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Chapter 3: Main: SAO, Side: Yari no Yuusha, Arifureta..?

When I opened my eyes, was in the middle of the countryside with no people in sight..

After two hours of following a river, I finally found a small village.

Along the way I saw a glasses guy in red toss someone towards a tan girl into the water. Glasses then hugged the said guy and walked away holding hands with the girl left behind speechless..

Thinking about how weird that was, Ryu continues walking.

Since Ryu was undocumented in this world.. he bribed a village elder to get forgeries..

Meanwhile, attempts were made to connect to the internet with his personal world.

Ryu was thinking that his data world laws can be optimized from studying here.

Certain memories began to resurface on his mind as he went searching online.

After obtaining the needed documents, Ryu took a train ride to Akihabara.

Mainly because most of Ryu's former world's published A.G.C. titles appear in this world as well.

Although Ryu was tempted to go on a spending spree, he quickly restrained himself for later.

Before that, he went to a real estate agency to rent a place to stay near the station.

Thinking that whether Ryu use spirit clones or the main body this time shouldn't be that much difference.. Ryu just decided to leave the clones in preparation for the game SAO's launch date.

Mainly because the game's data is advanced enough to digitize a soul or generating one.

With the nerve gear consoles purchased, Ryu had the clones assist in buying new electronics, manga and games since this might be a long stay.

Having placed everything inside his personal world, Ryu continue to spend time with the ladies.

Since it has been getting difficult to attain more power lately.

Even cultivating near a dragon's vein have little effect.

With the new appliances providing entertainment, Mana begun to befriend Kuzuha and Sakuya.

While Ryu sits back and enjoys a special service from Nina.

*Meanwhile, Avatar 1's Leveling Adventure~*

Avatar 1 suddenly appeared in a throne room, he quickly hid in the shadows while observing..

There were 4 people in midst of introducing themselves..

The guy with the spear suddenly killed the guys equipped with bow and sword but time got rewinded back for each..

Thinking that it was interesting, Avatar 1 began to observe the wacky Motoyasu character and his Hero abilities.

- ? Days later-

Motoyasu, Naofumi and co stopped by a town along the way.

Motoyasu suddenly charged into a barn with birds that reminds me of Chocobos which he obtained three beast eggs from the farmer.. After hatching them, he carried for fast level ups.

After asking permission from the main body Ryu, Avatar 1 borrowed the gauntlets and boots in with the goal of replicating the abilities of these weapon spirits.

- ? Weeks later-

The three filorials unlocked their humanoid forms but Motoyasu started raising even more filorials..

Sakura and Yuki was cute.. kinda want to obtain those two. Maybe if time loops again.

Avatar 1 wanted to observe more of these level up data made possible by the weapons' passive abilities.

While gathering data on the holy weapons and this world, Avatar 1 also made the order for clones to search for vassal weapons mentioned by Eclair.

Avatar 1 was almost exposed once by gazing at the filorial queen from afar.

After getting his mind off the special class ups, Avatar 1 decided check up on the vassal weapons - gauntlet and claws that the clones found a clue on.

- ? Months later-

Experiments began after snatching away the vassal weapons..

Avatar 1 dismantled the vassal weapons to collect its spiritual essence after a thorough research.

He soon began collecting material from monsters, before upgrading the boots and gauntlets..

Luckily Motoyasu was selling some high level loot already.. coupled with other monster hunts.

After testing the performance, the results is about the same as the holy weapons.

However.. the boots and gauntlets seems to be have greatly influenced by the previous 7 Great Demon Lords' dark energy as it emits an ominous aura forming each demon lords' crest.

Maybe, I'll just call it the Pandemonium set since all of the cursed series unlocked right away.

Having completed the new gear upgrade and diagnosis, Avatar 1 went to check on the recent events.. to find Motoyasu leading a huge filorial army to mow down monsters..

"Uwah~.. that's a lot of Filorials."

