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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

In a dark room with blue sparkles with nothing but an office desk and chair, there sat 3.

One of them was a beauty with a figure that was neither too busty or too lacking. Her aqua hair resting on her back as her aqua eyes stared at the person sitting in front of her.

He was wearing a green and black tracksuit, he had brown slightly-spiky brown hair and green eyes. He looked around before his eyes finally met the beauty's.

"Satou Kazuma, welcome to the afterlife." A gasp.

"How did you just do that?"

"Do what?"

"Gasp without opening your mouth."

"I don't think I follow."

Kazuma felt something shift from underneath him as a head peered over his shoulder. "Yo." He greeted with a finger salute before staring at Kazuma.

"Can you get off, you're giving me a boner."




Kazuma knelt on the ground as a purple mark was slowly forming on his face, the man sat at the chair with a grumpy look and a red hand-print on his face.

Kazuma rubbed his face before wincing at the pain, he glared at the man. "Why did you hit me!?" He shouted in outrage.

The man reciprocated his glare, "You hit me first!"

The beauty sighed, rubbing her forehead. She can already feel the headaches forming from a eon away.

"Calm down, both of you." They turned to her direction, now glaring at her. Though her face remained stoic, she was whimpering inside.

The man and Kazuma glared at each other for awhile before they both decided to drop it. The man had green hair and amber eyes.

He was wearing a he had a white puffy suit covered by a pink apron with a red splat mark, he was wearing a fishnet over his head.

The beauty just shook her head, crying in relief inwardly. "Now, let me repeat." She reopened her mouth to speak before it all connected.

"Wait! How are you here!?" She cried out, pointing at the man as he pointed at himself hesitantly. "Me?"

"Yes you!"

He scratched his head, "Am I not suppose to be here or something? Cause I can go if you want." The beauty almost slipped out of her chair but she held on just in time to not fell off.

"No! How are you here?! In the same time as him!" She first pointed at the man before shifting to Kazuma, "Hey!" He cried out in outrage but was ignored.

The man shrugged, "I don't know, aren't you suppose to be god?" He retorted. Aqua pulled out a small book from inside of her chest.

She flipped through it before landing on the anomaly. It was a book that contained the list of the time of people's deaths.

There was overlapping text though she was able to decipher his name, "I see. Leo Ashwell huh." She muttered before trying to read the rest.

Leo elbowed Kazuma as he groaned in pain, he clicked his tongue in annoyance. "I didn't even hit you that hard."

"That hard?! I'm just a normal teen okay?!" He protested. "Whatever, how did you die?" Leon asked, ignoring his protest.

"I got ran over."

"Ah, classic Isekai trope huh?" He asked, receiving a nod. He sighed before pulling out a cigar. He lighted it up and smoked it.

He glanced at Kazuma only to see his dumbfounded face, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Kazuma looked bashful as he rubbed his elbow.

"Ah, I just thought you looked younger then your actual age." He snorted slightly. To be honest, Kazuma just said that to not look suspicious.

Why? He didn't know. He was actually wondering more on how he died but now he was a little embarrassed to ask. How was he able to ask that with such a bland face?

Leo continued to smoke before his eyes widened, "Ah, I forgot to say how I died huh?" Kazuma cheered, nodding sheepishly.

Leo noticed his behavior before patting him on the back, "Chill dude, I'm not that much older than you." He comforted him as Kazuma sighed.

He replied with a smile, "Thanks. I'm just scared that I thought I would be left alone with an adult." Leo laughed.

"So, how did you die?" Kazuma asked, Leo sighed before responding. "Well, I got shot through the heart~." He sang for a little while before stopping. Leo glanced at Kazuma, he sighed seeing his confused look.

"Nothing, just a little pop culture reference." He nodded before the words kicked in. "You got shot through the heart?!"

Kazuma and Aqua shouted at the same time, though Aqua looked shocked, Kazuma backed away a little before looking disgusted at the red patch on his apron.

"Is that what I think it is?" He asked.

"No, It's Strawberry jam." Leo replied confidently. Kazuma didn't drop his guard, backing up even more now. "How are you sure?"

