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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Goodbye

"Seriously, to think that healer as useless as you exists!"(Soldier 1)

"His majesty was very angry at this incompetent healer!"(Soldier 2)

The two soldiers then formed a mocking grim and pushed me into the cell. They then proceeded to beat me up as of i was a punching bag.

"Hmm?"(Soldier 1)

"Eh?"(Soldier 2)

Miss! Miss! Miss! Miss! Miss!

Miss! Miss! Miss! Miss! Miss!

[([ ---the soldiers were holding onto mc if ur wondering why he can't doge when they pushed him--- ])]

The soldiers were trying to hot me but they can't even touch my clothes.

"Hahaha, that's not good. A soldier who can't even hit a healer is incapable."(Sakurai)

"Tsk"(Soldier 1)

"How disgusting, let's go!!"(Soldier 2)

"Hahaha, serves you right! I wonder who's the useless one now Mr. soldier who can't even hit a healer"(Sakurai)

I was in the basement of the royal castle. Although it has some mild smell, it is cleaner than I imagined.

There seems to be no lookout nearby so there's no noise. The prison where I was put in has only a hard bed and a toilet. There's only one door at the entrance.

I didn't think it would be called incompetent without checking other status values. Of course I have 100 recovery status value but I didn't tell them.

"It may be better to go on my own than to obey that king considering his attitude."(Sakurai)

You can dare to get hit but i don't like getting hurt that much. That's one of the reasons I chose avoidance healers. Its painful when you get hit. If that's the case, you should avoid it with all your might!

[Regeneration] is an orthodox recovery skill. The amount of recovery per time is not large, but it is possible to continue recovering. It would be common to go to an avant-garde that becomes a wall.

[([----Avant-garde = new and unusual or experimental ideas----])]

" To me [Regeneration] "

I got wrapped in warmth just like when you use heal. Unfortunately, the recoberh effect is still unknown.

I think that it will be possible to grasp thw number of times of use by using it again and again. Since there's no such thing as Magic points, it is unclear how many times can you use magic.

"[Regeneration] [Regeneration] [Regeneration] [Regeneration] [Regeneration] [Regeneration] [Regeneration]"

My whole body is shiny because of the excessive usage of skills.

I tried to us it a few more times, but I can't see any changes in my physical condition. Probably there's no limit to the numner of times i can cast this skill or the amount of mana i have is quite high.

" Because having 50 stat points is considered first class and my recovery value is 100, i think i may be the strongest class in all humanity."

" Fuuaaaaaa...."

Because my whole body is fluffy and warm because of the use of regeneration, i became sleepy.


" I don't think i can sleep well in such a place like this.."

" I think so too, but how much guts does he have to sleep so comfortably in a place like this."

A voice resonates in my ear when I was sleeping comfortably.

It was only after a while that my consciousness was gradually awakening and realized these two people who have visited me are the summoned people with me.


"Good morning"(Takanashi & Watanabe)

I was watching Watanabe-kun and takanashi-san who had changed into the clothes of this world, not the clothes that they were weaeing when they got summoned.

 Mr. Watanabe is in a knight suit because he is a brave. The deep red color looks very cool and elegant.

 Ms. Takanashi is wearing a dress that looks beautiful and the air around her was different too.

 On the other hand, the clothes I was wearing when I was summoned are still the same.

"For the time being, after listening to the whole story, Sakurai-kun got permission to leave the prison, so let's move around."



"No, thank you"(Sakurai)

 I was wondering if I would be abandoned. I'm glas that Watanabe-kun and Takanashi-san helped me.

Watanabe-kun asked me if I was in good health or not hungry.

 A room where Watanabe-kun was staying  was filled with luxurious ornaments, it is not calming at all! It is oo flashy!

"I can't seem to remain calm at a place like this...."(Sakurai)

"To ne honest, I kinda doubt the decorator's sanity now"(Watanabe)


"Oh right, we haven't really had the chance to properly introduce ourselves right? Let me start first. My name is Ren Watanabe, 19 years old "

"I'm Ruri Takanashi, 18 years old."

"Thank you for helping me from jail. My name is Hiroki Sakurai. I 'm 19 years old."

 This is a place called Piznut Kingdom, one of the countries in the Loquat continent where humans live. There are also the apricot continent where the demons live and the tangerine continent where the beasts live.

 Loquat continent is adjacent to the Demon Continent, so many monsters have invaded this territory, and the kings are willing to destroy the Demon King to prevent this continent from falling into ruin.