Motoyasu grew a big harem..

There isn't much point left for observing the Motoyasu and Naofumi group besides entertainment..

Avatar 1 start to spend more time reading the laws of this world including the level up and class system.

When the waves begun, observations were made on the overlapping/merging worlds.

I got interested in the spirit race that appeared named Glass.. so I captured her for study to see if it is possible to improve further as a ethereal body.

Suddenly, time was looped again..

High chance is that the sword or bow hero somehow died again..

Luckily it seems that the inside of my personal world was unaffected..

Ponders if this will result in Glass having her existence being duplicated.

Avatar 1 turns to see how will Motoyasu react..

He seems be having a minor breakdown, I might as well collect the eggs of Sakura and Yuki since Motoyasu might not even hatch them again in this timeline.

After finding the barn once again, I purchased the 2 eggs checked with x-ray vision.

For the next few months of this timeline, Avatar 1 hunted monsters for loot to upgrade the Pandemonium set.

When Sakura & Yuki unlocked their humanoid forms and he sent them away to join Ryu and co. .

All that is left is, the law comprehension and souvenirs.. which Avatar 1 started opening portals to try absorbing and smuggle world energy since it is a good tonic for the personal world.

The vassal weapons that was dismantled previously also returned on this timeline but they are useless to me now..

Remembering part of the original story, I offered Glass to save her world in turn for becoming mine.

Observations were made on the red head princess with the soul fragment of a goddess..

Avatar 1 dragged her into the personal world to extract the fragment with Ryu's skill.

After throwing the Bitch Princess back, Avatar 1 dealt the same to the fragment holder in Glass's home world in a swift and decisive manner..

Mainly because Ryu didn't want to take chances on a divine descent turning the tables with gm privileges..

With the soul fragments of the goddess isolated.. Ryu attempted to wipe off the foreign spirit imprints and see if he can just absorb the fragments into his ethereal form.

*Avatar 2's Leveling Adventure~*

Since our minds can synchronize, Avatar 2 found it weird to also appear in a throne room..

Having glimpsed at the people around and their abilities.. Avatar 2 realized where this is and gtfo'd.

Avatar 2 registered in the adventurers' guild to begin information gathering on the Great Labyrinths, monsters and the skills of this world.

Although Avatar 2 remembered some of the locations in name, he have no clue without a good detailed map of Tortus to make estimates in the open world.

There were a few useful skills and classes that Avatar 2 could use as inspiration on how to use Reiki..

After a week of relentless studying, Avatar 2 hiked a carriage ride to the town Horaud.

When he reach his designated town, Avatar 2 headed straight to explore the Orcus Labyrinth.

Up till now, the monsters weren't much of a challenge as of yet so Avatar 2 just continue walking through a trail of gore made by him while using telekinesis to collect monster loot.

Having reach dozens of floors already.. Avatar 2 began studying the monster spawn points..

Thinking that he might learn a bit of summoning this way.

Although most of the spawn points so far only differentiate by certain marks which results in what appears.

Further observations on spawn points of a higher grade and the library from deepest part of the dungeon would be needed..

While Avatar 2 took his time studying and farming for materials.. Ryu was able to get closer to Mana after some karaoke and booze.

When the new additions - Sakura and Yuki arrived, the atmosphere with Ryu's group liven up a bit..

Back to Avatar 2, at the moment.. he was resting on a bridge in the 65th floor eating a sandwich..

A sudden teleport circle appeared with people that came dropping out of it, one of them even knocked the sandwich off my hands during their fall..

Although that person apologized, I said to give me time as I must grieve for the innocent sandwich.

In turn got many weirdly gazes from their group.

A behemoth appeared again but the knights of their group starts panicking..

I slowly got up and pat off the dirt on my clothes and went to subjugate the beast with a dynamic jump kick.

After finishing it off and storing away the loot. I walked away leaving behind a gawking audience.

