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Chapter 35: Chapter 35

The silence stretched endlessly at Grimmauld Place before there was a sharp crack.

"Master Snape, Master Draco and Master Bill are awake." Dobby who had popped up from Godric's Hollow told them and all of them except Blaise and Pansy apparated to Godric's Hollow.

"Blaise, Pansy, both of you be here just in case the other Slytherins want anything and I will ask the Twins and Charlie to come here in a few minutes and be with you alright?" Arran asked them and they nodded glaring at Ron and Ginny.

"Please what is wrong with Bill?" Ginny's voice came very softly just when Arran was about to apparate away.

"He was hurt by Bellatrix Lestrange and was in a healing coma until now." Arran told her and not waiting for her answer apparated away to Godric's Hollow.

Pansy and Blaise glared at Ginny and turned away and sat down to wait for news about Draco and Bill.


Harry was looking a bit better after Snape's administrations but was feeling miserable inside. He could not even imagine the betrayal he had felt at Ron's speech. Of all people he had called Arthur Weasley a failure, a man who stood so tall and lived by his very strict moral code, all because his father did not have the bloody galleons to buy new clothes for the git that was his son.

Snape and Arran had not left his side and after they came to Godric's Hollow they went down silently to the basement where Draco and Bill were. Both of them had woken up and Harry hung back as the Weasleys crowded around him.

Ria had run to Draco who was groaning slightly and seeing her he smiled. Arran left Harry to check up on Draco and Harry removed Snape's hand that was holding him tightly and pushed him forward.

"Go and check up on them. I will be in the living room Sev. If they see me like this they will ask questions I cannot face right now." he told him softly and not waiting for an answer ran up.

Snape saw him run up and went to Bill and ran his wand and found he was fine. He summoned the necessary potions and gave it to Molly and went to Draco and repeated the same, handing his potions to Ria.

Arran had already checked Draco and was now running his wand over Remus who was still sleeping. Snape came to him and both of them saw that he was still in a healing coma, though his vitals were now functioning better and both of them went up not waiting for anyone else.

The Weasleys were with Bill though they were very silent and in a few minutes after the potions were given, and both Bill and Draco were sleeping, all of them trooped up utterly defeated by the events of the evening.

Harry was there sitting on the ground with Snape and Arran sitting on either side of him. Hermione who had been very silent after shouting at Ron was sitting opposite Harry looking as miserable as all of them felt. Hearing the Weasleys coming up Harry flushed. "Mr. Weasley I am sorry to have hit Ron and Percy."

Molly sat down in front of Harry and pulled him into a bone crushing hug. "Once more I hear you apologizing for Ron's mistakes, I will hex you." Tears rolled down her eyes, "We will not discuss them now Harry. We still have to face You-Know-Who. We will finish that before we tackle them."

"They have made their positions very clear Harry. If it weren't for the fact these kids will be publicly shamed if I disowned them, I would have done so today. It is very clear they do not want to be part of the Weasley family and are ashamed of the Weasley name. Good luck to them. This is the way I am and I am afraid I cannot change my principles for anybody, not even my children who see me as a failure both as a father and as a man." Arthur was very bitter and very clear of his stance.

"Why should we change dad? We have done nothing. If anyone has to change today I would say it is those three, Voldemort and Dumbledore. With such a mindset I cannot even blame Dumbledore for leading them astray." Charlie said furiously his voice very tight.

"Come Harry, I am going to give you a dreamless sleep potion and I will not listen to any arguments." Snape told him and looking around he continued, "I think all of us should have a dose of the sleeping potion. We have to be fresh for tomorrow. We cannot let these emotions affect us now when we are so close to winning tomorrow. Come on all of you. We will talk after tomorrow."

Arran sent Charlie and the Twins who were very silent now-a-days to Grimmauld Place to be with Pansy and Blaise to avoid trouble and McGonagall also offered to go with them as a precaution.

Harry was asleep in two minutes and Snape and Arran went to the basement to keep watch on the sleeping patients there. They came down from Harry's room deeply disturbed and were about to go to the basement when James called out to Snape from his portrait. All the three of them had witnessed the horrible scene at Grimmauld Place and Harry had not even looked up at them and the sorrow etched in his face made James, Sirius and Lily want to kill Ron, Percy and Ginny.

