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Chapter 12: Chapter 12 New Skills and New Powers

"I.... lost", Tsubaki patted the back of her King as she slammed her head onto her desk, not caring about her posture, or the way she looked from front of her peerage and fellow Devils. All of whom had expressions of shock as they saw me laying down on the massive couch spinning her bright blue King piece in my hand.

Chess was probably one of the first games I ever learnt to play. It was simple once you figured out the rules of each of the pieces and at the end of the game there was truly only one objective.

To capture the opponents King.

Of course there were a multitude of different strategies and tactics you could utilize in order to effectively reach the enemies King but the only thing I did was-.

"Impossible. Impossible. Every single bait I let out and every single move I made was purely calculated by you. As if you could imagine every state of the board before the move was made", the looks of shock didn't vanish.

I spun the King piece some more, flipping it from one hand to the other.

"Chess is at the end of the day a finite two player, zero sum perfect information game. Theoretically there is a perfect solution that will always, and I mean always win. However that's just a purely hypothetical and emotionless view to the game". I placed the King piece back on the board and knocked it over, once more reinforcing that I had won.

"Memorizing the 120 hundred trillion states of the board is something that even I can't do", I picked up my King and started tapping the base against the table. My point was about to be made.

"But even you Sona can be read", she looked confused, "You constantly put emphasis on your King making it obvious that you are trying to bait me. I suspect that you would also put yourself in the line of fire to protect your peerage from harm. You need to sever that aspect in order play more effectively and beat tougher opponents".

Rias frowned and looked at the board before looking to me. My King piece and its lack movement, completely surrounded by other pieces to prevent its capture.

"That's cowardly. If the King does not lead how does he expect his subordinates to follow?".

"If the King is dead how does he expect his subordinates to follow", my retort drew several glares from the other Devils in the room.

I sigh once more.

"None of you play games so I don't expect any of you to understand, but in every conflict, real or otherwise, you can always expect casualties. Sacrifice one to save the many. Sacrifice ten to kill the hundred. Sacrifice a thousand to win for millions", I press my fingers together and give an example.

"There was this game I played. [World Domination]. As the title states, the end goal was the rule the entire world. The most exciting things about the game, was that every play through gave different events and problems for you to face. Political issues, economic crisis's, military uprisings, the possibility for a super virus to occur, the chance of a meteor hitting the earth, anything you can imagine, there was a possibility of it occurring", Sona and Rias appeared more interested in the game the more I spoke. Even Akeno and Tsubaki, their Queens appeared intrigued.

"To take over the world there were many different paths you could take. Become the leader of a country, start a revolution, blow up the world and become the leader of whatever's left. Once again, any reasonable outcome you could think of, they put in the game", I held out both my hands, opening the left one as continued.

"The game was built on probability and the player's skill level. If you could anticipate the events that were going to happen before they did, it actually made for a pretty good game. So on one hand you had the ability to look and the information you had right now in order to make future decisions. Stock markets, creating scandals about politicians and celebrities, hearing about how a small village died to a mysterious disease or even straight up killing those who opposed your will to power. This is "reading the field"", I opened up my right hand.

"And here's what separates the the boys from the men. Once you do accurately read the information given to you and come up with a probable response, you anticipate how your opponent will react. If you know them well enough you can suspect how they will react. Mess with them psychologically, make them spin around in circles while you set up things behind the scenes, see how they will react to an external stimulus. If you can do this, you can anticipate events and actions that would happen long before they do. This is called "reading the player". I take in a deep breath and clasp my hands together once more.

"To put this in perspective I already know Sona. She's stern, not a rule-breaker, likes being in charge and doesn't like to have fun", I ignored her glare and continued, "But she's also loyal and takes care of those under her. She listens to what everyone has to say as Student Council and takes a genuine interest in the well-being of her fellow students".

The violet haired girl blushed slightly, earning a slight nudge from Rias.

Even I could practically see the flags been raised as I spoke and I was an idiot when it came to forming relationships.

"All of that is reflective in her play-style. She's selfless wanting to take the responsibilities of others and make them her own. Thus her constant baits and traps with her King. Your an offensive player no doubt, but you put too much emphasis on playing deceptively", I leaned back into the couch, not caring about my guard or posture in the slightest.

"That is why I beat you. Not because I'm better at chess, but because I'm better at games. And to me.... chess is no different from taking over the world".

I heard Kiba give a small clap and grinned as I finished my external monologue. I came up with it on the spot which was pretty good for a gamer like myself.

'Maybe I should start writing some lines for the game I'm making?', I thought.

"Anyway enough of that, I'll join the Student Council for the sole reason I can play games in here. If anything else is needed Sona has my home number", the Student Council had the home phone numbers of every student which made no surprise to anyone in the room. Unfortunately, my words seemed to cause some distress for the Sitri Devil.

"Ara ara~. Sona seems to be awfully close to you Akira-san. Makes you wonder just how close she actually is?~", Sona spluttered at Akeno's words turning red in the face before turning to me and shaking her head violently.

"Akira and I? No! It's not like that! We're just friends!", she avoided my gaze as well as the gazes of everyone in the room, "And besides, he's a Angel and I'm a Devil. The next head of the House of Sitri. It would never work".

That seemed to placate most of the room after they all turned and glanced at the halo floating above my head. The halo was a pure white ring of light, making me appear a lot more sacred and holy despite the fact that it could probably hurt them if they touched it.

