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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

2 months later.

Me: "Hello, Clone 1!"

Clone 1: "Hello."

Clone waves at me with his right hand while standing up. I smile greatly in front of my Clone's small body.

I finally got to do the damn Kage Bunshin on Jutsu.

Me: "Clone 1, help me make more clones."

Clone 1: "Got it."

He and I sat facing each other and began spending our chakra reserves to try to make more clones.

After an hour, I finally managed to make 2 more clones, totaling 3 clones.

Now my progress in learning what I want will be MUCH faster.

Hmm ... The only thing I can think of learning now is Rasengan. I still don't know how Nature's Transformation works in practice, just in theory.

Nature's transformation implies modeling and defining the chakra into an innate nature of the chakras, altering its properties and characteristics.

Shape Transformation is an advanced form of chakra control and an important technique in manipulating chakras and creating a new technique (jutsu). It involves changing the shape and movement of the chakra, determining its size, range and function by a technique.

The best example of this technique is Rasengan, described as the "last level" of shape manipulation. Rasengan requires extensive chakra control and does not require manual seals. With the precepts learned in chakra control exercises from the practice of tree climbing and water walking, the Rasengan is just a spinning and compressing ball chakra.

I look for my mom and ask my mom to buy a pack of stuffing balloons and a pack of rubber balloons to start training. She said after lunch she would go shopping. I thanked her and went back to the bedroom.


At 3:30 PM.

I went to the bathroom, filled 10 balloons with water and tied them up. I went to the back yard and stopped by the door. I made the 2 clones and had them tie up 10 oxygen-filled rubber balloons and use the other 10 water balloons I had tied before.

We sat away from the front of the door, making a wheel. I stand in the doorway to watch my mother.

Clone 1 takes the first step of learning Rasengan: The first step Clone 1 needs to do is learn how to open a water balloon by rotating the water inside it in various directions, using only your chakra. This step emphasizes the rotation of the chakra.

Clone 2 does the second step of Rasengan learning: The second step that Clone 2 needs to do is pop the rubber ball using only the strength of the chakra; Since the rubber is thicker and the air is completely different from water, it forces me to use a denser amount of chakra to tear it apart. This step emphasizes the power of the chakra.

When these two steps are completed, I invoke a third clone, which will join the two previous processes together.

Since I will just have to keep watch over the door, I will do that using Byakugan. I will be stimulating the eye chakra circulatory system while I have active Byakugan to force expansion.


One day after my 2 year birthday;

I woke up now, 6:30 AM.

I will make my daily routine: I wake up at 6:30 AM, brush my teeth, have breakfast, brush my teeth again, and begin a new kind of training, physical exercise.

As my body is still very young, I do not intend to do large amounts or various types of exercises. I will start by doing 3 sessions of 10 push-ups with the knee, 10 sit-ups and 10 squats. Between each exercise, there will be a 1min interval. After finishing squats, I rest for 2 minutes and do the second session onwards.

I will do the exercises using Surface Walk on the wall, keeping Chakra Skin V3 and Byakugan active. Requiring chakra control to keep the 3 active, pay attention to my mother, and pay attention to the exercises. When I finish the exercise, I deactivate all 3 and go indoors.

I will take a shower and have lunch. In the afternoon at night, I will be in the back of the house with the clones; me training Byakugan and them training a second version of Rasengan, because the first one I already managed to complete. Version two will compress the Rasengan and then expand it to normal size. Thus, the appearance will remain the same, but the power will be twice as much theoretically.

In 6 months, I believe I will have already completed Rasengan V2 and my body will already be stronger, both conditions giving me more chakra.


3 months later.

Me: "Okaa-san, can I start going to the square by myself?"

Mom: "Are you going to be very careful?"

Me: "Of course! Have I ever been hurt?"

I give her a big smile.

Mother: "Never, but be careful not to get hurt anyway. Be careful not to bump into people on the way or hurt other children."

She says and pats my head, ruffling my already messy hair.

Me: "Got it, Okaa-san!"

I go to her and hug her.

So I can add one more item to my exercise list, which consists of: 3 sessions of 15 pushups (normal, now), 20 squats, 20 sit-ups and now, I finish with another 5Km of running.

From now on, I will start doing the exercises and running on the training ground. It is not for fear of my mother discovering me, since, as she gives me a bath, she will eventually discover, because of the appearance of my body.

I am almost completing Rasengan V2, just missing the need to expand it.


1 month later.

Me: "Okaa-san?"

Mom: "You can talk."

Me: "Can you teach me to read and write?"

Mother: "Yes, I can."


1 week later; In the afternoon, after morning physical training.

Okay, I learned to read and write, now I can go ask for what I want.

Me: "Okaa-san, can we go buy some books?"

Mom: "Yes we can. We'll go after lunch."

Me: "Okay."


In the evening.

