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Chapter 10: Rinnegan powers. Conglomeration of tailed beasts.

When we arrived the door opened and in came 6 people the last was teleported here. It was Nagato Uzumaki and his 6 paths of pain. He seen me and was shocked ,but knew what I was here for. He was about to deny payment at least for some time, but seen a chain on his soul to a familiar magical symbol.

"I'm here for my payment we will be transported to my testing area and i will observe. Dont worry all chakra spent, will be replenished as the shop is kind." The pains nodded and said "Very well."

we were transported to the training area. He then showed me the powers of all the pains, even his village destroying move. He then said

"You should join me with your shops items and my power we will be invincible! My organization akatski's plan is to bring peace to the world."

"Sorry but I travel to many worlds and staying in one would bring me down. Worry not though even though I wont join you, I'll let you know the fate of this world. After you die, the goal of the akatsuki will be accomplished. Even death wont stop this, as the world will be saved by the chosen one. He will bring peace between the Major villages and there will be no more great ninja wars. At least I can't foresee any for at least 30 years or so. I'm limited in how far I can see, but know this a certain god will arrive by then and prevent future wars. This I'm sure of."

"Very well, I have things to do and I assume that you are only here for the payment." He inquired.

I nod and say"Shop transport him back to where he was."

Nagato dissapears but not before I copied his powers. I then felt a rush of information into my brain. As I gained all the knowledge of the paths and my new special ability.

Cuteness Amplification: Any action or sound that you make that is defined as cute, will be amplified causing affected people; to obey your every command. This will only work on people of similar strength as you ,unless they have no mind protection techniques. Also if they do have said techniques and are proficient in them, this ability might not work on them. Warning cannot be used to make a harem, as they will be attracted to your cutness. This is because its a nonsexual based attraction.

When I got this information I was shocked then yelled "Shop I thought you said he wouldnt be able too, and it was highly unlikley."

*Message from creator "Hahaha You do know that the rinnegan, although is a bloodline passed by kaguya it's a waterdowned one. So your rinnegan is easily able to be manipulated by me. Be thankful ,I allowed you to have the 6 paths. Also this will help you gain great strength, and have an army of slaves due to your cutness. Enjoy." End of message. Sir before you despair based on the data I know of the creator, there is no way he would be able to edit the rinnesharingan when you obtain it. Besides it's not like you ever try to do anything cute. Warning your kirby bloodline is beginning to finalize, if you would want to delay it I suggest gaining the chakra of the other tailed beasts.*

"My saviour!!! Yes we must go now ,attract the rest them this instant!!" I said quickly.


The shop resizes and so did I and in came the rest of the tailed beasts.

"Welcome to the magical emporium of desires!! Where you can anything you could possible want." I said

They were surprised but as they heard from kuruma they were excited.

"Now I want to suggest a group package for all of you, including kuruma who isnt here. This is a technique, that will prevent you from ever being sealed again. Unless Sasuke and Naruto decide too that is...but I doubt that would ever happen."

This peaked all of their interests and they all nodded.

"Unless you want to be sealed it allows it, but you have to be willing."

This peaked Gyūki interest as he likes his host, and if he can find a future partner then it would be better but..

"Would we be able to get the same thing kuruma has ,for making the place more hospitable?"

"Normally it's one item per person and this is a group package. However, since my payment is steep in humans standards I'll allow it."

They all looked at eachother and agreed. Some of them even thought 'I might just want to be sealed, if it's as good as kuruma said.'

"Yes!! I can finnally make that 9 tails, bow down before me. hahaha" Shukaku said.

"Well of everyone agrees place your "hands" here and I will get some of all your chakra." They all placed their various appendages on the table and red chakra escaped, swirled around the shop and hit me. I then felt something in my throat change.

"Shop why is it, I felt a small change happen to my body?"

*There is a unforeseen miscalculation due to your bloodline. It seems to have bonded with one of matatabi's traits. Since a cat is similar to a fox with a few genetic variations ,but I kept as many changes from happening as I could. There was one that got through though.*

I felt a tickmark on my head, as the shop normally tells me the whole thing. I then think of what it could be in my troa...."Noo it cant be that rig..."

*Indeed it is you have gained first the brain signals capabile of sensing signals to the laryngeal muscles, causing them to twitch at a rate of 25 to 150 vibrations per second. This causes the vocal cords to separate when the you inhale and exhale, producing a pur sound. Thus the changes in your muscles In your throat , allowing you to purr like a cat.*

"Nooooooooooo! Why..... I swear he must be doing this on purpose. I will get him back for this eventually!!!" I said as I was covered in flames ,as my anger reached a never seen before hight.

