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Chapter 5: 4 - A Bother

I sigh. A very long sigh.

What's with this sighing, and I now ended looking outside.

It's my second day here in this class—Class 1-4. They said that it is a college preparatory class. Really, eh? This is the reason why every subject is bothersome. It is just my second day, but I feel so fried already.

Well, anyway, I got to live with this.

I sigh again.

The explanation for my sighing is because Ittetsu Takeda-sensei, our Modern Japanese Literature teacher, left us a seatwork that could make my brain cells go insane.

Okay . . . Another sigh.

I slump my face to my desk. And then I grumble silently. This is so troublesome. A bother—a real one.

I lift my head and look at my classmates. Some are chatting while answering; some form a group then brainstorm together; the rest are seriously answering their papers alone.

Wow . . . Expect this to a college preparatory class. Everyone is sure dedicated. How envious. And I'm quite ashamed of myself because I'm the only one who's slacking around.

Good grief. Maybe it's time to be serious.

But . . . How can I be serious about this subject?!

Nah. I guess I need to ask someone.

"Kei." the first someone who crossed on my mind.

I hear no response coming to him, so I turn my head 180 degrees to the right. Kei is just gazing silently at me, waiting for my next words.

"Can I bother you for a minute?" and I say.

He shrugs his shoulders, "Okay. Just a minute."

"Then, can you teach me the meaning of this?" I ask innocently while holding the test paper, showing the paragraphs that I can't understand.

"You don't mean, you're not really fluent in Japanese?"

"No. Not really," I answer in a dull tone.

"What a drag . . ." he murmurs, looking flatly at me.

"So, can you help me?"

"Absolute no," Kei states firmly. "Tutoring is a pain in the neck."

"I'm not asking to tutor me," I replied back." And, you're speaking as if you've tutored someone."

"Ah, right. In the most unfortunate moment of my life, I agreed to those two freaks to tutor them. That's why don't sum up to my annoyance."

"Wow," I scoff, "I'm just asking what's the meaning of this vocabulary word. Don't lump the tutoring thingy here."

"Tch. Just answer them by yourself, instead of bothering me."

That hits me. My chest rises up with slight anger.

"Seriously! How rude of you, Kei. I won't ask for help if I knew how to answer all of this!"

"That's your loss," he sighs and continues answering his paper. "You know, for being stupid."

I sense my blood boiling inside of me. I'm about to rebut when someone speaks beside me.

"Will you keep your voice down?" says someone. I peer to the person. She's the person next to me. "You're bothering the whole class." Her voice is cold and sharp. It's spine-chilling.

My shoulder sinks down. Now I'm scolded. I let out another sigh. "Forget it. I'm sorry for bothering." Then I return my look in front. I put the piece of a sheet on my desk as I catch my chin with my palm rested on the table.

As I gaze outside (again), I let my thoughts guide me to nowhere. What a huge nuisance, huh? This will be the very death of me. I yawn. Maybe I'll pass this paper unanswered. Do I have a choice? I can speak and read Japanese, yes, but I only know the basics. These words are way hifalutin for me. And this is Japanese literature. I do not know much about this.


I hear someone calls me. I eyed the person on my side. It's Tadashi. I immediately give him a smile, "Yeah?"

Tadashi grins back, then seated on the chair in my front that was vacant a while ago. "Do you need help?"

"Ahh . . . a few minutes ago, yes. But now, I don't need it," I state boringly.

"That's kinda rude," he chuckles bashfully, raking his hand on his scalp. "I'm offering you help, though."

Wahh . . . Tadashi is too pure.

"Oh. I'm sorry. That's not what I mean. I mean no harm," I apologize, shaking my head twice.

"Yeah. I know that."

"So then, what help can you give me, Tadashi?" I reply. "And by the way, can I call you on your first name?"

"It's all right. Calling someone on the given name is a custom in the States, isn't it?"

"That's right~," I respond with a tune. "Going back. You will help me?"

"Yes. It's obvious you're in trouble."

"Well, yeah."

"You can copy mine, Yukizome-san." Tadashi offers and shows me his answers.

I purse my lips and avert my eyes somewhere. "You can't do that. And besides, I won't accept your help and copy your works."

