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Death, Rebrith and Another Chance Death, Rebrith and Another Chance original

Death, Rebrith and Another Chance

Author: TenShi27

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Target 01: Death

Target 01: Death – In other words, where everything ended yet started.


Warm unfocused chocolate bright eyes softened at the sight of his crying young daughter and two sons. So many years had passed, with his guardians dying first before him and finally it is not his time to leave. Maybe he could meet them again, that thought entered his mind.

"Papa!" A crying woman cries out as she grasps his hands. "P-Please d-don't leave us." She whimpered.

Sawada Tsunayoshi, the retired Vongola Decimo and the father of the three adults smile brightly at them. His eyes crinkling as he does so. Even after so many years, Tsuna had never been tired of smiling.

"Don't cry dear. Be strong and keep on moving forward, alright?"

He smiles oh-so gently as he reach forward to wipe away the tears of his daughter. His voice was low and raspy. His daughter's tears continue flowing as she tried to smile at him. He returned her shaky smile with his gentle one and a comforting pat on her head.

"Nanako," He started. His only daughter meets his eyes with her bright tearful brown hues, similar to her late grandmother, Nana and to his late wife, Kyoko. She was, and still is, Tsuna and Kyoko's little child. He knew, Nanako knew and her brother knew that this was going to be the last words Tsuna would utter. And so, his daughter listened attentively.

Slowly, he smiled another smile as he started reminiscing of when his dearest daughter was still the little girl that would play pranks on her siblings and almost everyone in the mansion for the sake of her amusement. He stopped counting the times when many of their personnel would come forward to him and complain or report about the behavior of Nanako. His family, especially his guardians, had always wondered why Tsuna and Kyoko's one and only daughter doesn't have a speck of trait or habit that would lead back to her parents other than the looks she had acquired from both her parents.

Now, right in front of him is an older and much wiser version of his daughter. Her short pixie cut haired was now long with a hairstyle similar to that of Lal Mirch's. Gone was that playful little girl, replaced by hardened and powerful assassin.

"I'm really proud of you," Those words spilled out of his mouth with pride and before he could even comprehend what he's saying, those words he had kept inside of his heart continue to spill. "I wish for you to grow old and happy. Whatever choices you make, even if you decide to leave, I would support you as long as you continue to smile brightly. All I could ask for is for you to be happy. I cannot bear to see you cry and sad."

His sweet daughter cried harder at that. Tears falling down as she grasps her father's hand. Tsuna might have changed and became jaded through the years he had spent in the mafia and through the wars and deaths he had seen, but he could still see. See the look of hesitance and that heartbreaking self-loathing in her eyes whenever she would come back from her mission or from the battle field.

"Papa…" She whimpered as she lunged forward, hugging him tightly and Tsuna returned the hug without hesitating, embracing his daughter as tightly as he could. His youngest child stepped forward and Nanako quickly let go of him as she turned around allowed him to see Ietsuna clearly.

Ietsuna, named after Tsuna's grandfather, suppressed a sob as he tried to smile at Tsuna. "D-Dad." He stuttered.

Tsuna smile at that. His Ietsuna was just like him, through appearance and beliefs. Many had speculated that the youngest was going to be the next boss but the child was adamant about staying far away from the mafia and lead a peaceful and normal life. He could still see himself finding his child sitting alone in the library, surrounded with stacks and stacks of books, while his older siblings was outside of the mansion playing. It never cease to amaze him to see Ietsuna discussing certain theories with Hayato and understand what his storm guardian was saying even when he was using confusing and complicated words.

"Do you still plan to settle in Japan? If you do, be sure to visit us from time to time, ne? I want to see you and your fiancé happy together. Protect her okay? Don't you dare lie to the sweet girl about us at all and be sure to live your life as you like, ne?"

His son, eyes teary at his words, smiles wryly at him.

"You don't need to tell me that, Dad. I'll protect her from harm."

Seeing the resolve burning on his son's eyes cause the old man to smile with pride, knowing that his little boy had grown into a fine man that will soon marry a woman he loves and starts a family of his own. No words could describe Tsuna's happiness at the news when Ietsuna had told everyone in the family.

"I'm so proud of you. I really wish I would be able to hold and see my grandchildren."

This time, Ietsuna's tears fell and Nanako cried harder, knowing without a doubt that Tsuna wouldn't be able to see his grandchildren at all.

"I'm sure you'll be able to." His youngest son's voice was firm and resolute, sounding so sure that Tsuna almost believed the man. Making hope bloom in his heart that maybe, maybe he could still live for a few years but deep down, Tsuna knew he doesn't have much time left. Before he knew it, his youngest hugged him, and Tsuna returned the gesture, patting his son's back in comfort before Ietsuna let go of him, letting his eldest to step forward and talk to him.

Named after their ancestor and the founder of the Vongola Famiglia, Giotto was just like him from his appearance, charisma and strength. Tsuna didn't even find it surprising when his son managed to finish what Tsuna had started- to reform the Vongola and turn it back to its roots.

"Now you finally decided to rest, oyaji?" He smirks at Tsuna and their father returns the gesture by smiling, albeit a bit of exasperated.

If there was one thing that had made Giotto different from Primo, Tsuna knew without a doubt that it was his son's seemingly arrogant and playful disposition. Who would actually expect that the cute little kid that he and Kyoko raised would turn into a player that likes to flirt with girls, and thank god that it was only to that extent, he had enough with dealing with a lot of other don's daughters demanding for Giotto for a date or an audience. Imagine what would happen if he went further than that? He might as well find assassins and families waging war with Vongola because of Giotto?

It was not a surprise that Reborn took everything out on Tsuna when it finally sunk into them that there wouldn't be any chance of correcting Giotto's habits and personality. He could still remember the time wherein he would always look at his back in fear of his demonic advisor suddenly pooping out of nowhere with guns blazing, literally.

"It would seem so." He spoke clearly, making Nanako cry harder and his heart tightened, becoming so painful at the sound of his daughter's cries but he continued anyway as his smile turn teasing. "I'm so proud of you Giotto, for being the one to restore Vongola. I know that this might be an impossible thing to ask of you, Gio. But please, I beg of you, I need some form of reassurance that you will get married, at least to someone you truly love and adore, and stop flirting with every single female alright?"

The indignant look his eldest son shoot him went past Tsuna as the man was more focused at the sound of Nanako's giggle and Ietsuna's smile. He had known, and with the help of his hyper intuition, that it was impossible to stop his son from flirting. It's just like his unusual clumsiness. It was just there and impossible to get rid of.

"No promises." His son huffed as he looks away from Tsuna, a light flush of pink coloring his cheeks. Tsuna smiles, it was enough for him to hear that Giotto would at least try, even without him telling Tsuna directly.

Tsuna coughs painfully when he attempted to laugh at the flustered state of his oldest son. "I truly am happy to see all of you…" He croaked out, hearing his children cry. "All grown up. I…" He wondered if he could tell them this phrase at the last moment, even when he had said this to them a lot of times.

"I am so proud of you."

TenShi27 TenShi27

Heya it's me, your wandering and totally on hiatus author. So, I have a variety of pennames that I used. I have my stint in wattpad, and AO3. I posted works over there (that had been abandoned) and I'm thinking of bringing over some of my works here! First off, this is just a fanfiction. A take on my two favorite animes! If you guys like this story and wanted to support me, feel free to drop in a comment or show your support for this by giving it a like! Additionally, this story can also be found in AO3 (so my other pen name is unlocked, maybe you guys will also unlock my other pen names-?) I will be slowly releasing the individual chapters here ehe. Though chapters 1-15 are out in ao3!

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