"The most important thing is to return to Japan, but it seems that the only way to go home is by defeating the demon king."(Watanabe)

"The people here dared to live in luxury while entrusting a bunch of complete strangers to do a very important mission regarding the safety of this continent."(Takanashi)

"Yeah.... Also, even if we defeat the demon king, there's a chance that it won't send us back home.."

"We can't believe we can do luxury and leave important work to others right?"(Watanabe)

"That's what I agree with. I was a little relieved because I thought what would happen if the hero Watanabe-kun was a hot-blooded guy who was used by the kings."(Sakurai)

 When I said that laughing, Watanabe-kun also laughs while saying "Yes?"

"Let's not ne too formal. You can call me Ren."(Watanabe)

"Really? Then please call me Hiroki"(Sakurai)

"Uou can call me Ruri too!"(Takanashi)

 We shook hands with each other and we assured that we will do their best. 

 They told me what I thought while sleeping in prison.

"The kings rely on the heroes too greatly and it's not a good idea to leave the country altogether. If the method they used. to summon us here, then there should be a method of return or similar research."(Sakurai)

"If you ask me, i don't really know. I'm more interested in other races though like demons and beastman."(Takanashi).

"I'm going to stay here for Hiroki ..."(Watanabe)

To be honest, three people moving together is inefficient. However, acting alone is also dangerous

 It makes sense for two people accepted by the king to gather information here so there should be no problems.

"I will be looking for information elsewhere."(Sakurai)

"... but there are many dangers"(Watanabe)

"I am an evasion healer, so there should be no problem at all" (Sakurai)

"Evasion healer?"(Watanabe)

"Now that you mentioned it, you did dump all your stat points into evasion right?"(Takanashi)

"That was the reason why Hiroki was thrown to jail"(Watanabe)

"You see, increansing your evasion means that you won't ever get hit by you enemy's attacks."(Sakurai)

"I see, you're practically invincible then because your enemies can't even hit you plus, even if you get hit, you can always heal yerself right?"(Watanabe)

"I have to get used to this world, so it's hard to go to another continent right away."(Sakurai)

"That's right. I don't think I can find a way to go home right away ..."(Takanashi)

 The three of us are aware that it will be a long battle.



"Thank you for taking me out of jail. I'm surprised that the king allowed me to get out of jail."(Sakurai)

"About that..."(Watanabe)

 I immediately saw Ren rolling his sleeves and showed me his bracelet. There is no decoration on the smooth surface

"I'll tell you this because there's a possibility that I might be bald someday. Actually, I want to keep it secret, but I don't want to hide it because I'm a companion... This is a bangle of a contract. It restricts me of freedom "(Watanabe)

"Huh !? No, no, you ... Ren is restricted !? What kind of contract is it?"(Sakurai)

"It's not so restrictive. It's just that, you can't go to another country without the king 's permission."(Watanabe)

"... damn"(Sakurai)

 However, I can't blame Ren for thinking about me.

 If I didn't take such a ridiculous action, it wouldn't have happened.

 I would find a way to cancel the contract, I swore in my heart.

"I wish I could do something ..."(Takanashi)

"Ruri shouldn't worry about me, because I'm older than you."

 Ruri seems to regret that she wasn't that helpful. Ren noticed it, but he shook his head and said, "I will definitely become stronger."

"I understand the situation for the time being. Well, to say it, my skills are heal and regenerate. Regarding recovery, I have 100 status value so I'm fine."(Sakurai)

"I understand heals, but regenerate?"(Watanabe)

 Explaining the effects of regeneration to Ren, he was quite amazed by the effects. I then proceeded to ask them to tell me their status. Ren seems to allocate his bonus points to attack and defense, and Ruri to magic power and defense.

 The status values ​​are [Attack] for physical attack power, [Magic] for magic attack power, [Recovery] for recovery, [Defense] for defense power, [Accuracy] for accuracy, [Avoidance] Of course avoidance.

([( It seems to me that there is no point in explaining the effects of stats like defense but oh well ])]

"I want to contact you when I have something to say but I don't know how..."

"I understand. Try sending letters to me though i don't know how you will do that but good luck!"(Sakurai)

"Let's move carefully for a while."(Takanashi)

 Saying so, we looked up face to face and then I left the castle.

9A42 9A42

Thier full names:

Ruri Takanashi

Ren Watanabe

Hiroki Sakurai


really author? can't you think of a better name for these continents?!

Do you like food that much?

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