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Chapter 42: Fight of the best, Unexpected change of events!

It's been months since the establishment of another Kirbonia in this world, currently it was a very special day. Ive decided to not let ace die and just mess with the world. Its the day of the war of the best, and Madara is happier then ever. He has a crazed look on his face that says "Come and get me and it will be your last breath!". Before the war began we placed a bunch of seals all over the place, they were all attached to their motherseal which does all the calculations. Normally this would be nearly impossible to do with seals, but I used magic to make it possible. They had all one purpose, before the marines that get killed die; collect all their bodies vitality. I placed a genjutsu on the entire area ,so that noone would notice; but I suspect observation haki might. It doesnt matter, as it's not like they well try and stop the fight. We were currently hovering in the sky ,waiting for the right moment to prevent whitebeard death. Normally Madara would be antsy ,but he seen no competition; except whitebeard a little.

"That should be enough, it's time to collect the master seal." I commanded and he went to grab it with a smile on his face. He brought it to me then I swiftly appear near whitebeard, in my regular form! "Hey Whitebeard it seems your having a tough time here, well a friend of mine wants a good fight and noone here can provide it. So to ensure the happiness of my friend, I decided to give you a gift." I said momentarily stopping the entire fight, as they all looked at me. Whitebeard laughed and said "Gurarara Oh really and what is this gift that you have?" he asked curiously not minding the Giant holes in his body!

"This!" I then quickly placed the vitality seal on him and his body began to absorb it. He grew younger and younger, untill he was at his prime!

"Gurararararara!" His laughter alone created spatial cracks! Immediately Garp, Sengoku and Aokiji faces went pale. Fighting him on his deathbed was hard, but in his prime! They were no match! "Now you all must have noticed ,the bodies of the marines turning into dust after aging.....Well that was me collecting their vitality, just before they were to die. Normally it would only take a few people, to fill another's vitality doing so...but this is Whitebeard!" I said in a booming voice. "Now I won't interfer anymore, while you save ace. I only came here for my friend to get a decent fight, if your worring about the citizens or innocents. Dont worry we have a better place to fight at, It will be at the Coliseum of kirbonia. Now you may continue your bat-" I was inturrupted by Kizaru sending a kick to my head. "You don't mind if I give you the "death penalty", for this right?" Kizaru said while I dodged it easily. Madara then spoke "You are no match for us, it's best if you just kneeled." He then increased the gravity on Kizaru, he made sure to use spiritual energy; to suppress his fruits abilities. Kizaru hit the floor and made a big indent.

"Madara that's enough, it seems we aren't wanted here; it its not like they are worth the effort." I said and he nodded then we teleported away.

"Huff, Huff"

'Im-impossible that was the work of the gravity fruit..... It seems what garp said was right.' "WHERE DID HE GO?!" Kizaru demmanded.

[Meanwhile 15 minutes later with the MC]

"Hey Madara I think it's time to say hi to whitebeard, he should be saling off by now. With his new power, they should be subdued easy even with their secret wepon." I said and he nodded. "[Teleport Us: Whitebeard]" I said after editing the original spell ,to make it more simplistic. We then immediately appeared on his ship, he was currently side by side with shanks. They were all currently partying....

"Hey! Look who it is, if it isnt the Captain of the faceless red moon pirates!" Shanks said loudly everyone looked towards me and Whitebeard laughed.

"Gurarara! If it isn't the old man himself Novaverael! The unofficial co-first mate of the pirate king himself!" Whitebeared teased as by their standards I'd be very old by now. He already observed my Haki level and he was quite surprised. This statement shocked everyone else to the core! Whitebeard didnt let them rest either as he continued.

"It seems you have advanced your haki, alot since I last met you. My gut tells me you have even surpassed the Pirate king himself! Gurarara!" While he laughed, he made sure to control his fruit to not activate.

"NANI!" Everyone else yells in shock!

"C-co First mate of the pirate king! Haki Stronger then the Pirate King!?!" Ace said and swiftly fainted. He wasn't alone, as many crewmates couldnt bear the two shocks of their life! Which for some of them, it's quite ironic due to their captains fruit power.

"W-white beard is what you say true?!" Shanks couldn't help but exclaim, as he couldnt even feel the full extent of my haki.

