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Dominate the Universe Dominate the Universe original

Dominate the Universe

Author: EnourmousLetters

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: A deal I literally can't refuse.

It was probably a car. Whatever it was, it was fast, large and hurt like a b**ch! I don't really remember much, not even my name now that I think about it. Where even am I at the moment? I can't see, hear or feel anything...

"THAT'S ALWAYS THE FIRST QUESTION!!" a voice so loud it ripples through my entire being. I instinctively try to shield my ears before realizing I of course don't seem to even have hands or ears or even a body right now.


And suddenly I have a body. I'm standing on what seems like a vast ocean surrounded by a dark mist that swirls and dances around the horizon. Lights reflect and play off each other across the surface of this liquid body that I somehow don't fall through, glinting like diamonds bobbing up and down under the perfectly still, flat surface.

I might have stood here for hours gobsmacked by the sheer brilliant beauty of the scene before me, I might not remember much of anything but I somehow know deep down in the core of my being that I have never seen something so awe inspiring as the scene before me. A voice behind me shocks me out of revelry.

"You mortals really don't handle not having a body well do you?" I spin around to see the petite and fluid form of a woman that moves across the surface of the water as if she is a natural extension of it, not leaving even a single depression across its surface as she approaches me. "Well go on" she prompts me impatiently. "Ask your questions, get on with it" folding her arms and staring at me in unblinking stillness much the same as our surroundings.

There are so many questions I could ask. But honestly I think there is actually only one that is important. I died, what memory I still have and the blatant impossibility of where I am currently standing makes that much obvious. (I'm pretty sure there isn't even any air here, I don't even seem to need to breathe, I don't feel hot or cold or even think I have a temperature at all at the moment). No, whatever is happening it entirely beyond natural understanding. But that doesn't mean that there are not good and bad choices I can make now. I don't know if my actions now will make any difference or if this is some kind of afterlife where my past choices now determine my fate, but if there is even a 1% chance I can improve my future prospects then I'm going to take it. Step 1, don't ask stupid questions; Ask productive ones. Question number one "What do you want?"

The still existence before me smiles. It occurs to me I cannot actually describe her appearance, I am looking right at her but it is as if she looks like everyone and I have ever known and no one at all, all at the same time. Even though I know she is smiling I could not actually describe her face or even the colour of her lips to you. "Oh, a smart one. Good. Very Good." she casually remarks of me. I wonder how I can hear her when there is no air around us. But again, dumb question, not gonna ask. I am broken out of my own thoughts when she begins talking again.

"Your blunt and too the point. I like that. So let me explain your current situation to you and the choices set before you"

I realise I can't really see the woman anymore, even though I know I'm still looking at her I think. She continues.

"It makes it simpler if I stop you from thinking about useless things, this whole plane and my appearance are just a selective simulation inside your consciousness anyway. Just listen up"

Fair enough.

"You died. I'm happy you are not freaking out about that. Honestly I would have just left if you did. Right now you are in the place between places, the infinite nothingness, the realm of chaos and change. It is where all life comes from and it is where all life returns. You should have already been torn apart by this unfathomable expanse within a few minutes of your death, reduced and redistributed throughout all of creation."

Well that's alot to take in... she's not done though.

"I have intervened. In the couple moments before I found you most of your memories were torn from you and your soul has suffered several lacerations that would result in your eventual degeneration without my protection. I have saved your life, allowed you to retain your consciousness"

Okay... wow is an understatement.

"But that is not all. It is within my capacity to deliver your consciousness to a new plane of existence, a new universe where you can live out a second life. If you are willing to pay the required price?"

Ah, crunch time. Time to prove I am the right choice, there is only one correct response to such a statement. "I am willing, I do not care what the price is. If you can prevent me from being ripped apart by this crazy afterlife eternal death place and give me a second chance no less, then I'm in. 100%. Don't care, I'm your girl, what do you want from me? I'll do it no questions asked" Maybe a little overboard but I am talking to what I gather is some kind of extremely powerful extra-dimensional entity so a bit of swooning and over-exuberant obedience is probably not a bad thing to show.

A long silence.

I begin to worry I might have said something wrong, until a response breaks the tension "The deal is struck"

Horray. Not dead (again) yet.

I sense some kind of change inside. Like realising organs you didn't know you even had have been moved around somehow. "The seed is implanted, good luck"

Um, no, you cannot just send me on my way now. I need to at least know what I am required to do so I don't accidentally do the opposite. Question time, "Uh, where are you sending me and what do you want me to do when I get there to repay you?"

Silence again.

How is it possible for silence to be this intimidating.

It's probably only been a few seconds but it feels like ages before I get a response "Mortals... I was just going to transplant the instructions directly into your consciousness, but fine, you've been refreshingly concise for most of our interactions so I'll do you the favour of actually telling you. Listen. Very. Closely"

Oh don't worry. I am listening, these might be the most important words I hear, ever.

"I have implanted a facsimile of myself inside you. Whereas other living beings can pull on some of the threads of creation within their universes to create all manner of hyper and supernatural effects, this facsimile will allow you to alter the very threads that hold each universe together, to weave fate, probability and the very laws that define each world to your exclusive benefit. This is an ability that ordinarily no mortal could ever possess. Use it to grow stronger, to defend yourself. Until you are strong enough to repay your debt and undertake your final mission."

Here it comes...

"Dominate the Universe. Take over the plane of existence I am sending you to. Cause every living being in that universe to worship me as their God. I don't care if you tell them the truth of what I am and your mission or if you deceive and lie your way to the top. I don't care how you do it, I don't care if you make them worship you instead as they shall be worshiping me through a proxy. I don't care whether you kill or convert the unfaithful, but my demand is a simple one. Take everything, convert everyone, or die trying. If your progress is too slow, I will recall the seed I have planted inside you, destroying you in the process and try with someone else. You are my third try in the universe I am sending you to. The first lasted 4 months before dying, the second lasted 7 years until I recalled his seed because I could not sense any new followers. Do better than they did, do not fail me."

Oh. I might have bitten off more than I can chew.

"Now, Go"

EnourmousLetters EnourmousLetters

Hope you guys enjoyed the prologue.

Where is our young heroine off to? I guess you'll find out in chapter 2.

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