The way Harry had cried out from the bottom of his heart of how much he had lost because his parents and Sirius were not there for him when he was young had made them cry once again, a cry in frustration, a frustration that they could do nothing for their child.

"Severus?" James now called to Snape and both Snape and Arran stopped on their way to the basement.

"How is Harry?" Lily asked him anxiously.

"Fine Lily. He should be alright tomorrow. He will be." Snape told her trying to reassure him self at the same time.

"How could that boy say those words?" Sirius raged, "How upstanding Arthur is and much Harry has gone through, can Ron not see it, the git. He was so cruel today the jealous pig."

"Yes but it is okay Black. Harry will be fine once we get through safely tomorrow and put all this behind us. It is not as if he has to interact with Weasley and his sister on a daily basis as he did this year. Now there will be no pretending and no acting. It will be alright." Snape told them and went down.

James, Sirius and Lily were not convinced but they did not say anything more. It was imperative Harry, Snape, Arran and the others kept their cool for one more day and so they did not argue or curse Ron more as they dearly wanted to.


Harry woke up late the next day and wondered why he was feeling so tense and very sad. The next minute he remembered and turned around and slumped face first into his pillow.

After sometime Harry slowly got up, washed and put on the special robe Snape and Arran had been making for him. They had bought a lovely forest green robe made of dragon hide that had already been charmed to stay feather light always at Madame Malkins.

Then Snape and Arran had got to work. They had chanted the ancient magic and placed layer by layer of protective spells and had locked them in. This would protect Harry from most of the ordinary spells and even a few dark ones.

Then they set to placing many protective spells against Dark Arts, Blood Magic and Black Magic. So Harry would be protected by the basic spells and a few nasty ones of the Dark and Black Magic. Harry him self had placed a lot of protection spells against Parcel Magic and he had also spelled his wand against the summoning charm.

Snape had made a trip to the Potter's vault, (he was able to do so because Harry had keyed in both Snape and Arran into the wards of the vault after he made them sole beneficiaries to the Potter and Black fortunes) and had brought many wands and had made Harry choose the most compatible wand. Harry had chosen one that had been most comfortable for him. That wand happened to be that of his grandfather Harold Potter and Snape had also spelled that against the summoning charm and had bound that wand to Harry just like his own wand.

Now Harry wore that robe and fastened his two wand holsters and placed his wands in both of them and tried experimentally a few times to check if they were smooth and satisfied about their quickness to fall into his hands and then went down.

Snape and Arran and indeed all the other Weasleys were up and early and in fact though Harry did not know it, Snape and Arran had not gone to bed at all, making a great many preparations. Arran had left with Charlie, Ria and Moody well before lunch to prepare a huge dome at Hogwarts. Arran had looked at the School but had declined Dumbledore's invitation to look around saying he would wait until Harry would have the time to show him around.

They had along with Dumbledore, McGonagall and Charlie who had come from Grimmauld Place and Amelia Bones from the Ministry had been working hard to create shields and also wards to make sure that the killing curse would not go through them and into the crowd that had already started gathering at the gates since yesterday.

Now the lines stretched as far as Hogsmeade and more and more people were pouring in. Arran and Ria were heavily disguised and they created walls made of conjured stone and locked them into place. Then he made the stones see – through thus allowing the crowds to be able to see through them.

The killing curses and the dark curses would bounce off the stones and shatter them and Arran solved the problem of repairing them instantly by making Dumbledore call the magic of Hogwarts herself, so that they would be replaced that very instant so that the next killing curse would not hit the spectators and they would be protected and the dueling arena completely enclosed and covered.

The Quidditch pitch itself was enlarged to three times its size to allow Harry and Voldemort to have the necessary space for dueling. Apparition wards were removed inside the dueling arena so that the opponents could apparate to escape a curse if they wanted to.

The whole process of warding took almost three hours to complete and then the crowds were let in and were allowed to sit all around the pitch where the stands had been modified into larger ones that completely encircled the pitch.

Harry in the meantime had gone to lunch and found Draco, Bill and Snape there. He smiled at his parents and Sirius and hugged Snape and Hermione and stopped when he saw a rather weak Draco and Bill sitting there.

"Hey guys how are you both?" he asked them.

"Great Harry, only sore." Draco said and Bill nodded tiredly.

Snape pushed Harry on to the sofa and asked Dobby to bring him food. Hermione came and sat close to him holding the plate Dobby brought with one hand and holding Harry's arm with her another arm.