And besides, an Angel and a Devil? I thought.

The birthrate of Devils were abysmal, most families having only one or two children over thousands of years. In addition, Angels fell the moment they indulged in their carnal desires. The act of sexual intercourse was something that made Angels fall. If I did that then-.

"Wait. I'll fall if I have.....". Something inside my head clicked and I then came to the realization.

Instantly I fell to my knees, slamming the floor with my angelic-enhanced hand.

My response seemed a little outrageous for someone who had just been denied the chance to be in a relationship with a Devil, to which everyone seemed surprised.

Akeno never let up her trademarked "onee-san" persona though.

"Oh? It seems that Akira-kun is quite distraught at not being able to date you Sona. Didn't think that he felt quite this strongly for you", I cradled my head in my arms, throwing away the last shred of dignity I had left.

"I can't have sex without Falling! I'm gonna die a f*cking virgin!", the [Gamer's Mind] tried to calm me down, but for some reason didn't seem to be working right now. Maybe it was because I wasn't truly panicking, just throwing a hissy fit at the realization that I couldn't loose my virginity without getting another [Race Change].

Akeno seemed to look slightly conflicted, while the rest of the people in the room seemed more interested in Sona's every reddening face.

Even Koneko and Kiba, who looked as though they both wanted the conversation to change both patted me on the back, somehow feeling my plight as I gave a distraught sigh and sat back down, my eyes more glassy and empty than before.

"..... just like those f*cking virgin perverts from the other class. I'm gonna die old and alone.....". The thought of being at the same level as that self-proclaimed Harem King, Perverted Baldy and Three Sizes Scouter caused more self-harm than anything else.

I felt a small hand pat my shoulder and turned to see Koneko giving me an expressionless look.

"Not the same level", her golden eyes looked straight at mine as she kept speaking, "Games kinda gay, but you make games interesting. Perverts should die, can't make seeing boobs interesting".

As a man I had several problems with that statement but chose not to respond giving the white-haired mascot of Kuoh her own pat on the head.

"Thanks Koneko, you know, despite what people say, your not just a pretty face", her own cheeks turned pink for a fraction of a second before her gaze turned stern and she took a step back.

Oh? Did I say something wrong, I thought.

She looked at me derisively.

"Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you are a pervert", I could feel the critical hit damage aimed at my weak point. Doing damage to the weak point stunned the enemy and critical damage was times two. The metaphysical pain I felt was equivalent to getting my fingers chopped off by a sword.

Kiba looked conflicted at the conversation, trying to focus on both Rias and Tsubaki trying to calm down Sona to prevent her from killing Akira, his best friend looking depressed after being verbally abused by a 15 year old loli, Akeno who seemed to keep teasing Sona, and the rest of the Student Council who seemed to be in the same situation he was placed in.

"You never let things get boring, do you Akira?". He sighed.

It was going to be a long day.....

[Ding! Due to a continuous action a new skill has been created! Due to a continuous instinctual pressure and control the skill [Instinct] has been created. It is a sixth sense that most beings involved in the supernatural world possess. It grants a tingling sensation whenever danger is present]

[Instinct (Passive)]

[Level: 3] [Experience 67.89%]

[A metaphysical sixth sense. Allows the detection of passive threats to the user. The range and direction can be narrowed down at higher levels. Grants a pseudo-precognition at its absolute limits]

[Passively increase PER by 10%]

[Ding! Due to a continuous action a new skill has been created. Due to a continuous release of pressure from the body the skill [Formless Pressure] has been created. It releases the users aura allowing for it to put pressure on weaker willed opponents]

[Formless Pressure]

[Level: 1] [Experience: 98.99%]

[An elementary skill involving the body's natural aura. The aura within the body can be released in order to exert a formless pressure on the opponent. Works more effectively against foes with weaker PER. Less effective against equal or higher leveled PER]

[Cost = 1 MP second]

I sighed, the next one was.... less than useful in combat, but more so when it came to raising flags.

[Ding! Due to a continuous action a new skill has been created! Due to a continuous flirting with members of the opposite sex the skill [Flirting] has been created! Increases the chance of getting lucky with those you find attractive].

[Flirting (Passive)]

[Level: 1] [Experience: 35.20%]

[A basic yet fundamental form of conversation. Allows those who you find attractive to find you more charming. Increases the chance of getting lucky. Increases the reputation with those you flirt with].

But the last one.... the one I found the most interesting, and by far the most useful.

[Ding! Due to a continuous action a new skill has been created! Due to a continuous manipulation of the users aura the skill [Touki Manipulation] has been created! It allows the user to manipulate their base of life increasing their physical abilities by several fold].

[Touki Manipulation (Passive/Active]

[Level: 2] [Experience: 11.54%]

[A advanced technique that could be achieved easily through senjutsu or through a continuous tempering the body. Allows the user to manipulate their base of life in order to enhance physical endurance, strength and speed to monstrous levels. It is originally a Chinese technique focusing on the physical body]

[Passively increases STR by 2%]

[Passively increases VIT by 2%]

[Passively increases AGI by 2%]

[Passively decreases SP cost by 0.2%]

[Actively increases STR by 10%]

[Actively increases VIT by 10%]

[Actively increases AGI by 10%]

[Actively makes the user more aware to the natural flow of the world]

"Now that.... is some good f*cking shit", I said.

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