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Chapter 85: Little Pudding's Airplane

It was Zuo Ning's first time in a private plane so he looked around curiously. It was only his second time ever in an aircraft. Previously, it was because he and his parents went to the neighbouring province on vacation. It was their only holiday together. He thought that he wouldn't have a chance in this life to go somewhere further away with Lu Chenghe. He had never imagined that Lu Chenghe would buy a private plane to go out to play.

Lu Chenghe saw him restlessly bouncing around so he picked him up and put him on a chair. He buckled him up with a special seatbelt for dogs. "Be good for me. If you don't, I'll directly throw you off the plane."

Zuo Ning shook his head and snorted. Such a bluff. There were already in the air, who would believe your threats? Acting as if I'm naive, hmph!

The seats on a private plane were very spacious. A few bodyguards sat on the frontmost seats while Lu Chenghe sat on the sofa at the back. There was also a bedroom upstairs. If the flight was long, you were free to go up and have a comfortable rest.

Zuo Ning had never seen a bedroom on a plane before and was quite interested in taking a peek. It was a pity that Lu Chenghe had eagle eyes and wouldn't let him have the freedom to move around.

The bodyguard, who was not under Lu Chenghe's strict control like he was, did a sweep of the jet before unbuttoning his jacket and sitting down. He joked, "Boss, am I allowed to hate the rich right now?"

Lu Chenghe flipped through a magazine and didn't raise his head. "Feel free."

Qi Wei poured himself a glass of champagne. The trip today was due to a big wedding of one of their business partners. So it could be considered a business trip as well as a vacation. As there was a bit of business involved, as the secretary, he naturally needed to follow. But since it wasn't like the strict work hours on a weekday, he was inevitably a bit more relaxed and his words were also more casual.

Qi Wei was another person who had never thought that the boss would directly buy a private plane to bring his dog.

Honestly speaking, this plane was not expensive. The boss could buy a whole fleet if he wanted to but the permit was extremely troublesome to obtain. His boss was someone who hated troublesome things. So even though it was common to own this sort of plane in his social circle, he had never thought of buying one before. Who would have thought that he would so wholeheartedly become a dog slave?

When he looked at the dog, Qi Wei suddenly began to miss his canine son. So he couldn't help but tease Little Pudding. "Pudding, ah Pudding. Do you know how high your net worth is?"

Zuo Ning knew that this was Lu Chenghe's secretary. He was another super-elite human. Qi Wei was young but was the embodiment of 'counterattacking life'. When Zuo Ning was human, he had only heard about Lu Chenghe because he needed to know the boss of the company that he wanted to get into in the future. But he knew Qi Wei more than the boss due to some incredibly melodramatic gossip.

Qi Wei was born into a rich and powerful family. Although it couldn't measure up to the Lu's, it was more powerful than several others. He also had a beautiful fiance and they had been mutually in love for several years. Usually, in this kind of winning household, there would also be some melodrama like bad management and bankruptcy.

They weren't framed by rivals, there wasn't any family infighting. It was purely due to Qi Wei's father's investment mistakes. Combined with the poor management of the company meant that the snowball just kept rolling until the company went bankrupt. At that time, Qi Wei was abroad in the process of getting a very powerful degree. By the time he returned, the situation had already become a foregone conclusion.

In one night, they had gone from being a noble to a pauper. That pretty fiance was also gone. She directly and efficiently dumped him.

Qi Wei became Lu Chenghe's secretary. In a short time, he managed to close several beautiful deals for the Lu family and caused their profits to reach a new high. So the desolate Prince became a noble bachelor again, but he didn't pay any attention to that princess who showed him her affections again. Instead, he gave his whole heart to his canine son.

After experiencing turbulent times, Qi Wei's father was too lazy to do it again. He returned to the life of a farmer with no debt weighing him down and lived his days very comfortably. Apart from Qi Wei's shockingly high salary he also ran several personal properties and had a small small part of Lu's shares in his hands. He was a textbook example of 'counterattacking life'. You could easily write a million-word book about him titled 'The return of the king'.

When Zuo Ning heard Qi Wei's words, he first thought about the fact that he was an internet celebrity now. He had some personal worth. Just his Weibo account could earn plenty of money. Of course, 'plenty' was compared to his previous human self. When compared with Lu Chenghe, he probably wouldn't bother to look at it.

So Qi Wei was probably not making a joke at the few tens of thousands of dollars, right?

Sure enough, Qi Wei continued, "Do you know that the plane we are sitting on right now… is yours?"

Zuo Ning's ears stood up immediately, what do you mean?

Qi Wei sat beside Little Pudding. Since the big boss didn't rebuke him, he fulfilled his wish and touched its paw. "After we land, I'll show you. The tail of this plane has a picture of you on it so it's called Little Pudding. What do you think? Are you pleasantly surprised?"

