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28.57% DC Born Evil


After Bane shoot Izak…

He walked out of the apartment complex and entered a black van.

"Is everything ready?" Bane asked the van driver.

"Yes. Thirty of your men equipped with military grade hardware have surrounded the mansion awaiting your word to begin"

"And in Gotham"

"Penguin, his men plus twenty of your men are on standby to take out Carnie Falcone, they are only awaiting your word" the van driver replied immediately.

Bane picked up an ear piece which was linked to the Gotham team, "begin the operation" he order

"Copy" came a reply on the other side.

Bane the turned to the van driver, "Get me to the mansion"

The van's tire squealed as the van driver pulled in to the street and at max speed, sped towards the Falcone Mansion.

An unseen smile appeared on Bane's face, 'tonight I take control of Gotham'

Sofia Falcone was all dressed ready to hit the town. She walked out the mansion and was waiting for her Bentley to be brought from the garage, when there was a huge explosion at the gate.

The guards at the mansion quickly assembled responded. With their weapons drawn, they put themselves between the destroyed gate and Sofia Falcone.

"Boss we have to get you out of here" one of the guard's said.

Sofia was about to follow the guard, when she turned towards the ruins of the gate and couldn't help but feel dread at what she saw. A mountain of a man was walking through the hole in the gate and behind him were men dressed in black tactical gear carrying guns that didn't even exist on the market yet.

Silence set in as both sides looked at themselves.

"Who are you?" Sofia asked.

"Your death" Bane simply replied.

The guard next to Sofia quickly reacted to Bane's reply. He wrapped his hands around her waist and quickly retreated with her in the mansion.

"Kill them" he ordered before closing the mansion door.

And with that both sides began to open fire on each other.

BANG, BANG, BANG … was all one could hear as bullets flow in both directions.

In a couple of seconds, it was quickly evident which side was better. The mansion guards were hired thugs off the street with zero combat experience while Bane's men were well trained mercenaries with better gear.

It wasn't long before Bane's mercenaries quickly cut down the guards at the front of the mansion without taking any casualties on their side. They reloaded the weapons in perfect unions and began to move forward towards the mansion in perfect formation.

As Bane followed behind his men, he couldn't help but take pleasure in seeing the blood bath.

Inside the mansion, Sofia was begin pulled by a guard towards the beach side of the house.

"Kill them all" the guard said issuing orders to another wave of guards that had assembled in the mansion.

They nodded their heads and took cover with their weapons aided at the front entrance. The moment Bane's mercenaries showed themselves the guards opened fire.

This time two mercenaries took shoots to the head and dropped dead.

Seeing their teammates drop, the other mercenaries couldn't help but be angry, "KILL" someone shouted.

A new gun battle began.

"Give me a gun" Sofia ordered. With a gun now in her hand, she began opening fire.

The guard admired his boss's attitude, but he wasn't about to let her die. He reached in to his pocket and dialled the number of the one man who could probably help them, Izak Blais.

"The number you are calling is currently turned off"

"SHIT, his phone is off"

What the guard didn't know was that Izak's phone which was in his clothes had turned to ash during his awakening.

He the dialled the apartment land line hoping that may be he would pick up. The phone went went straight to voice mail…


He then hang up and hoped Izak would get the message in time. Luckily for him, he did.

Izak appeared out of thin air floating about a meter above the ground on the beach side of the mansion. The first think that caught his attention was the sound of a serious gun battle going on in the mansion.

The second thing was ten well-armed men dressed in black tactical gear disembarking from a boat, stealthy approaching the mansion from the beach side.

'Cleverly done Bane, attack form both side…*chuckle*… He has them surrounded and they don't even know it. Pity this planning is all for naught'

Izak fired red beams of light out his eyes that sliced them all. Death was instant. With that done, he turned his attention to the gun fight in the mansion.

Lord_Drex Lord_Drex

Another chapter later today

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