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Chapter 4: The wrong place, at the wrong time.

Amiria and Mikel's bodys felt weak, and their heads where muggy from the transportation spell.

When their eyes opened, they saw nothing but a vast and dense jungle before them. Trees as tall as her formal tower reached their branches into the sky. Their vegetation so thick the sky was nearly blocked out completely, making the forest dark and moist. Moss was growing on the sides of the trees and all over the ground, holding in the heat and moisture.

It looked just like the wild jungles she had read before in her books. She recalled reading that jungles, like this one, were filled with dangerous plants, and spiritual beasts. It was uninhabited by humans due to the fact that the beasts were too deadly to coexist with.

Nothing at all like the city where the Thieves Guild was located. In fact, she didnt see any signs of human influences at all. Just over grown vegetation all around them.

Somthing must of gone wrong with the spell Mikel casted and sent them to a foreign area she had never seen before.

"Mistress, where are we? This isn't what Mikel was thinking about when the spell was being cast!" he squirmed alittle in surprise, but was still placed affectionately on her hip and couldn't get very far.

Panic and guilt was clear in his voice, and his big yellow eyes were glossed over with tears that threaten to spill over any second. He felt like he had failed his Mistress by sending them to the wrong place, and the disappointment hung heavily over his heart.

Amiria rubbed the top of his head, and smiled warmly at him in an attempt to cheer him up. Her voice sounded kind, but at the same time very firm. She wanted him to know that she wasn't mad, but to still take her words seriously.

"You are still learning. I would not of asked you to cast that kind of high level spell and expect perfection from you. Im allready impressed enough with you being able to teleport not only one person, but two. Take pride in what you do accomplish, and practice what you do not"

After saying her peace, she gently lifted his small body up off her hip and placed him on the ground to stand with his own two feet. He felt much calmer after listening to her. His Mistress always said just the right thing to not only make him feel better, but to make him excited to try again as well.

There was nothing wrong with failure, as long as you learned from your mistake and was not afraid to try again. For some reason, he felt like she was much softer on him then she was with her other underlings.

If it was Alistair who had made the same mistake, then she would surely of tease him until he was drivin mad by her.

"Mistress, Mikel will try again!" He was practically hopping up and down with excitement. Even if it took all day, or a million days, he would get it right!

"No need. If you use any more magic after depleting all that you had, then you will harm your meridians and that will make it difficult for you to cultivate in the future. Besides, the Thieves Guild can live without me for a few days. Let's play here for a while."

This was the first time she had seen a place as wild and beautiful as this jungle. She was going to have many 'first times' after finally gaining her freedom, and she planned to explore everything that this vast world had to offer. Besides, what if she needed real life knowledge in the future about the dangers of this jungle? She was allready here, might as well gather some data just in case.

She grabbed Mikel by the hand and started their journey threw the plentiful trees. As they walked, their feet sunk into the moist ground, making a 'squishing' noise with each step. They heard the ruffles of smaller feet scattering away from them as they went, probably weaker beasts scared of the sudden foreign threat.

Lower level spirt beasts normally wouldn't risk their lives when they see somthing or someone bigger in size then them. Their intelligence was low compared to stronger spirt beasts, but they at least knew survival of the fittest. Most lower level spirt beasts were herbivores, and would rather run than fight.

It was the higher level spirit beast that they had to worry about. It wouldn't matter to them what was in front of them, if it look like they could eat it, then they would certainly try.

Beasts were separated by three basic categories: The first and weakest beasts were from the lower level. They were mostly food for stronger foes.

Following after that are the middle level spirt beasts. Their strength is much higher then the lower level, and are a mixture of carnivorous and herbivores. Their intelligence is not much better then the lower level beasts, but they are much stronger.

The supreme level beasts is the strongest class, and most feared out of all. They were known to have human like intelligence, and strength that rivaled even the best magicians. If one was cornered by a supreme spirt beast, then they wouldn't have much hope of surviving.

Mikel would be considered a supreme spirt beast now, but was originally a lower class spirt beast. Only after Amiria began to train him in cultivation was he able to break threw the classes and get to the stage he is at now.

Most beasts are born into their classes, but if one had the intelligence and will-power to cultivate then the likelihood they can advance becomes higher. It also helps alot to be guided by a human that more or less knows how to teach them, like Amiria was to Mikel.

-Sniff Sniff-

"Mistress, somthing smells sweet." Mikel lifted his nose in the air and began to try and find the source the smell was originating from. This kind of sweet smell seemed almost out of place coming from within a jungle. Before, all she could smell was earth and the vegetation.

"Mikel doesn't know what it is, but it smells really yummy!" His belly began to rumble, making Amiria chuckle at him out loud. Her child was truly something. He was stranded in the middle of a vast forest filled with dangerous beasts, and all he wanted was a snack?

She encouragingly tug at his hand that she was still holding, "Then let's investigate. Lead the way."

An adorable child-like smile took over his chunky face, and he eagerly pulled her in the direction the smell seemed to come from.

The forest seemed to only get thicker as they traveled deeper into the jungle. The trees started to look much older and they grew to unbelievable sizes. After awhile, dark leafy vines began to thickly fill the empty spaces between the trees, making it impossible move any further.

The vines were so dense and tightly woven together that it gave her the feeling they didn't grow this way naturally.

She placed her hand palm side down on the wall of vines, and studied them using her spiritual power.

Her hand subconsciously cupped her chin in thought, and her facial expression soured.

Someone used magic on these vines!

It seems like the spell is quite old, but it somehow still maintained itself. Was the caster near by? What exactly is the caster they trying to keep out?

Whomever casted this level of spell should have a great amount of magic power within them. Plants were still living beings, it would be extremely hard to bend them to their will, even with magic.

Even if you ignore that fact alone, casting a spell that would stay in place long after the caster was gone was almost unheard of! Most spells needed constant attention to continue to work and would crumble even if your concentration was disrupted for a second.

What was behind this wall of vines that they wanted to protect so desperately? Her curiosity was peaked, making her mood quite pleasant.

"Let's see if they can keep me out."

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