He was really surprised. So surprised that he had to suppress his instinctive reaction. Then he turned his head and arched into Lu Chenghe's arms. He was almost exposed. Ah, scared him to death. He didn't know if what Qi Wei said was true or not. He wouldn't go so far with a joke that he would speak nonsense just because a dog couldn't understand words right? But buying a plane and drawing your face on it… hey… why did this plot seem so suspicious?

When he thought about it, he couldn't help but want to roll around in Lu Chenghe's arms. Too bad he was held back by the safety belt and couldn't stick his whole body in Lu Chenghe's arms. Such a pity. How much did Lu Chenghe love him, that he bought a plane using Zuo Ning's name and even put a picture of him on it?

Really! Normally he was so indifferent. One kiss would take forceful coaxing and pleading. In actuality, he was the type to make one big move!

That the little rascal was twisting his body so hard his head was about to pop off so Lu Chenghe could only undo the seat belt. Little Pudding took this opportunity to immediately jump into his arms.

Qi Wei suddenly had a weeping expression on, "So you don't like me, huh? Little Pudding, come. I'll give you some meat to eat alright?" As he was saying so, he took out the prepared dog treats and opened them. He hoped that the little dog would be lured into his arms. That fluffy fur, you could tell with one look that it would be super comfortable.

The result was that the little dog was tightly caught in the boss's arms and couldn't be tempted by small snacks. This little rascal was a thief spirit, he only knew how to hold onto a strong thigh!

Lu Chenghe raised his head to look at his secretary when he heard crunching sounds. He saw him eat the things in his hand mouthful by mouthful, face expressionless.

Qi Wei smilingly waved the jerky in his hands. "Boss, do you want to try it? It is quite chewy. At first, it doesn't seem to have any taste, but the flavour comes out if you keep chewing. You can tell it's custom made. It tastes better than the ones my son eats. Where did you order it, boss? Introduce them to me, eh? My son will like eating them as well."

Zuo Ning silently lay in Lu Chenghe's arms and looked at this gold star secretary. He just felt like his image had collapsed.

During the afternoon, Lu Chenghe naturally ate the refined meal the chef on the plane made for him. Zuo Ning also ate freshly made dog food. Qi Wei was also eating with Lu Chenghe and couldn't control his chatter when he saw that portion of dog food. "You really are a lucky little rascal. Do you know how normal dogs are treated when they leave the country?"

Zuo Ning raised his head to give him a look, then lowered it to continue to eat his food. What do you mean by treatment? Apart from a small number of airlines which allow small dogs or working dogs on board, the rest of them can only be placed with the checked luggage. They would be miserable if they were checked in at luggage. Have you seen how express delivery handles their packages? It's similar to that. If something happens, there won't be any compensation and they are extremely unyielding.

As Qi Wei was speaking, he thought of a message sent two days ago in his dog lovers group chat. He turned to Lu Chenghe, "A few days ago, a person in my group chat brought their dog back to their hometown. The dog was a three year old husky. After an approximately two hour flight, they found that the little husky had died en route."

When Lu Chenghe heard this, he glanced at Qi Wei who continued with distress and regret, "I've watched a video of that little husky before, it was especially naughty and active. Who knew that it would be gone like this. The airline explained that the dog already had a problem, hidden medical history or something, and had nothing to do with their checked luggage process." He disdainfully spit out, "What nonsense!"

Even Zuo Ning stopped eating and looked towards Qi Wei. After finishing his speech, he looked at his boss with hidden bitterness. "So before I left, I fostered my son in a pet hotel. If I knew that Boss was bringing a dog, I would bring one too. Now I can't see him for many days, I don't even know if he's being good or not… haaaa…."

Zuo Ning continued to eat his food. He finally understood. This Qi Wei was already in late-stage 'dog slave' illness. The kind that has no cure. No matter how elite a person is, they could only collapse in front of a dog.

They arrived at their destination at approximately three in the afternoon. When they got off, they were hit with a blast of hot summer air and Zuo Ning instantly felt a little warm. It was early autumn when he became a dog and entered the Lu family and the weather had already begun to cool. So he had not experienced summer as a dog yet.

He looked at his body of fur. They were in the tropics, what could he do? Did Lu Chenghe bring him to experience suffering?

They brought four bodyguards with them during this outing. This was the first time Zuo Ning had seen Lu Chenghe bring this many people. Normally he only took a driver around with him. It was the first time he had seen him make such a grand entrance. He couldn't help but find it charming.

When Qi Wei descended from the plane, his whole aura had changed. You couldn't see the hint of the chatterbox he was earlier. He looked extremely capable as he followed behind Lu Chenghe. He was so quick to change faces...