"I'm a baker."

"You're....a baker."


"Do you know who shot you?" Kazuma asked.

"Not really no."


"Yeah I know."

They both fell silent, offering each other prayers before the words connected. "Wait, how do you know that?"

Leo looked away, unable to meet his eyes.


"Wow, I sold a lot today!" Leo cheered happily as he flipped the sign over to show he's closed. *Bang* "Huh?" He looked at his apron to discover a red patch.

"Fuck, I spilled Jam." *Blegh*

*Flashback End*

Aqua scratched her head in frustration, being unable to decipher the rest of the jumbled up text. Though atleast Leo did reveal some information on himself.

"Hey." Leo spoke out. "How long are we gonna be in here?" Aqua looked up from her book with uninterested eyes before her eyes widened.

"Oh no! I completely forgot about the procedure!"

She cleared her throat before speaking with a regal tone, "Leo Ashwell, Satou Kazuma, welcome to the afterlife." Leo and Kazuma straightened their backs unconsciously.

"You have two options to chose from. Either reincarnate and begin a new life, or go off to a heaven-like place and live the rest of your existence like retirement ho-"

"Wait!" Kazuma interrupted, Leo and Aqua drawled back from surprise. Aqua quickly recovered before glaring at Kazuma, "What. Is. It?" She drawled out slowly.

Kazuma gulped, "Er. What happened to the girl I saved?" He gathered his courage and asked, Leo's eyes widened in surprise before a hint of respect appeared in his eyes as he stared at Kazuma.

Aqua took a deep breath before calming down, "She lives, though she did suffer a fractured leg." Kazuma sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness." He cheered up inside, happy of actually doing something nice for the first time in his li-

"An injury that you caused!" Aqua laughed, pointing mockingly at Kazuma. Leo collapsed on the chair as he stared at Aqua in disbelief.

"Huh?" Kazuma pitifully let out.

"You thought that a tractor was a truck and pushed her out of the way!" She broke into laughter, the air wheezing out of her.

"The tractor would of stopped before it hit the girl and it was going so slow too! Rather than saving her, you only made it worse!"

Kazuma's dumbfounded face slowly faded before his hands started to shake, he glanced at Leo only to find him looking away, 'Not you too!'. Though he wasn't laughing, Leo has lost all respect for Kazuma.

"W-wait...did you say Tractor?" The words finally settled in Kazuma's mind as he asked in disbelief.

"Of course it's a tractor! If it was a truck, she would of noticed it and got out of the way. You idiot!" She leaned on the chair as she panted heavily.

Kazuma collapsed on Leo's lap as he asked half-dead. "T-then did I die after getting hit by the tractor." 'God, save my dignity please.' He asked in his mind, hoping for salvation. Too bad God was the one laughing at him.

"No! You died of shock, you thought you got ran over by a truck and the shock stopped your heart! That's the most funniest way I seen a human die so hilariously!"

Leo turned around to stare at Kazuma's dead eyes as he stared at him in pity. Kazuma cried on his lap.

"Not only that! Due to shock you also lost control of your bowels! You were sent to the nearby hospital and the doctors and nurses were laughing while saying, 'What's with this guy, how useless-'. You didn't gain conscious and died."

Kazuma cried harder on Leo's lap, staining his pink apron with tears.

"Your family reached the hospital but before they could even feel sad for their loss, they burst out laughing hearing the cause of your death!" She laughed before wheezing in relief.

She wanted to say more but stopped when Leo raised a threatening arm. For some reason, she can see herself falling victim to his arm, but doesn't know why...

"Er, now that my stress is gone we can continue. My name is Aqua, I'm the goddess that guides dead people from Japan. You both have two options to choose from." Kazuma stopped crying but his eyes were still blurry and his ears were ringing.

He wiped away the lingering tears before he felt someone patting his back, he turned around to find Leo looking at him with eyes filled with pity and sympathy.

"At least you er..." "At least you uh..." "At least you erm..."

His eyes widened in surprise, was Leo about to comfort him. Though seeing his stutters his hope was already breaking to pieces.