Harry smiled and he ate in silence and relaxed completely leaning his head on Hermione's shoulder. All of them sat in silence until Arran and Ria came back. Ria squealed to see Draco awake and then slowly the Weasleys came in. Moody and McGonagall came in to wish Harry and then left for Grimmauld Place to be with the Slytherins there. They would join Arthur and those going to Hogwarts later.

At a quarter to five Harry stood up and took the portkey that Arran had brought with him and hugged Arran, Snape and then turned to Hermione. He had not spoken at all and the others had not forced him to.

"See you later Hermione." Harry told her and slowly leaned in and kissed her on her lips softly for the first time.

"Be safe and return to us Harry." She told him trembling and smiling with difficulty through her tears.

"Take care Harry and be sure to return." Arran told him in a voice that was not quite steady and he hugged him fiercely.

Harry smiled and looked long at Sirius and then at his parents and turning to Snape he hugged him once more, "Thanks for everything Sev."

"Oh no you don't." Snape told him shakily. "You come back here and thank me after Voldemort is gone. Now I will not accept anything from you. Take care Harry." Snape kissed him on his forehead and then Harry stepped back and disappeared.

Snape sank to his knees.

"He will be alright Severus." Hermione told him softly. "You just see, Harry will come back victorious."

No one answered and all of them sat down for the long wait.


Harry had portkeyed to Hogwarts five minutes before Voldemort would come there and he saw almost the entire Wizarding World in the stands. A loud cheer started when they noticed Harry in the middle of the pitch and Harry simply stood there waiting for Voldemort to arrive. Harry him self could not hear the cheers because Arran had placed the whole pitch under the silencing charm and had also added privacy charms so that no one from the crowd would be able to hear the conversation between Harry and Voldemort if there was any.

He smiled and gave a small wave to the people seated there. He saw the Weasleys and Ron and Ginny and Percy seated there also. McGonagall had told him Mr. Weasley had insisted so that they could see just what Harry was against and by binding his powers how much of damage they could have done. They were seated slightly apart from the other Weasleys and looked very tense.

Dumbledore and his Order were also having front seats with the best members of the auror force in the front. There was another group of aurors patrolling the rear and there were very wide pathways so that in case Voldemort brought dementors or vampires the aurors from the front could reach behind and defend.

If Voldemort would bring any creature with him into the arena, then Harry's portkey would take him back to Godric's Hollow and Harry had decided to call for the life debt.

Ten minutes later there was another person in the arena with Harry and the crowds stilled.

The most hated and feared person in the Wizarding World had arrived.

Lord Voldemort

He was also wearing shimmering robes of green and stood tall and confident. He was smiling nastily and his red eyes were gleaming with an emotion of superiority and something else that Harry could not quite understand.

Hello Harry Potter, good evening." He smirked at Harry who inclined his head but did not answer back. Harry had his wand in his hand already and was so alert he was quivering.

"Good evening Voldemort." Harry replied.

"I realize I will be killed here one way or another, so I have decided to take you with me when I go. Avada kedavra."

A sickening green light sped towards Harry who conjured a snake to take it for him and pulling a shield wandlessly, he cast his first curse at Voldemort right on the heels of the killing curse not answering Voldemort's statement about taking him down with him.

"Parsa boila parsa," Harry called in a clear and firm voice and not waiting cast the stunner right after.

Voldemort dodged the first one and threw up a shield for the second.

"Shyekiars," Voldemort hissed in Parseltongue, a curse that would break all the joints.

Harry threw up a shield and when the curse broke through it, apparated to the side to avoid it, which he did narrowly and fired a blood boiling curse at Voldemort and followed that by a blood seeping curse. Voldemort easily banished it and sent his compliments with three killing curses that made Harry apparate and jump as he sent the next curse rolling on the ground from the third killing curse.

"Mindus boggatus," screamed Harry and a boggart sped towards Voldemort, a boggart that would attack the mind. Voldemort banished it with ease and then sent his own curse.

Then the real fight started. The above spells were a warm up to gauge the opponent and now both Harry and Voldemort knew that they were pretty equally matched. Harry had more raw power while Voldemort had far more experience and extensive knowledge of the Dark Arts and Blood Magic and black magic spells. And so the fight began in earnest.

Voldemort was very nimble on his feet and he ran and jumped and shielded just like Bellatrix had two days back and Harry was astounded that at this age Voldemort was able to run and roll as he did.

