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Chapter 10: Chapter 10 Devils and Friends

As the sun rose over the city of Kuoh, light crept through the blinds of a large guest room in a particular apartment belonging to a Tendo Aoi. A young, slender blonde haired girl slept underneath a large comfy blanket, her hair scattered about like fine lines of silk a serene smile marred her face.

".... Angel-san.....", the girl's eyebrows flickered as she noticed the streams of light coming into the room, but she pulled up the cover trying to hide from the brightness.

".... don't wanna get up-! Wait! We're exactly am I?", Asia's mind was drawn to yesterdays events and the memory of her being embraced by Akira came to mind. In almost an instant, her cheek turned a bright red, her face becoming akin to a tomato rather than her porcelain like self.

The warm cuddly feeling she felt when Akira's wings wrapped around her body, was like a flood of relief flowing into her body.

For the past several weeks all she had been was looking over her shoulder. The Fallen Angels had promised to keep her safe but all the looks of derision and disgust whenever Raynare or Miltett came around made her feel more isolated than when she was excommunicated for becoming healing a Devil.

Being well aware of the supernatural world made one see the world differently. Knowing that Gods and Monsters clashed without the world ever realizing they existed, having to live with the fact that a three-sided war between Angels, Devils and Fallen Angels could break out at any time was a scary thought to live with.

But..... none of that matters now, she thought.

"Angel-san.... Akira-san is a kind person. I don't think he'll do anything to put me in harms way, especially since the Fallen Angels will be after him now....", she was slightly worried after she realized that her savior would most likely have to fight because of her.

She wasn't aware of how strong Akira was, nor did she doubt the combat prowess of four Fallen Angels working in tandem.

Along with fifty or so stray priests.

"....3,490.... 3,491..... 3,492.....". A strained voice could be heard from beyond her door.

She tilted her head cutely in confusion, wrapping her blanket around her like a robe and exiting her room, deciding to walk towards were the counting was coming from.

What happened made her earlier blush look like a pink tinge.

".... Hmm? Asia your up already that's good. I didn't want to wake you so I just let you sleep in.... you have a blood nose by the way", the girl rushed to get a tissue from one of the boxes on the bench, and I let out a deep breath as I dispelled my [Light Mana Sword].

My skills had drastically increased from my overnight training. Most reached over Level 20 some just under Level 30 from almost twelve consecutive hours of grinding.

I did notice though, that once my skills reached Level 25, that the necessary experience needed to level up my skills drastically increased. It was almost as if Level 25 was a boundary for skill level, one that increased the necessary experience needed to level up a skill to a higher level.

'Maybe there will be boundaries every 25 Levels. It's not uncommon for skills to evolve once they reach their maximum, maybe this is a way to deter skill evolution?', it seemed reasonable considering that I could merge two similar skills in order to create a new, higher quality skill.

Skill Evolution or Skill Merging? That was the question wasn't it.

"Anyway, I'm going to have a shower Asia and then I'll be off to school. I'm going to leave one of my spare phones here with you okay? If anything happens, just call this number", I pointed to the only number still registered in the phone, "It's my phone number so don't be afraid while your by yourself. And don't open the door to anyone but me okay?".

She nodded.

"Good. Now school finishes at 4:00 so I should be home before 4:15. If you feel bored or anything, your more than welcome to use the TV to watch movies or play games. If you'd like a suggestion, then I'd suggest this for someone such as yourself".

I handed her a console RPG by the name of [Heroic Holy Hero IV]. It followed the story of a young boy raised by the Archbishop to become a Hero, but was thrown into the modern world under a twisted scheme by the Demons of his home world.

In the modern world he had to find a way to survive, somehow go to school, juggle a part-time job and find out which girl he wanted to date. In addition to the Demons that snuck into the modern world that he constantly had to try and fight.

There was some resemblance between the Church of the game and the Church of real life, but not enough to create a relation between the two.

It was a relatively easy game aimed at casual RPG players. There was even an idle-feature which allowed the player to gain exp and money while not playing the game.

Anyway, I digress.

"I think you'll like it. But anyway, I've got to get ready alright", she nodded once more.

I showed her how to set up the game and turn on the console and stuff, letting her get a feel for the controller as well as the headset I normally used.

