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Chapter 58: Ghosts Of Home

Shaka's body landed behind the gnome, in an instant the human druid from the kings had transformed his legs becoming long almost werewolf like, his hands arm and head covered in feathers, his presence slowly becoming harder to detect and attacked as his body remained in the same place or so it seemed, breaking Shaka's chains and retrieving him at the same time. "next time you might survive this magi, so check yourself before you wreck yourself."

The body of Stevens falls to the ground, the blood slowly leaving his aching body.

The kings moved out quickly, the gnome was whispering to one the others, soon after Shay a Nether Elf, blew a puff of smoke that formed into a little sparrow it's wings barely five centimeters wide and it flew away.

They approached the kings hall an ancient training hall, Decorated doors of Fers Wood, Uruk glass and a marvelous handle in the shape of the warrior not that Shaka noitced. The hall that forged a thousand heros and is the squads sanctuary when in Crusader City. The human druid Boris, went to sit at a metre tall bonsai forest that was in the corner of the hall to meditate.

Shaka had yet to fully comprehend what had just happened, when the gnome capitan asked "how do you know Anthony? Who told that name?"

Shaka was not all their, he was still suffering the effects of the orb, one the emotional disturbance of what he had seen and the physical backlash of th left interrupted mana link caused when the orb exploded.

In his minds thoughts of Dawn and Rain and how much they had grown apart.Had he really been gone that long? What exactly happens to his family? Was it even real?

"Was it real?" Shaka said his vocal range bouncing up and down in an emotional state.

The gnome Gruk....[like all gnomes his name has a silent g so, his name is pronounced rook even thou it is written as Gruk]....." Answer my question, what kind of person are you, You are extremely ill mannered of this is how you treat your saviors, young man?"

The gnome paced back and forth his demeanor clearly showing his pale skin starting to turn a shade of grey. His blood vessels swelling up appearing all over his body he explodes...

"Listen to me Boy! Answer my question or we will leave you to taste the Kings justice."

Shaka's emotional state left him very vulnerable to everyone, he had not managed to even give the room a look over just in case he wanted to escape.

"The Anthony I know told me that he wants me be in the Kings, he is the elf, in room 108 of the first test." Shaka briefly listed a few things he thought might help in the situation.

Behind the gnome four of the kings stared chatting amongst themselves, Shay moving towards Shaka, her glowing pink, she touched on his forehead, a soothing feeling overcame, his thoughts becoming clearer.

"Was it real?" A tear rolling down his face, his eyes glossed over a little bit, his voice low and feeble.

Shay seeing his distress, gleans what is troubling Shaka by using a spell, She is overcome by the sea of emotion beating against Shaka heart. He was happy to see them alive and well, yet sad at the news of his friends death at the hands of Rain, anger at himself for not being there, shocked at the actions Rain a fiercely living and devote woman, a storm of emotions filling every part of heart and mind, his mouth tingles with bitterness even his knees went a bit weak.

Shay composes herself, a streak of sweat flowing from Her head, "The orb has great power to tell the future that might be, it is up to you make sure it does not turn out that way."

Shaka was not convinced but he grabbed onto and latched as hard he could to her words, it's only a possible future (He started telling himself), then it hit him "how many people have managed to changed their future?"

Shay thought for a moment as her eye brows moved a wrinkle forming as she tries to recall, she took almost five seconds to answer " I can not say I know, anyone personally however I'm sure it possible."

This did little to reassure Shaka emotional distress, but none of that matters now as, Anthony walked in, all the members even the druid stood up our of his paradise and joined the other in single file at attention. Anthony's presence changed the atmosphere of the whole room, his mana pulsing from his body.

The Gruk fell to his knees, expressing himself very clearly and almost shouting about what had just transpired with Shaka. Anthony now fully aware of the situation, calmed down his attitude almost a complete reversal in his mana as it equally neutralized. He ordered his men to relax and go about their duties, as he patted the gnome on the shoulder. "You did me a solid, back there I will not forget your actions today."

"Thank you captain." Gruk stood up and went through a small door at the edge of the room presumably to his personal room.

Anthony then turned to the still shaking Shaka, as he moved passed Shay she touched Anthony. "That bad hey, the orb is crazy realistic, but you showed that orb a thing or two hey Shaka." Anthony moved his hands purging the Sirens poison from his lungs.

Shaka forced an awkward smile at Anthony's attempt at consoling him.

"We do have a small problem thou that cannot wait Shaka you must finish."

"Finish what, I just want to go home and rest, I'm done" Shaka's pain was speaking it had gripped all his hopes and dreams.

"if you don't complete the final test, you can't become a member of our squad and that would be a disastrous thing." Anthony gently imploring Shaka, it was not like him, his whole body aching uncomfortably, it was obvious that he never does this.

"So who cares about the family is gonna....I just want to go home." Shaka shaky voice finding some strength from the anger in his soul.