At floor 100, I saw the entrance to the next floor..

I feel that it might be better to walk down the floors to not miss any possible surprises.

Feeling the mana in the air, I also used the analyze skills copied beforehand to look for raw material.

I perceived several high concentrated sources of energy as I explored deeper into the dungeon.

About two months passed, even got used to cooking and eating monster flesh.

At first, there were discomfort with the wild burst of foreign energy but after getting adapted.. It just gets suppressed quickly and assimilated.

Out of all the materials that was gathered and sent to upgrade the Pandemonium set, the concentrated mana crystals were like a SSR rarity upgrade material.

It unlocked a very potent healing skill and a white crystalized form that absorbs and compress mana/reiki as backup.

Eventually, Avatar 2 arrived at floor 150 where he met the cute half exposed vampire girl in a cube..

After freeing her, I was tasked to name her.

Contemplating on whether I should stay with flow and call her Yue or Y/L/una, Mi/tsuki/yo..

Yeah, I am terrible at naming so I'll go with the flow of what I was used to.

After some more dungeon exploring and close physical bonding with Yue..

We stand before the last floor boss that is in our way to the library.

Avatar 2 remembered the usefulness of this world's ancient magic..

Now that the goal is in reach, there's no reason to back down.

The Hydra summoned seems like good upgrade material..

In order to preserve the Hydra in good condition, Avatar 2 anticlimactically killed the boss instantly by soul extraction.

The new form came with initial levels to all the elemental spells the Hydra possessed.

We entered the final floor where Orcus resided and activated the magic circle for the inheritance.

New knowledge was being uploaded and imprinted into our minds, giving inspirations on how to improve gauntlets and boots with the Creation Magic's ability to interfere with inorganic material.

In the end.. I feel that this could be dealt with quicker so.. I just ransack the place and relocated most of everything to my world.

I fed Pandemonium with Orcus's bones.. to obtain only transmuting magic and corrections when using it.. Also obtained the first key item: Orcus's ring.

Some areas were dismantled for the construction material.. also requested Ryu to install a outdoors bath area.

Avatar 2 had Yue move inside the personal world to avoid Ehit's detection outside of the dungeons.

The labyrinth still operates normally by generating material but now that Orcus's books of knowledge and magic have been inherited.. He could create his own supply spawning in the future.

Avatar 2 think it is time to quietly run off and conquer the remaining dungeons.

Unfortunately, there's some requirements to enter several dungeons or even dangerous for the one under the church.. So he picked the next closest labyrinth with a nerve wracking setting.

Not sure if Avatar 2's current powers can even fight Ehit, hence it'll be postponed indefinitely.

While running quickly across the desert on foot, Avatar 2 could only find monsters in the way.

He have been looking for the Reisen Labyrinth right after teleporting to Reisen Gorge for some time..

After actually finding the location, Avatar 2 hesitated due to the past descriptions..

In the end, he fought the golem monsters in melee for material and triggered various traps until the master of the place shows up.. After that annoying trial, Avatar 2 obtained many rare ores, gravity magic, information of the remaining labyrinths and the second key item: ring.. but the exit was uncannily similar to getting flushed down a toilet.

Good thing was that the flushing bought me near Brooke town. Where I met a Innkeeper's daughter named Sona who have incredible stealthing skills despite her low stats..

Once Avatar 2 properly rested, he decided to head towards the Grand Gruen Volcano next.

In the meantime, tries using gravity magic in attempt to draw energy from the land.

The volcano is about 5 kilometers in diameter at its base, and 3 kilometers in height.

It is conical like most volcanoes, but shaped more round like a dome with a flat summit.

After 50 floors of reaction speed trials, Avatar 2 obtained the Spatial Magic along with the third key item: Pendant with the picture of a lady holding a lamp.

Also gained many fire elemental skills from the drops.

This new Spatial Magic helps quite a bit for Ryu to manage his world more efficiently with the boundary interference.