As Zuo Ning was being led away by Lu Chenghe, he especially turned his head back for a look. There really was a picture of a Samoyed on the tail of the plane. It looked exactly like him. His left foot stood on his right foot and, with a squeak, somersaulted onto the ground.

Lu Chenghe lowered his head to look at the dog. He could trip on a flat surface?

Zuo Ning dizzily got back up and heard Qi Wei snickering behind him. He lifted his head to look at Lu Chenghe and immediately shook his fur. He lifted his head, stuck out his chest, acted like nothing just happened. He just kept walking in an imposing manner.

Lu Chenghe held the leash and followed behind him. He couldn't help but lift the corner of his mouth. How could something be so stupid?

The person who came over to pick them up was the host of the wedding. A mixed-race man who looked like a prince. When he saw Lu Chenghe and his secretary, he enthusiastically came forward to hug them then began talking in a foreign language.

As an English student who had only passed level four and had not touched the language for most of the year, Zuo Ning felt that the man was speaking too quickly. He could understand basic greetings but the latter half of the speech was lost to him. Now that he had become a third-class person who couldn't understand English, did he really become a dog that couldn't understand human speech?

Just when his soul was about to leave his body, that enthusiastic foreigner suddenly squatted down to pat him. Zuo Ning jumped out of his skin and subconsciously went behind Lu Chenghe's body to hide.

Lucas looked at Lu Chenghe sadly, "Looks like your little cutie doesn't really like me. I'm sad that I can't hug him!"

Lu Chenghe looked at Little Pudding who was peeking out from behind him. "He's still young. It's his first time to be so far away so he's a little timid and afraid of strangers."

Zuo Ning raised his head to look at Lu Chenghe. 'Timid', he could understand that word. It meant coward. He bared his teeth. Calling him a coward? I'll become a bear and show you!

The group of people didn't stay at the airport for long before the enthusiastic man ushered them into a waiting car. The moment Zuo Ning got on, he immediately pawed at Lu Chenghe's body. He had to sit on his lap. No matter how cold and indifferent of a male god he was and no matter what sort of tyrannical boss he was, if there was a dog sitting on his body, his imposing manner could only go so high!

Lucas looked at the Samoyed's act of circling his territory with a smiling face. Then he saw that Lu Chenghe didn't object but actually pampered its movements and thought that this was a one-off. He had collaborated with Lu Chenghe for many years already and was able to take sole control over his family business because of the close relationship he had with the Lu's.

In his eyes, Lu Chenghe's nature was cold with powerful skills and ability. He was a man who was strong and silent. He had not thought that Lu Chenghe would be like this during his personal time. But no matter how strong a man was, they would always have a soft side. He just thought that it was a one-off that his soft side was displayed for his pet.

Along the way, Lucas explained the itinerary for the next few days as well as the heavyweight guests who were also invited to this wedding reception. In their circle, many cooperative projects started with human relations. He then left after seeing them to their arranged accommodation.

The bodyguards first entered to sweep the house. When they determined that the villa was fine and there were no special electronics they ushered in Lu Chenghe and the luggage.

The wedding was being held on a private island and the guests were arranged to stay in individual villas. When Lu Chenghe entered, he discovered a massive swimming pool on the terrace. He looked at Little Pudding who was now inspecting the area and spoke to the bodyguards. "Get someone to bring the pet dryer here."

He always learnt from his previous mistakes and would not repeat them.

In this short time, Qi Wei had already found the information of the several global tycoons which Lucas had brought up and had them organised into a report to give to Lu Chenghe.

When Zuo Ning saw Lu Chenghe sitting on the sofa and reading the report, he helplessly shook his head. Looks like it wasn't easy to be a big boss. He was supposed to be here to attend a wedding, yet he had to prepare beforehand. Human relations was a really complicated and obscure subject, huh?

He sighed mindlessly and waved his tail about as he began to explore the surroundings.

This place was a standalone villa. The whole house was presented in a simple and modern style with large floor-to-ceiling windows and spotless white curtains which swayed with the sea breeze. There was a huge open space outside with a swimming pool facing the ocean. There was even a gazebo in the middle of the pool. Pure white curtains concealed the interior of the gazebo, occasionally showing a corner when the salty breeze blew. It was exceedingly romantic.

Zuo Ning glanced at the big swimming pool. He really wanted to jump down and play in the water but after he wondered if he would get skewered afterwards. Since Lu Chenghe was still sitting on the sofa, he had no opportunity and could only go explore upstairs. There were a total of three rooms on the second floor. Every room was super big and also had large balconies. Some were facing the beach and some faced the sea. One balcony even had a big hanging rattan chair, just like the one at home. If he lay on the hanging chair and saw the horizon in the distance, the scene would be very beautiful.

