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Projection Anima Projection Anima original

Projection Anima

Author: taloc92

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Breathe

  " Again, I can't go again". It's impossible to wave a great sword in one hand.  And why is that? Because it is one of the heaviest  of the swords   .Range,power,and the ability to change a battle at your own hand.Yes it is a lot of sword to handle some think it impossible but it will be your uprising,so start again and again till it is an extension of your body after all you have something to fight for".looking over his shoulder taloc stared at his two younger brothers who were exhausted after today's training but, who looked upto him so closely he couldn't show his exhaustion for fear of letting them down and the image they had of him. The 3 boys lived a humble life with their father a simple farmer who used to work for a king ,he never talked of his past or the boys mothers death leaving them to tend the farm along with combat training "better to have the knowledge and not need it than need it and not have it" the father would say everytime they asked why they were forced to train. And so our hero did this for days on end he did it till the leaves color faded orange died and were reborn this continued for three springs.

~Cataclysm ~

 At a dead sprint barely even slowing as he hacks away through the crowd swords,axes,lances it doesn't matter it doesn't stop him. Seemingly a different person once battle has started invincible in his foes eyes his blood lust drives him to new extents today though he seems to be on a mission though heading straight for the castle and the heart of battle. Gathered about the chaos of battle is organized in a sense, being in a crowd around a Goliath of a man wielding an axe of impossible dimensions although matching it's weirder to the same extent." Is there anybody here who is worth my time "?   As he hacks away three men with a mere swing of his earth breaker, silence befalls all those who oppose him as his side jeers into a frenzy a single man steps forward wielding two swords it appears hooded and cloaked . "My next challenger,does this dead man have a name?",silence from our hero. "It matters not a dead man is still a dead man, just know that the great axis killed you so you may have something to share with others in the afterlife". Taking a big lunge step axis feints right as he swings his earth breaker left to cover a greater distance. Telegraphed and just as easily predictable Taloc brings an upward swing with his right to parry the weapon of the behemoth knocking it off of its path doing so he smartly steps in and delivers a slash with his left but his swords doesn't seems to connect to flesh even though axis doesn't seem to be wearing heavy armor the only thing at this range that could deflect that strike, confused Taloc leaps back out of immediate range to gather his thoughts. "Get a feel for my stone hide armor ? It's a special type of Quartz strategically added to cured ogre Hyde making light and strong to boot making me as tough as dragon skin"stepping in again our hero brings a flurry of parries  and slashes ,nothing seeming to make a difference changing tactics taloc leans in bring the swords together for a thrust trying to skewer the giant but as soon as contact was made axis slightly turns his body causing the blades to glance off of his abdomen where they were aimed. His blow missing its target slightly throws taloc of balance leaving an opening the next thing he knows a bone jarring strike slams into his chest tossing him a dozen feet back in the ground ,catching himself he rolls out of it quickly popping back to his feet. A croaking laughter fills the air *hugghhh,huggghhh haaaa*as the great giant axis boasts his armor,"fancy toys but I'll be taking them as a trophy once I'm done playing with you" a skin curling grin appears on axis' face. Lunging then slamming his weapon at our hero , Taloc seeing the hit coming reached to parry it but, then all of the sudden the strike blurred reaching his blade sooner than expected locking their weapons the giant quickly pushes them aside slamming his shoulder knocking taloc of his feet. In a tumble from the overwhelming power taloc stabs his blades into the ground stopping himself from his last exchange "I grow tired of your pitiful attempt to fight fate"raising his weapon high axis prepares a mighty cleave ,then Taloc springing to life kicking his great sword in his left hand towards axis throwing up a spray of dirt and dust while thrusting th blade in his right hand straight *scchhlip*"huhh...whaa"looking down axis sees a broad blade leading into his body"" He manages to choke out before falling to his knees"I watched you and your invincible armor,it's strong I'll admit that but it's weakness is when you move ,the scales separate that's why I waited until you were pulling back for a strike". With that said Taloc removed his sword then quickly swung his blades across his chest in a scissor motion cleanly removing the head of axis leaving the giants face frozen in disbelief.

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