"Why not?"

"Haha. I may be subjected to infringement."

He chuckles, "That's good humor. You sure that won't copy my answers?"

"You're a pushy one, huh? And yes, I won't."

"That's the only help I can give you, though. And I'm just testing if you will accept it, but seems like you have the sense of fair treatment."

"Eh . . . That's harsh!" I tell him incredulously. "Did you think that I'm that kind of person?"

"I'm sorry," he says sheepishly. "I misjudged you."

"You sneaky," I huff.

"Well, I can lend you my notes, if you want."

"Really? That's a big help!" I smile.

"Okay. I'll just get it." Then he stands up, walking back to his desk. He picks his notes and goes back to my location. Tadashi hands me the notes and I mutter thanks.

I hurriedly scan it. And I'm surprised that his notes are neat and detailed. Amazing. He must be really smart.

"If you don't understand something, you can ask me."

"Sure," I answer back, eyes on the notebook while reading it page-by-page.

Minutes later when I started to understand some parts. But mostly, I can't understand them all. What I only know is the defeat of Japan in World War II. But the rest, like Nara Literature, Kamakura-Muromachi Literature, Edo something, and whatnot is beyond my knowledge. And the good thing is, Tadashi is educating me and he's a great help. All thanks to him, by the way.

He's such a good and kind-hearted person. A total life-saver~! Opposite to the guy behind me. Tch. All the time, he's on premenstrual syndrome mode. That's wrong. Kei is a guy. Ah, maybe he is always constipated.

I'm now wondering why Tadashi is close with that Kei Tsukishima?

They're completely different, though.

Many thoughts passed after, and I'm now on the last number. Thank goodness. And after this subject, it will be our lunch break. Finally~

I put my whole effort to answer the final question. Man, this is sure tough for someone like me. And at long last, I'm done!

"Uwahh . . ." I grumble and bow my head on my desk. "My head is about to explode."

I hear Tadashi's laughter. "Good work, Yukizome-san. This subject is difficult for you, I see."

"Right. Difficult for me," I reply and pull my head up. "I'm amazed that you answered all the questions in just a short time, Tadashi."

"I guess. I can say that this is my lenient subject."

"Wow. A sama!" I say, faking a bow.

"No, no. There's someone who's smarter than me."

"Who's that?"

"Rie Hiroyuki-san, your seatmate." Tadashi introduces and I gaze at her who's just reading a book right now. Eh, the cold lady with sharp gazes. "She's the representative of this class. She's not just the smartest student here, but also a varsity volleyball player, although she's just a first-year."

My forms a small 'o', "Suggoi." I say, copying the Japanese accent.

That makes Tadashi laugh. "You have a funny accent, Yukizome-san."

"Eh, even you? You're telling me that?"

"My bad," he replies, chuckling.

Later that hour, the instructor finally shows up. Everyone quickly went back to their proper seats and silenced themselves. And then, Takeda-sensei apologized for his absence and giving us only a seatwork, because he had a sudden meeting. Oh, well. That thing can't be helped.

"All right, class." the teacher declares, "I believe that you are all done answering the seat work. So pass them all now."

We oblige and pass the papers without a word. As Kei is handing the papers to me, I heard him saying, "Good for you."

Wait. Is he referring to the efforts that I have done to finish this?

I chuckle, then I face him. "I appreciate your concern, Kei," I smile. A sarcastic, mocking smile. He just scoffs and ignores me. I take the papers and give them to the person in my front.

As soon as Takeda-sensei have the papers, he dismissed the class.

The lunch break is next. I'm not bringing a lunchbox, because I'm lazy to wake up early to cook something for me. One more reason, my mother is not often at the house. All I eat at lunch is the bread that I buy at the canteen.

Also, I'm still a loner in this class. When I go to the restroom, I go alone. Even going to the canteen, no one will accompany me. I can't ask the two guys. Simply because they are guys.

Either way, I need to buy something for lunch right now. Everyone leaves, even Kei and Tadashi are gone. (They're probably eating lunch together. Just, wow.) Well, most of my classmates are not here. Except for my seatmate—Rie Hiroyuki. She's eating alone and seemed like nobody wants to eat with her. Hmm . . . is she friendless as well?

