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Chapter 5: Chapter 5

The other day in the morning; Konoha Training Camp.

The Clone who trains Fūinjutsu, starting today, will contact Mito Uzumaki when it is 10 am, while we will continue doing the usual.

[Clone 3 Viewpoint]

I am in front of the Uzumaki Complex. I came to try to contact Mito Uzumaki.

I knock on the residence gate and about 1min later someone opened the gate.

An elderly woman, almost 70 years old, appears. She has red hair, but due to her age, she no longer has the same vitality that a natural Uzumaki hair shows. She looks at me and smiles.

Me: "Excuse me, good morning. Nice to meet you, my name is Jin Hyūga, I'm a member of the Hyūga Clan Core Family."

I incline my head and torso a little to greet her.

Woman: "Nice to meet you, Jin. My name is Mito Uzumaki. How can I help you?"

I lift my head and torso and look into his eyes.

Me: "Sorry to bother you, I read all the books from home and most of the library and couldn't find Fūinjutsu besides Fūnyū no Jutsu (Inclusion Technique) and Kaifū no Jutsu (Unfused Technique).

There are records that the Uzumaki Clan specializes in Fūinjutsu. So please, is there anyone among you who could teach me? "

I tilt my torso at a 90 degree angle. I know there is only Mito in the Uzumaki complex, the only resident besides her will only exist when Kushina arrives.

Myth: "~ My, my. What an educated child. ~

Alright, I accept your request.

This is the first time I have seen anyone his age who is interested in Fūinjutsu and still comes here asking for guidance.

But know that I can't teach everything, as there are jutsus that are unique to the Uzumaki clan. "

I lift my torso and look into my eyes again.

Me: "Thanks for the compliment.

Thank you so much for accepting. When can we start?"

Myth: "Oh, you could hear me ... What a good hearing. When you want.

Me: "I'm available now."

Myth: "Come in, then. Welcome to the Uzumaki Complex."

She walks away from the door, demonstrating that I am supposed to come in and I enter the room.

It looks like the Hyūga Clan, a village within Konoha, even though there are only 3 houses within the Complex. Despite being well taken care of, it is clear that Mito is the only one who lives here.

Your home is the largest of the 3 homes you have in the complex. Her house is a traditional Japanese house, but it has 3 floors, probably almost 10m high in total.

We stopped at the tatami section that is connected to the front door of the house and she asked me to wait. I sat on the mat and waited for her.

She returned shortly after, with several scrolls, two brushes, and two jars of black paint.

She said she would design the 24 Basic Written Stamps and that I should copy them, I agreed. I don't need to say which Fūinjutsu I can do, nor do I already know the basics of Fūinjutsu. The more time I spend with her and the more talk, the closer I get, which is convenient for me in many ways.


In the evening; Into bed.

[Main Body Viewpoint]

I dissected all the clones and received their experiences.

Now, knowing that Clone got Mito Uzumaki's mentorship and that I have a way to go not only for Mito Uzumaki herself, but for Kushina Uzumaki and Kyuubi, I'm happy.

So, it's time for me to change my routine.

Physical exercises that the Main Body will do:

3 sessions of 25 push-ups, 25 squats and 25 sit-ups, all exercises over lake water using Surface Walk, Chakra Skin V3 and Byakugan.

Clone 1 will train Bukijutsu (Weapon Technique) using Surface Walk in the lake water, with Chakra Skin V3 and active Byakugan.

Clone 2 will train Iryō Ninjutsu using Byakugan. I will start creating a Rasengan V3; It will be a Rasengan with the Yang element added, it will serve for healing purposes.

Clone 3 will train Fūinjutsu with Mito Uzumaki.

Clone 4 will be discovering how to use Hiraishin in Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique).

Clone 5 will create a Fūinjutsu for me.

I return home for the lunch break. None of the clones will be dispelled as I leave. After lunch, I return to the training camp using Jūken, using Surface Walk, Chakra Skin V3, and Byakugan against Clone 6, which will use the same things as me.

At night I come home and pay attention to my mother: I help her get home, have dinner or masturbate her, whatever she wants.


