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Chapter 3: A Mishappening

"Let's hurry for our first class, our first class is physiology, right!" said Amanda, opening the door of their room after coming from the mess.

"yes, just notebooks and pen, that would do and we are ready to go"

They took their stuff and locked the door and rushed for the class. They reached the class, but only the first two benches were empty for them, to sit. They sat on the second bench. The Professor came into the class. He seemed to be serious but a polite personality.

"I am Dr. George Brown, and I will teach you physiology, so physiology deals with the functioning of living organisms and parts", he explained about the outlay and syllabus of the subject. Then he started with the subject itself. Students started to write down on their notebooks. Time passed by and much time was over by now.

Suddenly, the projector fell over Naomi. Naomi woke up from her sleep with a jerk. She was seeing a dream.

"What a dream!" she said, she looked at the clock, it was 6:30 and they have to get ready by 8:00 for their class. She thought about the last day as she was unable to figure out when she slept.

"Yeah" she remembered, "we were talking in the afternoon after lunch, did we sleep for so long?", "The fatigue I guess", she murmured to herself. She looked at Amanda who was in a deep sleep.

"Wake up Amanda, we need to be ready by 8:00" who was alarmed about what was happening. They hurried and started to get ready for classes and went in the mess to have breakfast.

"You know I saw a weird dream", said Naomi sitting on the table in mess and eating her food.

"I always have dreams, dreams are just random, nothing to worry", said Amanda while eating the last piece of her plate.

They stood up and rushed to the room for getting their stuff for the classes.

From there, they went to the lecture hall building for their class, it was their physiology class.

They reached the class and Naomi found that only the first two benches were empty. They sat on the second bench. The professor came in, it was the same professor which she looked in her dream. Naomi found it weird as she had never seen him before, still, she looked him in her dream. The lecture started, she concentrated on what the professor was saying. The professor introduced himself, he was saying the same as it was in her dream. She looked up, the projector was there, she felt a little confused about it. But she started writing everything in her notebook. Her full concentration was on the lecture. Everyone was listening and writing in the notebook.

Suddenly, the projector fell over Naomi. It hung from the roof with wire and was midway in the air. Naomi was sitting just below the projector but somehow she got saved. There was a shrieking sound, Naomi noticed the projector and slid to the side. The whole class looked at that direction in astonishment.

"Nothing happened, it was just an accident, nobody is hurt," said the professor to soothe the environment, "are you alright, what is your name," said he.

"I am Naomi Davis and yes professor, I am fine"

"Ok, your classmate is fine, nothing to worry, we will just get the projector fix, the class is dismissed for the day". The professor went out, maybe to get someone to get the projector fixed.

Naomi was in complete shock as everything happened as it was in her dream. This never happened with her before. Was it a "Dijavu" she thought to herself. She was unable to interpret as to why her dream was completely similar to what just happened right now, she never saw her professor before, she heard the name of her professor as well, Dr. Brown, in her dream which was a big mystery. The complete sequence was as if a copy or, it was like played again for her.

"Are you fine, let's just go out in the air and we can have some coffee if you want" said Amanda who was feeling a bit conscious about her friend.

"No," said Naomi, "I am completely fine, the projector just swung in the air, I got saved"

"Thank GOD, you are safe and the projector didn't do any harm to you"

"I think this just happened, to always make me remember my first class", and she chuckled.

Amanda also laughed getting confirmed that she is really alright.

They went out through the corridor, students were talking in small groups. It seemed as if they were discussing something. They passed by, they heard one of the groups which were quite loud,

"There is Fresher's tonight at 9:00," said a student, "Where?", said another in excitement, "In the college basement, in Viena building", said the student.

"What? Its Fresher's tonight, but on such short notice" said Amanda

"Yes, but I will not attend the party"


"because I don't like parties"

"Oh come on, I never thought you would be one of those"

"What one of those, what you mean?"

"Those people who are so nerdy and serious like you, now your image in my head is forming like that", said Amanda teasingly.

"I look nerdy to people?"

"I think you don't look, but you are bore types" Amanda chuckled, "I am just kidding, you have to come, otherwise I am also not going for the party"

"Ok, ok, I will attend, but only for sometime"

"Now that's like a good girl" she jumped with joy.

"But what about the dress, what we gonna wear," said Naomi.

"Yeah, the most difficult part," said Amanda, "let's get to the room and decide now, our next lecture is at 11 o'clock"

Naomi felt someone is following them, she looked back but what see saw was, just a bunch of students. She stopped and looked behind sternly all over, her gaze stopped at a guy. Amanda looked for Naomi and saw her standing there looking behind, she called Naomi, "Naomi", but Naomi was not in her senses, she was lost somewhere else. Amanda took her hand and shake her to bring her to senses. "What happened," said Amanda. "Nothing", and then they started to walk towards the room.

Naomi started to think about the guy that she just saw in the corridor. She remembered, she saw him in the physiology class today, she saw him sitting at the last bench when she entered in the class.

The guy had his hair styled in a way that some of his hair covered his forehead and were short at back. His hairstyle suited his handsome, fair toned, face. He had well built, toned body, not that much muscular but not sleek as well. He wore a black shirt with a creme colored jeans, shirt not tucked inside. She remembered the same scene again where he was standing in the corridor, leaning to the wall. He looked quite attractive. Maybe some of the groups were talking about him only. Naomi suddenly jerked out herself from his thoughts, she asked herself what was she doing.

They had reached the hostel till then and went to their room to decide dress for the night party.

They looked in their cupboard, unfurled every inch of it to find a suitable dress. Going out of the college for shopping was difficult for them as their college was in a very isolated place. The only option they had was to choose a dress from their only closet. Naomi chose a blue dress, it was a long gown, she had worn that once before. It looked elegant and royal blue made it look more royal. Amanda chose a knee-length pink color dress, it was a cute dress that looked good on Amanda.

"So, the dress is chosen, what next?", Amanda looked at Naomi.

"What accessories are we going to wear"

They decided on the rest of the things and went out to attend their further classes.

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