And run and roll and apparated here and there both of them did with the breathless crowd who had their hearts in their mouth following the sickening flashes of green, red, orange, blue and white flashing fierce and fast from the opponents.

An hour into the duel Harry started using both his wand and his left hand for continuous spell casting.

Voldemort was amazed at the power Harry was exhibiting and now could understand how he defeated Bellatrix. Harry was now throwing killing curses left, right and center as well, though he was way ahead of Harry getting one killing curse to every third curse.

Harry invariably conjured a target or rolled over just like he did and he had even tried to aim the curse a little off so that he may get Harry as he rolled over to avoid but until now Harry had rolled over successfully as he.

But it was tiring and as time went by both the opponents was frustrated. Harry's raw power was keeping him standing and his reflexes were saving him from the curses that broke his shield or the killing curse that could penetrate any shield.

"Arrowsus bardutidus," hissed Voldemort and a stream of sharp pointed poisoned arrows screamed towards Harry who hurriedly leviated him self up in the air and the arrows screeched and smashed and shattered into the walls almost totally destroying the wall and all the people who were sitting where the arrows smashed screamed and there was a minor stampede as all of them tried to run back.

From above even as he jumped down and rolled out of the way of a killing curse that came towards him Harry whispered, "Serpensortia and conjured an anaconda that looked just like Nagini. Voldemort screamed when he saw Harry conjure his familiar who had died and cast a powerful crucio that just missed Harry by a whisper and smashed behind.

Harry was tempted to conjure a basilisk but held back because he was not sure Voldemort would get the idea and conjure one himself if he managed to banish Harry's away.

Harry rolled away from the cruciatus that missed him by a whisper and shouted a blood freezing charm at Voldemort who jumped out of the way in anger.

Outside the crowds were being treated to a fight that if it weren't so serious and if their fate and that of their world had not depended upon the fate of the winner, would have been enthralled and would have enjoyed it far better. Now they were watching with their hearts in their mouths and praying that Harry Potter would win and if he did die, please, please he would take the evil down with him.

All those on Harry's side were terrified and were watching the fight progress without either opponent giving an inch. But they could not do anything and Arthur and the others watching in the arena had their earrings turned off because they had not wanted any conversation that they may be forced to have with others who were with them disturb Harry.

Those in Godric's Hollow were terrified. They had heard Voldemort's comments and Snape had almost stopped breathing. Voldemort was going to do what Harry had planned to do to him, if Voldemort had not sent the letter about the horcrux and the horcrux itself.

They did not talk and communicate with the others in the room; all of them had heard it and Hermione had had to press her hand hard against her mouth to stop gaping aloud or shrieking in terror. Arran had gripped the arms of the chair he had been sitting in so tightly he was fast losing circulation in his arms.

Snape did not dare say anything, there was the portkey that would bring Harry away when injured above a certain level but the portkey would work if he got in the way of a deadly curse that would render him dead. Snape shivered and brought his arms around, tightly hugging himself.

They had been sitting there for more than three hours now and Snape, Arran and the others had yet to even shift a little from their places let alone move.

Ron, Ginny and Percy were terrified at the duel, no the battle they were witnessing.

Ron remembered his father's very cold words to him before they were given a portkey to Hogwarts.

"This is a portkey that will take you three to your seats at Hogwarts to watch Harry and Voldemort duel. If only Harry's powers had been released before now, Sirius would not have died. Please think on that. You told me he was always rushing into situations. Yes that is true and Harry has, not listening to any of us has rushed into this duel with Voldemort swearing that while he will do his utmost to kill Voldemort, if he fails, he will using his magic will at least take him down with him and save all of us who certainly do not deserve his sacrifice."

"Father," Percy had begun.

"What is it Percy? Surely you are not going to suggest Harry's power being bound for this duel also are you?" Arthur had dripped ice and had left abruptly.

Now three hours into the duel and Percy, Ron and Ginny were beginning to understand the level of betrayal they had indulged in by listening to the Headmaster. And they had not budged in their stance even when they were found out. They looked at Harry, each of them shaking inside at the fierce battle taking place, a battle that would continue until one or both of them died.

Ron at that time shook with a terrific intensity as he saw Harry screaming curses though he could not hear them and he saw Harry rolling and jumping and twisting in the horrible fight that was still taking place inside the Quidditch pitch. He realized at that time that only if Harry had this power trained properly he could have saved Sirius. His father had been right.

