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Chapter 23: Chapter 23

Getting into the restaurant she decided to order a burger as she waited for him. Then as she was waiting, three older guys cut in front of her, 'What the hell? Did they just cut?'

One of the guys with tattoos on both his arms, wearing a black t-shirt looks back at her like 'what can you do about it'.

And she just withered and didn't say anything, 'Well, I guess I can wait…'

Finishing ordering her food she holds her tray of food and heads to an empty table. She quickly feels something slimy that she's stepping on her left foot, 'Huh?'

Like that she slips and whishes all her food in the air. Including the cola which splats on the floor.

"Hey! Who the fuck did that?" A shout comes in the air, looking up she saw the two guys from before who cut her line, "Hey, lady! Are you out of your mind"

"She spilled fucking soda all over me," joined the other guy who has parted blond hair and red clothing.

Jugyeong was jaw dropped and didn't know what to do, 'Oh God...How do I get out of this? I'm so screwed!'

The tattooed guy squats on the floor and looks at her in an intimidating way, "Hey, do you know how much this shirt costs? Do you?"

"I-I'm so sorry! I'll pay for your laundry bill…"Jugyeong was kneeling on the floor since she really bruised her knees. Tears are starting to well in her eyes.

"Hey man. You should beat it," a hand pressures down on the man's shoulders. Putting so much weight that he instantly kneels on one knee. Feels as though his shoulder is going to be dislocated under this pressure.

'Who the fuck is this guy!? So strong,' he doesn't even dare to look into Tony's eyes due to the released spiritual presence. The tattooed punk's expression darkens as his guts tell him he's in big trouble.

Noticing the bloody bruises on Jugyeong he became a bit more furious at the guys causing her trouble, "Not only did you not help, you even caused more problems to the fire."

Tony raises his right hand and gives a strong slap right across that kneeling man's face. It was enough force to hit the man more than 5 meters across the room.

Knowing that this time they have encountered a strong opponent his friends dragged him away from getting furthermore beaten into a meat pulp.

The people in the room all stare as Tony helps Jugyeong stand up. Observing her knee with concern, "Damn. Let's get this quickly healed up."

"...Woohyun," she mutters his name as she tries to stop her sobbing. Her eyes looked very pitiful and he felt his heart softens to this strange girl that he only met a couple weeks back.

"I'm here. Come on, I'll piggyback you," smilingly warmly to reassure her as he squats on the floor to piggyback her on his back.

Leaving the fast-food restaurant on his back Jugyeong senses the feeling of security in her heart. Holding onto him even tighter as he walks.

When they left the diners started to chat between themselves.

"Who's that young man? I've never seen someone getting slapped so hard."

"He must really love his girlfriend."

"Gosh I want a boyfriend like that. So cool!!"

They didn't recognize Tony because he has a black cap on. In addition to a black face mask to hide himself from the public.

Today he was only wearing a white t-shirt with a face of a rainbow colored lion on it. With his strong physique since birth he doesn't find the cold temperature affecting him at all.

In this life Tony didn't spend his time doing any weight training like he did as Duke. But he still adds the calisthenic training every morning to toughen up his body.

On average just with a normal straight boxing punch he could hit over a force of 1000 pounds. So hitting that guy across the room with a slap was easily no problem.

Getting some stuff from the commercial store he starts taking care of Jugyeong's bruised bleeding ankle. As she sits on a chair in a park watching him closely.

He first used some towels to pour the bottled water on. Cleaning the area of any dirt and debris. Then a layer of antibiotic cream, and finally a large band-aid to cover the wounds on both knee caps.

'I didn't knowWoohyun is also good at treating wounds,' looking adoringly at him while trying to control her beating heart.

"Alright all done," smiling as he finished putting on the band-aids. Picking up the little puppy, "Next time if someone hurts Jugyeong you guys will have to protect her." Saying playfully as though talking to a familiar friend.

"Stop it Woohyun...How will it be able to understand you," laughing at his comedic act with the animal.

Smiling Tony said to her, "I'm glad you are feeling refreshingly better."

There was a certain silence in the air as the two looked at eachother. Their faces seemingly move more closer each second. Tony broked off this electric connection with Jugyeong as he heard a bark from the puppy.

'He's so considerate to me, does he like me,' she thinks to herself as she watches Tony play with his pets.

"I thought you might be hungry. So I got you a salad as I was headed over there," he took out a small restaurant box and handed it to her, "hurry and eat it. Don't go hungry."

Smiling as she rubs her empty stomach, "Thanks Woohyun."

Finishing her salad Tony took her on a tour to sightsee many different parts of the place. When it was beginning to turn dark they went to the station to take the train to head home.

"We are here," said Tony as they finally arrived at Jugyeong home building.

Jugyeong is still feeling a little bit disappointed that such a good day has to end so quickly, "...Yeah." Looking at Tony with puppy eyes to hopefully to maybe chat with him a little more.

She really wants to stay longer by his side, even if it is only for a minute. She wants to know more about the caring side to him that he hides away behind his charming appearance.

Seeing her puppy expression he reached out his right hand to cradle her head softly, "What's with the long face? I'll see you back at school."

She looks down on the floor in a depressive state like a lost puppy. Feeling the intimacy for a second from the hand that's cradling her head.

"Okay," pouting her lips in regret as she finally is about to head home. Suddenly they hear a voice calling out to Jugyeong.

It was Jugyeong's mom who had an orange jacket with a pale yellow sleeve, "Huh...Jugyeong who's this?" She looks like she's in her mid-30s with short brownish hair.

Jugyeong was slack jawed at this quick turn of events, "Mom, What are you doing?!!"

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