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Chapter 10: Visions...

Barry opened his eyes. He blearily looked to the left and right, and all he saw was the sky. He noticed the ground he was on wasn't the wooden floor of his new lab. Barry slowly lifted himself and was shocked to see that he wasn't in his lab, but on top of building instead! He looked around him and saw multiple skyscrapers in the city. In the distance, a giant blue statue was seen in the middle of the sea. Barry vaguely recognized it.

"Am I in... New York? What the hell.... last I checked I was in New Mexico!" he muttered softly.

A crack in the sky diverted his attention. Barry gaped as right over New York a huge portal was formed. Inside the portal, the deep black depths of space could be seen. Alien ships came out of the portal.

Thousands of creatures flew out of the ships with weapons that pulsed with energy, while slug-like things flew out of the portal. The aliens began to attack the buildings destroying them even more. Barry stumbled back at the magnitude of the destruction.

But suddenly a streak of red and gold flew by him as the Iron-Man flew right into the heart of the invasion. His suit seemed to absorb the energy they shot at him, making the symbol on his chest and palms grow brighter. Iron-Man's energy blasts changed color, becoming a light purple to their normal blue color. Barry noticed that now, his energy blast seemed to disintegrate instead of stun.

A roar shook the building as from the portal jumped a beast of a man standing at what Barry estimated to be 6'9 in height. His landing shattered the roof of the building he ended upon. He was very muscular and was wearing a black sleeveless jumpsuit with golden and red tribal designs on it. His boots were brown and black. The man looked barely human, with orange reptilian skin and glowing red eyes. In his hands was a golden scythe with a hammer on the other side that pulsed with red energy.

In a deep, gravelly voice, he shouted.

"It is I, Cull Obsidian! Child of Thanos, destroyer, and conqueror of worlds! Kneel and I will make this capture swift and-!"

The warlord's speech was cut off by a swift left hook to the face. He was sent flying and crashed into a skyscraper, creating a large hole in the building. Shaking his fist, Venom was seen. He was taller and a bit more bulky, than what Barry had seen on Twitter.

"Oh shut up, you overgrown floor mat!"

Jumping off the building, Venom went after Cull Obsidian. A shadow fell over Barry, as his eyes widened. One of the giant slugs was about to destroy a hospital building. As its sharp teeth neared the building, a titanic roar was heard, as a giant, muscled green man with grey ruined pants crashed atop the slug, causing a pained scream to erupt from it.

'Oh my god... is that the Hulk!'

The Hulk repeatedly bashed his fists against the metal plates of the slug, as green plasma energy pulsed around his body, creating a glowing green aura. His eyes turned bright green as he surged with power, and threw the slug into the waves of the aliens, killing the creatures. Hulk landed on the ground with a crash, utterly destroying the pavement, as his aura boiled. He beat his fists against his chest as he shouted to the sky.


Barry stumbled back, as the Hulks landing shook the building he was on. Barry felt another shadow fall upon him, as he looked up. Barry then braced himself as the bloodied carcass of the slug fell upon him. He covered his face and closed his eyes.


Barry opened his eyes, expecting to be crushed underneath the slug, but he was fine. He looked up and saw he was in a roofless building. The building looked musty and old. Barry looked down at himself and noticed that he was fine. He patted himself and began to chuckle.

"Heh, I don't know what was in those chemicals.."

A bright gleam alerted him, as a circular shield passed THROUGH him! It hit something with a clang, before rebounding to the bloodied form of Captain-Fucking-America! His suit looked more militaristic. Gone were the bright red, white, and blue, replaced with a more appropriate blue, white and black. His shield was scuffed and dirty but was also silver and blue. Barry looked at himself.

'Am I.... a g-ghost!'

Suddenly a sinister voice spoke from the darkness, as a bright red light shone through the room, reflecting off the shield. Sounds reminiscent of an engine sounded to the room, as the figure was revealed. Its figure was eerily reminiscent of a human man, but that was it. The rest was technological.

It was an inhumane 7 feet tall, with insane muscle. It had a design similar to an Iron-Man armor, but its face was different, with an open maw. Red energy was pouring out of its face, and the opening on its chest. With every step it took, it made a tapping sound. Something was in its hands.... a body.

"The last one standing... Steve. I tried to tell your friends the futility of it all, but...."