Eventually, Leo's eyes widened as he stared at him with a giant smile.

"At least you saved the tractor."

"You got any of that?" Aqua asked, turning around to look at Leo and Kazuma, only to find Kazuma crying while hugging Leo while Leo had a complicated expression on his face as he stared at her.

"What do you mean 'You got any of that?' you just stayed silent for a minute before turning around to say that. What do you think this is? A book or an anime?"

"Damn, they discovered the trick." She muttered under her breath as she gnawed on her nail. Leo's jaw dropped, "What trick!?"

She sighed, ignoring him as she stared at them with pity. "Fine, I'll repeat it again for you."

"I'm going to make her into bread." Leo muttered under his breath.

Ignoring Leo's ominous whispering, she continued. "You can either reincarnate and begin a new life or go to a heaven-like place and live the rest of your existence living like grandparents in a retirement home."

Leo nodded, "Uh, what's the deal with the reincarnation." Aqua smiled.

"Do you like video games?"

The gist of it was :

Another world has a demon king.

Demon king attacked and now world is in danger.

There IS Magic and Monsters.

Classic RPG.

"Yeah, the people who died in that world were killed by the Demon King's army and were very afraid. Saying stuff like they didn't want to die being attacked by Goblins again, though I heard that Goblin sightings were becoming less and less due to a mysterious adventurer but no matter. So, all of the people who died rejected reincarnating in this world again." She sighed, rubbing her forehead.

"Basically, this world will soon collapse and die if this continues. Babies will cease to be born there. So, we fixed it by throwing other dead people NOT from there to there! Simple right?"

Leo snorted but didn't say anything. It did work though.

"Since were looking for immigrants, they should be young and want to live, so we send them over with their original body and memories. But it'll be meaningless if they just died after going over, so we give them anything they desire take with them. It could be a powerful ability, an exceptional talent or a god-level weapon." Each example Aqua said made Kazuma slowly rise up from Leo's lap.

Leo winced, his legs had fallen asleep.

"What do you think? It might be another world, but you can live once more." Aqua nodded pridefully as if she was the offer that was being made.

"What a awful goddess." Leo muttered while Kazuma came back from the dead. "I accept!" He shouted excitedly.

Leo shook his head at his behavior but he couldn't help but admit he was excited too, just a little. Kazuma raised his hand.


"What about the language? Can I even communicate with the other people there?" Aqua nodded but not before staring mockingly at Kazuma.

"Of course, what kind of god sends other people without knowledge of the language? Though your brain may melt if something goes wrong." She mockingly asked Kazuma but whispered the last bit. Kazuma shook with anger.

"Wait I feel like you just said something there in the end."

"No, I didn't." She denied smoothly but Kazuma shook his head.

"Uh, I don't think so. Then why did your mouth move more than your actual sentence?"

She looked away, whistling.

Kazuma wanted to rush at her but stopped, it would probably vanish all the chances of him getting a Cheat!

"Anyways." "Oi, what do you mean anyways." "Hurry up and choose, one and only one by the way. It can be a unique ability or perhaps a legendary weapon. It can be anything. You can bring it with you to the other side."

Ignoring her, Kazuma looked at each of the cards on the floor as he browsed each one. Leo did the same as well.

After a few minutes, they both still haven't decided. Aqua was getting bored, "Hey..can you hurry up? I don't have all day." She complained.

Kazuma grit his teeth as he glared hatefully at Aqua, "Then I choose you!" Aqua nodded before standing up. "Okay, now we just need to wait for Leo to finish and we can - WHAT?!"

She cried out in shock and disbelief, the air grew silent before a portal opened in the sky. Kazuma felt himself getting dragged and didn't resist.

He looked back to find Leo staring at him in frustration and anger, "Can you all keep the light show down? I can't read the damn cards." Kazuma nodded.

"Your request has been approved. I shall perform in your absence Aqua." An angel appeared from the circle as she slowly fluttered down.

"Satou Kazuma's request complies with the regulations and has been approved." A magic circle appeared below Kazuma and Aqua as Leo screamed in frustration.