I was able to buy the books I wanted! I was able to find 2 books on Fūinjutsu, 2 more from Iryō Ninjutsu and bought two more on anything, just going off the shelf.

I bought them for the following reasons:

Fūinjutsu's book is to learn how to seal Bijuu, create a seal for something I want in the future, and to get closer to Mito Uzumaki and hence Kushina Uzumaki;

Iryō Ninjutsu's book is to help me with chakra control and to get closer to Tsunade Senju.


2 years and 6 months after I was born.

Current Routine: In the morning I do 3 sessions of 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 squats and 10 km of running, using Byakugan and V3 Chakra Skin.

In the afternoon 2 clones train the use of Fūinjutsu, 2 clones train the Iryō Ninjutsu and one clone trains the use of Rasengan V2 in both hands while I rest, but using Byakugan to watch over my mother.

At night, I don't train, I just stay with my mother.


3 months later.

Me: "Okaa-san, excuse me, do you know how to use Hyūga Clan taijutsu, the Jūken (Gentle Fist)?"

Mom: "I know, even if I'm not the best user, at least I know what I need to know."

Me: "I remember seeing in one of the books about, but they quote very briefly, I wanted to see what it is like. Can you teach me?"

Mom: "I may show you, but I think you're too young to learn that, right?"

Me: "Is there a minimum age to learn?"

Mother: "Not exactly ... But Jūken mainly uses the chakra in striking, if you don't know how to use it, it loses its effectiveness. But if you want to learn it anyway, I'll teach you."

Me: "I want to learn."

Mom: "When I finish preparing lunch and finish eating, we train in the backyard."

Me: "Fine, thanks. Want some help preparing lunch?"

Mother: "I accept."


At 2:00 PM.

My mother and I are in the back of the house, looking at each other.

Mother: "First I will explain what it is, how it works and how it does.

Jūken (Gentle Fist) is basically a taijutsu exclusive to Hyūga. Due to the fact that we have Byakugan, which enables us to see the chakra flow, which you will learn in the future.

Another member of the Clan told me that a person who has a lot of control over Byakugan may have the ability to see the Tenketsu (Pressure Points) in the body. Be aware that the chakra points are the size of a pinhead, so seeing them is extremely difficult, the more you hit them while fighting.

The blows work by attacking the circulatory system of the chakra present in one's body;

You add chakra at your fingertips and introduce your chakra into the circulatory system of the other person's body, being able to open, interrupt, or close the target's circulatory chakra system.

The Jūken (Gentle Fist) is deadly to opponents as there is no way to train the inner body, or the internal organs, other than the outer body, that when your body is trained enough, you do not feel the full force of a blow, depending on who strikes it. "

Me: "Got it."

After I answered, my mother, who had her feet parallel to each other, put her left foot 10cm forward and put her right foot 5cm behind. Then she moved her right foot 3cm east of her body and lowered her waist a little.

He raised his left hand, palm forward, fingers extended.

Your right hand is positioned on the right side of the hip, palm up and fingers extended.

Mother: "This is the basis of Hyūga Jūken."

Me: "Okay."

I move toward her to analyze her posture.

Your left palm appears to be positioned toward the chest of a tall adult;

She turned the right side of her body farther back, hiding her right hand at her waist;

Body weight remains at center, 50% on left leg and 50% on right leg;

She lowered her waist by flexing both knees, leaving her body ready to thrust and move;

It may not seem like it, but the arm muscles are contracted, meaning that the posture uses force to make the movements, I believe to accelerate the movement, since the power of the Jūken is in the use of the chakra and not the force.

I return to the front of my mother, who has already returned to a normal position. I will reproduce the same posture, only as a southpaw.

I put my right foot forward, left back; I move my left foot farther west from my position, bend my knees, causing my waist (center of gravity) to lower and let the weight of the entire corpl rest in the center, supported by both legs;

I raise my right hand, extending my fingers and showing my palm to my mother, but looking at someone's chest height at the same height as me. I place my left hand next to the left side of my hip, leaving my fingers straight and my palm up. I contract my arm and leg muscles.

When I feel like I'm done, I look at my mom.

Mother: "Very well! I've noticed this before, but are you really left-handed?"

She shows a big smile, showing that she is happy.

Me: "I can use both hands for anything, but I like the left hand better, although I don't know why."

Mother: "I see.

Well, now you make this move here. "

Me: "Got it."

She begins to teach me the other moves of Jūken.


The next day.

Me: "Okaa-san, can you buy me some toys?"

Mom: "Do you want me to buy toys !?"

Me: "Yes ... Is something wrong?"

I incline my head in doubt.

Mom: "It's just that you hardly show interest in them ..."

Me: "Ah ... Got it. Well, the toys I want to buy this time would be some kunai and shuriken made of wood."

