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Chapter 1: The Birth Of A Legend

September 13, 2005

Tokyo, Japan

The previous world champion laid still in her bed, lost in her own thoughts over the blunder she had made. It was a tiny mistake, a miniscule hole in her plan. She forgot the fact that her broken body wouldn't be enough to pull off a perfect [Samsara Rebirth], therefore her current complications as a female infant.

Of course, she was not belittling the female gender for she had seen many strong female warriors in her past. Heck! She had even lost to one. 'Ugh, I'm getting sentimental here.', she pushed her muddled thoughts away and attempted to refocus.

Even with the minor setback, she knew she had to complete her objective: To annihilate the mythos race. The familiar horned devil tried to wrap it's scarlet red hands around Aurora but she quickly calmed herself down. Getting angry over something that had already happened wasn't healthy after all. Instead, she would use that anger as motivation to get stronger.

'There were plenty of spells and cultivation skills I hadn't mastered in my past life. Maybe I could use them now.' her small chubby hand grabbed her even tinier chin. As her previous status as world champion, she had gone to other worlds, passed innumerable hellish trials, and therefore, gained lots of skills.

However, she could not use them as she had decided to be a pure magician out of pride and since most of them weren't compatible with her at all. Oh how ironic that her pride that started her long journey caused her death as well. But, now she had made herself a chance. A chance to redo everything and she would definently made use of it.

Her mind went through the countless, and countless physical and magic spells, cultivation techniques, and battle spells yet eventually, she ended up frustrated. Now, don't get her wrong. All of them were strong as most of them were all Rank 8s and 9s.

But, those were barely enough to hurt the God-Class mythos. No, she needed something stronger and she needed it now. She looked out her crib and towards the glass wall. She smiled at how peaceful the world was currently, then frowned at how 10 years later, the peaceful facade would all fall apart.

'January 1st, 2020. The arrival of the mythos. The day that the world tasted true chaos and started entering the age of extinction. ' Aurora's frown got deeper. She vividly remember the day their peaceful world was ripped open like a box of treasures by the plunderers. 'I need to get stronger quick. To protect myself, my loved ones. And, also. . .her. Now that I've gone back in time, I can't let that happen again.'

Aurora quickly pushed down the torrent of sadness and desire welling up in her heart. She would get to her soon enough and they would fall in love again despite her current. . .complications. Her tiny arms touched her heart and sighed. This time, in this rebirth, she would have an even greater magic power and a stronger body. One that surpasses the laws of the universe itself!

As soon as the pale infant thought that, a link seemed to have connected to her brain as a calm black aura hugged her tiny body. She was in enlightenment and soon after, cursed at how she glimpsed over such a treasure.

[Samsara Body]. An Ex-ranked cultivation technique that, if mastered, would grant the practitioner a body so heaven-defying, it could break the primordial laws of the universe itself and ascend him/her to the beyond. Previously, she had found this in a collapsing, ancient realm but didn't make much of it as it was completely blank.

But now, only after recently gaining enlightenment could she see the contents and the quality of this cultivation technique. She read the contents in her mind and delighted in the simplicity yet profound descriptions.

[Samsara Body]: There are 10 stages to this body cultivation.

[Stage 1 to 3]: Tempers the flesh, bones and skin, making them gain a red hue and harder than diamond.

[Stage 4 to 6]: Tempers the organs, making her senses extremely sharp and also grants her inhuman reflexes.

[Stage 7]: Grants her the [Eye of Samsara] which allows her to se the past, present and future and communicate with intangible beings.

[Stage 8]: Grants her a "Nirvana Rebirth" where she needs to survive through a 9 elemental tribulation. If succeeded, she will come out as strong as a Champion ranked "Gifted".

[Stage 9]: ??

[Stage 10]: ??

After she finished, she released a long breath she didn't realise she had been holding. Even though her comprehension was too low to see beyond stage 8, it was enough. This would be her base way and foundation to gain a strong body and help her physical side of abilities. She already had enough spells and magic theories for the arcane side of her abilities as should be for someone who had the exalted title of Grand Magus.

'Finally. Just you wait, abhorrent mythos. You shall meet your demise soon.' Aurora's pouty killer lips etched upwards as she revelled in the fact that she finally saw a chance of wiping out the entire race of mythos. Soon, very soon she would succeed in her vengence.

But until then, she needed to rest.