Ron shriveled inside. He had joined out of jealousy and the money had been a great motivator. But he had lost everything and now though his father was the Minister for Magic, Percy was an outcast in the new Ministry because he had allied with Fudge, and he and Ginny would never be able to lift their heads and walk proudly because they were the Minister's children.

Now the Weasleys had the name, the fame and so much of an increase in money; all the things he had accused his father of not providing, and today his father had been more than man enough for the whole of the Wizarding World only he and Ginny would have to sit out permanently. Two tears ran down his cheeks that fortunately for him no one noticed because they were watching the duel, not that he cared at the time.

He had truly lost. He had lost the money he craved because he knew he would not enjoy spending it, the name he had wanted, the glory he dreamed of, everything. He had thought he was having the upper hand by earning the money doing important and trusted work for the Headmaster and the Order of the Phoenix; but all that was changed.

Now his father was the Minister, Dumbledore was a hair's breath from Azkaban like him and Ginny and he was ostracized from his family for the rest of his life.

Ron cried aloud and wept in despair wishing he could go back and undo the past but no one heard him and no one cared.

Meanwhile the duel went on intense and furious.

"Juniakduew," whispered Harry and a huge stream of boiling oil sprouted off Voldemort who rushed aside and returned the favor and cast the same curse at Harry.

Harry banished the oil much to Voldemort's chagrin and re-cast the same curse again only making it a multiple curse.

"Multiplexio Juniakduew," he hissed in Parseltongue and hit Voldemort for the first time as several thin streams of the boiling oil sped towards him. Voldemort banished it but got a small portion of it on his left arm and he screamed.

"Multiplexio avada kedavra," he shouted and the crowds gasped as almost twelve killing curses rushed to choke Harry. All of them were amazed. While no one could hear they could see the green of the killing curse and they were horrified. No one until them knew that even killing curses could be cast in multiples.

They could be cast but the power to do so was immense and caster suffered a great loss of power. Voldemort was so incensed that he had been hit first that he had cast the same multiple curse only he made it the killing curse in anger. They were now in the third hour of dueling and both of them were sweating and very much tired.

Voldemort staggered with the effort of casting multiple killing curses was pretty confident he had killed off Harry Potter whichever way he rolled, but Harry seeing the multiple curses had fallen flat on the ground letting the curse hit and shatter the wards behind him.

Voldemort in his confidence had let his concentration waver for a minute and so he was unprepared when Harry fell flat on the ground escaping the curses. He screamed and raised his wand, but the momentary loss of concentration was enough for Harry who hit him with the cruciatus from the ground.

Harry got the first curse to hit Voldemort after nearly three hours of duel square on his chest and he slowly got up keeping the curse on the screaming, writhing Voldemort, not wanting to let go of the advantage. He kept the curse on Voldemort for a good three minutes before he took out his second wand and hit Voldemort with the freezing charm twice and simultaneously removing the cruciatus.

Then the next moment he cast magical binds binding Voldemort's magic so that he could not access it and curse Harry wandlessly.

Voldemort looked at him with deep hatred and struggled mentally to overcome the binds and also the freezing charm. But with his magic bound he had no chance and he looked contemptuously at Harry waiting for him to kill him. He snarled inside watching Harry malevolently with his red eyes. He had placed an exploding charm that would trigger the moment he died in any way. He would explode and Harry would also die with him.

He had contemplated getting killed to the first killing curse Harry had thrown but his ego would not let him and he wanted to actually finish off Harry in a duel and assert his superiority. Otherwise no one would respect him when he would be resurrected to his body once again. So he had not fallen prey to the first curse Harry had thrown but had fought a real wizard's duel.

And he had lost. He was very bitter but the fact Harry would die the moment he would cast the killing curse on him was keeping him erect and proud.

He would triumph at any cost. He looked without any expression at Harry, daring Harry to kill him.

But Harry had a very different idea. He did not know about Voldemort's plan. But he knew about the Wizarding World and he was not going to be labeled a murderer or the next Dark Lord just because he happened to bring this one down. He would keep himself safe.

That plan was only reconfirmed when Voldemort told him he was planning to do what Harry had planned only the day before. Harry was also suspicious of any magic backlash that Voldemort would trigger off if he did kill him and so he had put this plan into shape as he was rolling and casting curses and fighting with him, literally thinking off his feet.

