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25% Love Fist

Chapter 2: His Name

Azell choked back a cry as his eyes pierced into hers. 'Why can't I move? screamed Azell internally.

"Move! Go!" laughed Carine as she sidestepped Azell. Adrenaline rushing through her veins Azell grabbed Carine's hand and screamed, "Run!" Only Azell couldnt run if Carine did. Her leg wouldn't allow that.

Carine's eyes followed where Azell's had left. Staring into the convenient store window came a fearful glaze that took over Carine's face. Carine took hold of Azell pulling her to her till they were shoulder to shoulder. Almost as if they were in a foot race tied together.

"Azell, you have to run! I'm going to help you! Now run!" cried Carine.

Azell felt like she was in a warped hole. Barely hearing Carine's plead. Grabbing Azell harder, Carine helped carry her in a mad run. Azell ran with all her might. Through the pain already slicing through her left leg. As they neared the end of the street Azell realized they were being followed by two men.

"Shit! Run Azell! You have to run!" came Carine's panicked voice.

"Go to the left Carine! Don't look back! Find help!" yelled Azell. She could feel her leg finally give out as she took a final step and pitifully fell onto the hard cement. Fear sliced through Carine as she felt Azell fall beside her. But she continued to run where Azell told her. Looking back only once before sprinting up the short alley.

Azell pulled herself up against the fence panel behind her. Leg shaking she held her breath and readied herself in a defensive form. She had to give it her all and be ready to fight.

As the two men came to the corner, they stopped and stared at Azell. She took a mental picture of what they were wearing in case she survived this. The first had a Halloween Scream mask and the other just a black bandana around his face. Each were well over six feet with matching black pants and black muscle tee's. After a moment they walked slowly towards Azell. She tried to calm her racing heart down as she breathed in and out. Her eyes never left their masks.

"Where's your friend, ugly? She left you? What a friend! I thought you girl's stuck together?" chided scream face.

As he neared, facing Azell, he finally took in her form. "You seriously gonna fight us? I'll whoop your ass before you even blink!" he continued.

Azell could feel the anxiety in her body climbing. Could she really still take down a man? No she thought. She had to!

"Leave her alone! She hasn't seen our faces or anything else. Plus looks like she has a hurt leg!" said the other man standing a few steps away.

"I don't care! She saw us and you want to let her go?" asked scream face looking from Azell to his partner. "I don't think so! I'm tired of your know it all attitude, Nate!" cried scream face angrily.

Azell felt the blow of the punch to her cheek bone before she saw scream face's fist. She fell with the last of her will power to stand up. The pain in her face wasn't unfamiliar but it wasn't welcomed either. Shocked Azell sheilded her face from another blow. Only instead she heard the yell's and grunts of both men as they pushed against the fence beside her trading fists. Keeping her face hidden and body curled tightly, she waited with anxiety. She prayed both men would knock each other out or even better, the cops would show up! Carine better had found help she screamed in her aching head.

Finally she hears a muffled yelp as one fell beside her. Peeking she realized scream face lost the fight as well as his mask. His facial features were that of a middle aged man. Leathered face cut up with a receding hair line.

Breathing heavily she heard Nate ask her something. Looking up he repeated the question frantically. "Are you hurt badly?"

Azell lowered her head and stayed still as Nate reached her side. She felt his breath on her side, sending her tiny hair on her neck to stand up.

"Don't hit me. I want to help you. Please. Don't punch me or scream." Begged Nate.

He turned Azell gently to face him while holding her back for support. As he did their eyes met. Same eyes she had seen at Ricky's. But unlike scream face, this man was much younger. Maybe even her age! Bandana still covering his face you could tell he was cute! Hazel eyes burned into hers as she unthinkingly touched his bloody eyebrow. Wincing Azell pulled back astonished at herself.

'I dont even know him! How could I touch him! He's a robber! A menace to society!' thought Azell. Looking down she noticed a lion tattoo on the back of Nate's right hand.

Nate waited before reaching his own hand up to inspect Azell's face. Surprised with an unknown amount of heat to her cheeks she stared in awe at him.

"He hit you pretty hard. I would think putting ice would do the trick. Use whatever make-up also to cover the bruising. Just don't sleep on it, okay?" said Nate. He returned his hand to his side as be glared at scream face's body.

Police sirens wailed off in the not so far distance. Nate compassionately looked back at the injured Azell. Azell could tell he was fixing to make a run for it at any moment.

"Nate!" she stuttered

Eyebrows raises he stared at Azell in disbelief.

"That's not my name! I don't have one! " he said before sprinting over the fence and out of sight.

Sirens getting closer and closer. Azell finally let out a cry she been holding in through the entire ordeal.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" she cried out. She watched through blurry eyes as a cop car pulled up to the curb.

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