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Chapter 3: Twilight

It's been 3 years since I woke up in this land. At 13 years of age I'm considered a man grown now. My father has steadily been giving me more and more responsibilities, and by this time next year I will be in charge of a small part of the family business. Complete with my own villa to start a family in.

That's another thing I'v come to accept, I will have no say in who I'm marrying. I imagine my father has had a list of prospective brides since I was born. It doesn't truly bother me , its just the price I will have to pay for a peaceful life. Without a doubt she will come from an equally influential family, and those connections will serve me well in the future.

Though there has been some alarming news that I have learned since my time here. Apparently our esteemed ruler Minos is the son of a Goddess, and every nine years seven boys and girls are chosen to reside in the Grand Temple to serve the Mother Goddess for the rest of their lives, never stepping foot outside again. It's a very large ceremony that the whole city attends. The Grand Temple is completely off limits to everyone but Minos. It's supposed to be a great honor to be picked.

It's suspiciously similar to the myths about Minos from modern times. Though in those myths the children were sacrificed to the Minotaur. I guess that makes the Grand Temple the Labyrinth.

It's said that when Minos makes his appearance at the end of the ceremony, that the heavens shine down upon him covering him in a radiant light. That is the proof that he his blessed by the gods, and they approve of all his actions.

Regardless I will be able to witness this myself for the first time in less than a week. I will see if this so called king truly is divine, or just a trickster using powers similar to mine to fool the city.

On the abilities side of things there has been massive improvement. Calling upon my fire is as simple as a single thought. My flamethrower move can reach over one hundred feet and is improving everyday. As long as something is in my field of vision I can light it aflame, though the closer it is the faster I can do so. Manipulating already existing fire is the easiest, and least taxing of my abilities.

Recently I have also discovered that I can sense any open flames around me for one hundred feet, and if i sit and truly concentrate to my upmost ability I can sense the very heat radiating off of the bodies of any living being within fifty feet of me.

My powers are definitely capable of growth, but sadly I'v had less and less time to practice. When I'm finally living on my own I should be able to devote more time to developing my abilities.


The time for the Grand Ceremony has arrived, my father and I have front row seats to the show.

Before the Grand Temple is a crowd of thousands of people split in two, all cheering and praising the Gods, and our Divine ruler Minos.

Between the crowds walks fourteen bare footed children, all dressed in stainless white robes. None older than six years of age. The crowds cheer them on, showering them with flower petals, those close enough reach out their hands brushing their shoulders or backs. Everybody is looking upon then with joy and in most cases envy.

The children for their part walk in a straight and orderly line, backs straight, chins held up high, and chest puffed out in pride. They think they are the chosen ones, destined to spend the rest of their lives serving the Mother Goddess.

As they make their may to the feet of the Temple the crowds quite down. The priestess that waits for them at the top of the steps beckons them to ascend the stairs. As they do she starts off a chanting prayer which the crowds follow along. The prayer consists of more praising of the Gods and Minos, and reaches a crescendo when the children arrive at the top.

And then the moment everybody was waiting for. Out from the darkness of the Temple comes a man so beautiful that angels would weep at the sight. Every part of him perfectly sculpted by a divine hand. He wears a simple pair of cloth pants and nothing else.

When he finally steps into the sunlight he glitters like the worlds most beautiful jewel. Sparkling sunlight refracting and bouncing off of his form causing an aura of light to surround him. The crowd is roaring now, chanting "Minos" over and over again.

But then I see his eyes. Blood red. Shining on his pale sparkling face.

And then I finally know what world I'm in.

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