March 6, 2011

Tokyo, Japan

Aurora breathed out a sigh of relief as she laid bare in her own sweat, famished after the intense workout she had just finished. After she did her stretches, she went into meditation, relaxing her sore muscles so as to prevent any possible future cramps. It would be her greatest humilation if the cause pf her death was a cramp.

Breathing out gently, she thought over what she had done the past 6 years.

After acquiring the [Samsara Body], she had spent the last six years tempering her body and had finally reached the first stage of the cultivation technique. As soon as she entered the stage, her body was literally on fire due to the sudden influx of energy she was exposed to.

She fell comatose for 1 week. It was fortunate her parents went on a business trip and weren't present to see the spectacle. If they had been there, only god knows how much I'd had been questioned. She wanted to stay as low profile as possible since that was the safest way to gain power quickly.

Also, It was her motto after all. Less attention equalled More Power.

'But then again, I'd probably have to tell them soon anyway. I think they'd like the fact their daughter is a strong Gifted with limitless potential. Or maybe, they'd see me as a freak.' The Ex-Grand Magus loved a very limited amount of people in her life. Her current and past parents being one of them and she could not afford to screw the current loving relationship with her parents.

Aurora went back to the past.

After she had recovered from the aftereffects of her cultivation skill, she immediately felt the effects. Her broken door could testify her statement. She listed down the most obvious changes.

Explosive strength, Supernatural endurance, crystalline beauty, strong regenerative factor. Be it unofficial or not, she had entered the ranks of a Gifted.

But then the side effects started to be visible. One day when she went jogging around a park, a kid who was presumbly the same age as her went up to her to give her flowers, entranced by Aurora's beauty. But, the most shocking thing was the fact that he had called her an "Onee-san". The statement shocked her so much she had a 10 minute long 'out of world' expierence in the middle of the park.

The first thing she did after she returned back to earth was to rush back home and took a deep look at herself in the mirror.

It was true.

The effects of her cultivation skill was great and all but it had a very big disadvantage. She looked way older than her current age then. She looked like a 9 year old when she was but a young-er 6 year old! The troubles and harrassment from perverted old geezers was an annoyance she had learned to live with.

'I still can't believe my parents bought my explanation then.' Coming back to current time, Aurora gently sucked in a breath of mana, allowing her cultivation technique to proceed with it's temperings. She could feel her bone marrows being cleansed, blood being purified and her flesh remolding into steel. 'I really struck gold with this one. But I don't have enough time left. I need to go onto the next step of my plan.'

The young babygirl opened her eyes, revealing two cerulean orbs of emerald. She slowly stood up and walked in front of her mirror and revelled in the toned, naked budding form before her, courtesy of the [Samsara Body]. Her voluminous crimson curls were tied into an elegent ponytail which brushed against her moderate bust.

"Ugh, I really need to shower. I stink.", She sniffed her shoulder and cringed at the foul smell.Trying to find her towel, she opened the curtains, allowing her reddish milky tight body to shower in the sunlight. Then, she walked like the ground was one huge cloud as she advanced into the warm comforts of her shower.

A light sheen of dewy automated rain dripped down the beautiful young girl's deceptive warm body and reached it's destination on the cold, tiled floors. The young Brightburn went into deep thoughts, pondering over her next course of actions.

'I've already established a solid foundation and I'm close to breaking into the second stage. I can feel it.She leaned her head against the wall. 'Hmm. Maybe it's time to practice my magic skills.' She gasped over the warm caress of adam's ale.

She purposely avoided training on her magic side so as to not cause a backlash from practicing in two contrasting energies. She had seen greedy people do it in the past, only to die or suffer from severe injuries from the backlash.

Besides there is no hurry for tempering her magic abilties.

She was Adam Cromswell, the Ex-Grand Magus after all. She commanded magic, not wield them. Magic was her strongest suit and she had worn it like a damn prize. However, on the physical side of things, she was almost clueless which was why she panicked on choosing the perfect body cultivation technique.

The young redhead's fair delicate hands rolled off the shower handle, turning it off. She dried herself with a towel and blew her hair with her hairdryer. Finally decent, she jumped and spreadeagled on her bedsheet, her hands flirting with her hair like they were long seperated lovers.

Meanwhile, her mind tried to think of the fastest way to increase her mana pool and in turn, the ouput of her magic skills.

She sighed. "There's no use thinking too hard about this." Aurora grumbled, before sitting upright suddenly. "Wait a minute. Oh, How could I forget?!"