"Gurarara What you think that I would lie to you....not just that but the fellow in red samurai's armour ;is around the same level."

Whitebeard said laughing at their further reactions of fainting. This time even Shanks felt light headed. "Your going to cause me to have a heart attack!" Shanks exclaimed while laughing it off.

"Tch. When will we be able to fight, I havent had a good battle in ages!" Madara exclaims arrogantly getting the ire of some people.

"I'm sorry but my friend here is a bit impatient, especially when hes excited for a fight. I do wish you will forgive him for his words." I said in a respectable tone.

"Gurarara, Its nothing to be concered about. If anything this will be good for me, maybe I will be able to promote my strength to your level. I do have a question though, how do you and your people do what they do; without devil fruits." He asked gaining everyone's intrigue.

"Well you have to unlock the full potential of the body, combining the physical with the spiritual. Then finding a balance in between to coexist, this way you can learn the power behind the fruit. Then you will be able to recreate their abilities, like this." I explained and flicked the air a little causing a small spacial crack. This caused everyone but whitebeard, to become shocked. This was the use of the Tremor Tremor fruit! This was without the use of a fruit, as whitebeard was still alive! After being down this Shanks couldn't help but faint ,as he received his final shock! The whitebeard pirates that were still up and awake all had their mouths agape.

"Gurarara It seems you couldnt help but tease my men, I guess it's only right I tease yours in a fight?" He said playfully, as he told me before to not do this.

"Well I will transport your crew and your ships, and return it when ready." I said and immediately transported everyone.

[Meanwhile with the Beat up Admirals]

"Sir! We received a message by our fleet ,that was tailing whitebeard and shanks! They said them and their ships just disappeared! We don't know how but....-" The recruit was inturrupted by Sengoku slamming on his already broken table. While sitting in his destroyed marineford.

"Damn! It has to be that mysterious Faceless Red moon Pirate Captain! Damn him, first it was this mysterious kingdom popping out; that we couldnt destroy! Then next it's him giving Whitebeard youth! Nevermind the damn elders, who are going to terminate my rank! I'm too old for this shit! Perhaps this is for the best, I don't want to deal with this storm that's brewing. At least my reputation, will still be somewhat good. Get me a file on everything we have gathered, on this pirate group and this Akatsuki country. I want to give my final thoughts, before passing on the hat. This is the least I can do, to promote the strength of our Justice!" Sengoku yelled with fiery bruised black eyes. He didn't pay attention to the recruits identity ,untill the very end. He then thought 'Huh isnt that the brat that tried to stop the fight between Whitebeard and me. To have enough guts to stand in between us, if Shanks didn't intervene he would be dead. Well I'll just have to see what kind of Marine he becomes, once he sees the truth behind the curtains.'

"Y-yes sir!" The young cadet was off ,to get what was asked for. While admiring the Fleet Admirals morals even after all this, he still fights for justice! This young cadet was none other then Coby!

"Boy do be careful with your choices, the world isnt too nice out there." Sengoku warned and Coby froze at the door and turned around and bowed"Yes S-sir! I-I will make sure to heed your advice!" He then took off at breakneck speeds.

'Heh hes scared but still replied, the brat has guts I'll give him that. Let's see if he will survive the comming storm, the battle between pirates and the world goverment.' Sengoku thought as Coby left.

[Meanwhile back in Kirbonia]

Boom! Madara and Whitebeard clashed once more. His Fist to....Sasanoo haki covered fist. The area normally would kick up dust but Novaverael already put seals, that stabilized the arena. It kept the watchers safe from the special cracks and kept the stadium from being turned into debris. It would take alot more to destroy the place, as it can take hits that could destroy a galaxy.

"Hahaha Yes this is it, A true fight! Your much better then that boy Garp." Madara laughed and said. Whitebeard quirked his brow at this.

"Gurarara! Boy? You look no older then 21, or are you perhaps immortal too?" He said astonished as it was hard for one, but two....its unthinkable!

"Yes I'm about 90 years old, as for the immortality; don't put me by the standards of this world!" He said while healing his arm at insane speeds, as it was taken off by the last hit.