The robot threw the body to the floor and was revealed to be an unconscious hero with a metal arm. The Captain looked shocked, and Barry saw his hands waver.

"... they never listened. How sad."

Suddenly, a sparking baton hit the robot on the back of the head. The robots head twisted 180 degrees staring down its attacker. A red-headed woman was seen, panting and dirty. She had a defiant gleam in her aquamarine eyes. Despite the situation he was watching, Barry couldn't help but think she was beautiful.

With a chuckle, the robot turned around and raised his foot in the air ready to crush the woman, much to Barry and Steve's horror. Steve's shield dropped to the ground as he gripped his hands. The robot stopped it's action and turned around. He tilted his head mockingly.

"What do you think your doing, Steve. Bowing down, I presume. How cute-"

The robot was cut off by a green pillar of light erupting from the sky impacting Steve. The surrounding area was colored green for miles. The robot took a step back. Barry stared into the pillar entranced.

"What the hell..." he said softly.

From the pillar, Steve was seen, covered by the green light. He picked up the fallen shield and said one word with hatred. His emerald eyes glared into the robot, (and Barry.)

"Ultron...." he growled.

The green light exploded outwards, blinding Barry.


When Barry opened his eyes once again, he was in a forest. Barry smelt blood as he noticed the sounds of fighting. He ran over to the area, pushing branches in front of him away. Barry finally got to the area and observed.

It was a three on one. The Hulk, Venom, and Iron-Man were fighting a purple muscular man, while the rest of the superheroes were on the ground strewn around them. He was adorned in golden armor, which was over a black jumpsuit. His right-handed was fending off the Hulk with a double-sided broadsword, while on his left hand was a gleaming golden-bronze gauntlet, which grabbed onto Iron-Man. The gauntlet had six slots on it, one on each knuckle while another was on the back of the hand. 4 of the slots were filled with glowing gems. One was red, another was blue, one was purple, and the last gem was orange.

The giant began to grip Iron-Man's hand, as the hero groaned. Barry was surprised when Iron-Man clenched his other hand, as it morphed into a fucking Jackhammer! The hero thrust his Jackhammer hand at the villain before it suddenly phased through him. The blue gem glowed, as the villain was engulfed in a blue glow. The gem stopped glowing before the purple man backhanded the hero, twisting his neck at an odd angle. Iron-Man went through dozens of trees before crashing into a rock and slumping to the ground, lifelessly.

Venom seeing this, then tried to restrain the man with webs. The giant tore through them with ease, before attacking the hero. Venom dodged his hits like it was instinct before tendrils burst out of his back. They attacked the man, but as his red gem glowed, the tendrils suddenly turned to bubbles. The blue gem glowed as Venom suddenly was pulled towards the man, who grabbed him in a choke, before slamming him into the ground temporarily knocking him out.

The villain lifted the gauntlet hand as the purple gem glowed. Just a he was about to attack the dazed hero, a giant dark green hand crashed into his face, making him stumble back. The Hulk's eyes glowed bright green as a green aura raged around him. The Jade Giant hit the enemy with a flurry of hits, before knocking him back with an uppercut. Dark blue blood spewed out of the man's mouth.

The Hulk noticing this charged his energy, as his hands were engulfed in green plasma. With a roar, he slammed them together, creating a shock wave so big that it brought the giant to his knees. Hulk beat his chest as he roared to the sky. Suddenly, the giant's head was gripped by the golden glove as the orange gem glowed. The bright glow left the Hulk's body as he fell to the ground limply. The purple man panted as he finally spoke.

"In all my years of conquest... I've never faced a planet so powerful as this one. I would have failed without this newfound power, but now.."

The giant gripped his hand, as the stones glowed.

"... I am invincible! Now then...."

He began to walk away in search of the last two stones, before feeling something on his boot. Venom weakly grabbed the titan's boot as he rasped out.

"You'll regret this... If you do this Thanos.... you're only opening the gateway to a new kind of hell... please, stop." Venom begged

Thanos's face was shadowed before his eyes glowed a ruby red. Lifting his foot, he stomped down on Venom's head, killing the hero. Brain matter, teeth, and blood splattered onto the ruined ground. Venom's body went limp as his suit peeled off of him. Using the purple stone, Thanos shot a deep purple laser at the liquid. A shriek came out of the liquid as it was burned alive, leaving a dark stain on the ground. Thanos walked away, before looking at the headless body behind him.