"I CAN'T SEEEEEEEEE!" "Hey! What's going on?!" Aqua cried out in disbelief and shock, "You have to be kidding me, right?!"

"This can't be right! Taking a goddess along with you is against the rules!" Leo wiped the sweat away from his forehead, he's gonna need have to employ his ultimate decision maker.

"Minnie Minnie Miny Mo.." His finger stopped a card, Leo looked at it for awhile before slowly retracting his finger. "Nah."

"Minnie Minnie Miny Mo..."

"Please have a safe trip Aqua." She smiled warmly as Aqua cried out in despair. Leo had enough, "Can you shut up for once?!" He shouted at Aqua, total silence echoed in the area as Leo smiled before picking a random card.

"Welp, all up to luck now I guess." He stood up before pocketing it. He turned around to find the Angel gawking at him.

"What?" He asked. The angel closed her mouth as she raised a shaking finger, "Aqua, who's that?" She asked as both him and Kazuma slowly started to rise up.

Aqua huffed with her arms crossed as she answered, "Leon Ashwell." She answered, The angel closed her eyes with a deep, long sigh as she stared at Aqua.

"Is that, another person?" Aqua mockingly stared at her, "Of course, what else could it be?" She retorted.

"Another person that shouldn't be with another person?" Aqua slowly nodded before gasping, "I forgot!" She screamed while holding her head.

The angel's jaw dropped, "Wait! This is against the procedures! Don't teleport them yet!" She shouted at the circle but they both still continued to rise up.


Aqua laughed as she was slowly swallowed by the circle, "Take that you nerd!" The angel ran towards the portal but slipped on a puddle of water.





Leo groaned as he rested his hand on Kazuma's shoulder, Kazuma ignored him as he happily looked around, "Wow! This is really a parallel world..." He clenched his hands as he smiled widely.

"Will I be able to use magic? My life as an adventurer starts now!" Leo groaned louder, "Can you shut up? My butt hurts..."

He rubbed his bottom as he glared at Kazuma, "Why did you have to use my lap as your pillow anyway? I can't feel my legs." Kazuma paled before covering his mouth and looking around.

"SHH! Do you want to ruin my reputation with the ladies!?" Leo slapped his hand away. Kazuma ignored him before smugly staring at Aqua.

"Mocking me before now huh. Now you have to accompany me through my adventuring life. Here I am in a fantasy world with nothing but a tracksuit, aren't you suppose to give me something now?" He smugly asked as he reached out his hand.

Aqua shook with anger as she glared hatefully at Kazuma, Kazuma gulped before backing away, "Oi, why are you looking at me like that?"

Aqua charged at Kazuma grabbing his collar as she started to shake him, Her eyes watered as she continued to shake him.

"OI! LET GO!" Kazuma tried to push her off but her grip was surprisingly strong, "If you're so upset then you can go back, we can do the rest!"

She ignored him before breaking down into tears, Leo rubbed his forehead in annoyance and his leg. He still couldn't feel it.

They were about to go into another argument so Leo tuned them out. He pulled out the card he picked up before. He smiled at it, waiting for something to happen, it was golden in color but it didn't contain any information.

He frowned when it did nothing, He turned around to find Kazuma grabbing Aqua by the collar as she thrashed around. "What are you doing?" They stopped and slowly turned to him.

Kazuma coughed before letting her drop on the floor, "Nothing." "HEY!"

Kazuma ignored her before staring at the card in Leo's hand. "Hey, what's that?" He asked, Leo raised it up. "It was the card I picked but it isn't doing anything." They turned to Aqua who turned deadly still.

She sweatdropped before rubbing the back of her head. "Er..You were suppose to tell me before you were sent into the portal." She took a step back when Leo's face turned blank.

"Hey, why are you looking at me like that? It isn't my fault you know? It was that angel's fault who kicked me out before I could give you your gift! It really isn't my fault. Hey! Why are you stepping closer to me? Why are you raising your hand? Oi, stay back."

Leo wrapped his hands around Aqua as she chuckled from the ticklish feeling, "BUHO!" Leo's body arched, along with Aqua as he performed a perfect suplex.

