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Chapter 3: Training

My parents didn't say anything for awhile and still had to digest the words that came out of my mouth. They did kinda anticipated me wanting to become a hero but they never thought that I would have that much of an ambition.

After a slight pause, my father suddenly laughed out loud, "Hahahaha, good, good! That's my son! Hahaha."

"Remember, no matter what you want to do, we will always support you."

I felt the warmth and the love that encompassed my father's words and I couldn't help but tear up a little bit. I quickly turned my head away so they wouldn't see it, though they still saw it. I was a little embarrassed while my parents only laughed at my reaction.

"Now, you're already 8 years old. You're already far stronger than your peers. Since you're determined to become a Pro Hero in the future, it's time to start your training, son."

I was ecstatic when I heard my father say that he would finally train me. Although, I could train by myself in improving my Ki Control and my body, but what I lacked the most, and what I couldn't really train by myself was combat experience.

Coupled with the fact that I still didn't receive any 'Zenkai Boost' until now, I was more than happy to have a fight..and.. *cough* ..get some.. *cough* ..thrashing...

'I'm not a masochist, please don't judge me!'

By the way, 'Zenkai Boost' or also 'Saiyan Power' was a genetic trait that continually let a Saiyan increase in performance against adversity, either by recovering from great injuries or enduring great struggles in battles.

This power allowed a Saiyan to recover from harm in relatively short periods of time. During which, the Saiyan will imprint on the injuries and experiences and instantly learn from it.

As it did, their minds and body will adapt to the said struggles, allowing their instinctual methods and natural resistance to noticeably improve, which also increased their physical might as they recover, and thereby lessening the chances of the problem from happening again.

The more severe the damage they recover from, the more significant the improvements will be, effectively making prolonged battles more favorable to them.

It was one of the most convenient abilities to get stronger in a relatively short amount of time.

"Awesome! When do we start, dad?" I impatiently asked.

"Hehe, we can start right now if you want." my dad chuckled.

"Yes, let's go, d-"

I couldn't finish my sentence when I suddenly felt a chill running down my spine. My father apparently felt the same thing and we both simultaneously turned our heads towards the direction from where it was coming from. What we saw, made us nearly pissed our pants..

My mother was smiling at us.

From the perspective of a bystander, you probably wouldn't see anything unusual in that smile, but the frightening aura enshrouding her was telling us otherwise.

My mom was usually very kind and caring, but once someone or something seriously annoyed her, she could be even scarier than the most dangerous villains.

"You will eat up first, then you can do what you want, do you understand?"


"Yes, ma'am!" both of us saluted in compliance.


Right now, my father and I were standing opposite to each other inside the training room. My training will officially start now.

"Attack me with all you've got, son."

Hearing his words, I immediately took my fighting stance.

I turned my body a little bit to the side, my head still fixated on my father, my legs widened from each other with my left foot at the front and my right foot at the back. I bended my knees down a little bit. My left hand at the front was shaped in a claw-like position, and my right hand was clenched into a fist that was positioned near my body, ready to be thrown at my opponent.

My father raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw my stance, but he composed himself right after and also readied himself for the fight.

"Here I come!"

With a loud shout, I vanished from my position and reappeared right in front him. My father was again surprised by my speed but I didn't give him any more time to think about it.

I threw a powerful punch at his face, hoping to cover a little bit of his line of sight. He easily avoided it, but that was also what I was hoping for. My attack was just a feint and I took back my fist as fast I launched it. I hooked my left leg and tried to deliver a swift kick on his chin.

Alas, my father wasn't one of the top 10 Pro Heroes for nothing.

My dad grabbed my leg in the middle of the execution at lightning speed. Right off the bat, I was already stuck in a dilemma, but I didn't let it affect me. I formed an 'Energy Ball' in my right hand and threw it at his chest.

He was quick to react and immediately let go my leg and dodged my attack. I wasn't the least bit discouraged about my failure, rather my blood was pumping faster in excitement.

I distanced myself from him and held both my hands out. Many energy balls formed and were shot out of from my hands at him.

My father decided to simply evade the attacks at first, but as time went on and after seeing me not getting the least bit exhausted by blasting these attacks continuously, he finally switched onto the offensive.

He bulldozed his way towards me, smashing my energy balls away with just his raw power. My energy balls flew around almost everywhere inside the room and created several explosions on impact.

Luckily, the room was build with special materials due to the nature of both of my parents' powers being rather destructive.

"RAAAH!!" I shouted and powered up a little bit. A white flame-shaped aura surrounded me.

'No pain, no gain.'

I decided to confront him head-on and also dashed at him. Both of our fists collided, creating a minuscule shockwave towards the surroundings.

I tried various kinds of attacks but they were all either easily blocked or dodged by him. I was clearly on the losing side. I accumulated more and more injuries on my body and I knew my father wasn't even serious, right now. He still hadn't used his Quirk, yet.

The fight was already going on for 50 minutes. And the longer the fight went on, the more confused and shocked my father became.

I sustained many injuries during the fight, causing my father to think of ending the spar for this reason prematurely. But I stopped him from doing so and told him that I could still go on, to which he could only, reluctantly relent after seeing my determined expression.

At first, he was confused when he saw me still being able to stand on my feet despite the numerous beatings, but this gradually changed to shock over time. Although, he didn't activate his Quirk, he still wasn't that lenient towards me in the battle at all. So, receiving so many injuries should've most certainly knocked out any normal kid by now.

Unfortunately, I wasn't normal at all.

My injuries healed themselves at an extremely fast rate. My stamina was more or less abundant for my age. And most importantly, I was getting stronger and stronger the longer the fight went on.

He was shocked and, at the same time, proud of this discovery and decided to step it up a notch.

We continuously fought for one more hour before my stamina couldn't keep up anymore and I collapsed. Right now, I was lying on the floor sweating and panting heavily. My body felt sore and I couldn't even lift a single finger, that's how exhausted I was.

My father walked up to me and helped me up. You could also see some small sweat stains on his shirt. Obviously, he didn't expect me to be this strong already. He still hadn't used his Quirk, though.

"Son, you really surprised me there. You brat never told us that you're already this strong." he said with a blaming tone, but you could still somehow see the proud expression on his face.

"Haha, you never asked." I just nervously shrugged it off.

This was an awesome training session. Due to the 'Zenkai Boost', I will probably become a lot stronger as I already had been two hours ago.

I really couldn't wait for the future!

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