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Chapter 43: Two and a half maidens

"Yes, I do." Arthur said "Let me preface this by saying I am not an enemy, nor do I intend on becoming your enemy." Ozpin squinted as he took his seat behind his desk once again.

"Wow, anyone else have the foreboding feeling that he is an enemy?" Qrow's sarcasm oozed from his mouth. Earning him another fist to the top of his head from Summer.

"Goddammit, Woman! Would you stop that!?" He shouted turning to look at Summer, only to regret his outburst as a pale white fist landed on his face, throwing his head backwards and knocking him off his feet causing him to fall onto his back.

"Should have expected that…" He muttered, staring at the ceiling, the faint taste of iron on his tongue.

"I am sensing a 'But'?" Ozpin said

"But, that can change depending on how you and those in your little Brotherhood act." Arthur added, once again causing the room to go silent as all eyes turned to him, Ozpin and Summer's in surprise and Qrow's were squinted as he quickly stood up and placed his hand on the hilt of his blade ready for anything.

"And, how may I as do you know of this?" Ozpin asked.

"You have your stories, I have mine. You should already understand what I mean by that." Arthur said, his eyes not leaving Ozpin, not even looking to Qrow who was getting more, antsy as the seconds passed by.

After nearly a full minute of silence Ozpin spoke up "I do, and it seems you know more about what is going on in the world than I previously thought." Silence once again filled the room as Ozpin spoke up again nearly another minute later "What… do you know?" he asked.

"I know about the maidens, the location of two… and a half? One and two halves?" he muttered trying to find the most appropriate term "Anyways, I know where 'three' maidens are" putting quotations around 'three' with his fingers

Qrow at the moment had begun to slowly unsheathe his blade from his back, trying to be as quite as possible to avoid the perception of Summer who he expected would not be very pleased with him. He was right, as moments later his hand was stopped as another fist impacted his face sending him once again to the ground. "I really need to stop doing this…" he muttered staring at the ceiling of the office, his arms splayed out to the side.

"What do you mean by 'Three'" Ozpin asked, also adding quotations around 'three'. His eyes squinted, trying to find if Arthur is possibly lying.

"I know about Amber as well as the woman who injured her and stole part of her powers." Arthur said "I also know about one other maiden, but from what I know about her she seems to be a… difficult type to deal with." He answered, his mind wandering to a certain manipulative raven.

"And you are saying you know the identities of both this unknown maiden as well as the identity of Fall maidens attacker?" Ozpin added

"Yes, that is correct." Arthur replied

"And I take it you won't tell us who they are?" Ozpin inquired, getting a nod from Arthur, "I see…" he muttered as he leaned back into his chair. "Then let me ask you this, are they a threat?"

Arthur thought for a moment before answering "For now, the only threat is the false maiden, the other one shouldn't be a problem anytime in the near future"

"What can you tell me about the false maiden and her plan?" Ozpin asked

"Just that you should keep your eye on the White Fang and Roman Torchwick, he and the Fang are incredibly important to her plans"

"The White Fang, is it…" muttered Ozpin, "Thank you Arthur, that will be all. You may leave" he said getting a nod from Arthur in return as he walked to the Grimm egg picking it up and walking to the elevator followed by Summer.


"We just going to let him go?" Qrow questioned, watching the elevator doors closed on Arthur and Summer, Arthur carrying the head sized black egg in his arms. "He seems to have a lot of information, information that really paints him as one of 'her' pawns" he added once the elevator had closed completely.

"No, I don't think he has anything to do with her, this felt more like a friendly gesture. And she wouldn't send someone as suspicious as Arthur, there are too many strange occurences happening around him." Ozpin answered

"Take it I'm not just to keep an eye on the egg?"

"Yes, but don't interfere." Ozpin replied

"And Summer?" Qrow asked "I was surprise you asked her to be here."

"I didn't" Ozpin replied "She came on her own accord, she still doesn't trust me"

"Oz, we both know she's had trust issues since she got back, I'm surprised she could even stand being near you, hell, that she can even stand being around 'men' at all is a surprise" Qrow said

Letting out a heavy sigh Ozpin said "Yes… how I wish I could have changed things then." His mind wandering to one of the worst decisions he had made in his life.

"It's been nearly six years since she got back, she's been doing better from what Yang's been telling me, though her relationship with Tai has taken a hit." Qrow added.

"Doesn't change the fact that I was the one that assigned her that mission. I should have known better." Ozpin said as he turned to look out the window behind his desk.

"Yes, you should have. And you won't make the same mistake again" Qrow added not getting a response from Ozpin who kept staring out the window, his eyes following the figure of Summer walking next to Arthur.

"You sure the kid can be trusted?" Qrow asked walking up next to Ozpin and peering out the window, his eyes also following Arthur and Summer.

"That remains to be seen, but I have high hopes." Ozpin muttered.