Her face was flushed from shame. "I haven't even checked my magical affinities yet! To think I'd forget the most important and basic thing in magic. Sweet Gaia, I guess my mind is getting old."

However, this was no surprise. She was had lived out a millenia old life previously and all that memories seemed to have collided with her current memories, resulting in her mind slippin from time to time. Getting back to urgent matters at hand, Aurora Brightburn sat in a lotus posture and closed her eyes.

The scenery changed. It was no longer filled with the colours she was so accustomed to seeing and instead, everything was black, utterly void of anything else.

There was no colour, no nothing. Just cold, empty space that stretched on for miles.

This abnormal situtation caused the young crimson-haired maiden to enter a state of confusion which forced her to out of her inner realm and into reality.

Aurora heaved and wheeezed heavily with beads of sweat rolling down her templates and falling from her chin. "This can't be! I should have at least 1 magical attribute! Even if the backlash of the [Samsara Cycle] was great, surely it couldn't have affected me to this point!"

Her mind raced through the many possibilities and filtered every one of them until a conclusion was made.

"No. . .wait. Perhaps my cultivation technique is intefering with my senses? Or maybe, these are attributes I'm not familiar with. Perhaps, my current status is too weak to even sense them. Either way, there's only one way to find out." The Ex-Grand Magus's brows furrowed as she entered inside her inner realm again.

The familiar empty coldness of the void hit her senses again but this time, she did not panic. It would be the epitome of stupidity to do the same thing and expect different results after all. She fortified her senses and sent out a telepathic wave much like an echo towards the empty void and simply waited.

1 minute. . .

5 minutes. . .

30 minutes. . .

Even after an hour passed by, Aurora still patiently waited for any reaction. After 2 hours passed by, she sensed a familiar energy source, nay, sources within her inner realm. It was game.

She immediately sent out an ethereal hook, comprised of all her willpower as she pulled her prey. Yet it was proving to be a difficulty. A very huge difficulty. The prey was by no means slippery, just extremely heavy. Frustration soon built up in Aurora's chest.

'I am an Ex-World Champion and Grand Magus. I have been subjected to far worse eldritch horrors and pains. I will not, by the mercy of all that is real, lose to my own magic!' She fiercely yelled out in her mind and pulled the chain with all her mental might.

Soon enough, she was able to see a giant orb of a multitude of colours in the horizon which only motivated her to pull harder. The distance got shorter and shorter yet her strength remained consistent, never underestimating her own soon-to-be magic.

Soon enough the giant orb was before Aurora. Giant would be an understatement. It was titanic.

But Aurora had no fear. "Serve your Lord! Assimilate!," The titanic rainbow coloured orb of magic dwarfed Aurora for a brief second before quickly getting devoured by the young maiden's depraved hunger. It resisted her assimilation for a while but the Ex-Grand Magus was far too hungry.


An inelegent sound escaped the young maiden's lips as she stroke her belly with satisfaction. Auroroa floated amidst the void black realm with contempt and was ready to sleep for a while. But, fate was not so kind.

"Ugh! My belly-", Aurora clenched her stomach, her face contorting into a snarl. Her ephemeral skin flashed the multitutude of colours, expanded & contracted and looked as if she was going to burst. It felt as though someone was gouging out her insides slowly so as to extend the torture.

'Shit!' She could only swore in her mind as the intense pain forced her to relinquish any other thoughts. She gritted her teeth, trying her best to endure the mental pain. 'I. . .can't die like. . .this! I still have too many things left I need to do!'

"My name is Aurora Brightburn. Ugh. I am. . .the saviour of Humanity and it's Judge. As long as there is life in my breast, I will not. . .die!", Aurora declared out loud into the empty void.

From Aurora, an explosion of a mutitude of colours immediately burst into life, repainting the dull void with joy, colour and sound. The scenery changed from nothingness to a massive field of gold. Flowers of colour danced around a young maiden with the mischievious wind as the golden sun shone on them, giving them the spotlight they deserved while the clouds lazily drifted high and slow, relishing in the aura of youthfulness of the kids.

It was a wholesome scene even God would appreciate.

"Mm?", the young beautiful maiden with hair that dripped blood stirred into life as the joyful scenery hushed. She slowly tried to stand up, her mind still dizzy from what could be the equivalent of an unheavenly alcohol. After a few moments of steadying herself, she looked around her.