"Kit I might have a suggestion, for getting the humans to not squeeze and hug you. When I was young I figured out, if I marked myself with my scent. They would get stunned and not want to hug and pet me anymore. Maybe you could do the same." Matatabi said like it's the most obvious thing animal should do.

"Th-this..." I was dumbfounded by what she said I mean sure that would work for an animal. As they wouldn't care, but for me being a previous human...Gahhh life is so unfair.

"Thanks for the suggestion, but I must face this the hard way and maybe find a diffrent solution."

I said respectfully declining the disgusting idea.

"Very well, I'm sure you will persevere and find a solution one day. Thanks for the technique and farewell." They all left the shop while I was depressed thinking of a solution.

*Congratulations host you have unlocked rare items from the omniversal stock.*

This made me a bit happy and... I started to purr. When I heard this I thought 'Nooooooo. Dont tell me every time I'm happy I'll pur. Wait.... if I unlock my bloodline, this with my rinnegan abilities. Would activate its amplification!!! This.... is worse then I thought.

I need more knowledge and science to solve my problems before this occurs.

"Shop how long until my bloodline emerges?"

*With the new yang and some yin energy your bloodline will take 10 years to emerge. However the rinnesharingan might prolong this, as it will be using alot of your yin energy. Transporting to new customer.*


In walked Shikaku the head of the nara clan. He was the most trusted adviser of multiple hokages, so of course he knew of my existence. He observed the items after walking around a bit, he found something that would greatly help the village. A grim reaper scythe that would even be able to defeat the ten tails ,but required the sacrifice of 10,000 souls. He then came to the desk and asked "Would I be able to get this item as it would greatly help our village." He knew he has nothing worth in exchange. He Hope's the relationship between the shop owner and Hashirama would reduce the price. I shake my head and say "Sorry but you dont have anything of value that would get you that, even the whole village doesnt have anything. However I can suggest you an item for your clan, you can even keep it a secret from your wife. This is a rare item indeed, it's a large cloud that can split to make smaller ones. This should be enough for all Male clan members. Its sentient too and will come to you when you call. It's a special modified version ,of its original species. I would name it after it splits. It can also create more of its self, but Unfortunately the new ones are golden and can only be ridden by one pure of heart. It's also alot softer to sleep on then the rest. Imagine sleeping on a cloud and skygazing up close ,as this cloud can indeed fly. It can't be used for battle though, they are a peaceful species and will deny you acess." I explained to him he was disappointed at first. However, when he heard of my item I suggested he started gleam in greed. He thought 'I must have it!!! With this the Nara clan males can hide from their troublesome wifes!!!! This is a blessing to our future, ahh just the thought of floating in a cloud makes me feel bliss. I must have it no matter the cost!!!'

"What's the cost of such an item!!!" He said hastily.

"Knowledge on your clans shadow techniques."

Shikaku went stiff for a moment as this... was something he felt the clan would have to decide. Also he was extremely loyal to the village and wanted to make sure it's not used against them.

"Th-this will be difficult as I should have my clan members decide with me on it. Also I would need your word you wont use it against konoha." he said.

*All deals done must be done at the time they are said, so unfortunately you won't be able to debate with your clan.* Causing him to go into a deep contemplation then he finnaly yelled.

""i-ill take it as it's for the sake of the clan and it will help our thought process more. As we wont be bothered ,when contemplating the worlds mysteries!" He said with newfound conviction as he thought 'I hope the other members dont kill me for this.'

"Very well place your hand here and it will be done." I pointed at the desk. He agreed and did so. He then took the scroll that contained the clouds and rushed to his clan.

[At the nara clan compound meeting room.]

"Why was an emergency clan meeting called, and furthermore why are the women secretly banned from coming. As you know there is 2 female members on this elder council. Explain yourself shikaku!" Said one of the elders while the rest nodded and one said. "I had to make up an excuse as since this is a secret meeting, I cant just say that I have a meeting. My wife is going to kill me now because of it!!!"

"Calm down it's very important. I recently got a visit from the famous shopkeeper, that Hashirama was rumored to have visited. I have obtained a item, that will greatly help the Male clansmen with their relaxation; away from their wives. It's a cloud that can split up enough for each Male member, it also can create more in the future. However the created ones are special and I doubt anyone but civilian clan members might be able to ride it. As they are golden and only a person pure of heart can ride those. Here it is."

