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Chapter 10: Dr. Conners

The Osborn pair arrived inside of a massive underground laboratory, as far as the eye could see was row after row of; test tubes, bleakers', piles of micro-circuitry and half-eaten sandwiches that made the massive space feel cramped. The sheer volume of thought that was produced here would be humbling to even some of the smartest people.

Harry didn't really want to walk beside his father, he'd actually prefer to not be here at all. Norman wouldn't have any of that though. To Norman, everything Harry did was weakness personified. He really wished his father would simply give up on him sometimes… and yet other times he would do anything to get that elusive approval.

Whispers were floating throughout the office as the lab workers spotted Norman, emotions of fear and worry were so palpable Harry felt like it was close to taking physical form. He attempted not to think what it had taken to instill such feelings in these people and wished he wasn't part of such a vicious cycle.

Approaching a raised platform, a man in a long white lab coat with a missing arm was analyzing data in front of a large sealed room. His hand was typing rhythmically into a device of some kind, it was a wonder that he was able to type so fast with a single arm. The tech observed the man still working delicately with a maze of interlocking chemical tubes and micro-circuitry sealed in a glass-walled isolation tank.

Passing a technician working hard on one of OsCorp's most prized devices, the 'Glider' they briefly watched as the pilot pointed the glider up when he raises his head up, then banked to the side with a turn of the head left. It was an amazing piece of technology, yet was only the success they had achieved in the last three years.

The pair approached the raised platform, where a man in a long white lab coat works in front of a large glassed-in room. Inside the tube robotic arms are plugged into a device of some kind, working delicately with a maze of interlocking chemical tubes and microscopic circuitry sealed in a glass-walled isolation tank.

Strange gases leaked from the tubes, which was the reason they're behind glass. The Lab Worker hurries up beside him and whispers in his ear. Lab worker Dr. Conners...

Dr. Curtis Connors was born and raised in Coral Gables, Florida. He attended Medical school graduating with twin doctorates in biology and biochemistry. It was in college he met his wife Martha and together they had a son Billy and later became a gifted surgeon who enlisted in the U.S. Army. He performed emergency battlefield surgery on wounded soldiers.

However, his right arm was terribly injured in a wartime blast, resulting in its amputation. After returning to civilian life, Doc Connors devoted his life to creating a serum to regenerate lost limbs. Using DNA from reptiles, who naturally re-grew lost limbs and this was what he had me

Lab worker spoke into his ear, "Mr. Osborn, sir, he's here in the lab." The man turns to see the face of Dr. Curt Conners an intense, driven, and concentrated man with dark brown hair and light auburn skin.

Conners paused as he watched Norman and his son over his assistant's shoulders as they come up the stairs on to the platform. Harry trailed behind his father looking as if he had been put through the wringer.

Sighing, Conners turned back to his work attempting to ignore the nagging feeling that told him this visit wasn't going to be a good one.

"Good morning, Mr. Osborn," Conners said casting a glance inside the isolation tank, where the wave emitter was concentrated in constant yet elegant motion.

"What can I do for you?" Conners asked tiredly.

"An update. What are you working on right now?" Conners pushed a foot pedal at the base of the device he was working on and the system started to wind down. Walking over to a table his assistants had made for quick breaks he dusts off a mug and pours himself a coffee from a nearby pot.

"Human performance enhancers and the effects of animal DNA with those enhancements," Conners said massaging his temples with his hands. It had been a long month and he honestly didn't remember when the last time was, he slept in his own bed.

"And... How exactly is it going?" Osborn asked with what almost seemed like patience.

"We are getting close. We tried vapor inhalation with rodent subjects, they're shown an eighty percent increase in strength, intellectual capacity has also increased beyond the usual measurement limits of testing, and maze-solving capability has become nearly instantaneous." The one-armed doctor said with a little excitement seeping into his voice.