Mother: "~ I knew something was wrong. ~

Alright, we can go shopping. "

Me: "Thank you, Okaa-san."

Well, now I can start my Bukijutsu (Weapon Technique) training. That will not only help me with the mastery of a jutsu I intend to use, but it will also help me with Graduation to Gennin if necessary.

So the routine from now on will be:

I wake up, I brush my teeth, I brush my teeth, and I go to the training camp; Once there, I will do main body 3 sessions of 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 squats and 10km of running, using Byakugan and V3 Chakra Skin.

Clone 1 will do kunai training with Chakra Skin V3 and active Byakugan.

Clone 2 will practice shuriken with Chakra Skin V3 and active Byakugan.

Clone 3 will do Fūinjutsu training with Chakra Skin V3 and active Byakugan.

Clone 4 will do Iryō Ninjutsu training with Chakra Skin V3 and active Byakugan.

They will do it meanwhile I do my part, when I am done they will be dispelled. I go home, have lunch, and go back to the training camp.

Clones 1-4 will do the same drills again and I will summon Clone 5 to train Jūken against me, both with Chakra Skin V3 and Byakugan active.

At night, I do not train, I just stay with my mother, but it will actually be to rest my body from all the training.

I must continue this training until I find something else to do. I can't use any kind of Kenjutsu because I don't know any fighting patterns.


2 months later.

I finished the Fūinjutsu I knew: Shikoku Fuuin (Finger Carving Seal); Fūnyū no Jutsu (Enclosing Technique); Kaifū no Jutsu (Unsealing Technique); Isshi Tōjin (Light String Formation); Kuchiyose: Raikou Kenka (Summoning: Lightning Flash Blade Creation).

There's Byakugō no In (One Hundred Strength Seal), but I don't currently have a chakra available to keep, after all, I need the clones to train.

Fūinjutsu is a type of programming where you use handwriting with the chakra to make it have a specific effect. The effects are created because handwriting becomes commands and guidelines to guide the flow of the chakra, making them look like hand stamps, but written and with a much wider variety.

Since what I have decided to call Written Stamps can be used as a substitute for hand stamps and can be done in advance, Fūinjutsu can become instantaneous and can also decrease the amount of written stamps used, as well as hands.

Making it easy to not only apply but also create a better foundation for teaching. Another advantage is that when Fūinjutsu's written stamps are reduced, it becomes more difficult to decipher because he can use custom written stamps for each jutsu.

Thanks to this, if an enemy does not receive instructions on the Fūinjutsu in question, it would be impossible to use it against the creator of the Fūinjutsu.

Just like an alphabet or the hand stamps themselves, there are 24 basic written stamps.

Each of them guides the chakra to a different place and in a different way, can even create invoke the sealed chakra.

As I said, there are 24 basic written stamps, but it is not prevented from creating custom stamps. I believe this is how Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique) was created and used.

Although, as far as I remember, this jutsu has a special system, which is the mark of representation. It is usually necessary to use many written stamps to perform a jutsu of such scale, and this is where the special mark comes in: A written stamp that basically represents your chakra, which defines your chakra signature. And that is why Tobirama and Minato used different stamps of different sizes, probably because their chakra signature was not just a written stamp word.

Yes, the other special part is that, unlike normal Fūinjutsu, which doesn't use normal words to form Fūinjutsu, Hiraishin can and, as far as I know, is done like this. I have not confirmed yet.

Iryō Ninjutsu is a branch of ninjutsu associated with healing as well as manipulation of one's own body or the bodies of others. Using this kind of ninjutsu requires very good chakra control as well as a thorough knowledge of things like herbs, medicines, the human body and even poisons.

Medical knowledge of ninjutsu can be used for a variety of purposes beyond healing, such as creating and treating poisons, performing autopsies and surgeries, or directly attacking a person's body, disrupting his nervous system or overlapping his coma. the body to the chakra.

Iryō Ninjutsu itself can be used offensively, such as using the Chakra Scalpel in combat. Tsunade was able to apply the necessary chakra control to her Iryō Ninjutsu to create her enhanced chakra strength.

It is also noteworthy that simple and advanced medical healing techniques are presented as Yang Release techniques, which are based on the creation of life, ie medical ninjas use Yang Release to create and regenerate tissues or restore other, more specific injuries. .

It turns out that the more mastery the user has under such an element, he can perform amazing feats, I remember Naruto rebuilt Guy's body when he opened the Eight Gates, and Guy's body was already in the process of crumbling into ashes. ashes.

I know there are several Iryō Jutsu, with different purposes. As I only know the basics, which is healing small wounds, I will learn more from Tsunade and I will create my own jutsus, as there is probably not yet most of the jutsus that you have in Naruto's timeline.

Slof Slof

I use G.T. to translate the chapters, making it misspelled in the final version, if you find them, tell me so I can correct them.

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