That, combined with the large blanket that she wrapped herself with, made her look like a innocent little gamer girl that I always dreamed of playing with. Getting a girlfriend that can play games with you was the best type of girlfriend you could get!

If I introduce Asia during one of my streams, maybe I could get more money or more viewers by using a cute girl to attract attention.

A mischievous smile made its way onto my lips. A good idea indeed.....

"Asia! I'll see you tonight okay!.... And remember! Don't skip the cut-scenes! That's like skipping half of the game!". I shouted from the doorway.

"Okay", I heard her respond.

Letting out a breath of relief I exited the apartment and started heading towards Kuoh Academy with a spring in my step.

I had no doubts that the Fallen Angels would try and come after Asia to try and take her back, and me being a Heavenly Angel, I didn't think they wouldn't try to come and kill me as well. At least I had some of their weaknesses down. Asia had a pretty good grasp on what their personalities were like, allowing me to use it to my advantage.

"Dohnaseek, an honorable, yet terribly aggressive Fallen Angel who would be the least likely to stab me while I was at home sleeping. Miltett, a goth-lolita-type character who has slight sadistic tendencies as well as a very discriminatory look on humanity. Kalawarner, an arrogant woman who dresses like a stripper who also has sadistic tendencies.

"Lastly, Raynare, the leader of this band of Fallen Angels. Her sadism makes the other two look like children, probably because her outfit only covers her important parts while pretty much leaving the rest unexposed. She loves messing with her "prey" psychologically more than anything else. She also hates humans but is horribly loyal to Azazel and Shemhazai, the Leader and Vice-Leader of the Grigori.....".

I sighed.

Enemies that loved hurting more than killing enemies usually present at the start of a game in order to shock an opponent into opposing them and fighting for the main cause of the game. It was a perfect drive for the main character and his party to strive towards the end game where the final confrontation happened.

Usually with a twist or two along the way.

But these Fallen might become my drive, I thought.

Killing them was always an option. As equally as it was just to tie them up and dump them in a sewer somewhere.

I let out a sigh as I came to the gates of Kuoh, noticing it was only Sona this morning watching the students enter through the main gate. She caught a third-year couple holding hands and her gaze alone instantly caused a foot-sized gap to appear between the two of them.

The moment I stepped through the school gates a wave of foreign power washed over me like a tidal wave. The right side of my body shook for a moment before I grabbed my right arm with my left, trying to adapt to the weird power in the air.

Sona instantly turned around and I met her violet colored eyes with my own. A formless power was released from my body and a [Ding] went off in my mind that I consciously and subconsciously ignored as I stared at Sona.

The faint glimmer of bat-shaped wings could be seen behind her back.

I took a step forward, noting Sona took a step back.

It wasn't a subtle, minute mannerism of how uncomfortable she was in my presence, but an blatant action that openly displayed how my mere presence caused her to not feel safe.

I looked disappointed for a moment, but showed no other signs of emotion as the [Gamer's Mind] calmed me dispelling the pressure I felt earlier.

"Sona-senpai", I gave her a curt nod to which she halfheartedly nodded, watching my back as I once more faded into the sea of students. Some part of me, some part of my mind or body just knew that I had multiple eyes on me. I could almost feel the stares of several people as I walked past them. All of them tensing up and standing like a deer caught in headlights as my gaze brushed over them.

The moment I got to my classroom and sat in my seat it slowly started to increase.

One pair of eyes became two. Two pairs became four. Four became eight and so on.....

I think it was my instincts that were screaming towards me not to let my guard down. Some innate part of me just wanted me to get up and fly back home, uncaring of what people or how many saw me.

The [Light] inside me started to bubble as well. It was an instinctive response to this kind of energy, and it took every fiber of my being to resist the [Dings!] going off in my head. All of them were either skills or levels for skills I had just gained. None of these skills were ones that I had before today.

"Please stand". I got up, noting that Kiba wasn't here for morning homeroom. My best friend had never missed a day of school, not even one considering he always hung out with me or the members of the Occult Research Club, to which he was one of only two males.

"Please bow", in addition, Tsubasa Yura of the Student Council wasn't present either. Which was more strange than anything considering I had literally just passed her in the hallway.

Something itched at the back of my mind. Something I didn't realize, or couldn't realize because I didn't think it was possible.

'No.... maybe I did think it was possible, but I never imagined it would be here, in Kuoh', I bowed slightly biting my lower lip.