"Excellent. What about the side-effects?" Osborn asked with false patience in his voice Conners had come to expect from the billionaire.

The doctor's shoulders slumped a little at the question, "Propensity toward violence increased by forty percent. In ten percent of the subjects, the nervous system breaks down. Other less likely effects can be domination obsession, insanity, and death in some cases."

"So, they become stronger and smarter but it kills them. Not exactly what I would call a marketable product at this point. The other case studies?"

"All good, individual airborne transports are all tested, they look fine, hallucination orbs are good to go. Manufacturers can start in a month; we also can deliver to the government by the end of the year. You should be making another fortune, Mr. Osborn." Conners said feeling happy to be giving good news this time.

"That's what I'd hoped to hear." Osborn smiled genuinely this time.

"If that's all..." Conners finished his coffee and steps back on the device hitting a pedal at the base. Slowly the doctor goes back to work. Osborn turns, looking at Harry, who is lurking nearby. Osborn raises an eyebrow and Harry knew exactly what his father wanted from him.

Taking a step forward, nervously he spoke, "Dr. Conners..." Harry ventured.

Slowly turning, the older man asked, "What do you want?"

Norman raises an eyebrow. He didn't like the tone Conners was taking with his offspring. If he wasn't already planning on firing the man, he would, just for this reaction. Many probably wouldn't believe him, but he was very protective of Harry. Norman just didn't show it very well.

"Well…" Harry weakly swallows.

Turning Harry walked quickly out of the lab. He couldn't do it, he hated that this was a requirement for Osborn senior's approval. He hated he couldn't live up to those expectations. He really hated... himself.

Norman's face showed his disapproval but didn't stop his son's retreat. Turning back to Conners, who was still staring at him, his face a question mark. Norman began where his son left off. "How long have you been with the company, Conners?"

The doctor's suspicion grew more intense as he spoke, "Five years. Why?"

Smiling grimly, Norman continued with a smile, "Close, but not quite. Four years, three hundred, and sixty-four days. Tomorrow will be five years. Tomorrow your stock options will vest and you will become a disturbingly wealthy man... But that would be tomorrow." Norman said calmly as Conners stepped away from his device again noticing that Norman seemingly could not care less that his words were soon going to ruin him.

"Today... you're just simply fired." His words were like a vice clamping down on the doctor's heart.

Suddenly an aide materialized behind Osborn speaking into his shirt sleeve silently, not giving pause to the confusion on the doctor's face.

"What?!" Were the only words Conners could utter as the doors on the sides of the lab open swiftly and security guards sweep into the room and begin separating researchers from their work and escorting them out of the room in an orderly manner.

"All projects, notes, works-in-progress, and, oh yes, unvested stock options will remain the exclusive property of OsCorp Industries." Osborn's smile broadened as two guards appear on either side of Conners to escort him out of the building.

"Norman, please, I don't care about the money, this is my life's work... it is my life!" He pleaded desperately.

"And this company is mine. I made a rash promise to you; I'd be unwise to keep it. I have shareholders to answer to. Thank you for your service. Feel free to list me as a reference." He nods to the Guards, who stepped forward, grab hold of Conners to escort him from the building.

Shouting and thrashing and flailing around, Conners tried desperately to speak anything to convey his need to finish what he started. Meanwhile, the guards held him tightly attempting not to hurt him as they dragged him from the room

Harry stood on a balcony nearby looking

down in horror at what his father had done. He knew that this wasn't the tip of the iceberg of what Norman had done to the older man... No, he had ruined him in more ways than one.

Dr. Curt Conners would be lucky to get a teaching position at a university and he would never be able to work in the same field. Norman Osborn was a lot of things and thorough was just one of them. He turned around and walked away into the dim office awaiting the lecture he knew would be coming when his father caught up with him.

Lonefrog Lonefrog

I've been gone for a while now with this story, I can't say I'll be updating regularly on this story but I haven't gen up completely just yet.

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