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Chapter 23: Swift's decision, Azul's Interlude ♣

Azul walked the hallway slowly. At one point Swift made it up to him.

"I came out good in Magic the Gathering but the power is to much to take with me. So it is there with that me." Swift said nodding.

Bass: It is from Miranda. Oh boy, you won't like this one bit.

'Aww crap.. go ahead and tell me the gist. Then go back and read it out for me.' Azul stopped and put the tablet down as he gave the room a once over. Seeing it was safe he left out locking the door and went to the galley for some food.

Bass: She won't be joining us. Says since you will be working with the Alliance, she needs to keep Cerebus in check. She will help us still though so there is that.

"Vroom," the maglift stopped and he exited.

'Great just great. At least she will have strong people near here in case stuff goes sour.' Azul walked over and grabbed a big metal cup to use for a drink. A hand touched his. "

"Woah to slow."

"Yeah, I guess Or maybe I just wanted to touch you." Swift said smirking. "Then again I doubt I would need an excuse." She gave him a once over and paused for a bit. Blinking she wanted to make sure she wasn't losing it.

"You ok?" Azul asked leaning in. "Hey maybe you should return to rest?" He was generally concerned. Swift was not a bad User from the biotic strands he received while treating her. Reckless but good. She just enjoyed life is all.

"Yeah.. yeah. Can we go and talk in your quarters?" Swift said coming to. "Not any hanky spanky of anything. Just want to talk to you doc."

"Sure. We should take some food since this might be a long one." Seeing she looked hungry he suggested a little more for her. "Grab a few more fruit.. you look a little off." She nodded. After fixing the food they reentered the lift.

"Vroom," they rode the lift in silence. Well she did anyway. Azul was eating a apple slice as he listened to Bass read the email off. He was using his biotics to thro apple slices in his mouth.

"Chssh," the door opened showing a suprised Chari and Tifa.

"That is a very weird way to use your biotics." Tifa said.

"Heh, a lazy way " Said Chari. "She then looked at Swift and saw her face as both parties switched places. "You ok?"

"Huh.. oh yeah just feeling a little off." Swift replied coming to. "Just gonna ask the doc some questions is all. With him being human and all he might be able to relate better."

"Alright." Tifa nodded.

"Ok, Azul send me a message if she is unfit for duty. We can afford her taking it a little easy. Better safe than sorry." Chari said. She was less stressed out since they help secure more pay than last time. That and the soul piece was fusing faster with Azul's strength increase.

"Right can do." Azul gave her a smirk before continuing on his walk. "Oh, you two need better bras. Those are see-through."

"Chssh," the door closed concealing their reply.

Bass: You were staring. That is why you noticed it was see-through. Anyway, the last part reads as follows..

"I cant deal with Sophia not being there. maybe in the future I can. But for now... no. She was like a big sister to me. Not seeing her there working with you. Working with us.. it would be to much. Knowing that you can cure me and a few others I will work on getting a few more people to my side. Also, a way to secure you high-level credits which you will need."

At the end Bass paused. He didnt feel embarrassed at a lil as he said the next part.

"Forever your #2 cheerleader."

'Thanks for that. Hey, when you are done take a well-deserved break Bass.' Azul was feeling a little raw all of a sudden. It may because he hadn't slept in the last few hours or from Swift's biotic strands that were hitting him like a B-52!

"Ok sit and tell me what's wrong." Azul said turning to her in the room." Thinking to be safe he remembered to throw up a blocker. 'Auxilary field.' The static netting blocked them easily.

"I cant read your thoughts!" Swift said quickly. She a becoming scared for a moment but dismissed remembering who she was dealing with. "I even came back stronger to. How is this happening!?" Panic started to set in as she believed she had become weaker somehow.

"Mental cleansing." After Azul washed dit over her, he watched as clarity returned. "Feeling better?"

"Yes," Swift said smiling. She grabbed some water and took a sip. "Much better. How did you become so strong so quickly?"

"Just some self-growth. Some much-needed self-growth." Azul grabbed the sandwich and took a bite. A few chews and a swallow he looked back at her. "Also a few quests that I needed to take care of last time were done right this time."

"Ugh, I am still higher level than you though," Swift grunted. She then smiled when she remembered this was her ally. Him getting stronger meant more help when needed. "Hey, you never made it to Magic the Gathering the last time right?" Taking a small breath she went on a limb with her next question. "Do you trust me enough to drop your shields against me?"

"No, I have no memory of it since I never made it to the me that was there. Why do you ask?" Azul sent a message to Galtea who said it wouldn't be a problem with everything he currently had. "And sure I can do that." Relaxing his guard specifically for her was easy.

"Well let's let the version of us here have a medical check-up conversation while we have a mental one. Help relieve some of the stress of aux field." Swift said as she showed Azul a bruise. She then sent a mental message. 'So can you do an Allied one there for me?'

