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Chapter 15: Shaking The Hearts Of His New Peers

"What?! That's so unfair!" One student argued. Another added, "But it's the first day!"

To their attempts at swaying what was already set in stone, Aizawa scoffed. He replied, "Unfair you say?" He shook his head as he said, "Natural disasters, organized crime, megalomaniacal supervillains… the world is fraught with countless injustices. It's your job as hero prospects to overcome the hardships in your path and restore reason. Its best if you reconsider attending this school if you aren't prepared to suffer untold difficulties for the next three years."

"That is "Plus Ultra;" our school's motto. To go beyond, overcome all trials, and climb to the top. I expect each and every one of you to do just that," he concluded.

With all the students growing much more serious as a heavy pressure to perform to the best of their abilities was now cast upon them, Aizawa led the group to the start of the tests. The first test was the 50-meter dash. Naturally, those blessed with speed-enhancing quirks like Iida's, which granted him engine like boosters in the calves of his legs, shined in this test. Others who performed well in this test were Tsuyu, who's Frog Quirk gave her monstrous leg strength, hopped her way through the distance.

Mina, a pink-skinned friendly girl who had entered into the ranks as one of Takezushi's friends, used her Quirk, Acid, to skate the distance after making the floor much more slippery. Lastly, Aoyama, a sparkly french-speaking pretty boy, used the Quirk, Navel Laser, to propel himself through the course through the sheer rebound of his lasers firing.

Most of the others performed about average to slightly above average for high school students and then there came Takezushi's turn. As there were 21 students in Class 1-A because of his presence, he didn't have a partner running beside him — which would soon prove to be fortunate. Unlike everyone else who just dove into running their hearts out, Takezushi recalled the talk he had with the school's principal before the school year started.

About a week ago, Takezushi had received a message from All Might that the principle of U.A. wanted to have a talk with him before the year started. Going the very next day to meet the principle, Takezushi was a bit startled by the rodent-like creature that introduced itself of his soon-to-be principal. But as someone quick to adapt, Takezushi soon dismissed the principal's odd appearance.

After a short exchange of pleasantries, the principle, who Takezushi came to know as Nezu, cut to the chase. He put down the cup of tea that was on his hands — paws? — and said, "Young man, I called you here to discuss your Quirk."

"Ok? What do you want to discuss?" Takezushi responded a bit unsure of what discussion the principal wanted to have. After his display during the Entrance Exam, All Might had told him that he had discussed the aspects of his quirk that Takezushi had let him know about, with the staff at U.A. so, there shouldn't be anything else to discuss.

"Your Quirk, it's powerful… too powerful..." Nezu said, slowly and deliberately in an effort to get Takezushi to think about his words seriously. The principal continued, "Normally, having a powerful Quirk is a good thing. But you know, you can also have too much of a good thing..."

Since Nezu had stopped there to take another sip of his tea, Takezushi asked, "Ok? If there's something you're trying to tell me, I'm sorry to say that I have no idea what it is." He spoke his mind, being honest with the rodent-creature.

"Listen, I know you're at that age where it might be 'cool' to show off and admittedly, you have much to be proud of. But for the rest of the students, I want you to hold back..." Nezu said, looking at Takezushi's form, analyzing any and every change to best understand how his words had impacted the youth.

"Um… that shouldn't be a problem. But how much do you want me to hold back?" Takezushi asked. As he did so a calculation ran through his head, 'I'm already withholding most of my Ninjutsu, Dojutsu, and Genjutsu. What if I came clean with the extent of my abilities, right now?'

"Oho?" The principal smiled, this time a genuine smile and not just the usual expression on his face. He added, "You're quick to agree? Good, good… As a general rule, I'd like you to restrain yourself to only your physical strength. That should be more than enough to deal with most situations pro heroes handle anyway. But as a precaution, ask your teacher before every exercise how much strength or what kind of abilities you are allowed to use."

Returning a nod of understanding Takezushi and the principle chatted for a while longer before he returned to his home.

"Aizawa-sensei, what am I allowed to use for this test?" Takezushi asked. His words confusing the rest of the class.

Pausing for a second, Aizawa thought, 'It would do good to give them someone to look up to; a goal to aspire towards… But I can't just shatter their hopes and dreams by letting him do something ridiculous.' Having made up his mind, Aizawa said, "Only use your physical strength."

"100% of my physical strength, or all of it?" Takezushi asked his final question as he conducted some light stretches by the starting point.

Squinting his eyes at the question, Aizawa said, "Whichever is less ridiculous..." He made a mental note to have Takezushi explain the difference to him at some other point.

Now taking a runner's stance, Takezushi said, "Alright, whenever you're ready." His limbs were devoid of any active chakra, but the power concealed within was enough to threaten military-grade artillery.

"Ok, three, two, one… Go-" Aizawa's words were cut as Takezushi sprung into action the moment, he saw his teacher start the stopwatch.

BOOM! In the spot where Takezushi previously occupied, there were a pair of craters, as he now stood about three meters away from the endpoint of the track with a small mound of dirt by his feet; consequent of him digging his feet into the earth to stop himself after erupting with that terrifying speed.