"Gurarara! I suppose so, normal people don't heal as fast as you! Even Kiado cant heal that fast! Now Show me your Resolve! Full Shock Punch!" Whitebeard said finally going all out!

Madara seen this would kill even him if it hits, so he had to retreat. "<Roku Rashōmon>" This was Madaras improved version of orochimarus, triple Rashōmon barrier gate technique.

5 Demonic looking gates apeared infront of whitebeards punch! Whitebeared knew this was comming but the size of them, kept him from being able to move around them instead. He didn't care and directly punched the first gate!

Cracks started to apear and then entire area space around him began to crumble! The sealed glowed and redirected the damage ,to the area of the gates and Madaras direction. This directly increased the potency of the attack! Boom! The first gate shattered into a million peices,Boom Boom same goes the second and third. The fourth was also taken out but was in small chunks, next it hit the last gate and busted through leaving big chunks behind. Finnally it hit Madaras sasanoo and it began to crack! Madara didn't like this and began to retaliate, using gravity and space control he nullified the attack!

"Splurt! Cough Haha Good I actually feel pain! To bad, this fight was never fair to begin with! As I can just nullify your space attacks, but I respect your strength so I decided not too. Now it's my turn!" Madara announced causing whitebeard to pale and think 'If his friend is this strong, how strong is he?! It seems I'm going to be having a bad day today' "Gurarara! Show me what you got, even if I can't defeat you doesn't mean I won't stop trying! For I'm Whitebeard!" Whitebeard said in a booming voice ,causing the crowd to go wild!

"That's right Pops show him who's boss!" Yelled Ace.

"Hahaha Yes then we shall party afterwards! Or now is good." Said shanks ordering another drink from this heavenly place.

"Damn! The liquor here is out if this world! Good thing I could stock up wherever I want! This place is a paradise for pirates!" Shanks said after taking another swig.

"Hohoho. I even found a place to buy panties, that smell like they were used!" Brook says and

nami immediately bonks him on the head.

"You spend my bellies on something like that!" Nami said with a rage filled face, thinking 'What kind if perverted shop did he go to?'

"It wasn't used but just smelt like it!" He tried to defend himself, but he just got another bonk and then chopper tended to his "battle wounds".

"Yeah I even heard there is a shop that sells cyborgs, that can transform into any woman you want." I decided to say and I got the attention of the straw hats chef. He rushed towards me and grabbed me then shook me "WHERE?!" he demmanded, with a slight nosebleed leaking from his nose. Nami stepped in and knocked him out and said "Sorry about my friend, but did you have to tell him that? You know how much trouble it will cause for me, you better be able to pay for; the emotional distress i will have." Nami said. Then hand signing to me the omniversal 'gimme gimme' sign. Zoro stepped on immediately and said "Nami! Get away from him, do you have any idea ;who you are trying to offend?"

"No matter, it's just chump change for me anyways. Here is 100million beri, with an additional mill for ever second; I kept you waiting." I then reached into my inventory and pulled out the money. This caused Zoro and Nami to be shocked, he sweatdropped and she immediately said "Finnaly someone who can speak my language!" She took it quickly and luffy ran over with stars in his eyes.

"Will you join my crew?!" The entire arena went dead silent.

"I am not looking to join any crews, and besides I'm currently more powerful then the Yonko. That would bring more enemy's to your crew, then it would help. I will however offer you a free pass, into the luxury training chambers we have in the palace. As long as she doesn't try to sell them. It will make you and your crew alot stronger, if you work hard enough stronger then Kaido the yonko. Given enough time that is." I said and pointed at nami who swiftly fainted, as each pass was worth at least 1billion beri Or 100mil contribution points.

His eyes lite up and he said "Cool! You will be our crews trainer!" Everyone sweatdropped thinking 'Is he really this thick headed.' Ace decided to speak up "Bro he didn't join you, but offered you an opportunity to improve your strength." Ace said and luffy looked a bit distraught but I added "It comes with free food." he immediately brightened up and said "Food where?" I then reached behind his ear and pulled out a giant chocolate lavacake. Of course using space manipulation, his eyes widened and he immediately ate it. "Mmmm Its the best thing I've ever tasted! More?!" He said in delight and asked for more but was inturrupted by sanji.