Heh. I wonder why? But I have some hunches why. First, she looks so cold. And those eyes, they are somewhat similar to mom. Second, it's noticeable to her aura that she hates everyone that she doesn't want anybody to talk to her.

Ah, well . . . expect it from the smartest in class.

Anyway, I get my wallet inside my bag and leave the room. I have to hurry. Bread is limited to this school. And guess what, in able to get bread, you have to hustle in a large crowd.

I arrive at the stall, and good thing, there are only fewer students jostling. Opposite than I expected. Thank heavens~ I think, I'd fit in here, hoping nothing bad will happen. I also hope that there's still a meringue bread or melon pan they called.

And so, I'm about to go through, when—


—somebody called me.

I gaze at the person behind . . . and it's Kei "The Tall Jerk" Tsukishima.

Oh. I feel bad calling him like that.

I stay silent, giving him a "what-do-you-need?" look and add "are-you-going-to-insult-me-again?".

He sighs, as though he understands what I mean. Kei diverts his eyes sideways. "Here," he says as he patches plastic bag on the face!!

"Hey! You ugly!" I complain, removing his hand. I give him a glare, but he's on a poker face.

"Get it," he orders, pertaining to the plastic bag.

I, being an obedient little girl, take it. Soon that it is on my hand, without saying any words, Kei leaves.

What's with him?

Oh, well. Gotta check what's inside this bag. So, I open it and peer on it.

After peering on it, it makes me wanna cry in tears!

It's because Kei gave me two slices of bread! Meringue bread and curry bread!

"Kei! Wait!" I yell, and while he is not far enough from me, I go chase after him.

Kei eyed me and I did the same. "So?" he asks.

I exhale and take away my eyes from him. With a little shrug, I answer him: "I haven't thanked you."

"It's not a big deal. Don't mind it."

"Well, it does for me."

I saw him curled the corner of his lips. He grins! And all of a sudden, he flicks my forehead!

"Aww! It hurts!" I cry, holding my forehead with my two hands, "What's that for, you ugly?!"

"Nothing," he only scoffs with a small grin, "I just feel like I want to do it."

"Gee. Only if you didn't give me this, I would punch you." I mumble. "Then, why?"

"Why . . ?" he raises an eyebrow.

"Why did you give me these?"

"Don't get the wrong idea." Still, he says in a calm way. Kei's voice is so clear, pretty decent, and classy. I can say that it is kind of soothing for me. "Those are the left one, that's why I bought them."

"Oh, I see." I reply, "Then why are you giving it to me?"

Kei snorts, signaling that he's annoyed. "Ask another question and I will flick your nose."

"Geh." I facepalm. "Kei, are you constipated?"

He stays silent, and after three seconds . . .

"OUCH!" I cried out loud. "Tsukki, why?!" No longer to keep my chill, my voice rises up!

He has just flicked the tip of my nose, darn it!

"I warned you, didn't I?" he says as if it doesn't matter him. "That I will flick your nose if ever you asked another question."

"Boo. Tsukki bully."

"Shut up already," he roughly replies and pushes his eyeglasses.

I only huff and continue walking. We're heading back to the classroom right now.

"By the way, Kei," I call him.


"Where's Tadashi? I thought he's with you."

"He's with the two idiots."

I lift a confusing brow. "Two idiots?"


"What's he doing with the . . . two idiots?" I query with a slight grimace.

"Tutoring them," he answers lazily.

"Eh, so you left him there?"


"Then why?"

"It's because," he pauses as he emphasizes the last word, "they are annoying as you."

I give him a deadpan look, "Meanie," and whisper.

He only smirks and shakes his head. "Stupid."

Again, he teases me.

"Ah, really! I hate you!" I snarl, and out of my mind, I'd already punched his arm.

"Aww! Why you—?"

Well, he groans. It means, it really hurts. He's even caressing his arm. That's nice. My punch was strong. Serves him right.

"Nothing," I say in a bored tone. "I just feel like I want to punch you."

"Tch," he hisses and he never said something again.