Poof. Out comes a giant cloud ,filling the courtyard of the meeting room.

"With this we can sleep in the sky and stargazer to our hearts content, away from troublesome women!" They all mutter to eachother and nodded also are all happy. One spoke up asking an important question. "What was your payment?"

He shuffled nervously and said "Our clans techniques, but I made sure that he wont use it against our village.Also he was on friendly terms with lord first." They went stiff at this but slowly nodded. "Indeed a steep price but our clansmen will be able to improve their thinking abilities, by being less stressed. Good job."

They all started crying in joy and thanked their mysterious benefactor.

[Meanwhile back with the mc.]

"Alright time to get myself out of this stuffy shop. Shop take me to the time towards the end of the 4th great ninja war." I said preparing for my journey.

*About time I was about to offer you for rent to Korra, as I dont want a hermit in here!!! Transporting now.*

"Hahaha good joke but you wouldn't do that to me.....would you." I started sweating as the shop, was basically offering me to my own cute demise.

*What ever helps make you happy and emotionally stable is what I do!!"

I dropped to the ground and gained a tick mark.

'Bullsh*t you emotionally abuse me all the time you and that creator of yours.... O I will get my revenge kukukuku.'

I then stepped out of the shop, to begin my observations. I used my mastery over senchakra, to sense for living being and where they are located. I noticed a huge amount of powers. I then see the kages fighting Madara.

I just observed from the sky using sage chakra to mask my presence. Only Shoyua would be able to detect me but she was busy. Eventually they were defeated, with me learning all their jutsus in the process.

"Roar!!!!" The tentails was summoned and Shoyua senses its immensive natural chakra reserves ;then mine. She looks up to where I was and so does the enemies. I then hop down and clap. "Wonderful fight, the techniques alone were a sight to behold. Worry not I'm not an enemy or ally, I am neutral in this endeavor. I'm actually here to meet a friend of mine, the note said to wait as they might be running late. So continue your battle I'm here to watch. I also heard there was a full moon tonight and I wanted to see it for myself. Here is a good spot it's quite roomy." I said stunning everyone here most were thinking 'Is he an idiot this is a warzone!!!' Madara speaks up "Oh you don't want to join me, but you wish to watch. What makes you think, you deserve to experience the peace to come?"

"Hmm you say something?" Everyone sweatdropped and started sweating 'Madman!!He just provoked Madara uchiha!!'

Meanwhile kakashi felt like he just found a long lost friend.

"Why y-you!!" Black zetsu was panicking and thinking 'This is not good. He probably came out since he was found out. Will this effect the resurrection?'

"No worrys I dont want to hurt you and your pet. The most it could do is bark at me." Everyone was thinking 'Hes done for!!!'

"Oh let's see what you got. Let's Dance!!!" He then has the jubi attack me. It was going to attack me either way, as it could feel a great threat from me. It fired a bijudama at me ,but since it was the tentails this wasn't simple. I sensed the energy inside it, I then used my spiritbending to try to redirect the blast. It got closer and closer, then when it was about to hit me; it did a 90 degree turn. It then headed for a mountain in the distance. When everyone saw this they dropped their jaws, even black zetsu was surprised. 'Im-impossible....To think he can control chakra from that attack this well. There is no way he should be able to unless... Unless he has high control over omni-energy, on par with middle teir gods!!!!'

"Tch. It seems that I need to teach you a lesson myself."

"Wait. Shouldn't that proof that I'm worthy enough to watch? I mean what's the purpose If all goes well, unless someone like me can tell the tale. On other worlds, how the great Madara uchiha accomplished his goal or how this events unfolds?" This caused him and everyone to freeze. 'There is no way he will accep' They thought but were inturrupted by madara saying.

"Very well. You better tell them exactly how well I danced with my foes!!! Hahaha" He laughed while obito asked "Who's he?"

"The legendary shop keeper, he wont be bothering us anymore. As hes a man of his word." Madara said waving him off while black zetsu heard and thought. 'Smart move using Madaras ego against him. I suppose hes watching to be able to learn techniques ,and gain power from this endeavor. I'll have kaguya ask him ,how he learned to control the omni-energy so well.'

