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Chapter 57: Silver Calamity

Aerion opened the Dungeon Gate and found himself in Floor Seven, where he wanted to be. He was at the lowest platform once again which meant that he'd have to climb the stairs again. The cloaked man sat in the middle as he had done before. Aerion walked past him and onto the stairs since he didn't have much gold to give. The Heavenly Fire Demon appeared a few seconds later and joined him.

"So, how are the Dragonsguard?"

"They're doing alright."

"Good to know."

Aerion took his last Heavenly Cultivation Pill and broke through to the Seventh Stage of the Emperor Profound Realm. He was Emperor Profound 6 before, thanks to the two months spent in the fire of the Volcano. Aerion guessed that he'd be able to get further into Floor Seven, perhaps even finish it. The Heavenly Fire Demon had the cultivation strength of Sovereign 3 and Aerion suspected that he had the battle power of an average Sovereign Profound 6 cultivator.

Climbing the first staircase was far easier than before and seemed like a far quicker journey. Aerion found himself facing Tywin and his gold once again. This time the Heavenly Fire Demon dispatched the clone himself, saving Aerion the effort.

"I briefly remember a Warhammer coming down towards me right before I was awoken." Aerion recalled

The Heavenly Fire Demon nodded. "I do remember someone appearing from the ground."

"How did he look like?"

"I only saw his backside but he was quite distinguishable. A giant man, only slightly shorter than you. He had a horned helmet... looked like the horns of a stag."

"Could it be him?"


"The Usurper... you wouldn't know him."


The wind whistled in response to the mighty swing coming from the giant of a warrior. Aerion dodged the swing just in time. Aerion focused on the man who attacked him. Yes... it is a clone of Robert Baratheon! Aerion could never mistake that face as he'd seen it many times.

Aerion grabbed Stormcaller with his left hand and Sky Piercer in his right.

"Heavenly Fire Demon, don't intervene. This is my fight."

"Very well."

This super-powered Robert has the strength of a Sovereign Profound 4 cultivator... and when you add on his weapon and fighting style, he could probably be edging towards Sovereign Profound 5. But Aerion has a lot of experience fighting Robert since he'd sparred him countless times, so it might not be so bad.

Draconic Heart!

Aerion dodged the next swing as well. He tried to counter but, surprisingly, Robert recovered quickly. Aerion's Sky Piercer clashed against Robert's Warhammer. Robert overpowered Aerion since he held Sky Piercer with only one hand while Robert held his Warhammer with both. This advantage could also turn out to be a disadvantage, Aerion just has to be fast enough.

Star God's Broken Shadow.

Aerion withdrew Sky Piercer and slashed at Robert's arm with Stormcaller, creating a gash. Robert responded with an overhead swing... then Aerion realised it was a feint. Robert switched from an overhead swing to a horizontal swing.


Aerion lost his grip on Sky Piercer.

Getting smacked in the face by Robert's spiked Warhammer wasn't the greatest feeling.

Aerion was sent flying to the very edge of the platform, he had almost fallen off but he managed to stab into it with Stormcaller and hold on. Aerion forced himself back onto the platform. His eyes glowed red with killing intent, he was furious. A bloody clone tricked him... it wasn't even the real thing!

"You'll pay for that..."

Star God's Broken Shadow.

Aerion got close and smashed Robert in the face with his bare fist. Then he stabbed him in the chest with Stormcaller. Robert tried to respond with his Warhammer but... a crimson hand grabbed hold of his Warhammer and threw it off the platform. Then the crimson hand grabbed Robert and lifted him off the ground. Aerion tightened the pressure, slowly crushing him.

He opened his palm.



The clone perished and Aerion harvested its gold. Then he retrieved Sky Piercer. After resting for a few minutes and seeing no other surprise enemies/bosses, they moved on. The next staircase had a strong pressure, forcing Aerion to use Dragon Soul to get through it. Aerion decided to use Draconic Heart to quicken the pace and it worked brilliantly. The Heavenly Fire Demon had an even easier journey to the top. Soon they reached it, the next platform. Aerion laid his eyes upon the figure who stood in the middle.

Jaime Lannister, Kingslayer, the man who slew my Grandfather. What is this floor... a collection of the people I hate most?

"You handle this one."

"Very well."

The Heavenly Fire Demon drew his sword and walked up to the Kingslayer's clone. The clone got into a defence stance, the Heavenly Demon smiled. His chaotic and unpredictable fighting style could easily break such fragile things.