He had learned the magic that Arran and Snape had used on Rabastan and that was what he was going to do now. But before that he would defeat Voldemort completely.

Harry cast a small privacy spell, "Sev, Arran, destroy the horcrux and portkey the ring please and I am fine." And canceling the privacy spell looked at Voldemort and smiled at him.

Snape and Arran though not understanding what Harry was planning to do moved for the first time since the battle started. They got up and hurried shaking with sheer nerves to the basement where the ring horcrux was.

Harry, seeing Voldemort beginning to struggle, bound more tightly and tied up almost all of Voldemort's magic making him feel very faint and then removed the freezing charm up to his neck. He walked up to the helpless Dark Lord and picked up his wand and slipped it into his pocket. Then using his wand he conjured two chairs and leviated Voldemort into one chair, conjured ropes and bound Voldemort to his chair and sat on the other.

The crowds were now going berserk and as did not understand what was happening inside. Arthur Weasley cast a sonorous charm and shouted to the crowds to behave and threatened to clear the stands and hearing that the crowds fell silent and looked intently at the two inside wishing that they could somehow hear what the Boy-who-Lived was saying to the Dark Lord. Arthur and the others in Harry's side who were there in the stands activated their earrings softly.

The Boy-who-Lived was smiling very nastily at the Dark Lord.

"Voldemort you have been defeated completely and utterly defeated. Today my parents and all those who died at your hands will be avenged. I have destroyed all your horcruxes, yes Voldemort I have and I will soon destroy you, oh not by killing you but in a far worse way."

"Kill me if you dare Potter. I dare you to. Coward. I know you can't." Voldemort told him with disdain.

Harry laughed a sound that chilled Voldemort to his bones.

"I will show you Voldie baby," Harry told him unconsciously borrowing Arran's phrases. "I will. Just bear with me for a few minutes alright?" Harry told him mockingly.

Voldemort sneered. "Kill me Potter and be done with it."

"You know Voldemort, I told you in my letter that Snape is my man. You are such a fool."

Voldemort snarled but he went cold inside. He looked fearfully at Harry for a second before that emotion was masked and his red eyes gleamed with hatred.

"We will soon know who is loyal to whom Harry Potter. I will return. You may be rest assured that Snape is loyal to me."

"Hmm, I will have to provide you with proof before you will believe me I think. Now you must know what I am going to do to you Voldemort. I am going to remove your magic and then I will turn you over to the Ministry of Magic for research. They will poke and prod you for a while like they did with Rabastan and then the new Minister for Magic would give the order for you to be put down like a rabid dog.

"And the best thing is I will not be persecuted for that as ancient magic is not dark magic. I will not even kill you. I will destroy you."

Voldemort screamed.

At that time a portkey landed and Harry picked up the box and Voldemort fainted in shock when he recognized the box in which he had sent the ring.

"Enervate," Harry said with a smile and he saw Voldemort awake and looking at him with terror in his eyes.

"This is how your victims felt when you killed them Voldie baby. I am glad and hope you have begun to realize that what goes around comes around. But enough of that let us move on."

Harry opened the box and took out the elegant ring of Godric Gryffindor and placed it on his finger and looked at Voldemort. Voldemort was sweating and he was reeking of the fear that showed plainly in his eyes.

"Severus is mine Voldemort and I belong to him. He has become the father you destroyed sixteen years ago."

Voldemort trembled inside at the betrayal he had suffered as he processed Harry's words and understood them. No more horcruxes and Potter was the one who knew ancient magic. His lips trembled and he looked up at Harry Potter.

"Arran Lestrange, Ria, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini along with Severus, McGonagall and Hermione Granger first joined together to fight against you and Albus Dumbledore. It was Arran, Snape and all of us who destroyed the horcruxes at Ravenclaw's castle and at the Gaunt's place. Arran was the one who captured Pettigrew and using ancient magic saved me when I was captured by you. We have been working together since then.

"After many months we added the Weasleys and still later, the Longbottoms, Remus Lupin, Amelia Bones and her deputy Brian Wheeler."

Voldemort looked numb with shock at all that he was hearing. Arran had betrayed him? Why? If he could love anyone, he would have loved Arran. Why did he betray him? His confusion was apparent in his face because Harry continued.