"Look mom! A rainbow!" A child happily pointed out, The mother pulled the son closer. "You shouldn't look at them sweety."




Leo dusted his hands as he stared at Kazuma's gawking expression. "So where should we go?" Leo didn't really have enough time to play much games, he had to take care of his shop.


Kazuma rubbed his chin, "I mean, we're broke right now. So I think we should go to the guild to get some money now right?"

Leo shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, you're the expert." Kazuma shook his head with a sigh, "Let's go to the guild." He spoke with a deep and cool tone as he cooly turned around.


He smiled, he was so cool right now! "Do you even know where the guild is?" Kazuma stilled before slowly turning around. He pointed at a rather tall building made out of rock, "I mean, shouldn't that be it?" He slowly asked.

Leo shrugged, "I don't know, I'm not your navigator here." He pointed at a nice looking old lady, "I mean, you could ask her."


Kazuma bashfully looked at the old lady before taking shy steps, "Uh hello." His pitch turned higher. "Do you know where the guild is?" The old lady laughed and smiled before pointing at the opposite direction.

Kazuma nodded, "Thank you."

Leo laughed before patting him on the back, "Now was that so hard?" Kazuma stilled before looking at him dead in the eye, "I can't wait until you go to me for relationship advice."

He turned around and walked away, Leo followed after him.





They all entered in the guild, it was bustling with commotion as everyone turned to stare at them. Leo looked away as Kazuma continued to walk with confidence. "See? Everyone is looking at us because of my holy aura. Just what you expect from a goddess!" Aqua boasted with her chin puffed up as Leo looked away in shame.

"Please don't look at me like that." He begged silently. Everyone seemed to notice that Aqua was just a maniac and ignored whatever she was saying.

Leo scanned the room before finding what seemed to be the bar area, he saw a burly man with a smile chugging his beer.

He sighed before moving to talk to him, he stopped when Kazuma blocked him with his arms. "What are you doing?" Leo asked.

Kazuma confidently smiled, "Let me do it." He waved them off as Leo looked at him with pity. "I don't know If I can live like this." He admitted before collapsing on a nearby bar-stool.

He grabbed a mug before drinking it slowly watching Kazuma talk to the man. He sighed, putting it down. He stood up, seeing Kazuma walk away but stopped when he was grabbed on the arm.

"Sir, you haven't paid for your drink yet." The barkeep stopped him. Leo turned deathly still before looking at the mug of beer.

"Fuck." The man from before came to his rescue, "Don't worry but it boy, you look like a beginner here. I'll pay for it but you owe me now."

All color from Leo's face drained, "You can take my kidney but that's it." The barkeep's jaw dropped as the man's smile widened.

"You got it!" Thumbs up.

"OKAYBYEHAVEAGOODDAY!" Leo dashed away at the speed of sound.




"Why are you breathing so heavily?" Kazuma asked looking at Leo, Leo shook his head. "Someone wanted my organs." He admitted. Kazuma paled. "They do that here?!"

Leo took one last deep breath, "I think so, yeah."

"So what happened while I was gone?" He asked causing Kazuma to take a deep sigh, Aqua flinched from the other side of the table.

"We don't have cash to actually register as adventurers." Leo understood, he sat right next to Kazuma, "So what do we do?" He asked.

Kazuma stared into Leo's eyes as they came to an understanding, "How much do you think Aqua will sell for?"

"OI! Don't sell me please!" Aqua cried before reaching for Kazuma, "Get off me!" He pushed her away as Aqua cried on the table.

Leo sighed, "I guess we're gonna have to ask someone for a favor." He concluded. They both nodded before staring at Aqua.

"What?" She hesitantly asked. "Get to work." She cried out in shock. "What? Why me?!" She asked but gave up when Leo raised his hands.

"Okay! Okay! I'll do it!"




"Eris is my junior..and her follower took pity on me. He didn't even believe I was a goddess." Aqua laid her on the table as she ranted.

Kazuma and Leo ignored her staring at the money, "This is enough for all of us to get signed up right?" He asked.

Kazuma nodded. "Yeah, it's just enough." They both sighed. "Thank god."