So far everything has been smooth sailing that it was kinda boring..

Avatar 2 used teleport to get back to Brooke town to ask if the adventurers guild have any escort missions to Erisen to hike a ride.

Also, to sell the monster drops that isn't needed anymore for gold coins.

Some rough looking adventurers wanted to exhort money, but the easy solution was just to incapacitate them with a light hand chop to the neck although the fall wasn't so good..

The guild notified to gather at the town square later to meet the merchants for the mission.

Days have passed and besides a few bandits attacks, everything was just peaceful on the road.

Avatar 2 parted ways with the merchants when finally reached the coastal city.

He searched for the dungeon entrance in the western seas before the next full moon.

When all conditions are met, Avatar 2 dived right in to fought spirits, mana based illusions reenacting religious wars led by gods in the history of Tortus and a nearly indestructible blob..

Avatar 2 fed Pandemonium with the spirits and a gelatinous monster known as devourer.

What got unlocked was a illusion skill, level up on gluttony, recovery passives and some overlapping skills.

The biggest reward is ofcourse the Restoration Magic that taps into time interference and another key item..

Next up, Frost Caverns which Avatar 2 used spatial magic to teleport near the Orcus Labyrinth and walked south east.

Some more days have been spent searching for the labyrinth in a cold frigid land.

It was quickly conquered by ignoring the cold and beating the doppelganger. Pandemonium unlocked some ice and water skills from the new forms.

Finally obtained the Metamorphosis Magic, and another key item.

Ryu was quite happy with this since its ability is to interfere with any organic material.

Since this allowed Ryu to think of restructuring the data body structures of Nina, Sakuya and Kuzuha or even soul bodies like Glass and Mana to convert into flesh and blood bodies.

It's so they won't have to burn energy just to sustain their form of existence in the physical reality. Also enables them to join Ryu in exploring most other worlds without problems.

Thinking such, Ryu rounded them up for a family meeting..

It was decided that it'll start after Ryu learn the remaining of the Ancient Magic..

Avatar 2 teleported to near the Heiligh Kingdom, out of curiosity..

He looked to see how that group of summoned people is doing.

Their school bullies were missing and the Synergist Nagumo was somehow enslaved with a choker to the healer Shirasaki..

Didn't see the Hero or anyone else worthy of note around.

Avatar 2 just continued walking towards the border in order to reach the sea of trees.

He saw some human empire soldiers capturing demihumans like it is their god given right..

*Used magic to convert them all into the first Filorial birds of this world. Idk why.*

Upon reaching the forest, Avatar 2 hid in the shadows and made his ears more longer to impersonate a elf.

After finding a tiger clan demihuman near the regions of Verbergen, Avatar 2 asked for a guide to the Haltina Labyrinth.

However, was told to meet with the clan elders beforehand..

A bunch of side tasks including warding off human soldiers were given before they finally agreed.

After finally entering this Labyrinth, Avatar 2 got transformed into a monster but used magic to undo.

He got into a pod that made even Ryu do reflection on his current lifestyle.

A breakthrough was made for their mind and spirit..

Avatar 2 escaped and got exposed to some lust stimulants but there's actually no one around.. *shrugs*

On to the next trial.. The infinite hellspawns of the G.s! (Roaches)

It really is infinite if the G. summoners don't die..

Avatar 2 spammed AoE spells like a madman and didn't even bother to pick up any of the drops..

He obtained the Evolution Magic that interferes with information and able to boost mostly any forms of power by one stage.

No additional key items were dropped so the previous key items were fed to Pandemonium unlocking a few skill correction passives.

Feeling that words spoken might have a special power, Avatar 2 just shouted out "The gods of Tortus aren't gods that I believe in!" with the labyrinth as cover to unlock a requirement for Divine Mountain..

It might've been a disaster to disavow Ehit near his church of faith.

Avatar 2 teleports back to the Heiligh Kingdom.