The battle raged on like the anime, the only reason others didnt question who or what I am. Is because such unimportant questions come second safety and survival are first. Shoyua Uzumaki was going to speak up but kuruma told her ,what I said before and in the end all will be fine. Also even if he was nice to her doesnt mean that he owes her anything. Hes a shop owner what does he gain from this. Also it would effect his business if he does take a side. This calmed her down and she decided she will ask later.

Meanwhile with the Mc in the sky he was eating popcorn and enjoying the show.

"Oww that had to hurt." He said as Guy-sensei kicked Madara in the stomach as he went flying.

'Ha got to love it every technique and power I watch I learn more and more. Byakugan, Sasanoo,Amertasu, Natural energy ,Chakra mode, and sasanoo fusion, Eight gates technique, bloodline limits and more!!!'

"Hahaha" I laughed manically as Madara finnally finishes his goal and everyone is put into eternal slumber. Since I have a rinnegan I'm protected.

Meanwhile inside sasukes sasanoo

"Sasuke we have to save the shop owner!!!" She tried to convince him.

"Everyone will be fine, besides he apparently has a rinnegan so hes fine. First we need to figure our how to get everyone out of this genjustsu."

[Back with the mc.]

Madara then gets covered by black zetsu and says "What!! What are you doing your my creation my will you will follow my commands!"

I hope down next to him and say. "Black zetsu let's hurry this up, we don't want to keep your mother waiting, longer then we have to. Besides I'm sure you will get a scolding; for waiting this long as it is. I mean if you were powerful enough to control madaras mind, then you could have taken everyone out; after hashirama and his death."

Madara was greatly shocked as black zetsu said "Your no fun, I wanted to see him squirm for a bit. Very well."

"Wha-" Those where Madaras last words as he transformed into kaguya herself.

I bow as a sign of respect as black zetsu slithers up her arm. "Oh it's you, hmm you couldn't have helped zetsu, as it be against universal laws to interfere with my rebirths timeline. So what are you here for?" she asked on a friendly voice. Black zetsu replied

"Hes probably here for the techniques and abilities shown in the battles prior."

"Its as he said, also it seems while I was in the shop I couldnt do this. Rinnesharingan!"

I copied her rinnesharingan and showed it to her.

"It prevented me from coping it until now. I thank you for your presence, I will leave before I interfere with anything."

Black zetsu then whispered in her ear about my control and her face showed great surprise and interest. She then looked at my soul and had a Ahah moment.

She nods and says "Very well. It's better suited to you, then my clan members anyways. It seems you found a powerful spirit, that bound with you and taught you control over omni-energy. However I'm quite surprised, a being of his level can control it so well. Just what kind of world did you go to?" She asked

"Oh that it was a war torn world like this one but not as bad. There were no ninjas just one nation of people trying to take over the world, with their elemental affinity. They were humans but a long time ago, the world was connected with the spiritworld. More so then here as spirits were physically roaming. They knew how to spirit bend or as we know it control omni-energy. The spirit lionturtle clan, taught the humans how to coexist with the 4 basic elements. To protect thenselfs from bad spirits to survive. Their attitudes became like their element, thus the firebenders becoming so hotheaded."

I explained simply she nodded.

"Interesting if I was much weaker ,I'd even want to visit this world. I guess it doesnt matter now, it seems I have some children to punish."

I nod then left and headed back to my shop.

When I arrived I had a rush of information into my brain.

Cuteness overload: Cause anyone that is influenced by your cute appearance to be under your full control. This acts like a genjutsu but it controls their 6 senses hearing,touch,sound taste,smell and spiritual awareness. You just will what you want them to experience and the ability fills in then holes.

Limbo kirbies: In the spiritworld directly connected with this world, you can create kirby clones. They will have the same power as you and will be able to think for themselfs. Max 4 and this also increases your cutness effectiveness ,by a factor of 4 aswell.

"Th-this SHOP!!!! WHY!!!!"

*Ding message from creator *Hahaha you thought I couldnt change a technique of a borderline primordial, even if she was a primordial a new one is no match for an old one. Plus there is different levels within it like ranks, better yet it was easy!!! As she agreed with this change jahhahaha. I'm going to save that face you just made as my new screensaver

. Enjoy your new found cuteness prowess. That was his message*

"Noooooooooooooooooo." I cried and it spread through the entire shop.

Wrathos Wrathos

Give me a list of suggestions for future worlds. If I like it, I'll have the mc visit said worlds. I hope they fix the powerstone proublem soon.

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