"So, how have things been with Ruby?" Summer asked

Arthur paused for a second, his mind recalling the incident that had happened a week earlier, his face flushing at the memory. "Honestly, we haven't talked that much. If I'm not unconscious I'm either eating or we're in class, so we really haven't talked."

"Come now Arthur, there has to be more to it, what happened a week ago? Yang and Ruby have refused to tell me anything. Tell me." She asked, jumping in front of Arthur with sparkling eyes, and ears ready to hear the juicy details.

Arthur's cheeks turned crimson "N-nothing" he said, turning his head away from Summer to avoid eye contact.

"Riiight, and the awkward silence I see between you and her whenever you two are near each other disagrees with that statement. Hell, there's even an awkward silence around Yang, I have never, and I mean NEVER seen an awkward silence whenever Yang is around, normally she just makes a pun to break the ice, yet nothing, so something must have happened, and she was involved in it." She added

"Seriously Nothi-…" Arthur was interrupted as he was about to renounce her thought

"Nahahahah" she said, wagging her finger in front of Arthurs face. "My mother senses have been tingling for the last week, so either you tell me, or I ask someone else." Arthur once again turned his head to the side, not willing to say anything.

"Fine, plan B it is. Ashe, show me everything" she said aloud, flashing into a flurry of red and white petals for a moment before retaking her position now with Arthur's Tome in hand, opened to the image of Ashe with a wide grin "Took you long enough" Ashe responded.

"Wait…" Arthur muttered turning his head to the side to look at his Tome satchel, now finding it empty, "Shit" his voice cracked as he stared in terror at Summers rapidly changing expression showing a strangely unnerving yet proud smile.

"Never knew Ruby could be so assertive~" she sang, seeing Ruby lunging on top of Arthur, her eyes widening for a moment as she lifted her head to look at Arthur, giving him a wide grin "You sly dog" she said turning her head back to the Tome. Arthurs face now bright red as he hid his face against the smooth surface of the black Grimm egg.

"Even Yang! Oh, my~" she sang once again. But before she could say anything else she froze seeing Ruby tackle her sister to the ground in rage, but was quickly had the tables turned on her as she found herself face first on the ground Yang sitting atop her.

"Oh…" Summer sadly muttered, seeing the scene fade away as it now showed Arthur sitting outside his room, with Summer coming out of team RWBY's room. Closing the Tome, Summer stood silent as she let the last scene of her daughters in a scuffle fill her mind.

"Oh, Ruby…" her voice sad and apologetic. "I'm so sorry…" she mumbled, staring at the ground, her grip on the Tome causing her fingers to turn even whiter than they already were, tear drops forming on her eyes.

Arthur watched Summer, unsure of what to say "Do… you want to talk about it?" he asked with a soft tone, as he began to lead Summer to a bench on the side of empty courtyard. Using his left arm to cradle the egg while he placed his right on Summers back and gently pushed her in the direction of the bench, Summer flinching slightly at Arthur's touch but quickly easing into it.

"Thank you" Summer replied, looking up from the ground and into his eyes, quickly averting them as she began walking slightly faster than Arthur, causing him to remove his hand from her back.

Taking a seat on the Bench Summer held the black and white Tome in her hands, letting it rest against her knees. Arthur took the seat directly next to her, placing the egg on top of his lap, using his left hand to keep it stable while his right rested against the wooden armrest. Both he and Summer not saying a word, letting silence come between them, the only sound being the rustling of leaves in the wind and the sound of students running to their classes that had begun a few minutes earlier.

"Ruby… is possibly the best thing that has ever happened to me" Summer said, breaking the silence "She's my little rosebud, my little cookie monster, the demon with two teeth" she chuckled lightly "And yet I hurt her…" her grip tightened on the Tome "I mean, what did I expect? That after five years of thinking her mother was dead that everything would just return to normal?" her voice now soft and weak.

Turning her head to the sky she continued "She is scared of death, of loss, and it's all my fault" she said in a self-deprecating tone. "She didn't even acknowledge my existence for a month after I came back, she would always run away and hide whenever I looked at her. The first day I came home she ran to her room and locked herself in for nearly a full day refusing to even see me." Her voice began to tremble as a small stream of tears ran down her cheeks.

"She wouldn't even eat my cookies" she began to sob "If only I hadn't gone on that stupid mission, maybe she wouldn't be so scared" she brought her feet up onto the bench hugging her knees, her tearful wails filled the now empty courtyard as she held her head, pushing her face into her knees.

After nearly a minute of listening to Summers sobs Arthur swapped his hands, his right now holding the egg and his left raised up as he lowered it slowly onto Summers back, his hand freezing in the air as Summer's entire body flinched and her cries suddenly stopped. After a second of thought Arthur lightly placed his hand on her back, causing her entire body to begin to tremble, her hands now full of her hair as she clenched down hard on it.

Not knowing what to say Arthur remained stroking her back in an effort to calm her down, "It must be hard"


Once again, would have gotten this out earlier but got distracted (At this point it's my motto). You can blame Sekiro for that.

You guys want Summers backstory next?

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