"Please be seated-!? Kaichou?!", all eyes turned towards the back entrance to the classroom. Seven figures, followed by four more came into the room, all of whom had serious expressions on their faces.

All of which, were aimed at me in particular.

Sona turned towards the front of the room, and gave a small bow towards the teacher.

"Sorry to intrude sensei, but both the Student Council and Occult Research Club have business with one of your students. We are going to borrow Tendo Akira for an unknown duration", the teacher seemed almost scared of Sona and he nodded before turning to me and yelling.

"What did you do now Tendo! C'mon! Get up! I knew that playing all those games would get you in trouble one day! Damn brat!", I sighed, ignoring the harsh criticisms of my homeroom teacher and following the Student Council while the members of the Occult Research Club trailed behind me.

I turned to look at Kiba who had a conflicted look on his face, but was blocked by the red-headed figure of Rias Gremory. She had a grim look on her face as she eyed me warily.

"I just want you to know", I spoke, causing several of them to flinch, "that before you jump to any conclusions, I my relationship with you all was not fake. Nothing I ever said or did was scripted or deception. Nothing".

I let out a deep breath as I was taken into the Student Council Room and seated in the center of a large couch that could easily fit five people sitting up right.

Behind me, at the door, was Koneko Toujou and Akeno Himejima. The former was looking at me with narrowed eyes and the latter looked as though she was waiting for something. Neither appeared happy with my presence.

On the other side of the room sat Souna Sitri in all her glory. Tsubaki Shinra, and Rias Gremory standing by her sides as I was pretty much encircled by the eleven non-humans in the room.

'Although technically there are "no" humans in the room', I thought.

Sona cleared her throat, resting her chin on her conjoined hands in front of her.

"So.... what are you?".

I glanced towards the rest of the room all of whom seemed more curious and more comfortable in this position.

I eyed her back.

"I think you know the answer to that, senpai", her eyes narrowed even further as Rias stepped up to the plate. The drop-dead gorgeous girl whom almost always had an aloof expression on her face seemed more protective than anything right now.

"Why are you here? You should know that this is Devil territory", she spoke.

'Oh? So maybe the Shinto Gods aren't as well respected as they once were. And here I thought that Japan was under Tamagahara's rule'.

I didn't see a point in lying so I smiled and told the truth.

"I was born in this city. Lived here all my life. But I'm sure you're already aware of that", that answer didn't seem to placate them, as I continued to speak.

"And as far as I am aware, this is the human world. I can come and go wherever I please. I don't see any human law saying I can't be here", this seemed to anger them more than anything else.

"That's ridiculous! This is Devil territory! Other factions can't just enter and set up shop here whenever they-".

"What about the Fallen Angels set up in the Church then? Did they get permission to "set up shop" here?", I cut Rias off and my retort caused her to stop and reconsider her words.

Sona noticed this in her close friend and stepped in to take the lead in the conversation.

"What we are trying to understand is why Heaven would send an Angel to Kuoh when they already know that it is a territory belonging to the Devils. A state of fragile peace has been created between the Three Factions, and we don't understand why Heaven would want to break-".

I waved my hand in a casual manner making sure that no-one jumped to any conclusions before the conversation had ended.

"No, I am not here representing Heaven, nor am I here representing the Grigori or any other Pantheon. I am here, right now, because I want to be. Because I have been for the past seventeen years and will continue to be until I decide to leave".

My statement certainly raised several eyebrows in the room. Especially from Rias and Sona.

The former spoke, her words shaky and uncertain.

"Are you trying to say, that you, an Angel, has abandoned their place in Heaven and not become a Fallen?", I nod shrugging my shoulders but still not letting up my guard.

"I was never given a place in Heaven so I don't believe I had any responsibility to it", my words caused even more looks of confusion to appear on their faces.

I sighed.

"Look, let me put this in the most simplest terms you can understand", I looked straight at Sona, whom was sitting directly opposite me.

"Yesterday I was a human, I could use magic but I was still human. I went to the Church to visit a friend of mine and came home an Angel. I don't know how", that was a lie, "but I went to being a human with magic, to being an Angel with wings and a halo.

My gaze turned sterner as I looked around the room.

"Very much like how I thought all of you were human, but now realize that you are all Devils? Pot call kettle much?".

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