"What have you done for them Voldemort? You have only made sure they were fugitives and would be imprisoned without a trial if apprehended. But let me continue. Three days before School ended last year, almost all the Slytherins approached me saying that they wanted out of you pretty little organization, because all you were doing was only killing, raping, torturing and then killing and on and on and on.

"I accepted all of them and assured them that I will help them. I waited to become legally adult and started the war from my side. All these kids gave me the secret of the wards and the Slytherins also helped to open and nullify the wards just before the attacks.

"Amelia Bones and Brian Wheeler killed Lucius Malfoy, I killed Bellatrix, Arran killed Alecto, Draco, Pansy, Blaise, McGonagall, Mrs. Longbottom, Hermione and Neville along with the Weasleys took out the Inner and the Outer Circles. We simply killed all of them. Sev, Remus, Bill Weasley and I killed all the Lestranges and Fenrir.

"Now it is your time. You will be killed by Order of the Minister and you will die knowing that you are all alone and no one except the few madmen and women who have already died to pay their dues to the society they tried so much to harm. All of them are dead Voldemort. You will join them too. Goodbye. It was not nice knowing you." Harry threw Voldemort's words back at him and then stepped back.

Harry took out Voldemort's wand and looking at him, broke it into two pieces. Voldemort screamed again. Harry removed the binds on his magic and simultaneously cast three more freezing charms ensuring that Voldemort would not escape while he was chanting. Now Voldemort could not even move his head and he looked at Harry his red eyes full of fear.

He knew Harry was saying something mentally some spell of the ancient magic. But only one thing went through Voldemort's mind as he lay there helpless waiting to be ripped off his magic and life.

Not his death eaters, not the bitter and horrible fact that he master wizard had lost to the boy who had just turned seventeen, not that his cause was totally lost, not that Arran, Snape and all those he had thought were truly his were traitors, not the deaths of the truly loyal ones, not the fact that the Wizarding World was witnessing his most mortifying moment.

He was going to DIE. He had worked so hard all his life to live and live forever, had taken so many precautions but here he was going to die and he was going to die, die, die, and die. Voldemort cried in fear of death and tears fell out of his red eyes as he pathetically beseeched Harry with his eyes because he could not move anything else.

HARRY POTTER! Save me from death His mind cried out piteously. Oh Great Goddess! Oh Mother of all! Please help me. I don't want to die. Please Harry Potter I swear on my magic I will be on your side, I will listen to all that you say, I will be your man, I will never kill anyone, I will love you like your father and mother, please don't kill me, I will never think of harming Hogwarts, she is my home, I swear to you I will not harm her, please don't kill me, please do NOT kill me POTTERRRRRR, was the last scream in Voldemort's mind and then he knew no more. He crumpled and then he lay still.

While Voldemort was hyperventilating, Harry started chanting mentally the piece of ancient magic he had learned from Snape and Arran. The chant took three minutes to finish and Harry drew his wand and pointed it at Voldemort who had been looking at him with his eyes watering and totally terrorized and said quietly.

"Senthalipuramalikathasa masserthasa kalikalamutahkalitha sampramathe" Harry chanted the locking spell and locked the magic in place and removed the freezing charms from him. Voldemort crumpled and then he lay still, held by the ropes that bound him to his chair.

A roar went up in the crowd when they saw Voldemort crumpling and all of them stood up and started clapping and then raised their wands and the sky sparkled with so much color that was a sight to behold.

Harry smiled tiredly feeling drained inside. He had made Voldemort like Rabastan Lestrange. Voldemort's magic was removed from his body and left him almost dead.

Harry had won the war with Voldemort.

He turned to the crowds and bowed tiredly. He bowed in all four directions, cancelled the silencing charms inside and heard the roar and held his wand to his neck. 'Sonorous" he whispered.

"Please calm down all of you," his voice appealed loudly to everyone.

The crowd went totally silent in a minute.

"Voldemort is defeated. He has been defeated by means of the use of ancient magic, the magic of our forefathers. I have removed the magic from him and fed it to Hogwarts. He will never be able to harm anyone using his magic ever again. I now turn him over to the Ministry of Magic to do what they wish with him. I am very tired and please excuse me. I will meet all of you here in Hogwarts in a week's time and talk to you. Thank you."

Harry activated the portkey and went back to Godric's Hollow, to Snape, Arran and Hermione.

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