Later, we reach the room. Some of my classmates are already here. And I notice the class representative. As usual, she's alone while reading a book. I sight the glimpse of the book's content, it's Solid Mensuration. Wow. It's the advance unit of Geometry, by means of calculating lengths, angles, and etcetera. She surely loves studying.

How can I tell? Apparently, this semester, we are supposedly studying Trigonometry, but, she's too advanced.

Is she being competitive or she only wants to strive for the number one? I wonder what makes her want to do this. If aiming for number one is her goal, then she should consider all the effects.

Being on the top is ugly and painful. It won't give you a breather. Everyone is depending on you and you don't have to break their high expectations. That's why it's ugly. Nothing is great about the number one.

Why do you ask? Because . . . I only know.

Now, whatever. I don't really care.

I inhale then exhale. I should eat this bread now because I need it. Our next subject is the killer Advanced Trigonometry. Guh. I still don't want to die.

Minutes flew so fast, and the subject is starting. Ugh . . . I hate this.

The discussion is on-going, and I'm not listening. I'm sleepy. Yay. My classmates are paying attention to my teacher. Aww. They're really dedicated. That's good . . .

I stare at my teacher. She's Rise Yanagi. To my observation, she's young and lively. Whenever she speaks in front of the class, I'd say that it's not boring, because she knows how to humor the students.

I smile inwardly. She's pretty good. But still, I'm bored.

And then, unconsciously, my eyelids become heavy. Unable to control my sleepiness, I'm slowly falling asleep. But before I could catch my sweet dreams, I heard a 'slaaaap' coming from my table.

As if on cue, I jerk up as I sit properly. I am now completely awake and put my attention to my teacher smiling at me.

Oh, snap. That smile of irritation.

"Did you able to catch your dreams, Yukizome-san?" she questions while smiling.

I shift my head on my side, "No," and say.

I can feel my classmates' stare. Their stares are speaking, saying: "That's what you get for sleeping in the class."

I sigh on my mind. Okay, serve me right.

"By the way, Yukizome-san." Yanagi-sensei prompts, "I wrote a seatwork on the board, and if someone can give me the right answer. . ."

"Then?" I ask.

"Then that person would be exempted for tomorrow's quiz!" she says joyfully with a big smile.

"I see." I keep my lazy expression while nodding.

"I woke you up, only to confirm if you are interested," she goes on that causes me to drop my jaw. It's obvious enough that she wants me to answer it. Gee. What a bother. She should have let me sleep because I'm not interested. Not at all.

And then she leaves me with a puzzled look.

Then? What now? Well, of course, I won't answer it. It is not required to answer it, though. It is just a quiz in order to be exempted tomorrow. That's why I will not.

Again, I boringly watch this class answering the problem. They're having a hard time, I can tell. Even the Miss Class Representative is frowning. Eh, really?

How about Kei? I look behind and see a Seriously Annoyed Kei Tsukishima. Even him?

Ah. What's with the problem, huh?

So, I read the problem. Yes, it looks so difficult, but to me, it's just a simple problem. The reason why it looks difficult, it's because the question is only tricky. If I'll remove the tricky parts, I'd get the real question.

I don't get it why they're in the fuss about this.

All right. Let me try answering it.

I get my mechanical pencil and notebook. I'm just answering it as though my hand is moving nonstop. Even it's just a minute, my mind goes blank. And without really knowing, I'm finally done answering it.

I smile to myself. Although I have the right answer, I won't submit it. No specific reason. I just don't want to.

"Still not done yet?" My teacher questions.

"Not yet, ma'am." The whole class mumbles. "This is hard. It's not even in the lesson."

"Haha, try harder, class. And make it faster. We only have a little time."

Oh, well. I close my notes. Thank goodness. It's finally ending.

"Excuse me, teacher." My seatmate Rie suddenly calls. That surprises me.

"Yes, Hiroyuki-san?" Yanagi-sensei says back. "Did you get the answer?"

"Unfortunately, no," she declares, "but Yukizome-san did."

"E-Ehhh?!!" I scream flabbergastingly. What a shocker!

"It's that true, Yukizome-san?"

"N-No! I didn't!"