Her expression went from confusion to shock to utter joy until finally, the excitement caused her to dance around the garden of God. The young maiden calmed down soon enough and put on an expression of focus. She closed her eyes and reached out her dainty hands.

"Come out, my beautiful children.", a breathful whisper escaped her crimson lips. Responding to the call of their mother, orbs of 7 different colours came into existence and snuggled against Aurora. The pressure and light they gave off was enough to cause Aurora to open her eyes. She saw her children for the first time and screamed in excitement.

They were of the colour; red, blue, brown, grey, yellow, white and black.

Fire: The element that bestowe the ability of pyrokinesis and most known for it's destructiveness.

Water: The element that bestowe the ability of hydrokinesis and most known for it's adaptiveness.

Earth: The element that bestowe the ability of Cholorokinesis and most known for it's durability. Grants the ability to listen to Gaia's words.

Air: The element that bestowe the ability of Aerokinesis and therefore, flight. It is also most known for it's deadliness.

Lightning: The element that bestowe the ability of Fulgurkinesis and most known for it's savageness.

Light: The element that bestowe the ability of Ictiokinesis and most known for it's speed & it's fundamental consistency in the makeup of reality.

Darkness: The element that bestowe the ability of Erebokinesis and most known for it's very diverse applications. It is also a fundamental consistency in the makeup of reality.

The reason behind her excitement was because she had obtained the freaking primary and most fundamental elements of the universe. The elements that started the big bang and therefore, everything along with it.

In her past life, she had rose to the level of Grand Magus with but 4 elements: Fire, Earth, Darkness, Light yet now, she had seven. Oh, the things she would create and do now. She could already see the defeated looks on all her enemies.

She thought back to the excruciating pain required to receive these 7 elements. "It was definently worth it. No pain, No gain after all.", she grinned, already thinking on the various elemental skills and abilities she would create.

She flew up and looked at the little puddle of crystalline water situated in the center of her golden mind realm. "But first, I definently need to increase my mana pool." She did not panic however. This was her domain after all.

She flew higher in the sky until she reached the clouds. She drifted lazily with them while sorting out the countless ways of increasing mana. It took a while until a smile finally appeared on Aurora's stiff face.

"I need to first secure or create a private location. The second step would be to set up a mana gathering array using my earth and wind elements. The third step would be to carry out the my ingenious plan, aka, mana pool expansion. Umu. Sounds like a plan." The crimson maiden nodded to herself, satisfied with the proceedings.

She looked around herself, finally realising how beautiful her world of surrender was. It could literally be mistaken as a field of gold and the particular colour made her long for the love of her life.

She looked melachonic and sighed. "Well. It's time to leave.", With but a thought she vanished into thin air, any trace of her erased from existence.


December 31st, 2012

???, ???

Inside a large room decorated to the brim with luxurious magical antiques and toys, laid a dazed young maiden. The girl had long golden locks that flowed along the room, almost as if she was a replica of rapunzel. She was surrounded by gold, silver and countless priceless objects yet that was all it was to her. Objects. Inanimate materials.

Since young, she had been kept in this hollow castle with but her maids and mother. As the only daughter of the duchess, she had been expected to be nothing short of perfect. She had been forced to put up with lessons so mind-taxing she wondered the sanity of her mind.

For Gaia's sake, she was only 6 years old! However, this pressure since young had been a tradition for her family lineage. A ritual. A burden she was forced to carry in exchange for wealth and status. A trade she would give up with a big smile but couldn't.

A frosty sigh sparked into life from the youngling's parted lips. She looked off into the frozen hilly distance from the big glass wall, wondering when the prince of her dreams would come save her. 'No. It is foolish to have those thoughts. I should get back to work. Mum needs them in haste.'

Goldilocks sat back down on her desk chair, comically indulging herself in the tower of papers she needed to finish. She worked away without a care for time or her health. All was for the sake of the innocent common people. Her people.

Such was the life of a royalty.

Such was the burden of a royalty.


Tokyo, Japan

Brightburn Household

The Brightburn family was quietly but happily munching on the large roasted pork that Mizuki Hanayome Brightburn, the mother of the family cooked for this special occasion.

"Wifey, You really outdid yourself with this feast! As expected of my darling wife!" The patriach of the family, Alexander Brightburn, said as he gobbled down the special meat with gutso.

Mizuki smiled wearily. "Eat slowly, you big oaf. Leave some for your daughter too." Alexander stopped devouring the food, glancing towards his daughter.