'What does it entail?' Azul wondered. His body was doing a routine check-up and would stop to hit his Omni-tool every few moments. He even asked oddball questions Users would ask just in case. 'Are you in that much of dire situation?'

'Yes and no. I would be pawning off a favor to you really. If you do it, the Allied rewards should be amazing. Only so so for me. It will help me gain over this guy I really like. As well get my ex-wife and husband off my ass.' Swift's expression caused Azul to almost laugh. ' It is not funny!'

'Ok ok. I dont even want to know who they are. Just wait a little and I will come help in a .. I dont know the time table for there.' Azul's thoughts shifted letting her read he would flirt less with her. No getting with people who were married. Or with someone else. Especially with his weird relationship stronger.

'About the same here. Just have your Operator accept the help option and everything will go from there.' Swift had finished speaking on both fields. She stood up and gave Azul a hug. 'It will be dangerous for you. But I think you can do it.' Pulling away she waved at him. "Thanks for your help doc. I will take another bit of bed rest."

"Happy to help," Azul said smiling. Then he received the message.

System: User Swift is in dire straits in a plane. The difficulty level is Hardcore. User meets current requirements. Care to proceed now?

'Hell no!' Azul looked at it and wondered what the hell was going on. 'Who in their right mind would say yes to that. I am not doing that until I have a good talk with Galtea and prep for it.'

System: Rewards downgraded. Speaking to Operator now.... Operator has agreed. User will start in remote area in safety to prepare. When time is right will patch over awakeing spark to solve mission.

'Whew, that is defintely better.' Azul sighed and sat down and then started eating.

Galtea: That was an extremely powerful quest to do. The mission downgrades are not substantial. The good news it was triggered by those who are toying with the Administration. We can do a lot of damage to them early on. Also, I will set up for the other's to go as well by having them go into others. It won't be the same power they would usually wield but it will keep them safe and let them build up strength till you arrive.

'Alright, but who is going?' Azul asked as he ate.

Galtea: Zelda, Techlis, Jaina, Tietra, Ciela, and surprisingly Quistis has agreed. They are all going as elves. Considering the increased lifespan it should give them enough time to gain adequate strength till you arrive. Mileuda is not going. It does not interest her.

'Hmm ok makes sense a little.' Azul thought and then added. 'Spend some mana on creating some elves to go with them as well a few creatures to help defend them. If the enemy finds out about them, I rather they have a little bit more help.'

Galtea: Already on it. Also, I have a proposal. it is a bad one but I insist on informing you.

'Galtea I will kill whatever man or woman who think they are good enough to steal you away from me.

Galtea: Not that kind of proposal! One that you wouldn't like with the parameters and mission involved that you will take on it.

'Ah, my bad.' Azul said not ashamed at all. 'What is it then?'

Galtea: There is a chance for you to cement a strong force there. When you are not there that you can develop ways to help that region as well as greatly help Swift and a little towards Jane.

'Alright do it.' Azul said after hearing that part.

Galtea: Great. It will help you embrace yourself fully. Not much strength gained but a lot of control by leaps and bounds. Your points will take a large hit into the negatives but they will come back after you recieve the upgrade you already get in the future. Just with a slight change in it.

'Hmm, alright.' Cleaning up, Azul stretched. Disripbing he decided to call it an early night. Crawling into the rack he told Galtea goodnight. He wasn't asleep more than five minutes when the door opened.

"Chsshh," in walked Chari. She climbed into the rack and held him tightly.

"You ok?" Azul asked.

"Yup, just want to hold you for the night," Chari said snuggling in. "Goodnight."

"Ahh, goodnight," Azul said before drifting off.

He didnt have a good night's sleep at all. He dreamt about dragons and giant monstrous creatures battling. Devouring whole worlds after they were done.

A dragon looked at him with pity while the others tried use some magic. "Brother.. we must do something?" The big dragon was out of ideas.

"There is nothing we can do but fight them." The dragon that was just called brother stopped. "No, there is something you can do. Run take the others. Go now."

"What are you going to do?" A white dragon asked. "The voice sounded familiar to Azul. Later he would understand what happen but not now.

"I am going to detonate my spark. It will be enough to hold them off. If I am lucky it will kill them." The dragon already flew off towards the titans. "I forbid you all from following me!" His voice boomed out.

Unable to resist the order, the others fled through a small Rift. It was unstable and could barely stay maintained. A few started leaving. The only two left were the first dragon that spoke and the white dragon. They watched as the mana grew bigger and the plane started to feed into the other dragon.

"Brother I will take care of them somehow. Make sure you come back to us." The dragon grabbed the white one and threw her in the rift. Looking back a small teardrop fell down his cheek. It crystalized and fell endlessly. The dragon then went into the rift as well. He had taken to long and now was scattered from the others.

The area went white then clear and Azul felt himself appear in a colorless room. He was naked and floating never a good sign. In front, words appeared.

