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Chapter 3: Chapter 2

"Where have you been, young lady?"

I jump at the alcohol laced voice, "With Ana, at a friend's." She never told me what lie she used!

Danni blinks, fuck I'm caught liver, "That's funny, because I saw you get out of the car alone. So where is Ana?"

I sigh, "She's still asleep, and I wasn't going to wait forever so I came home. She has a ride home."

Danni nods, "Alright. Well, I'm leaving town for a month. I leave tomorrow morning, it's a business trip." It's junkie binge trip, but okay. "I'll be back at the end of the month, but don't expect me to be in touch often, I'll be too busy."

Without even giving me an opportunity to respond, she grabs her purse, keys and phone off of the wooden kitchen table, and walks from the house, slamming her door as she exits.

I shrug, Danni leaving for a month is like heaven for me. One less problem for me, a free house. I'm just relieved that she didn't make me listen to her dramatic rants.

I run a hot bath, peeling my clothes from my body, and tying my hair into a tight knot at the top of my head. I drop my bath brittle in, watching the bath stimulate into a beautiful blue color, smelling strongly of cherry blossom. I push play on my music, climbing into the hot water. Waiting til the water starts to lose it's warmth, I start to soap up, taking deep breaths.

Knock knock knock.

Of course good things always come to an end. I wrap my robe around my body, heading to the front door while tying it. It's probably just Ana, stopping by to tell me she's home.

It seems like I'm right, but she's not alone. Caleb stands on the step with her. Ana smiles at me, "Well, he wanted your phone number, and I refused to just give it to him. I didn't know if you actually wanted me to or if he was tricking me. So I brought him with me, and I hope you don't mind, but you're taking him home."

I just look at Caleb, "Well, thanks for interrupting a great bath. But I did tell him to ask you for my number, Ana. I had to leave, you were taking your sweet ass time, you know I have a Danni to worry about. Caleb you can come in, but don't make this a habit. Danni happens to be gone til next month."

Ana smiles, "So does that mean that you're home alone?"

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, and?"

Ana flickers her eyebrows at me, "We should let the boys have a sleepover here for a month."

I shake my head, "Not going to happen. And stop giving me that look, I don't care, Ana, stop always making me be the mature one, grow up."

She glares at me, "You never want to have fun! I just set you up with that hot guy on your couch right now, by the way, you're welcome."

I groan, "You're so childish. I didn't ask you to play Cupid, you just do it on your own. I don't need a boyfriend, Ana. I'm perfectly happy being single, you just can't accept that. Stop poking into my personal life if you're going to get mad at me for not being crazy after!"

She shrugs, "Whatever. Just give him a chance, Ambrosia. You might actually like him." Ana gives me a small harrumph, as she turns around and walks away. She looks like one of the girls on Mean Girls. I scoff at how childish she can be sometimes, always pushing something on to me. I love my best friend, but jeez sometimes she can be crazy.

I sit down beside Caleb, who watched me walk in. He smiles at me, "Well, I hope you're not really mad. Ana practically dragged me here."

I shake my head, "I know. Ana's always like that." I sigh, "I'm sorry, she shouldn't be trying to force you on to me like that."

Caleb nudges me, "There's no forcing me on someone I already want to have."

I chuckle, "Oh really, now? Have?"

"Okay, okay." He grins, "To call mine."

I look away, "Well, it's gonna take more than that." I stand up, walking to the stairs, "I'm going to get dressed, I'll be right back."

Caleb nods, "Take your time."

Fifteen minutes later, I'm dressed in a comfortable grey t-shirt made of soft cotton, and my favorite black leggings. I've always liked darker clothes, my skin tone looks good against the dark colors of my clothing.

"I know I said take your time, but are you sure you didn't get lost in Narnia up there? I've heard that you women have the gates in your closet!" Caleb's deep masculine voice yells up to me, humorously. "Do I need to save you, princess?"

I laugh to myself before calling out, "I'm fine, Charming! Welcome to womanhood, the adventures of waiting!"

I hear him laugh, as I head back down the steps. "Well, look who came back!"

I curtsy, "Well, I had to eventually, right?"

Caleb looks around, "Well, yeah, I guess you did have to come back."

"Oh yeah, I wouldn't want you to find the sex dungeon without me."

Caleb laughs, "Oh boy, maybe I should run."

I roll my eyes, "Only if you want to be whipped."

He fake gasps and holds his chest, "Oh you're kinky kinky."

I smirk, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

He shrugs, "I asked, didn't I?"

I just laugh in return, who would have thought that someone could keep up in sarcasm so well? Who would have thought that I would like the guy so much so early?

But I do like the guy so early, he's sweet, sarcastic, funny, warm, a great cuddler, I watch his small muscle twitch every time he hits the remote keys, groaning every now and then, cursing the TV for having such shitty shows, completely unaware that I'm even watching his arms small movement.

"So you're really alone for a whole entire month?"

What is it about this boy that draws my attention? That pulls at my strings in all the right ways?


I look up at up him, "What?"