Aurora just smiled and said, "At the very least, leave the chicken for me, dad." . The signal for Alex to keep eating was sent as he took the approval with much glee. 'I'll give him 5 minutes, 10 tops to devour the entire pork.' The mischievious daughter stifled her laughter when she saw her father choke on some ribs.

"Anyways, We're so sorry we didn't have enough time for you, my little flame. You know how work is nowadays. ." Her mother cooed, using the nickname her mother always stored for apologies.

Focusing her attention on her mom, the little flame flailed her dainty palms around. "It's fine. I understand that both of you are working hard to keep this household steady."

Her mother's expression brightened. "Un! As expected, our daughter is so smart! Right, dear?"

"Of course, honey!", Her father nodded, ketchup stains stuck all over his beard. 'Woah. 4 minutes. New record.' Aurora's eyes perked up in minor shock.

The mood tensed. "But anyways, there's something we both have to tell you.", Alexander said steely, the ketchup stains already wiped off by his wife. "You already know that your mother and I are Gifteds, right?"

Aurora nodded. They had already told her this piece of information 2 months ago on the night of her father's birthday.

Mizuki joined in. "Well, your father and I have discussed about this and we've decided to give you a more elaborate description of the Gifted world or otherwise known as Gaia's Dream."

Aurora's eyebrows quirked. "You see. Earth, or Gaia as we currently dubbed it nowadays went under a great mutation at January 1st, 2000. It is also more commonly known as 'The Great Evolution'. It threw the world into chaos´as "mana" and therefore, magic and supernatural powers were introduced." Mizuki took a breather, signalling her husband to continue.

Her father complied and stood up. "Soon after, portals to other realms started appearing in earth. The human race, driven by curiousity, explored them and therefore, the existence of "Gifteds" was established."

He paced around the kitchen. "To maintain order in the chaotic world, a world alliance was founded by the 7 strongest "Gifteds", each representing their own continents. The Alliance was then named, 'The Confederation of World Peace.' The world regained order and stability."

" And ever since then, Gifteds have integrated with the general society and lived in peace." Mizuki gave her husband a cough. " Well, most of them do anyways. But don't think they're normal just because of that. Most of them are the most successful people in the world as the treasures and magic materials they looted are sold for a high price."

The patriach of the Brightburn family sat back down on his chair, and leaned his head down on closed fists. He dug his head deeper into his fist and looked straight at Aurora, his only daughter. " So, that brings us to our next topic. We want to see if you are a Gifted. Mizuki."

The matriach took something from her pocket and presented it to her husband. He took it and held it in one hand. 'His hands are shaking?' The emerald eyed maiden noticed before placing her attention on the object on her father's open palm.

"A. . .marble?" The crystal, antique looking marble in Alex's hands gleamed with pride.

Her father corrected her, " A detection marble. Just as the name states, it will detect a Gifted's potential once he/she place their hand on it. It will then show a numerical value from 1 to 100, with 1 being the lowest value and 100 being the highest." He put it back on the kitchen table and stood up.

"Come here, Aurora. Before we do that, we have to give you a proper rebirth.", Mizuki Hanayome Brightburn beckoned her daughter over with a strict face. Her beautiful daughter obeyed, feeling like her legs were attached to a mountain as she took every step closer to the marble that would finalize her fate.

Now make no mistake, Aurora was a very mentally old and wise being but as she lived out her current new life, she felt like a young girl every now and then. She knew that the moment she touched the marble, she could no longer back out for fate would always find a way to make her face her destiny.

The distance between her and her father was but a mere 10 metres but it felt like 10 kilometres. With each step she took, she saw a scene of her past. It felt like a theme park ride though her memory lane. But, eventually it reached it's end at the scene of her death.

Adam Cromswell, no, Aurora Brightburn felt familiar with the disgusting, bileful forbidden emotions again. Oh how could she had forgotten the loathing, anger and hatred she felt towards herself and the. . .mythos? Oh how could she had forgotten the promises she made to herself?

She had sworn to kill the very gods themselves.

She had sworn to save the love of her life.

She had sworn to finish the old, old war the universe had forced her race into and finally just. . .retire.

'Today is the day I start my journey. Today is the day I am truly born. The day a legend is born. The day a saviour is born.' Aurora finally felt one with herself as she took the last step to start her legend. She looked up at her father's standing figure, a fiery glint of determination burning in her eyes.