After 6 months.

As I imagined, Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique) has a special system, which is the hallmark.

It is usually necessary to use many written stamps to perform a jutsu of such scale, but Fūinjutsu can be abbreviated.

This is where the special mark comes in: A written seal that defines your chakra, your chakra signature. And that's why Tobirama and Minato used different sized stamps, probably because their chakra signatures were not just a written stamp word.

Yes, the other special part is this, unlike normal Fūinjutsu, which does not use words or letters to form Fūinjutsu, Hiraishin no Jutsu is made like this.

I found out which written stamps define my chakra signature for Hiraishin no Jutsu, "The Unique". I thought it was corny, but I can't do anything about it.

Now Clone 4 is trying to run Hiraishin on Jutsu, now that I know the stamps written. Jutsu requires the perception of the space-time chakra in the atmosphere, which is no longer so difficult as it only requires chakra control. Now that I have the stamps written and my chakra control is probably almost perfect due to the constant use of Rasengan version 1 and version 2.

I am using Clone 4 to test the use of Hiraishin in Jutsu so that my body does not fall apart in spacetime if some part of the process goes awry. I will name Hiraishin no Jutsu as Marked Movement, since it makes more sense and is easier.

Clone 5 managed to complete Fūinjutsu. The Fūinjutsu that I created is a brand that can only be activated by me and 2 other members that the brand. Basically, it will be a double fortified Fūinjutsu.

I will mark a girl I want and when I come into physical contact with her it will gradually strengthen us; It will increase our chakra reserve and strengthen our body. There is no way I can create a Fūinjutsu that strengthens me by contacting myself, because this Fūinjutsu of mine works between the chakra exchange between the two, which strengthens us.

This Fūinjutsu not only enables me to strengthen us, but also enables us to exchange DNA between them, working like Fūka's Shikei Seppun (Execution By Kiss) and Hiruko's Jutsu (Chimera Technique) Kimera, but without effect. side effects, as you do not absorb the person's body and gradually absorb the capacity. The amount of time to receive all one's powers has yet to be studied.

Yes, now I can be called a genius and my plan to have a harem can be started.

I go into the living room and see that my mother is in the kitchen preparing lunch. She has finished preparing and we are having lunch now.

Me: "Okaa-san, I want to talk to you."

Mother: "... talk to me? What happened to make you so serious?"

Me: "In the future, I want to leave the village and I want to have more than one woman.

Okaa-san, I want to ask you if you are interested in becoming my first wife. "

Fine. She is looking at my face, seriously wondering if she asks me if I am playing with her or not. And if I am, why would I play with that.

It's understandable, after all, currently I'm not even 4 years old. Anyway, nothing stops me.

Me: "Yes, Okaa-san, I'm serious."

Mother: "Jin, we are mother and son ..."

Me: "And incest is forbidden? And you don't think about it when we're in bed.

Another point is: No one needs to know that you are my mother. "

I give her a small smile as I continue to eat.

She sighs at my sarcastic comment.

Mother: "You didn't need to remind me of that.

At all points you're right, but ... I need some time to decide. "

Me: "Alright. I'm in no hurry, it should take a few more years to get out of Konoha.

Mother: "I ... I understand."


One day after my 4th birthday; In the afternoon.

My birthday is January 2nd, so ... I pretty much get older as I turn the year.

Me: "Okaa-san, I want to get into Ninja Academy."

Mom: "Are you sure? Don't you want to wait to get a little older?"

Her face shows a little worry and sadness.

Me: "Yes, I'm sure."

She lets out a breath.

Mother: "Fine. I'll be doing your registration in a moment."

Me: "Thank you, Okaa-san."


In the evening.

Mother: "Jin?"

Me: "Okaa-san, I'm in my room."

Mom: "Hi, I got your application. You can start going on the first Monday of next month."

Me: "Fine. Thank you, Okaa-san."

Mother: "You're welcome."

Therefore, the new routine will be:

Main body

He wakes up at 6:00 AM, brushes his teeth, takes a shower, drinks coffee, brushes his teeth.