I didn't even realize I'd zoned out like that, "You're really alone all month here?"

I nod, "Yeah, why?"

He scratches at the back of my head, "I could stay here with you. I mean, I can sleep here, on the couch. Just know....make sure your safe."

I laugh, "I can take care of myself, Caleb. I even know how to make Roman Noodles on the stove!"

Caleb rolls his eyes, "I'm not saying you can't. I just.....I don't know. I feel this weird connection to you, Ambrosia. I want to get to know you better. Why not at least keep you company while I do? What, are you scared that at the end of the month, you might finally just admit that you like me, too?"

I quirk an eyebrow, "I do like you--" I stop myself, I did not mean to say that out loud, and I know it's too late to back track my words as Caleb's grin spreads across his smug face, "It doesn't mean that I'm letting up on your chase. I'm not that easy to get, okay?"

Caleb, "Well, to be fair, it sounds like I'm already under your skin, so I did something right. Let me prove myself to you this month."

I sigh, "Fine. But you're putting gas in my tank on the way to get your clothes for the next month. I'm at a quarter tank."

Caleb nods, "Alright. Deal."

I start to walk out to the front door, but he grabs my wrist, " me, hate me.....but never leave me."


"Love me, hate me...but never leave me."

I play his words in my head, over and over again, on the drive to his house, and at the gas station. Clearly he has an irrational fear of losing people who are close to him, but it's only been a day since we met. I know it happens like that sometimes, but I never pegged it to happen to me. Good things come in unexpected ways, so here I am trying to enjoy it.

Danni probably wouldn't care about Caleb staying over at the house with me, even if she were home. She's too absorbed in her own self to worry about my life, and she doesn't care what I do with my body. I'm just not stupid, I'm saving myself for the right time, and I'll know when that time comes when I have the feeling I've been waiting for.

Caleb and I go into the house, still holding the silence between us since those words fell from his mouth, a awkward silence. I feel bewildered, this is a plain of affection that I've severely lacked in my entire life, and it's unlike anything I'm used to. Most people treat you as if you're invincible, made of steel, not considering how their actions or words may effect the people around them. Too many people say the worst things in a situation, showing their true form of mind, the ignorance mixed with bitterness waiting to escape. Too many people are on such a high horse feeling like they're better than all, when in reality they lack the one most important thing: Purpose. Don't get me wrong, purpose comes in many forms, but until one is true to themselves, they have no purpose; live a life that makes you truly happy, never settle for less. It's easy to find bad people, it's hard to find the good ones. But too many people tell you anything they feel you want to hear...kind words, false promises, misguiding comfort, dispairingly false feelings, and painful memories.

Which brings me back to Caleb.....from the first glance his appearance is tall, dark and handsome. However, Caleb's so sweet inside, so open, generous, caring, affectionate, and wholesome. And nothing he says seems to be anything but genuine. Looks can be truly deceiving.

I sit on his bed as he starts moving around his room, putting a bag together slowly and precisely, making sure to get everything he needs.

After completing packing, he sit down beside me, "So are you going to say anything?"

"Why do you care so much?"

Caleb smiles, "We kicked it from the second we saw each other, and your already driving me nuts. I like that about you. You're sarcastic, like me, and you have a sense of humor. You're so fascinating to me, and I just want more."

I look at him, "I'm probably going to regret this later, but...." I lean forward after thinking it over again, and put my lips against his, pulling chest against mine. He doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me, drawing me in deeper. I pull away, "Wait. Wait. Before we continue, whatever this is, we aren't together, got it? Consider this month...testing the waters." Caleb looks at me, "Fine, now shut up and kiss me." He pulls me back in, flicking his tongue across my lip casually, deepening the kiss by holding the base of my neck in his hand. I wrap my legs around his waist, and tangle my fingers in his hair.


I clear two drawers in my room for Caleb's clothes to be unpacked into, and while he unpacks, I start on dinner. I prepare a Cheesy Mexican Tortilla Soup, with fresh baked bread to go with it. Dishing out bowls, setting the table, and pouring two glasses of iced tea, I call for Caleb to come eat.

It's a rewarding feeling cooking for someone who will appreciate the effort I put into the meal. Danni never eats what I cook, so I make small amounts of food for myself, never getting to see a reaction out of someone else from my cooking. I hope it's as good as I think it is.

I set our drinks down, and sit at my spot as Caleb saunters in behind me. He smiles, complimenting the wonderful scent in the air. I dig into my bread first, buttering it and letting the flavor explode on my tongue. It came out perfectly, soft and warm.

Caleb grunts, "The soup is amazing, in fact, I've never had tortilla soup before and I can honestly say I'll never try it anywhere else now." He takes another bite, "You really made this?"

I smile, "Yes."

"It's really good. My word, you can cook, you're beautiful, you're nice, funny, sarcastic....what aren't you, Ambrosia?"

I blush, "Thank you."

Caleb smirks, "You're blushing? Aw, that's great. You know what, we should have some shots and watch a movie after dinner, to celebrate the amazing cook you are."