Shielding himself from the gale that resulted from Takezushi's sudden burst of speed along with the rest of the class, Aizawa only checked the results of the test after the dust settled. "0.146 seconds..." After Aizawa announced to the class, one of the more intelligent students of the class, Iida, gasped, "Isn't that just over the sound barrier? He can move at Mach speeds?!"

Another smart student, a beautiful girl who dawned a spiky black ponytail and had onyx-black eyes, noted, "No… not just move, but he can accelerate to that speed in just a fraction of a second. Dear god!"

Takezushi himself looked unfazed by the result as he was used to performing much more impressively when he sparred against his shadow clones. He returned to the side of the class with a look that seemed to ask, "What?" But Aizawa didn't let the students begin assaulting him with questions as he moved on to the next aspect of the Quirk Apprehension Test.

Next up was the Grip Strength Test and in that site, a large and monster-like youth who had webbed appendages connecting to his arms shone alongside Izuku. The monster-like youth who had introduced himself as Shoji to Takezushi displayed an impressive grip strength of 550 kilograms, while Izuku used his quirk to directly shatter the measuring device after activating his unstable Quirk.

He hadn't been able to use his quirk for the 50-meter dash as he would most certainly break his legs once to power off and again to land, but for the grip test, all he had to do was activate his quirk and clench his hands into a fist. Of course, Izuku practically destroyed his right hand, but he had secured a nigh-unbeatable score for the grip strength test.

Yes… When it was Takezushi's turn, he also crumpled up the machine into a scrap piece of metal with his bare hands, but he didn't end up with an unusable hand as a result. With the test over, Takezushi addressed his teacher when asking, "Aizawa sensei, can I restore Midoriya?"

"Sure," Aizawa said, before turning to the wounded green-haired boy. "How irrational… Your body hasn't adapted to your Quirk and a single-use left your body in this useless state. Yet you still stand today before me?" Scoffing, Aizawa gave Izuku a serious glare as he said, "Even if you can outperform the others and survive another day of class, don't think for a second that I won't expel you. Society doesn't need fake heroes who end up needing to be rescued themselves..." With that, he left Izuku to get treatment from Takezushi.

Thus the test continued, only, after getting treated for his broken hand, Izuku refrained from using his Quirk. Additionally, he was looked at with disbelief and an even harsher wrath from Bakugou than usual. As the test approached the end, Izuku could be seen panicking as to how he should prove his worth to the teacher.

Following the Grip Strength Test, was the Standing Long Jump, where Aoyama and Bakugou did the best among the "normal" students. Bakugou using his Explosion Quirk to rocket himself while Aoyama did the same with his laser. Of course, Takezushi did the ridiculous, jumping what had to be hundreds of meters if not more than a kilometer away.

Then there as the Sustained Sidesteps where the smallest boy of the class, a purple-ball haired boy named Mineta, outshined everyone by bouncing off a wall of the purple balls he had plucked out of his head. Then again, his impressive performance looked like child's play when Takezushi started hopping back and forth so quickly that afterimages started to manifest.

Lastly, there was the fifth and final test, The Pitch, which Bakugou had already completed; he had done so for the demonstration. Surprisingly, Uraraka received the highest score seen for any test thus far as she applied her Zero Gravity Quirk to the softball she was supposed to pitch and after tossing it towards the sky, it never returned; her official score was infinity…

Another girl, one of the smart students that had earlier commented on how ridiculous Takezushi's feats were, named Momo Yaoyorozu, materialized a cannon and shot her softball like a piece of artillery. And finally, Izuku had made a comeback as he using his Quirk, albeit only on the tip of his index finger, to prove to Aizawa that he could still function as a hero even after using his Quirk.

Then came Takezushi turn as the last person to complete the tests as per usual. By now, everyone had learned that it was best to keep away from him when he used 100% of his strength as every single time he did so, aside from the one instance during the Grip Strength Test, he had blasted them all with fierce winds.

Having taken the ball, Takezushi followed through with his track record of astonishing the class as the ball left his hands at hypersonic speeds; just over Mach 5. With a crackling sonic boom startlingly the class and a trial of distorted clouds and vapor rings, the softball was well on its way to exiting the atmosphere. Having thrown the ball at approximately 45 degrees — the optimal angle for distance — it took a long while for the ball to return to the ground; it peaked after passing mid-way through the Mesosphere.

"Is it another infinity?" Tsuyu asked as minutes had gone by without a word from Aizawa. But just at that moment, a beep was heard as the device on the teachers had registered the result.

Suddenly everyone turned to the now pale-faced Aizawa, going pale-faced themselves after they heard him say, "330,400 meters..." It had taken four and a third minutes and the result Takezushi achieved brought everyone, even Bakugou, to question if they would even be able to compete with him.

Vermillion_Yormsky Vermillion_Yormsky

Oi, This is the last chapter of the day. It would be wrong of me to release the next chapter alone as its an introductory chapter for ALL the students in Class 1-A for like 80% of the next chapter and another 10% for the following chapter. It's something people will recognize if they've watched the anime/manga.

P.S. I ran the numbers, and 4.33 minutes is about how long it would take for Takezushi's ball to cross that distance at that speed. Notwithstanding air resistance or advanced physics~

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