The Heavenly Demon attacked first with a simple slash. The slash was blocked with relative ease by Jaime. He then took the initiative and attempted to punch the Heavenly Demon with his left hand. The Heavenly Demon stepped to the side and cut Jaime's left arm off with his sharp blade. Then it was pretty much over.


Aerion took a quick look at the bloodied corpse of the clone, collected its gold and moved on. The next set of stairs wasn't drastically harder than the previous one. Draconic Heart gave him more than enough strength to run up the stairs. Once he reached the top, he saw a giant armoured knight. Giant was definitely the right word, for he even dwarfed Aerion. It was the Mountain... Aerion was sure of it.

"Let's end him quickly."


Quite some time must have passed since he went to sleep and Aerion wanted to get as far as possible, which meant that he wasn't willing to waste time on just one boss. Aerion was aggressive and used his superior speed to overwhelm the Mountain while the Heavenly Fire Demon disrupted him with ranged fire attacks. It was an easy battle which ended with Aerion penetrating the Mountain's thick armour with Sky Piercer. The spear-point reached the Mountain's heart, almost killing him instantly. Aerion forced the Mountain to bend both knees.

"You're one tough fellow... but you're struggling ends here."

Aerion withdrew Sky Piercer from the Mountain's heart and raised it up, swiftly and gracefully. Just when he was about to send Sky Piercer's axe towards the Mountain's head, a roar erupted from the almost-dead giant. He exploded to his feet and reached for Aerion's head, with both hands. He attempted to crush his skull!

Aerion summoned two Susanoo sword-arms which stabbed the Mountain but he kept going but his grip was slowly fading. Aerion breathed fire in his face, temporarily activated Purgatory and kicked him away. The Heavenly Fire Demon then stabbed the Mountain in the back. It was a deep stab which finally ended the rampage of the Mountain. He gave in to the doors of death.

Fighting all these people that he hated brought back a rush of feelings, none of these feelings being positive. He didn't forget any of the dreadful things that he had to go through his early life... he had merely buried them in the deepest vault in his memory. He didn't want to think about it. He had lost almost everything before he was even four years old. His father, brother, sister, mother, grandfather and then his grandmother. The feeling of anger faded quickly but in its place laid an even more powerful feeling... sorrow.

"What is troubling you, disciple?"

"Nothing... nothing at all."

"Have it your way."

Aerion rested for a bit and got a grip of his feelings. He stared at the clear blue sky and noticed it slowly darkening. He had a duty to return and protect what's left, preferably as quickly as he can. Who knows what has transpired since he left? For all Aerion knows, Daenerys and Viserys could be starving on the streets of one of the Free Cities. He stood up and gripped both of his weapons.

I am Aerion of House Targaryen, Son of the Last Dragon and the rightful King of the Iron Throne... I should act more like it.

Aerion transformed his sorrow into pure determination.

"Let's proceed."


Aerion walked the final step and stepped on the next platform. A field of flowers, one tree and nothing else but the man in the middle. Long silver-blond hair and deep purple eyes. Night-black armour with the red three-headed Dragon, the banner of House Targaryen, decorated with expensive rubies. Aerion instinctively walked forward.. the Heavenly Fire Demon stood still.


For the first time, a clone responded to him. A smile... Rhaegar Targaryen looked at his son with pride as he put on his winged helmet and drew his sword from its scabbard. Aerion dropped Sky Piercer and gripped Stormcaller with both of his hands. A clash ensued... a very long clash. Aerion didn't use any profound skills, only his physical strength and Stormcaller. It didn't seem to be a trial of strength... it was more of a trial of skill. Aerion had never gotten the chance to face his father in a duel, this was an opportunity of a lifetime for him. He took his time and made the most of it. Even if the clone didn't speak, the duel made Aerion feel better.

Aerion tripped his father and made him fall. Stormcaller came closer and closer to his neck. Aerion wished that he would speak, at least a few words. Aerion was left disappointed... his blade went through the clone and ended its life. It didn't seem too keen to fight back against him, clearly. Rhaegar disappeared and left only two things; some gold and a vision.

The Seventh Floor suddenly changed, Aerion stood in front of his father and a young lady. Aerion soon figured out that this was a wedding, a secret wedding to be precise. Aerion wasn't exactly pleased with this but he continued to watch. Soon the scene changed once again. Aerion found himself outside of a tower and saw his father leave this tower.

"Farewell... I'll return soon with news of my victory."

Rhaegar walked past Aerion, almost budging into him. Rhaegar looked confident... as if Robert's Rebellion wasn't anything to be worried about. Aerion would've been confident as well in this situation, the Loyalist force outnumbered the Rebel force by a decent amount during this time.