"Okay, fill in your information here and we can get started." The receptionist gave them blank papers. They filled in their information and the receptionist checked it before nodding.

"Okay, please wait a second." She looked under the desk before pulling out 3 blank cards. "Okay, now touch this and we can get started."

Kazuma nodded before touching it. The card shined blue, Leo looked away, everything just had to be so damn bright didn't it? "Strength, vitality, magic, agility and speed are all average, Intelligence is slightly better and Luck is very high. This is troubling. With this stats, it would be better if you became a Merchant instead, what do you think?" The receptionist looked at him with eyes full of uncertainty.

Aqua smugly smiled, "Um...I'd like to become an adventurer."

The receptionist's eyes widened before hastily cheering him up, "It's fine! After leveling up and raising your stats, you can change your job! In addition, Adventurers can learn and use the skills of all jobs!" Kazuma's eyes brightened in surprise.

"On the other hand -" Aqua wanted to crush his hopes but stopped when Leo closed her mouth. "Don't ruin this for him." He threatened, Aqua quickly nodded in fear.

"Leo Ashwell!" The receptionist called for him, Leo let go of Aqua with a smile. "Coming!"

Leo touched the card, The receptionist looked at his stats while nodding. "Strength, vitality, magic and speed are above average. Agility is below average. Intelligence is above average and luck is average. With this stats you can become a warrior or a mag- Huh?" She raised the card higher to her face as she stared deeper.

She put it down before smiling at Leo, "Excuse me, I'll be right back." She took the card before going into the back.

"Leo, what did you do?!" Kazuma whisper-shouted, Leo pushed him away, "I don't know!"

After a few minutes, the receptionist came back with a smile. "I'm sorry for the delay, It's just that you already have a job, so we went and checked it out. Though your class may be unclassified, we expect great things from you."

She stated, the rest of the adventurers were intrigued at her wording but dropped it in favor of continuing to drink with the rest of their party.

Leo nodded before taking back his card and looking Kazuma, Kazuma was no where to be seen. He looked around and found Kazuma holding his head staring blankly at the table.

He approached him before he tapped his shoulder, "Kazuma, you okay?" Kazuma didn't say anything except grab his collar and shook him slowly.

"What's your class?" Kazuma slowly asked. Leo nodded, pulling out his class card as he showed it. "Lion King."

Tears built up in his eyes as Leo resigned to his fate. "Hey, what's your clas-" A few adventurers walked up to Leo and asked about his class.

"Oh my! These numbers are insane! Living aside lower then average Intelligence and rock-bottom luck aside. the rest of your stats drastically exceed the average. With these stats, you can easily become a Crusader, a Swordmaster and an Archpriest!"

Everyone instantly forgot about Leo and Kazuma as they crowded around Aqua. "It's too bad Goddess isn't a class, I'll choose Archpriest!"

Later Aqua was shook by Kazuma and chewed out by Leo for showing off.




"That was stressful, I wish I was just making bread again." Leo confessed, rotating his shoulder to ease the pain.

"I know, We didn't even have money, so we couldn't find food." Kazuma nodded as well, they were on their way to their part-time job. It was to make some cash to actually find a place to live in.

Kazuma grunted as he pulled Aqua along with him, she had been shouting that she was hungry and eventually fainted from hunger.

A major relief for Leo and Kazuma. Aqua's eyes slowly opened before she looked at Leo straight in eye, "Hey Leo?" She asked, Leo hummed in confusion.

"Why do I hear clinking sounds coming from you?" She groggily asked, Kazuma stopped before staring at Leo.

Leo's eyes slowly drifted to the front pocket of his baking suit before he pulled out his wallet from his pink apron, He opened it up to see gold coins.

Kazuma leaned over and stared it and soon Aqua joined him. "Leo. Is that Eris Coins?" Kazuma asked stiffly, Leo didn't say anything, having turned deathly silent.

"That's 10,000 Eris." Aqua followed along. They slowly turned to Leo as sweat slowly slid down his face.

"I can explain."

Then one day, Leo couldn't find his wallet.



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