"Never again."

His body was engulfed with a blue and grey cloud, before disappearing from the area. Barry fell to his knees next to the headless body. The body was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Barry noticed something fall out from his pocket. Picking it up, Barry saw that it was a driver's license. He then noticed the age and name.

"This... is a kid.... oh my god?!" Barry said horrified.

The area around him suddenly turned black and lifeless as the trees turned into dust, as the sky turned red. All around him, skulls and bones were seen, while the ground was covered in dried blood. Barry looked with wide eyes and an agape mouth as he stood up. The headless body in front of him turned into dust. A large shadow fell over Barry as he quickly turned around.

"Well... what do we have here?"

Barry felt himself being choked as he was picked up by his neck by a tall, pale man in deep black armor. Struggling, Barry stared him into his eyes. They were deep black, in contrast to his sharp, gleaming teeth, and his eyes glowed with a red spiral.

"Hmm... a planeswalker... I sense the... speed force in you?! How... interesting?" the man said while tilting his head.

"W-who are you?" Barry struggled out.

"Hmm... well you can call me Knull. I am the dark god, ruler of the symbiotes. I am the end of the Universe!"

Behind him, an army of symbiotes rose behind him, growling and staring at Barry. Barry focused on one of the monsters. It was tall and black, with the same symbol on the chest as the rest but on its left hand was a glove. The glove shimmered as the gems glowed in the dark world.

'Is that... Thanos!'

Knull noticed his stare.

"Hmph... how do you like my... pets? They've helped conquer the countless worlds I've slain. But never mind that... we're focusing on you!"

A black liquid slowly formed on Knull's hand and slithered over to Barry's neck, enveloping him. Just as his body was about to be enveloped fully, Barry's eyes crackled with electricity. The slime burst off of him as his body was covered in shifting yellow electricity. Barry's body began to fade into a multicolored light, brightening up the dark world.

Barry looked at his hands. Electricity swirled around him, and he felt a strange power coursing through his body.

Knull's smiling face shifting into a snarl.

"Damn you, Planeswalker! No matter how much you change, everything will be the same. We will meet up again, and I will remember this slight. Then... I will kill you!"

Barry just glared at Knull. He didn't know why, but he felt that he was the real villain here. Not Ultron, not Thanos, but it was him. Barry was transported out of the world in rainbow light, lighting up the universe.


Barry woke up as his eyes glowed yellow for a brief second, before rasping and coughing. He was strapped to a bed, with doctors frantically hurrying around him in a metal room. He was being checked over by the head doctor before someone knocked on the door. A female nurse swung open the door and screamed at the person.

"This is a private room, only authorized personnel can..." the woman trailed off, as she turned pale. Nick Fury stood before her, eyepatch, trenchcoat, and all. His one eye glared at her as he walked himself in. Looking back he said one word.

"Get out. Now!"

The doctors rushed out, leaving the Director of Shield and Barry alone. Fury sat down on the empty chair on the side and began to speak.

"Barry Allen.... how nice to meet you."

"W-who are you?"

"My name is Fury, Nick Fury. I'm the head of Shield: the Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate. I'm here to ask you one thing, Mr. Allen. Will you join the Avengers initiative?" Fury questioned.

Barry slowly tilted his head, still dazed and confused after his visions.

"The what?!"

"The Avengers Initiative is a secret project created by S.H.I.E.L.D. to create the Avengers, a response team comprised of the ablest individuals humankind has to offer. Normally you wouldn't even be considered for this but after your... incident, you've become a conductor of some energy. With some tests and training, you could be a real help for the earth. Will you consider the offer?"

Now, normally Barry would immediately decline. How could he help? But this wasn't normal. Barry had seen everything that was to come, and he would do anything to stop that. Plus he did feel that strange power again, thrumming through his veins.

"I... accept."

Fury smirked and pushed himself up. Opening the door he turned around to Barry.

"Good. Now get up, we need to start the tests."

With that, Fury walked out of the door. Barry lifted himself off the bed with a groan and scrambled to follow after Fury.

Arashi Arashi

JUST TO BE CLEAR: The visions are not a spoiler, except one. Most of them are a result of the Flash not gaining his powers, making it so that the visions are an alternate future. Barry is a key part of the story.

Also, Knull is more powerful than MCU Thanos, and I will not hear otherwise.

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