"Really? Show me, then, " she commanded, walking towards me.

"As I say, I didn't get it," I tell her.

"Telling lies is bad, you know."

I stay silent. I have no choice, though. She grabs my notes, then reads my answer.

"Oh," she hums, grinning. "This is correct."

I slap my forehead, "Why do you . . ?" I question Rie Hiroyuki while letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Hmph . . ." she scoffs, eyeing me coldly. "Then why don't you?"

I can't help but my lips curve like a crescent moon. Questioning the question, huh? And she's too straightforward.

"And Yukizome-san?"

"Yes?" I respond to my teacher.

She smiles again, "Why don't you show to your classmates on how you get the answer."

"No." My blunt fast reply.

"Eh, why not?"

Because it's bothersome. I say mentally, then give her my lame, disinterested, and catatonic face.

"Well, come one now, Yukizome-san." she encourages.

Still a no.

"If you did, I'll give you an A+ mark in recitation."

No. Go away. Don't talk to me.

"And if you don't, I'll take back the exemption."

I don't want to speak in this class. No. Just no. Please no. I will take the exam tomorrow.

"Well?" My teacher persistently tries to convince me.

I shake my head. I still don't want to do it.

"Why don't you just go in front?" Suddenly, Kei says behind.

"Because it's troublesome."

"Is there something to lose, huh?" I could see Kei's face inside my mind. As usual, he got that cold and mad gaze.

"Yeah," I answer. "My precious dignity."

"You idiot!" he hisses silently and hits me in the head with his notebook.

"Ack!" I groan, preventing not to shout.

"Just go," he sighs. "She's the type of person you don't want to get impatient. She'll talk trash to you."

"Guh . . ." I utter in exasperation. Why do I have to do this?

I stand up lazily and go to the front. "Ah . . . Today, I'll show y'all on how did I get the answer."

"Your composure, Yukizome-san!" And then, Yanagi-sensei slaps my back.

Drat. That hurts.

I exhale and compose myself. "In order to get this, the first step is you should eliminate the tricky part," I speak, pertaining to the unneeded sentences.

"We already know that," eome of them say.

"Oh, then good for you," I answer, not smiling even a bit. "So, if you get that part, the next thing is to analyze it."

"Boring. We already did that as well."

"Okay. Then what did you get?" I question.

"Nothing. We can't get it. Seemed like it's out of the lesson."

"That's right, it is out of the lesson," I say. "But you only need the basic to get the right answer. And it looks like you have forgotten the basics once again."

They never complain, and they pay attention to me.

"And to tell you all, this problem is the short method."

"Short method?" repeated them.

"Right. Yanagi-sensei taught us the long method, but now, I'll explain the short one."

Then I explain it further, in a way they can understand easily. After a long discussion, I manage to pull this in a swift way.

"Any inquiries?" I ask.

"Was that possible?" one student inquires. "I mean, changing the formula?"

"It is possible, as long as you don't violate the theorems of Geometry." Everybody nods, signing they understand it already.

I eyed my teacher, and she smiles warmly at me. "You did great. But I also have a question."

I purse my lips, "What is it?"

"I'm just wondering, how did you compute this?"

"I simply computed it. That's all."

"Hmm, so you computed it without a calculator?"

After hearing her question, I stood frozen at my location. My blood on face gushes down, leaving me white. I felt a sweat drops on my cheek as I swallow the huge lump on my throat.

"Because, when you were discussing, you wrote all the answers as if the numbers are flowing naturally. You didn't even use a calculator. How was that possible?"

"W-What do you mean?" I stutter. "I have memorized the answers, that's why I know them all. I even have my calculator under my desk."

She shrugs. "I understand. That was smart of you, Yukizome-san."

The sound of the bell echoes to the whole campus. All right. It's now done. I only go back to my seat and bow down my head to my desk, then hide my face with my arms.

"You lied." I hear my classmate Rie's sharp voice. "I didn't see you using a calculator."

"You're mistaken. I used it. You just didn't see me."

"I hope I'm just mistaken, " and she mutters.

I groan and clench my jaw. I'm doing my old habits again, even though I abandoned it a long time ago.

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