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Chapter 3: Chapter 1: Anomoly

Like a great plague she would spread her slowly growing, pulsating mass across every universe. The planet of Egypt was a massive expanse of architecture, with a population of several billion, the planet was a robust civilization that had existed since the billions of years had passed, when The First Gods drifted into the emptiness of space. Sights to behold on the surface of the planet were varied in number, its rolling sand dunes accompanied by large monuments to the Gods. Pyramids as tombs of the pharaohs themselves, the cities that surrounded resource rich environments, built of limestone and clay, were home to many of the richer residents of the planet, the land was a massive desert with rivers cutting through it, an ocean flanking it's outer most regions. Dirt paths connected towns to one another near the ports of the cities, those who lived more nomadic lifestyles able to come and go as they pleased.

Plant life, sparse and dust choked though it may have been, was scattered throughout the surrounding landscape. Villages nestled near every oasis; the tranquility was palpable, nothing too over the top ever happened on this planet. There were wars that ripped the lives of those involved apart yes, but the land would always repair itself and the people would move on with their lives. The smaller villages never knew strife or worry, settled so in their little paradises away from the hustle and bustle of the large cities that loomed over them. The people wanted for nothing, even when the times of war unsettled the peace that so desperately clung to each of them, when the pharaohs would change hands, each ruled with compassion, in most cases, but he was quick to remove the finger, or hand, of a criminal no matter how medium the offense.

Cities that rose into the sky, glittered with gold, each littered the planet as it was one mass of land and water on the other side. The cities were each watched over by different lesser Gods, each with their own region of godhood, from the very air to the day to day household tasks. Minor gods looked after the towns and villages, while the more important of the Gods watched from afar, only very rarely interfering with the mortals.

The pharaoh and his people were disturbed one night, when a meteor came crashing down onto the planet, right in front of the palace. The pharaoh sent out his guards to investigate, making sure they were armed with both spear and blade should it be a hostile force, though not much could one do to a mass of stone from the heavens. Upon further investigation the fears of the people were quelled to discover that it was nothing more than a large crater and in the center of the crater stood a glowing black rock. It broke apart after so many chisels had done nothing to its surface and inside, they soon discovered, was a green stone obelisk.

The pharaoh believed the Gods had sent this as a divine gift, that this was something to cherish and worship in their name. He and his people began to bring it offerings, lavishing it with the finest of items in the lands. They worshiped it night and day and built a temple next to it, even assigning both Priests and Priestesses were tasked to caring for the construct. They danced naked around it on hot nights, covering it in multi-colored scarves on cooler nights; cleaning it with their bodies and desires.

But it was not long until the sky grew dark...and the world began to rot. The humans upon the planet were none the wiser, as for the gods, they sometimes still mingled with man but very rarely, not enough to detract from any lingering doubts or soothe any fears the human race upon Planet Egypt may have had.

Osiris, long lime green hair falling over his shoulders, lay in bed surrounded by canopic jars. These jars were each placed in a different groove inside a black platform around the circular bed he and his lover lay on. Outside of that their bed floated in a lake like area where cranes flew through the air. Water lotus floated by gently on the breeze that flowed in through the floor to ceiling windows. Everything was calm and peaceful. There were white silk curtains that covered the four-poster canopy bed that danced on the wind.

The two lovers watched this with smiles on their faces, cuddled together close and warm beneath the heavy blanket etched in silver and ruby red. A white crane design flying across the fabric, dripping in golden accents it was a beautiful addition. Osiris stared lovingly at his partner in underworld death relations and so much more that made his heart swell, Anubis. Anubis was normally seen with a jackal's head, though right now his head was that of a normal man. He had dreadlocks that trailed down his back and various tattoos that littered his body. Osiris smiled and kissed his cheek as the king of Anubion sat up in bed.

"I must get back to Anubion soon. I hear word the people are worshipping some strange obelisk we did not create. Horus has gone missing, did you know?" his voice was groggy as he said this. Osiris nodded, running his hands through the black dreadlocks of the caramel tanned skin man's hair. A stark contrast to his milky pale almost sickly visage, he smiled when a kiss was pressed to the side of his face, he had naturally occurring green seemingly painted around and under his eyes, they fanned out like a hieroglyphic. Anubis on the other hand had black kohl around his eyes. He kissed normally green painted lips, at the moment nude in their purple pallor, like the bruised flesh of a peach, and pulled away from Osiris.

"I have to find out what is going on Osi. I'll be back in a few hours then we can figure things out together." He left for the surface after that and it was days before Osiris even laid eyes on him again. By the tenth day the death god had begun to grow increasingly worried about his lover. He at first figured maybe all this was nothing and Anubis had gone off to visit Hades.

But soon he realized the truth, when Izanami's soul essence appeared in front of him. He stared at the Japanese God, silently understanding that if the non-gender identifying God were here, that meant one thing.

"The Japanese pantheon has fallen." He spoke to no one in particular even though the spirit flowed in front of him. He reached out, running a hand over their translucent face. They were dressed as a warrior, hair in a tightened into a bun, deep green armor that held up over broad shoulders that seemed eternally weighted down by agony. He stared blankly as Izanagi appeared, dressed as a geisha, his face was painted white, lips a deep red. Izanagi's long black hair flowed over his shoulders; a vacant expression cast over his features.

Shock strangled eyes watched the slight feminine frame, as it was reaching out to touch the death god; Osiris could see he was dressed in a deep green kimono that matched his sibling's, the ends of it touching the ground. The two floated in front of him and he bowed with a deep sadness inside himself that swirled around his core and spiked along his spine. Hands held out he felt the weight of a sword touch them. The other two Gods nodded at him before they vanished inside the sword itself.

Osiris frowned and held the sword close for a long time, his eyes closed tightly as he slowly stood up and tried to calm his raging nerves. He was standing in front of the flashing lights of the console that powered the pods that the gods used to transport things to and from the planet. The God fell back against the control panel and a holo screen, powered by his magic, popped up above the control module. He frowned thinking about what all of this meant.

If the Japanese gods had been defeated, that meant that the others who remained, his planet and the greek world, were doomed. Osiris shook the long curtain of his black and green hair, even as the sirens went off and whirred around his head. He would find a way to fix all of this, as it was giving up hope would destroy him and it was something, something he just could not allow himself to do. There was no way he was going to allow some creature from another dimension to just come into his world and destroy it.

He looked up at the holo screen and began to furiously type at the controls; the Death God of Planet Egypt sent a warning out to every other god on his planet, instructing them to prepare themselves for battle. Osiris found yet another reason to frown when the communication shrine of his people began to glow, a messenger crane, yellow markings on its wings and red lines across it's back, he knew this one was for emergency situations as the messenger cranes came in three varieties.

The daily messages, each of these cranes sported head feathers and had blue lines with purple streaks over their backs. The notice birds, the ones who had green lines and orange markings, and this one, which was a high alert bird. The Death God stared at it as it flew through the shrine and landed behind him. He reached over to grab the scroll from its beak with every second that past more anxiety filled his being.

The bird called out and then flew back through the portal, vanishing in a bright yellow light. With shaking hands, mind racing to every scenario he could possibly think of, he undid the scroll. Looking over the responses, eyes wild and hands shaking even harder than ever, his blood ran colder than it already was.

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