I go to the Training Camp, invoke the clones, and begin physical training.

Physical training: 3 sessions of 30 push-ups, 30 squats and 30 sit-ups, on top of lake water (Surface Walking), V3 Chakra Skin and Byakugan.

Finishing the exercises, I go home (around the Ninja Academy lunch break), lunch, and return to the Training Camp.

I run over the lake water at top speed until my legs start to hurt badly. Using Chakra Skin V3 and Byakugan.

Finishing the race, sleeping on the training ground until 7 PM, I will use an alarm clock to wake me to rest my body to withstand the stress of the clones that will be dissipated.

Clone 1

Training Bukijutsu (Shuriken) and Marked Movement (Hiraishin no Jutsu) with Clone 1.

Clone 2

Training Bukijutsu (Kunai) and Movement Marked with Clone 1.

Clone 3

Training release of kunai and shuriken using wires and Marked Movement.

Clone 4

Training Fūinjutsu with Mito Uzumaki.

Clone 5

Training Iryō Ninjutsu, or specifically, the almost ending Ransengan V3.

Clone 6

Will go to the Ninja Academy.


3 weeks and a few days later; Start day of classes.

Me, my mom and a bunch of parents and kids are at the entrance of the Ninja Academy, waiting for the Hiruzen Sarutobi, or 3rd Hokage.

Hiruzen appeared, made the speech on the Will of Fire. When he finished, we were assigned to the classes and the teachers in each class also showed up.

All were assigned in literate classes and with different numbers. I believe that on Monday of next week, there will be the test that will determine your rating and, consequently, the class for this year.

The morning class was more about the history of Konoha and the names of the other Hidden Villages were briefly quoted here and there. We're going to break now.


The next day; At the Ninja Academy.

[Clone 6 Viewpoint]

Finally we will begin this part.

Sensei today gave a class talking about chakra and Nature Transformations, explained how to do it and showed us how it is.

At the end of the class, he gave us a role for the elemetal affinity test, which was to be used when we learned to use chakra.

As I left Ninja Academy, I went to the Training Camp and handed the paper to the Main Body.

[Main Body Viewpoint]

I was sitting on the floor using my left hand, I marked the floor with the stamp of my Marked Movement and with my right hand I took the paper and the Clone dissipated.

I injected chakra into the paper: it crumpled, then got wet and split into two.

I see, my affinities are: Lightning, Water and Wind. This enables me to do a great deal.


On Monday next week.

[Clone 6 Viewpoint]

As I said, Sensei came into the room with many papers in hand, said he would apply a written test and then a physical test.

He distributed the papers to everyone and we started the test at the same time.

The questions were about the history of Konoha and what is chakra and jutsu. I finished the exam in 3min.

I got up, went to Sensei and handed him the paper. He raised his left eyebrow as he received the paper with his right hand.

I tilted my head at him and returned to my seat, resting my chin on my palm as I peered out the window.

The test was completed 30min after it started.

Now it's time for the physical test.

We are going to the entrance of the Ninja Academy or the courtyard of the Ninja Academy.

When we arrived, Sensei asked us to make 4 rows, two rows of boys and two rows of girls. There are a total of exactly 20 boys (counting on me) and 20 girls in my class, probably the busiest class. In each row there are 10 people of each gender. I was in row 2 of the boys, in the last position.

He then warned us that we would pair up to make a practical fight and whoever won would earn more points in the assessment.

Looking now through the ranks of doubles, I am the tallest of all 39 students, currently standing 110cm tall. Anyway, after 18 fights, it's my turn.

I moved to the "battlefield", which is really just in front of Sensei and the students.

We approached and put our fists together.

Me: "I wish a good fight."

He nodded his head. I moved about 4m away from him and waited for the signal to start the Sensei fight.

Sensei: "Start!"

I was in the position of Jūken, but as a southpaw I activated the Chakra Skin V4 all over my body.

The boy, like a normal 5-year-old boy, untrained in Taijutsu, just as I should be, came running toward me with his right fist raised at the top left.