Rhaegar rode away from the tower, leaving three Kingsguard to guard Lyanna Stark. These three Kingsguard were the mighty warriors Ser Arthur Dayne, Gerold Hightower and Ser Oswell Whent to be exact. Aerion had known most of the Kingsguard personally since he usually had one or two assigned to him.

Aerion walked up the tower and saw Lyanna Stark. Time seemed to pass very quickly and a young Eddard Stark walked past him. Aerion turned back to Lyanna and saw a baby in her hands. Aerion's eyes widened.

Father had a child with Lyanna Stark?

Aerion watched Lyanna die shortly after. Eddard Stark then took the half-Targaryen and left, that was when the vision ended. Aerion smiled and hoped that the child was still alive today. No silver hair or purple eyes... no one would have ever know the child's true heritage which meant that Robert wouldn't suspect anything.

I have a half-sibling... who would've known.

Aerion and the Heavenly Fire Demon proceeded to the next set of stairs. Suddenly, the cloaked man appeared and blocked their path. His cloak was still due to the lack of wind. He had no face... at least not one that could be seen.

"Well done! You have fought off many powerful warriors and passed the trials of endurance with relative ease. There's only one trial left before you can return to the world you call home."

"I can return to Westeros?"


"Then let me begin the trial..."

"Not so soon. I came here to warn you... it will be difficult and you'll only get once chance."

"Only one chance?"

The cloaked man nodded. "If you fail then you won't be able to get past this point. If you run then you'll find this staircase at the bottom of the ocean the next day. It's now or never."

"So, I have to be careful?"

"Precisely. You and the Heavenly Demon will have different trials. The Path of the Dragon and the Path of the Demon... sounds alright to me. So, are you ready?"

Aerion shrugged. "Of course. It's not like I can get any stronger."

"I, too, am ready."

He clapped his hands. "Then you may continue."

The staircase separated into two parts, both parts were pointing to the opposite direction. The left side was labelled the 'Path of the Dragon' while the right was the 'Path of the Demon'. The cloaked man disappeared. Aerion began to walk the last (supposedly) set of stairs. Each step became harder and harder, the difference in difficulty became apparent. Aerion was forced to activate Purgatory to walk the last three hundred steps. Somewhere, along the way, Aerion had gained greater 'profound understanding' of the Great Way of the Buddha and reached its third stage. By the end, the drops of sweat dripping down his face could easily be seen. His legs were shaking due to the pain... he wanted to drop to the ground and sleep forever. The pain was too much... using Purgatory for over five minutes was no easy task.

Aerion could barely stand and his eyes grew restless... the boss took advantage of this. Aerion saw a sword come towards him and, out of pure instinct, he stepped to the side. Aerion instantly deactivated Purgatory and moved down to Draconic Heart. This was in an effort to conserve his energy. Still, his speed and strength were drastically reduced and this resulted in Aerion taking more punishment.

"Look at you, a half-dead boy. You are the one who will beat me and reclaim the Iron Throne? Clearly not, you should forget about it!"

The bosses blurry image soon closed the distance with his superior speed and stabbed Aerion... CLANG. Crimson scales appeared where the sword was about to stab Aerion, the sword stopped in its tracks! Aerion's eyes glowed red as he activated his Sharingan.

I can't fail this trial...


His blurry vision quickly disappeared and the world became clear again. His entire body recovered, it was back to peak performance... if you ignore the fact that he lost his left eye to blindness.

Aerion grabbed the sword's blade with his left hand and moved it back, forcing the owner to move with it. Aerion clenched his right first and gave the boss an explosive punch to the face which sent him flying to the other side of the platform. Aerion flipped the sword and grabbed its handle. Aerion felt strangely connected to it, but the thrill of battle and his bloodlust prevented him from investigating further. At this point, he only had one thing on his mind; killing the last boss.

"Not bad... you suddenly grew in strength and managed to take my sword away from me. But... I have a far more potent weapon!"


Is that a bloody dragon!?

A dragon flew down and the silver-haired man jumped on it. The dragon flew further away... then it turned. Aerion released an Earth Decimating Tornado which barely did anything to stop the dragon. It roared once again and the tornado dispersed like it was just a small breeze. Then it breathed fire on the entire platform... crack... crack... boom. The platform broke apart from its explosive fire. Aerion fell down... but not too far.


Aerion's crimson-silver dragon wings emerged from his back. Aerion saw the dragon diving towards him. He threw the sword at the dragon's eye and he missed. Aerion flew towards the dragon but slightly higher... he grabbed the sword and kicked the boss off the dragon. The boss dropped into the ocean a couple of dozen meters away.

