From today on I'm the newly appointed owner and your superior, your previous boss Katherine Lodge personally appointed me this position along with all the duties that come with it. Today is my first day, but the job of all of you remains the same, so please continue your duties as you should. If you have questions, please ask. Uhm, let's all get along well ah"

As such the meeting soon ended without disturbances, and most employees seem to have a favorable impression of her. Yelba together with Linda head back to her office so Linda can help her catch up with all the work she needs to complete and get familiar with her duties.

Eh, it's not as difficult as expected. Yelba smirks as she continues signing and completing her workload. Around 2pm, she leaves the office while being greeted by the friendly subordinates.

She sits inside the café in front of the store and orders a sandwich and drink. After she hears the bells on the door open again, she glances over by reflex.

The first thing she sees as she raises her head is the casual wear, t-shirt and long black jeans. The man is tall and has a firm back and broad shoulders, giving the impressions of being dependable but detached. His short jet-black hair repels the sunlight as he steps into the store and heads to the counter to order.

Eh, not bad.

She is slightly interested but not too much either. Just as she is about to turn back to look out the window, the man turns around.

The man's cold dark eyes meet hers in midair. Yelba is taken aback and regrets not looking away sooner. This man's looks… the kind of looks you never get tired of describing. Handsome, attractive, seemingly deep, and cold.

Seeing it once, it is now more difficult to willingly look away….

Yelba slightly nods at him, a short greeting. As their eyes met, it'd be rude to just steal a peek then look away, more so when you've already been caught looking…

He has little reaction, only returning the short greeting. With his looks he likely sees people stealing glances whenever he goes out. Ah it must be difficult, Yelba silently sympathizes with this man. After the short greeting he looks away naturally, looking around the café. Likely looking for an empty table. But it is still lunchtime right now, and all the tables are already occupied.

Then he looks back at Yelba and politely asks: "excuse me, can I sit together?"

"…..." she pauses for a moment, but she can only answer: "sure, the more the merrier"

After he sits in the seat across from her, she looks at him again. Well, it'd be uncomfortable to say nothing at all since they're sharing a table now. "This café has been here for decades now. The food is great, don't you think so?" she asks calmly.

The man who had just lowered his head to look at his cellphone in his hand, looks back up again and answers her: "yeah, good food and also closes late"

Having found a common neutral topic to chat about, she relaxes, "Perfect for filling up fuel after working overtime on a long day. To be honest, I prefer eating lunch and dinner here more than breakfast, for breakfast I just eat at home. I used to come so often before, the owners already knew my favorite dishes" she starts talking trying to kill time while the food arrives.

He asks politely "you don't come here that much anymore?" He doesn't actually look too interested in the answer but still asks, probably for the same reason as her.

"I just moved back from C country so I haven't eaten here for years now. The place really hasn't changed much, I find it a relief since most other places have changed so much I could get lost if I don't pay attention when walking the street. I used to know this city quite well." She sighs. Ah it really is a time gap.

"I see" he only gives a short answer. But seeing as he has been paying attention to her talk, he probably doesn't mind this woman whom he's sharing a table with.

"Are you also from around here? Even though I moved, I often came to visit, but it is only now that I really notice how much things have changed. Ah commerce is flourishing, it is an advantageous place to own a store at!" she rambles on without really thinking much about the things she's saying, it is after all just a simple topic.

"Uhm, I come here sometimes, but my job is out of town" he answers her question calmly, not at all rushing though she kept on talking even after asking the question. He looks out the large window to the street.

"oh? You live in another city, are you visiting then?"

"I commute to work, I live in the city"

"Aiya! If so you should just look for another job around here, it is tiring when you have to travel so much just to get to work. I did it for college, the long trip everyday plus the weather made it twice as tiring. Barely had any energy after going home" she follows up, her mind still thinking about the store she's now in charge of.

"Yeah…" he says with an aloof look, but he turns to looks directly at Yelba. The light in his eyes showing that the topic interests him. And of course, Yelba who is currently paying great attention to his reaction, and saw him considering her words immediately took the chance.

"There are so many jobs around here, I don't know what you work at but you could take a chance, the people at Lodge computer store are looking for people, you can try there first ah. It is just across the street" she says, grabbing the chance to recruit people for her cute store. Ah, always so attentive. She self-praises herself….

"Ah I see" he says nonchalantly, for some reason he felt a little uncomfortable talking about his matters with someone he doesn't know. Unaware of the light that flashes through her eyes.

"humh" she thinks for a moment "You should try applying, pay and benefits are quite decent. I'm sure you'll find something good! Good luck!" she cheers him while inwardly thinking that he should actually only apply there ah, pleasing faces are in high demand at the front desk!

"Thank you… I'll think about it, that was actually the reason I came around here today, to apply to a few places. Lodge has a good reputation I've heard"

She smiles at his comment "of course!"

After saying those two words the conversation meets it's end as the food is delivered to the table and they start eating. The man gives her a good feeling, aside from his looks…. like he'd be a good worker, so Yelba is a little tempted to spend more time after eating to convince him to apply today. Maybe that'd be too forceful? What if he doesn't even know how to restart a computer? So asking a few more things about his skills and then dragging him would be the answer!

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