When his hand was about four inches from my right hand, I moved my right foot and body forward;

Using the raised right hand, I used the back of my fingers, which were stretched, to deflect the blow to the right side of my body;

Using chakra on the fingertips of my left hand, I struck a Tenketsu of the arm that I already recorded, disrupting its circulatory arm chakra system, causing the arm that was being deflected to lose strength instantly ;

After that, using the right hand that deflected the boy's blow, I moved him over his right arm, wrapping him around and holding him like a snake.

I put strength on my legs and jumped:

The right leg went over his head, trapping the back of the neck between my calf and my thigh;

The left leg, I placed on the right knee, making the 4 shape, but this leg was still in contact with the base of the boy's right shoulder. Using my left leg, I pressed toward the floor, making it fall with my chest to the floor and my back to the floor;

I moved my hands that were holding his right arm up, causing his arm to be against the shoulder, which was being pushed toward the floor by my legs.

After performing all the movements while on the floor, holding the boy's arm, I turned my gaze to Sensei.

If he didn't declare my victory, the boy's arm could be dislocated.

To be honest, I very much doubt that anyone besides Sensei could have kept up with the speed of movement.

I have a proof of this: the boy only realized what happened now, when he was on the ground, completely immobilized. His expression showed that he didn't even understand what was going on.

Now that he is realizing that his arm is hurting, he is now showing surprise and now it is fear.

Looking at the kids next to the teacher, everyone has their mouths open, there's room for me to stick two fingers in each mouth.

The teacher has almost the same expression but with room for 4 fingers.

Sensei: "I-it's over ... The fight is over. The winner: Jin Hyūga."

Hearing Sensei's phrase, I released my hands from the boy's hands, then took my left and right leg off him, placing both feet on the floor.

Placing my right hand on the floor beside me, I place the seal of my Marked Movement on the floor; I push the floor with my legs, rested the weight of my body on my right hand, standing upside down, put my weight back, falling to my feet. I stood and assumed an upright posture.

I wiped my right hand out of my shorts and offered it to the boy on the floor.

Me: "Are you ok? Want some help getting up?"

Boy: "I'm fine. Thank you."

He takes my hand and I lift him.

Me: "I recommend that you ask Sensei to look at the condition of your arm."

I smile a little and let go of his hand.

I pull away from the boy and head toward my position in line. When I get to my position, I clean my black clothes, which I get dirty when I fall to the floor while looking down.

I looked up and noticed that some boys and girls were looking at me, when I looked at them and smiled, most smiled back and looked straight ahead.

This is what I wanted. An impression that did not cause fear but respect. I do not need to destroy my opponents and then treat them like trash, I will gain nothing by doing so.

I can simply act as usual, being at least polite. Making a good impression not only on the opponent but also on the spectators.


The next day; At the Ninja Academy.

[Clone 6 Viewpoint]

I was assigned to class A-1, my written test grade was 100 out of 100, and the physical test grade was 101 out of 100.

I headed toward the staff room and knocked on the door. A short moment later, someone answered, asking me to come in.

Me: "Excuse me, good morning. Is Room A-1 Sensei here?"

Sensei: "It's me. How can I help you?"

I approach him and speak in low volume.

Me: "Nice to meet you, Sensei. I'm a student in Class A-1, Jin Hyūga. I wanted to take the test to become a Gennin."

Sensei: "... Okay. Follow me."

I don't know if he thinks I'm kidding, but I could see a dilated vein showing on his forehead.

I went after him and we entered one of the rooms.

Sensei: "I want you to do Henge no Jutsu, Bunshin no Jutsu and Kawarimi no Jutsu."

Me: "Yes, Sensei."

I perform the 3 jutsu in a row. Sensei is looking at my face, as if to ask me if I was playing with him.

Me: "Sensei ...?"

Sensei: "... Congratulations on becoming a Genin."

Me: "Thank you for your teaching, Sensei."

I lean my head a little and my torso toward him. And lifting my head, I can see again the vein dilating in his forehead.

I walk to the door, leave the room, and then leave the Ninja Academy.

Slof Slof

I use G.T. to translate the chapters, making it misspelled in the final version, if you find them, tell me so I can correct them.

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