Aerion ignored the dragon and flew towards the boss and into the water. That dragon didn't look like a sea-dragon, so there was nothing to worry about when he was underwater. Suddenly, the laws of the Seventh floor were bent to the bosses' will... he could fly without any wings. He shot up and Aerion followed.


The dragon breathed fire and stopped him in his tracks... temporarily. The dragon was a pest in Aerion's eyes... a very strong pest that needed to be dealt with as soon as possible. He did something he had never done before.



Aerion took every bit of profound energy from the dragon's fire (and his surroundings) and transferred it into his right hand. Black-red flames surrounded the sword he had borrowed, the flames grew in size very quickly.



The dragon was cut in half, its blood flowed down and turned some of the ocean red. In a few moments, it disappeared into nothingness. Aerion instantly dropped down to Purgatory and chased after the boss. The boss stopped flying when he reached an island.

"A nice change of scenery, very exotic, don't you think?"

"Aren't you a bit too relaxed about your situation? You know, I'm going to cut you down."

"Of course, you have to in order to return to Westeros. Return me my sword and we can have a duel."

Aerion threw it towards him and he grabbed it. Aerion then took a good look at the boss and his features were unveiled. Silver hair and purple eyes... a dragon... and the blade looks like it's made of valyrian steel! Aerion had an idea of who it might've been.

Aerion drew Stormcaller and prepared for the duel that would ensue. At this point, Aerion was a swordmaster in terms of fighting skill. His Sharingan had allowed him to copy and learn from his opponents. And due to his high intelligence, he was able to learn quickly. A fighter who can survive and adapt is the most dangerous fighter for he will eventually overcome his opponent. After around three minutes of clashing, the fight was in a stalemate. He noticed that the sword the boss wielded was extremely sharp and clearly superior to his Stormcaller so he avoided directly clashing with it.

The battle was slowly turning in favour of the boss as the side effects of using Silver Calamity became more and more apparent. Not only that, but the boss was exerting more and more of his strength.

Star God's Broken Shadow!


Despite the increased speed, the boss kept up with relative ease. Aerion estimated that he had the power of at least a Sovereign Eight cultivator which meant that he'd have to use Purgatory to be even with him, or a tiny bit stronger if he used his flames. To win decisively, he'd have to use Silver Calamity and attack with a strong profound skill... ending the duel with one attack (almost ending himself in the process).

Aerion decided to use a mix of Draconic Heart and Purgatory. Aerion deducted that it would be best to prolong the battle, giving him enough time to recover while the boss grew tired. There was no way he had regenerative abilities comparable to that of the Great Way of the Buddha and scale regeneration. The battle turned to Aerion's favour, albeit very slowly.

"Alright, you win."

"What do you mean? I haven't damaged you yet."

"I don't have much time left. I have determined that you pass the trial... now, kneel."


"Do you want the rewards for completing this floor?"

"Alright, I'll do it."

"This isn't the best place... but I want to be the one to do this."

Aerion kneeled on one knee, the boss placed his valyrian steel sword on his right shoulder. He smiled and his voice had a certain charm to it. Aerion found out what was happening a few moments later.

"In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother, I charge you to protect the young and innocent. Will you take upon these oaths and rise?"

"Yes, I will."

"Then you may rise a Knight, Aerion of House Targaryen."

Under the moonlight, Aerion was knighted. The valyrian steel sword glistened and the water shimmered due to the moonlight. There was only silence for a few seconds, apart from the light breeze of the wind and the calm water.

"Are you..."

Aerion wanted to ask a question but the boss interrupted him. His body began to disintegrate slowly... turning into ash. The boss gave Aerion his sword and patted him on the shoulder, looking him in the eyes.

"Always remember to do what you think is right, do not let anyone else influence your decisions for you are superior to all! The blood of the Dragon, and Old Valyria, flows through your veins. Be ruthless towards your true enemies and be merciful to those who surrender and are willing to serve."

He looked down, half of his face was already gone.

"I'm afraid my time has run out... but it has been a pleasure to meet one of my descendants. It seems that the Seven Kingdoms and the Targaryen Dynasty is in good hands... warmest regards, Aegon The Conqueror."

SovereignOfHeaven SovereignOfHeaven

Sorry for taking so long, I've been busy. (I'll be busy for the next two weeks as well since I have a bunch of exams. But I'll try to write a few chapters in that time.)

Aerion will be making his return to Westeros very soon!

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