"What did you say?!" He immediately beat up luffy and looked at me and said "Could you allow me to taste it, so I can properly judge it." I just shrugged and gave it to him. His eyes bulged "Wh-what?! H-how?! There is no way ,you can make chocolate taste like this!" He exclaimed not understanding how it could be done and for him, this was impossible so he was stunned to his core.

"Of course, this is the work of magic to adapt the taste to your liking. It also amplifies your brains taste receptors neurons, making it taste like the best thing you ever tasted." I explained and he knew who I was and hummed in thought.

"C-could I perhaps taste it without the m-magic?" He asked and I nodded and gave him one without it. His eyes still bulged.

"I-I never tasted chocolate like this!" Sanji yelled.

"Of course it doesn't come from your world, but a version of mine. From all the best diffrent ways to make chocolate and some knowledge I gained from some man with the last name of "Wonka". Supposedly the best chocolate in existence." I elaborated and he nodded and then said "No wonder he liked it, he loves meat not chocolate."

"Well it looks like the fight is almost done." I then looked back to their fight. I noticed Madara was missing two arms and Whitebeard was missing an arm as well. Normally the battle would stop here, but they were shown that all wounds can be healed ;once you leave. So they continued to the last breath.

"What's your name?" Madara finnaly said as it was tradition for him even if he knows it. It's all about being given the right ,to say their name. A token if respect from two warriors.

"Gurarara! Edward Newgate or as I prefer to be called Whitebeard!" Whitebeard said and Madara replied "I Madara Uchiha declare you a worthy adversary. Unfortunately, like I said before you are still no match for me!" He roared then coated his sasanoo with 6 elements and haki. In addition he then used all his various energies ,to surround his sword. He then pushed Whitebeared down using the force and said "Farewell, it's been fun to dance with you!" He said sending his final attack to Whitebeard who was using his full strength, just to fight this unknown force! He looked at the incoming attack and knew he couldn't defeat it or even dodge it. But He wasn't a man to die ,without Standing up proud! So he stood back up and tried to power a final punch! Just as he did so he felt like something clicked in his mind! He then Instead of making a punch, he made a slashing motion with his arm!

Booom! Cracks Apeared everywhere and it engulfed the entire attack! He then swayed his other arm and it closed then reopened behind Madara! The clicking in his mind wasnt just an understanding of his fruit! It was also a better understanding of observation Haki! This was able to not only negate Madaras ,but the visions his eyes gave him too! However, Madara wasn't just known for his power ;but his insane instincts too. Well in this case the instincts; that Novaverael placed inside of him. He felt the danger heading his way and negated it ,with his own spatial rift sending it into the void!

"I call this battle a Draw!" I announced stunning them both and Madara then spoke up in anger.


"That's true but you made a stupid mistake! You opened a portal to the void! You know what kind of powerful beings, that might have entered; without even my knowledge?! You could have very well caused a set of events that leads to the ending our lives in the process!" I said reprimanding him and he paled as he was just in the moment.

"Well there's nothing we can do about that [Greater heal]" I casted my spell on both of them as the nanities where reaching their limit.

"Gurarara It seems we have made a battle for the ages!" He laughed while remembering the feeling he felt ,while manipulating the space itself.

"I-I tied?! Hmph! Whitebeard you better be prepared, for our next battle in the future! You won't be as lucky." Madara then took off to the shop, for his transfer to the Marvel verse.

"Sorry about my friend he hates to lose, hes been like this since he was a child ;competing with his rival." I said and Whiteveard laughed "Gurarara It's nothing, he is just a man of extreme strength; so he feels like his resolve was stepped on. Now, I heard there was a After party." He said and Shanks came out of nowhere and said "Party?!". We then all laughed at his antics and started to party.

Wrathos Wrathos

I changed my mind on this fanfiction, I will be putting it on haitus; after the marvel arc is finished. In addition I will be reworking, well essentially recreating my first fanfiction. I will be trying to make it better as it was well.....all over the place. Unfortunately the mc probably won't be a timelord anymore, but I will have him become one later on in the storyline. I will be having him start from the Weakest World and work up as I find it a better suit. What world do you guys suggest?

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