Zuo Ning immediately set his eyes on that room. When he saw the bodyguard carrying Lu Chenghe's luggage in the most inner room, Zuo Ning quickly ran over with a yelp. He barked a few times and ran towards the room he liked. When the bodyguard didn't follow, he ran back and barked a few more times.

But those few bodyguards were only looking at him stupidly. They even thought he was playing with them and didn't understand his meaning. In the end, no matter how much he barked, they still went ahead and completed their jobs.

Zuo Ning marvelled at their wooden heads. He had already made it so clear but they still couldn't understand. So with a tap tap tap, he ran to the railing on the second floor and barked at Lu Chenghe.

Lu Chenghe raised his head and looked at Little Pudding. "What?"

Zuo Ning barked twice before running off, then ran back and barked two more times.

Lu Chenghe could only put down the report and go upstairs to see what the little thing was up to.

When he got upstairs, Little Pudding patted his legs then ran to a room and sat down. Lu Chenghe saw the room that the bodyguards had picked for him. It was the innermost room and was probably the master bedroom. The room that Little Pudding picked was in the middle. Lu Chenghe went in for a look and quickly knew why Little Pudding preferred the middle room.

"This middle room is fine. Give the inner room to Qi Wei." When he finished he saw Little Pudding smiling face pounce over. He poked the fluffy head, "I am really spoiling you!"

Heh heh heh, Zuo Ning laughed. His Lu Chenghe never let him down. With just one movement, he understood his meaning. Then he looked at the bodyguards, ah… there was really no comparison. No wonder one was a boss and the other was just a bodyguard. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Now the bodyguards understood what the dog meant before. They thought the situation was pretty funny. This dog that their boss raised was really different from the rest, it could even choose its favourite room. When they couldn't understand its meaning, it even knew to call their boss over. They had already heard from their colleagues how that little dog was so smart and so cute. Now they saw for themselves, this dog was really extraordinary.

Zuo Ning was satisfied now that he had chosen the room he liked and had no need for Lu Chenghe anymore. He ran to the balcony and freely jumped on the hanging chair. He used his paw to give one of the side pillars a push, and the hanging chair began to rock to and fro. He snuggly sat in the chair and watched the beach and the sea. The sea breeze was light and with the smell of summer. Aah, so comfortable.

Lu Chenghe smiled when he saw that pleasurable expression. Right now he was still a fluffy white circle. Soon, he would turn into a little black dog when Lu Chenghe brought him to the beach for a run. Unfortunately, they didn't even need to wait until this evening before the little rascal did something wrong.

After the bodyguards surveyed the whole property, they began to unpack the luggage. Zuo Ning saw them take out his daily necessities and a part of his toys before slinking his way downstairs and charging to the large open-air swimming pool. He turned back to look at Lu Chenghe. He was on the sofa talking with Qi Wei. Since he didn't see any objections, he slowly moved towards the side of the pool.

As he moved closer, he discovered that there was a transparent path in the pool supported by a few pillars. That way, if he wanted to go to the central gazebo, he would only have wet feet.

Zuo Ning stretched out a paw to test the waters. When he took a step, the water was very shallow and only caused his paws to be wet. So he happily trotted forth. When he reached the halfway point he faced Lu Chenghe and woofed.

Lu Chenghe only gave him a glance. "No playing in the water. If your fur becomes wet then you can't eat today."

Zuo Ning answered with a bark, hmph, his fur would not get wet, before running all the way to the gazebo in the centre of the pool. There was a big soft bed in the middle of the gazebo surrounded by all four sides with sofas full of pillows. If you lay on the bed you could even see the far off ocean scenery. Zuo Ning looked at his paws then stepped on one of the many pillows. When it was basically dry, he jumped on the soft bed.

Lu Chenghe and Qi Wei finished their discussion and realised that there had been no movement in the area for a while. When they looked around, they found the little dog sleeping in the gazebo.

The blue sky and deep ocean was the background and the white gauze curtains acted like a veil, framing the small white dog in the centre. This colour combination was too beautiful. Qi Wei immediately took out his phone and continuous shutter sounds started. He really was a dog owner, no matter which angle he took it from, the attractiveness index was off the charts!

Lu Chenghe looked at the time and called to wake him. "Little Pudding, time to eat."

Zuo Ning was in the middle of a comfortable nap when he heard the sound. He lifted his head and saw Lu Chenghe was getting ready to leave and quickly climbed up to run in his direction. And then, just like a flashback in the middle of a film, the scene happened like déjà vu. With a splash, he directly slipped into the water.

The swimming pool had deep and shallow segments. The middle happened to be the deepest part at two metres. Zuo Ning knew how to swim otherwise, he wouldn't enjoy playing in water so much. Unlike the previous time he fell into the hot spring, the moment he tumbled into the water fragments of memories appeared in his mind.

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