"Oh my bad, I guess I did not really explain anything to you did I? I meant it would be disastrous for you, the man who held you earlier is Stevens, a magistrate aid, if you do not finish the test, he can do what ever he wants to you and there is no-one who would be able to stop him or willing too."

Shaka's eyes went a bright green, his mana flowed heavily it was almost visible.

"Good good at least you understand that your life is in danger, but before you go off and kill him, can you beat the entire Legion because that is what you will have to do, even us the Kings will have to fight you, the legion always protects its own. Join us and we can protect you" Anthony also released an aura, his completely encompassing Shaka's mana, a small display he thought to help Shaka understand his position in life.

Shaka felt the aura, that was as deep and wide as a canyon, it could engulf him at anytime. "Tell me what I have to do."

"Simply really, Tyson!" A winged human came responding to the call. He bowed, his necklace popping out as he did. "Take him to do the final test at our office mkay."

Tyson nooded hesitating for a moment as he said "Are you sure? he could pass easily at one of the other squads, his still too raw right now to face her."

Anthony waved him on, Tyson capitulated "follow me, sorry I did not catch your name, I'm Tyson, Tyson Kelley, a wingman of the Hirohito clan."

Shaka shared pleasantries with the winged man, as they moved through the hallways of the building, portraits lined the hallways one of which faded as Shaka looked at it. The room had walls high like a towers at the bottom floor a series of stairs leading to the top.

"I hope to you see you soon Shaka, goods luck on the test." Tyson flew away as he left Shaka standing next to a suit of armour that stood in front of a feature wall painting of some battle Shaka knew nothing about.

He moved towards the stairs as, one of two in the room the spiral staircase had an obvious challenge it radiated mana. The other was a normal staircase.

Shaka moved towards the normal staircase he did not care anymore, he just wanted it to all be over, the pain was unbearable, his sister's face dying right in front, the smile on Rains face as she took her life.

Before he could step on the first step of the normal staircase a voice filled the whole room. "If you go that way nothing will change destroyer..a deep beast like breath could be heard....all that you have seen, will be all that you become, only you can change what you become, follow the path of challenges."

Shaka stood his foot above the step, he could not abandon her, even now Rain was the first thing in his mind. He stood there his whole body shaking with rage at himself for being so weak, his mana materialized properly condensing into a diamond, it pulled every bit of energy he had, ever type of energy he had even his emotions formed into a diamond.

Shaka collapsed, as his yes changed becoming a bright red, his arms open. The diamond transformed once more before returning to his soul, the light generated by the transformation blocking its new shape from view [Anthony was inside the feature wall].

Shaka bones had all kinds of runes on it similar to the ones found on his books, his caramel skin shedding a layer of dead skin.

A young lady walked down the stairs," He is too young, you will kill him like your last one now take and leave, he his officially your charge now."

Yes General, Anthony fading into the room returning to his normal size, picking up Shaka..."Next time train him properly, I will not be as gentle, Capitan, prepare to move out we have work to do."...Anthony was smiling from his soul to his heart to his face, He walked back carrying Shaka away.

An image of Rain holding a long sword, appeared, Shaka was standing about twenty feet away,walking towards her he is smiling. As he is approaching he sees blood on the sword, Dawn is the floor her heart next to her in a pool of her own blood.

Thunder sounds throughout the city. King Musa's body is hang in out a window, dead is head badly attached the lightning that preceded the thunder light up Musa's body.

He falls backwards, he hears a muffled sound from the palm of his hand, he lifts it....."Where where where where!" a disembodied head of Gaia, was under his hand.

As he crawls back away from her head...."Were were were were were! Aquameni's eyes floated individually past him shouted from a mouth on the floor.

Shaka screams at the top of his lungs....."YOOOOOUUUUUU!" a more wicked crackling hoarse voice screams comes from his throat, as the head of Osiris squeezes itself out of his mouth.

Struggling to breathe as head is stuck not quite leaving his mouth, he looks up as he and the body of Rain with Sword in hand Slashes down on him as she says "Honey your home" That same wicked smile on her face.....

....Shaka woke up suddenly a little bit sweat covering his whole body, rejuvenated ever part of his body felt great, however his mind was filled with emotion. He had never felt this way before, he felt a strange vibration, as if he was moving, realising he was on a cart not in a tent.

He stuck his head out, of the cart. He was in the middle of a grand procession, hundreds of foot soldiers behind all dressed in uniform, he had seen it somewhere before but this one looked a lot more simply. A few banners being carried by these soldiers, didn't give Shaka a clue as to where, who he was with.

When he looked at himself he realized he was also in the same armor only his had green on the arm where the soldiers had black. His pants were also different he was wearing a pants that made of sturdy materials, he could place the leather but the soldiers were obviously wearing basic leather...

Sgt_Caeser Sgt_Caeser

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