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Chapter 10: My fiance seemed a bit Jealous.

"I, Adrian Rosier want to thank all of you for accepting my invitation," Adrian said standing in front of the crowd of wizards and witches, "Today I want to celebrate my succession as the head of Rosier Family, and I also want to use this occasion to extend an olive branch towards all the people present here. Some of us do have hatred towards one another and some of us have grudges, but for the sake of future and to maintain the peace we're in, I hope all of us could work together."

"I have also invited some of my peers who would be attending Hogwarts this year with me in hopes we can maintain friendship among ourselves no matter which house we get sorted in."

"Please enjoy the party and on behalf of the Rosier family, I thank you again for attending."

Today was the day of the party, Dobby the house-elf followed by Andromeda put their all in decorating the Rosier Manor. The Manor shined bright due to several enchantments and looked extremely luxurious and exceptionally beautiful today.

Ted who had to leave due to some work couldn't attend the party and Tonks had taken this time to run away somewhere else to avoid the party in general. Adrian knew both Tonks and Ted didn't want to attend the party but he didn't expect both of them to make weird excuses to run away. Luckily he still had Andromeda with him who helped take care of the guests alongside helping him get acquainted with all these people he had never even met before.

Most of the pure-blood wizarding family had attended the party except Weasleys who weren't invited to the occasion due to their rivalry with the Malfoys. Ollivanders sent gifts instead since he couldn't attend the party but still showed his support. Some of the half-bloods didn't attend the party neither did they send any letters back but Adrian didn't blame them. People including the ministers were here, after introducing himself with one family after another, he was finally free of all the adult talk but he was now stuck with something worse.

"You two look so good together." Ms. Greengrass fawned over Daphne and Adrian pushing them together, "You two should go have fun now, go play with the other kids and let the adult handle the talking."

Adrian was dressed in a dark red, velvet wizarding-suit, which brought out his features even more. It had gotten to the point where he had lost count of how many times someone had complimented him tonight. Similarly, Daphne was in a snow-white dress, that was beautifully embroidered with flower patterns. Her light blonde hair and blue eyes made the dress look even prettier.

Awkwardly laughing Adrian raised his arms as Daphne grabbed it, both of them then began walking towards where all the kids were gathered.

"Your speech was too mature for you, who wrote it?" Daphne asked with a sarcastic tone.

"Well I did prepare it but it had some influence of my mother in it," Adrian replied honestly.

"No wonder." Daphne said, "I knew it didn't come from you."

Adrian rolled his eyes as he didn't talk further, they reached their destination and Daphne let go of his arm. Adrian could swear he heard her snort more than 20 times in a row due to him keeping his silence.

"Well, you two look perfect, tonight," Pansy commented as she looked at Draco with a pout wondering why couldn't they wear outfits that matched one another like the two in front of her.

"It's good to see you too..." Adrian said in a confused tone. He nodded at Theodore who was there as he turned to look at the people he was not familiar with starting with the girl who was right next to him. "You must be Ms. Bones, right?"

"Yes." The girl with a dirty-blonde hair nodded, "Thank you for inviting my family. It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Rosier."

"Please just call me Adrian," Adrian said shaking her hands.

"You can call me Susan as well," Susan replied with a smile.

Adrian nodded as he introduced himself to a couple of other kids present, there were some who were older than him but most of them were his age. His eyes finally landed on a rather beautiful girl who he hadn't seen before.

"Katie Bell." The girl said with a beautiful smile as she raised her hand for a shake.

Adrian who was lost in the girl's beautiful eyes and her silky brown hair gave a charming smile as he grabbed the girl's hand in a Noble way and kissed the back of her hand.

Everyone's eyes widened for awhile with Theodore and Draco nearly choking on their drinks. All the kids who knew Adrian before knew he wouldn't do what he did with just anyone, he would only normally shake hands with girls just like he was doing right now. Draco and Theodore, along with Pansy and Daphne knew that he only kissed the hands of girls who he found to be pretty and that was even quite rare for him.

Katie who was a year older than others was already a bit uncomfortable at this party. Her parents had brought her here but she didn't have any interest in hanging out with snobby-purebloods. She hated anyone who discriminated against others, so with that, it was already quite difficult to get along with some of them.

She luckily met some people there who she could at least talk with but just then the host of today's party came wearing a dark-red suit. His dark hair perfectly combed to the side and his bright green eyes that shined immediately caught her attention. She thought the boy looked cute as she finally understood why some of the girls in her dorm back in Hogwarts talked about the boy. The boy unlike suspected by many wasn't nervous at all, instead, he oozed out confidence as he gave his speech clearly indicating what he wanted from the beginning.

People loved honesty, so all of the adult wizards present admired the young man in front of them. Thinking about how the boy had grown to a man in her heart within a matter of seconds, she blushed a little. The girl, Susan Bones next to her whispered how Adrian Rosier was good looking and how it was a regret that he was already engaged to someone.

Katie smiled a little knowing the girl was a born Hufflepuff, but she then looked at Adrian's fiancee. Her expensive cloth and Noble demeanor really seemed fitting for Adrian who had that same dominant aura around him.

Seeing that she shook head removing any weird thoughts from her head. Later as the couple came towards them, she looked at the two in a bit of awe. Adrian then began introducing himself to the people around as he casually shook hands with them. Normally Nobles were known to kiss lady's hand they meet as a form of greeting but Adrian didn't. Wondering if it was because his fiancee was present, Katie raised her hand for a shake as she met those chillingly beautiful eyes until out of nowhere Adrian took her hand gently and kissed the back of it.

She was a bit nervous, worried and confused and for some reason, her cheeks had started to warm up. The only other person more shocked than her was Daphne who clicked her tongue.

She still remembered the first time she met Adrian, and how he had done the same for her but unlike Katie who blushed, Daphne had only snorted. Adrian had no reaction to it as he kept hitting her with some weird lines, that made Pansy nearly faint. And to make things worse they had found out they were engaged to one another on the same day. She didn't know if it was the marriage thing or her attitude but Adrian never acted the same way with her ever again and now he was acting like that with another girl right in front of her, didn't make her feel right.

It wasn't because she was jealous but Adrian was still her fiancee so it felt wrong.


A/N: So this was my transition into introducing his 'playboy' side hope it made sense.

Also the lines Adrian was hitting Daphne with were from romantic movies he watched with the Tonks family especially due to Ted, it will be mentioned later but just a bit of head up so it won't confuse you.

Also, I know a lot of drama for a normal kiss in the hand but they're 11 so what do you expect.

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