Alex no longer required anymore words of confirmation from her daughter. The intense, stubborn look his daughter was giving him was enough. "I see. Then, say the words of wisdom with me."

"I announce. I am one who will lead a life of victory and blood."

"I announce. I am one who will lead a life of victory and blood."

A lapis gale of mana blew across the room as ancient symbols started to etch itself in the thin sheet of reality.

"And with the words of wisdom and authority that is mine by right,"

"And with the words of wisdom and authority that is mine by right,"

The gale turned into a violent storm that blew every furniture apart as the ticking of time was heard from all directions. A pressure so immense was forced onto Aurora that made her knees buckle. But, she withstood it and continued to recite the words.

"I shall rid the worlds of it's evil and claim the throne of good!"

"I shall rid the worlds of it's evil and claim the throne of good!"


The symbols in the room hummed with approval as they removed themself from the air and shredded the entirety of Aurora's left arm, carving themselves into it. "Ugh.", She groaned in pain, a river of blood dripping from her arm and eventually forming into the words, "Gifted".

The bloody scene eventually ended without leaving any trace of it ever happening except the blessed mark on Aurora's left arm. She flexed her left arm, amused in the way her old friend was saying hello on her arm.

Alex coughed. "How do you feel, Aura?"

Aurora took her time answering, enveloping herself in the warm blanket of power coursing through her veins. She felt stronger. "I feel. . .good, dad. I can also hear something. A soft beautiful melody playing in my ears."

Mizuki answered with a proud smile. "Good. That means your affinity with nature is strong enough to hear Gaia's heartbeat. At the very least, we now know you have 1 strong affinity." Her daughter nodded. "Is that so?" Of course, Aurora already knew the answer but as she mentioned it before.

Less attention equals more power.

"Or maybe more. Of course, there's only one way to find out." Alex gestured to the crystal marble lying patiently on the kitchen table.

With no hesitation, Aurora took her first clumsy steps as a Gifted and a newborn of Gaia. Unlike the slow, heavy, undetermined steps she took before, she realised the distance between her and the marble was quite short. In a blink of an eye, she faced her fate and grabbed the crystal marble.

The pairs of eyes in the room feared to blink, wanting to witness an extraordinary shine coming from the marble or a brilliance dwarfing the sun to fill the room. Expectations and therefore, pressure was extremely high.


The crystal marble broke.



The response was overwhelming.

". . .Eh?" Aurora was the first one to pop the bubble of silence. She looked at her parents. The cofusion was evident on their face. She could also see happiness? Something was wrong. Both with her parent's reaction and the crystal marble.

"Ah! Don't be dissapointed honey! There's other occupations like doctors, scientists or a normal person!" Her mother quickly added.

Alex also joined in with a big smile on his face. "Y-yeah! Being a Gifted is filled with terrible dangers after all-"

"Dear!" Mizuki shushed.

Alex had a look of apology on his face. "Sorry!"

"Mom. Dad." Their daughter looked at them with a blank stare. "Do you not want me to be a glorious Gifted?"

Both of them looked at each other and sighed. "Look, it's not that we don't want you to be a Gifted. it's just that you have to understand, honey. There's a lot of dangers that are included in the occupation of a Gifted. . .",Mizuki said.

Alex looked down at the large, sewn gash on his chest and grimaced. "And sometimes, those dangers could end your life in the blink of an eye. We wouldn't know what to do if that were to happen to you, my little flame."

The Ex-Magus calmly looked at her crestfallen parents. 'They must have been worrying over me for a long time. I can't believe I never noticed.' She cursed inwardly. 'But even then, I cannot change the path that has already been laid down for me. There's too many lives at stake for me to simply quit.'

She walked over to her parents and pulled them down to carefully embrace them in her moderate bosom. "I understand. But Dad, wasn't it you who told me to become a strong warrior so that we can chase the sunset together?"

Her father's weary mind flashed back to the time his daughter was 3 years old and gave her that promise on the summit of a mountain. Tears started to well up in his eyes.

Aurora continued. "And Mom, wasn't it you who wanted me to live without a care in the world? I'm still holding onto the promise to catch you some beautiful butterflies and build a Garden of flowers."

Her mother remembered when her little flame was but a mere babygirl, still suckling on her. She remembered how feeble and vulnerable her babygirl was. Even when her eyes were clouded with tears, she could see the respectable young adult her baby had grown into. And, she could not be more proud.