????: We are the System unseparated and undisguised. A choice lays before you User who has returned to venture once again.

Azul: What could I possibly do for you?

His voice was rasp and his thoughts were fleeting. He was not strong enough to be here for long. He knew that but he wanted to stay. He felt a weirdness about the place. A sense of belonging. But also the desire to get far away.

????: Will you accept this scenario. It will add on to the other mission. The rewards will be satisfying we assure you. We need someone to try this. We want someone to try this.

Azul: I am scared.

????: Do you believe you will fail and lose them as you did before.

Azul: Yes

????: Good. Use that to keep pushing forward. Growth is the purpose of the User. Unlimited Growth for a better or worse future.

Azul: I... will do whatever it takes to keep them alive. I may be going Paragon but I will still push forward keeping my people foremost safe.

????: We understand. That is why your test will become harder every now and then. To see if you will break or overcome. We expect great things from you.

Azul: Tch, if my people die.. you know what will happen.

????: Goodbye for now. Go back.

"Ahhh!" Azul woke up taking a deep breath. Chari was alarmed and looked at him from the side putting her armor on.

"You tossed a little most of the night. Stressed out?"

"Yeah. That and the weirdest dream." Throwing his feet over the side Azul looked at her. He then noticed Hotshot arming herself up. "Got a job?"

"Yeah, we do," Kasumi said appearing. "We are going to help rescue some kids from the Batarians. You know the fun way."

"Right, should I get dressed and come with?" Azul felt a little light-headed and leaned back some.

"Nope. You and the Captain are going somewhere with the.. others." Chari said. "Oh good job with Candace. She has defintely come around full circle."

Galtea: Time has pass exponentially while you were away. They are doing some side work. You need to remain on the ship anyway. Time to start Tactics in a bit. For now I need you to go into this memory. I need to confirm something.

'Alright.' Azul agreed. Looking at the other two he got about despite his best interests. "Here these will help with neurotoxins."

"Oh thanks." Chari said. She took the injections. "Holy crap. That feels so much better. Thanks, my hypertension is gone." Chari gave him a hug and left.

"Dont burn out ok?" Hotshot said. "I have gotten in touch with my sisters. They have left the .. prison. They are headed here. Galtea informed me of the help you gave. You spent points to help after the fact. It help get them out of there and made it easy for them to elude any pursuers." She kissed him then left.

Looking at his ststus. Azul was a little suprised.

Status Page 1 Name: Azul Lunastrider Class: Soldier Adept? (Experiment) Level: 9 AC: 21 Second Class: N/A Health: 116

Strength: 17 Constitution: 27 Dexterity: 27 Intelligence: 27 Wisdom: 27 Charisma: 19

Athletics: 3+3 Magic: 3+7 Acrobatics: 3+5 Misdirect: 3+7 History: 3+7 Intimidation: 2+3+3

Medical: 3+7 Nature: 3+7 Perception: 3+7 Persuasion: 2+3+4 Stealth: 5+2 TechWork: 3+7

Religion: 3+4 Survival: 3+6 Seduction: 2+3+4

Cantrips: Lv3 Adrenaline Rush, Lv4 Biotic Shielding, Lv2 Biotic Charge, Lv4 Misty/Flame Fist,

Lv2 Concussive Shot, Lv3 Mental Cleansing

Spells: Lv2 Rune Magic

Status Page 2

Physical Traits: Biotic Armored Body, Ki, Overlord

Mental Traits: Lustful, Brash, Curious, Dazful, Blunt, Foolish, Kind, Ruthless, Egotistical

Groups: Lady Maldova's Marauder's

Enemy Groups: Krogan War Band Terminus

Location: Ship Armory

Ship: The Last Stand

Standing: Galatea:??? Lady Lluvia Maldova: Soulbond Chari: 2742 Hotshot: 2232 Ciela & Lettie: Soulbond Quistis: ??? Tifa: ??? Riku: ??? Rayna +231

Crew: 3241

Equipment: Equipment: System, Omni-Tool, Alliance Experimental Implant

Skills: Gun: B 15/250 Melee: B 10/800 Tech: C 55/250 Sword: C 35/250 Medical: C 110/460

Science: C 124/310 Engineering Reversal: D 93/200 Magic: C 85/400

Titles: Wandering Soul

Abilities: Mediation III, Mental Suppression III, Ki, Psyker (Locked)

Knowledge: Alliance, Cerebus, Shirai Ryu, Lin Kuei, Geneticists, (Additional Locked)

Equipment: System, Omni-Tool,

Inventory: X-High Level Pull 3x, High-Level Pull 4x, Medium Pull 5x, Weapon Pull 5x, Armor Pull 3x

System Abilities: Inventory Large, Store, Observe,

Companion Slots: ???/XXX

Follower Slots: 11/XXX

Pet Slots: 1/X

System Points: 40,440

Companion Points: 1732

Loyalty Points: ????

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