I chuckle, "I do happen to have a full fresh bottle of Jameson Irish Whiskey in my room....that sounds fun. But how about a drunken swim, then a movie?"

Caleb nods, "Perfect."

I grin, happy that he enjoys the meal so much. I don't know how it's possible for me to fall into his web so hard so fast, but I feel myself unwinding with him. I've always enjoyed a chase, but something tells me this chase is going to come up short quick. We've already spent a night cuddled up together, kissed intimately.... Is there even a point in pretending like I'm not interested? It's obviously clear that I'm interested, so that's out in the open now... There's nothing wrong with acting coupley with Caleb then, I suppose, it's not like I can't make him chase to make me his girlfriend, right?

Caleb grabs my empty dish, and heads to the kitchen. I wipe down the table and counters quickly, and notice that he's put the food away already, and has finished the dishes. Wow, there's nothing sexier than a man who does the dishes.

The soup will make a good lunch for us tomorrow, and since he enjoyed dinner so much, maybe tomorrow night I will make my famous chicken, rice and gravy casserole. I could even do it in the crock pot. Or a beef stew on Jasmine rice. I figure his opinion counts.

"Caleb, chicken gravy and rice casserole or Beef stroganoff on Jasmine rice for tomorrows dinner?"

Caleb looks at me, "Beef stroganoff is my favorite, so if you can make that, I'll love you forever."

"With or without mushrooms?"

"Of course with the mushrooms."

I nod, "Good boy. Now, upstairs, my top left drawer, get the liquor."

Caleb bows, "As you wish, your majesty."

He proceeds up the stairs and on to the room. I head into the pool closet, grabbing two big warm fluffy towels, purple for me, red for him, swim trunks and a bikini. I set his towel and the swim trunks on the table for him, and go change into the bikini. I pull the yellow bikini on quickly, examining my body in the mirror to make sure it sits right.

The yellow makes me look Tanner, and thinner just a bit. My breasts flow from my top, and my ass swallows the bottoms, but after readjusting them, they sit fine. I wrap the towel around my hips, tying it up to stay. I head into the kitchen again, finding Caleb there, dressed in the trunks already, liquor and coke chaser in hands. I grab his towel for him, and lead him out back, with two glasses stacked in my left hand. I set the glasses down, taking the liquor from him, pouring a rather heavy handed amount into each cup, adding the coke next. I hand his to him as I stir my own with my pinky.

I smirk, "Cheers!"

I down my drink in four gulps, Caleb following suit not wanting to be out won by a girl. I nod at him, and pour us another, which we down again, and I pour us a third. We're both pretty buzzed by the second, but down a third, and fourth anyway. At this point, I can honestly say I'm drunk as I pour our fifth drink, we sip this one as we get in the pool.

Caleb drunkenly laughs as he sets his drink down and jumps in. I do the same, laughing as I reach the surface.

"This was a great idea!"

I smile, "I love getting drunk and swimming. It's relaxing and fun."

He nods, "I think you should come over here."

I chuckle, "I think...." I prepare to kick off sneakily, "You gotta catch me first."

I dive off, swimming away from him, and I'm a fast swimmer. He tries his best anyway, I know he'll catch me eventually, but I keep up as good as I can. I feel his hand brush my moving leg, and I push harder, swim faster, but the drunkenness kicks in, and the effort becomes too much and I feel my body getting slower.

Caleb snatches me up by the waist, pulling me over to the alcove under the waterfall, and pulls me to him, as I look at him, I note all the small muscules in his jaw, the moon lights up his handsome features. His deep emerald eyes glisten in the moonlight as he gazes into my eyes. I feel myself getting lost in the searching look in his eyes as his fingers caress the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine, every touch reverberating through my soul, his kind touch warming my heart. I'm falling in love with Caleb, slowly my heart is unbinding itself to his chords, pulling ever so genlte at the strings. His lips move slowly toward my own, until I can't wait anymore, needing to feel the soft, warmth on my own, pulling him closer, closer, until our lips touch. Our chests pushed against each other, the water lapping around our merging bodies. Our breath brushing against each other's skin, our lips in total sync. Our hands getting lost in each other's touch, emotions flowing between us like the water we float in freely. The drunkenness giving us a numb euphoric experience, unlike anything I've ever felt before.

Caleb pulls away slowly, stroking my cheeks with his thumbs, smiling slowly, "That was perfect. Alm--"

But of course, everything good must be interrupted when you have someone like Ana in your life.


I roll my eyes, "Always so dramatic." We swim over to the other side of the pool, and I smile annoyed at my best friend, "What do you need, Ana?"

Caleb, "Seriously, you always interrupt good things."

Ana smiles at us knowingly, "Well, I expected you to be lonely and bored but...I'm glad to see you're listening to me." She winks, "And giving him a chance. We should invite Brandon over!"

I look at Caleb, he shrugs, "If you want to. It's your house, I'm just happy to be here."

Ana grins, "I'll go call him right now!"

I laugh, "House party it is then."

Caleb smiles, pulling me back to the alcove

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