"I love you both too much to die this early in life. That's why, the most I can ask of you both is to put your faith in me." , Their matured daughter promised with a gentle smile. Both her parents immediately broke down, their tears carrying a parent's pride.

They snuggled in their daughter's comforting bosom for a while, afraid that their daughter would leave them. . .and this earth. No, they could not think that. Their daughter promised them and they would be the worst parents in the world if they didn't let her go.

After a while, they released themselves from their daughter and were ready to face their greatest fear. The proud look on both of her parent's face was more than enough to also make Aurora feel proud that she had such great parents.

"Besides, you don't need to worry. I am more than capable enough to brave through Gaia's dream. I am Aurora Brightburn after all. The proud daughter of the two Crimson Deaths after all. A mere crystal wouldn't be enough to predict my potential.", Aurora said with a devious smile.

"What do you me-?" The question was stuck in Mizuki's throat.

The scenery and pressure before them was so shocking that both of them imagined they had cried so much, they went stupid. Or perhaps, a Gifted casted an illusion on the both of them. Regardless. with the shock, pride and glee soon followed.

The dark lighting had turned bright from the mere radiance of the 7 orbs of power floating above their daughter's head. Mischievious Crackles of pure energy surged through each of them, sometimes tasting the small little things in the room. The room felt like it was on a constant buzz due to the pulsing heartbeat of the 7 orbs. The excitement of Aurora's children soon died down as they nuzzled against their mother.

"You-You're a 7 elemental?!", Alex screamed in utter shock. 

"Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Lightning. . .The elements that make up nature itself. No wonder you had such high affinity with Gaia. And, to think you even got light and darkness. The two elements that laid the foundation of reality. This is quite. . .shocking." Mizuki rubbed her eyes, not believing her eyes.

The look of shock on her parents caused an unknown feeling inside her to well up to the surface. Pride. 'Maybe I can show off a little more..' She sent a telepathic message to her faithful children who gathered up in response. Crackles of golden lightning arced as profound void enveloped the merging orbs.


The pressure of the resulting colourless, steamy orb of power was enough to break the thin sheet of reality and shatter it like glass fragments. The limitless gravitational pull of empty space ensued. Yet, the ghost-like orb of pure, unadultered power hovered still above it's mother like a protective wolf, daring anything in creation to be hostile.

Alex and Mizuki, on the other hand, didn't have the luxury to stay shocked at their daughter as they were busy maintaining their Aegis from the vortex of space. Any thoughts or reactions were ignored in favour of survival.

"Come back to me, Little Chaos." The void in space reformed itself, returning reality to it's fake state as the truthful orb went back home. Alex and Mizuki immediately fell to their knees panting, any doubt they had over their daughter erased from their mind. Their daughter just sighed, seeing a long future of explanation she owed to her parents.

Such was the life of the BrightBurn Family.

Such was the life of Aurora Brightburn.


Author: Ahem Ahem. Greetings to every one of my faithful readers. This will be the start of the many monthly interview sessions featuring a character from the novel, "Towards the Beyond'! This is to mainly to satisfy any lingering want and cure your confusions.

Author: Anyways, let's start off the monthly session featuring the beautiful, mighty Ex-Grand Magus herself, Aurora Brightburn!

Aurora: Thank you for inviting me onto the interview, Author-san. It's a pleasure to be here.

Author: Delightful. Now then, let's get on with our thoughts. What did you first think of when you returned back to the past?

Aurora: Well, to be honest. I was scared at first.

Author: Scared? You?

Aurora: *smiles* Yes, of course. Even the mightiest heroes have fears. Mine was screwing everything up even after I got the chance to redo everything. But. . .it all worked out in the end, didn't it? Haha, I think you might have even went a little overboard with giving me the elements of nature. Won't the readers complain?

Editor: Yes, maybe. But if you think you're OP with just that, then you have a long way in front of you, Aura-chan.

Author: Ohh, no spoilers now Panda. But, he is correct. In a world where the impossible becomes possible, you have to train a lot harder than you do correctly. You could die after all.

Aurora: I see. I understand. Just don't make my life too overbearing, Author-san.

Author: No promises~

Editor: Just don't bite off more than you can chew and you'll be alright. I know you're in a hurry but all of your gained powers will be for naught if you just die in the end, right?

Aurora: Yes, editor-san. I will kill everyone that stands in my path.

Author: Okay! That will end the interview section of this novel. I hope you guys enjoy the novel and if you do, don't forget to give it a lot of love and kindness. See yah~


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