It seems one of the students named Yukitoshi went crazy as he used dark magic to command a black dragon with a huge army of monsters to slaughtered the Heiligh Kingdom's army and his fellow countrymen classmates..

In the meantime, Avatar 2 took advantage of the confusion and killed a few shady church members who seems to be doing some evil cult stuff hence unlocking all the requirements to receive Spirit Magic.

After getting Spirit Magic that interferes with negative material possessed by living beings.. or magic power, heat, electricity, then thought, consciousness, memory.

Ryu seem to have gotten better control over soul manipulation.

There's a new abilities like resurrection (limited-time), transfering souls from living beings to another: even formless bodies can practically grant immortality.. Also ability to make an artificial consciousnesses or even inhabiting other bodies as wished..

Concept Magic was also unlocked..

It's a ancient magical art from combinations of many other ancient magic to interfere with the laws of the world and imprinting abstract ideas upon it.

Wanting to try the new Magic skills.. Avatar 2 saw Ehit's Apostles/Dolls: Noint in action..

I guess Ehit was tired already as Noint units already killed some of the students alongside with the monsters using Disintegration Magic..

This could be my fault with the yandere healer's blackening when Nagumo stayed alive and in her sight, the weakening of the class overall and the Yuusha is missing..

So.. I tried redeeming myself by storing away the formerly dying black dragon restored by magic..

I killed about 200ish Noint Units and also captured 64 living Noint units before I skedaddled.

Thinking that I shouldn't go back with the high chance of meeting Ehit, I just left entirely.

I rewrote the living Noint units into recognizing the new owner and spammed the Polymerization spell.. To just fuse every one of the Noint units x64 into one new entity which I renamed to Syr.

The Noint units' hearts are mana crystals that seemed boundless until it got disconnected with that world.. Maybe it was just extracting energy from the planet to store inside the crystals but it sure does have a huge storage cap. limit..

Pandemonium got to feast on those high level corpses and equipment.

Acquired Summoning - Silver Great Swords: Flying swords capable of deflecting many attacks like the railgun easily., Summoning - Silver Wings: Pair of wings that can fire a barrage of feathers with strength on par with a railgun., Mana Reserve cap. limit was upgraded beyond current measuring., Apostle's skill series: Disintegration Magic, All Elemental Affinity - an ability to use all kinds of Magic., Spell Mending - an ability to fuse any kind of Magic., Mana Manipulation - an ability to directly manipulate Mana and use spells without the need of a Magic Circle or an Incantation.and Limit Break.

Ryu tried Concept Magic to make Pandemonium into being able to freely use all its abilities without the restriction to switch to a certain modes to use skills..

Even his personal world got optimized becoming more perfected with the many laws from other worlds intertwining with Concept Magic effect.

Soon, Ryu began to reconstruct the bodies of Nina, Sakuya and Kuzuha..

They were remade into looking the same as before, but Sakuya & Kuzuha's robot looking ears was replaced with elven-like ears.

It was a difficult choice as Ryu picked between changing the fox sisters' ears to animal fox ears with fox tails or short elven ears.. but then Ryu remembered that it could change at anytime!

The Metamorphosis, Spatial and Restoration Magic was passed to all of the girls.

After settling most of everything, Ryu went to spend quality time visiting downtown with Nina, Kuzuha, Sakuya, Mana, Glass, Yuki, Sakura, Yue and Syr.. in the process attracted many people..

I feel like I have forgotten something..

Ikeda Ikeda

At the beginning, I was drawing blanks trying to describe visual details out of nowhere in front of my computer..

It's mostly based on my old memories of reading the WN years ago, some fanfics and then video clips..

I kinda forgot about SAO, so I just watched the Abridged series on Youtube..

Was actually planning to have Ryu stay on that world with occasional time skips from 2022 SAO to 2046 Accel World for 'The Seed' and 'Brain Burst' but Idk.

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