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Chapter 11: eleven » you’re a beauty



In which Mira's beauty blows Sebastian away.


GENTLE HANDS SHOOK MY SHOULDERS AS I stretched out my limbs. Dark sienna eyes met mine when I opened them, watching Sebastian take a seat beside my body. A small smile was painted on his perfect features, but there was tension in his eyes. In an effort to soothe his worries, I returned the smile.

"Morning, pumpkin."

"Morning," I mumbled, sliding to sit upright against the headboard. "What time is it?"

It was only then I noticed he was shirtless, the only thing he was wearing being Calvin Klein sweatpants that hung low on his hips. I sighed inwardly when my cheeks warmed. His physique never failed to make my mouth water.

He reached for my phone that was situated to the right of the pillow. "9:29."

Placing the device in my lap, he directed his thumb over his shoulder with a quirk of his eyebrow. "Avery isn't up yet, but I thought I'd wake you up in case you had a morning shift."

My intrusive stare made him noticeably discomfited, but it was only a futile effort to figure him out. Silence claimed its throne in the room, and Sebastian cleared his throat audibly before wringing his hands together.

Breaking my gaze, I threw the covers off my body and rendered him with a comfortable smile. "Relax, Sebastian. I'm not going to bring up last night."

He visibly dropped his shoulders in relief, an uneasy laugh that had subtle undertones of happiness falling from his plump lips. "Fine." Standing up, he spread his legs into a few long strides before he was stood in front of me, his arm stretching to hold out his hand in front of me. "I want to give you something."

"Let me just clean up first." Traipsing to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and combed my fingers through my hair before throwing the abundance of dark brown tresses into a messy bun. Sebastian offered me his hand once more when I stepped out, his lip trapped in between his teeth.

For the second time that week, he gripped my hand softly in his, tugging me lightly when I remained rooted in my place. Leading me to his room, he pointed to the small rectangular box that was atop his wardrobe.

"I asked my bodyguard to put it somewhere Avery couldn't reach it, but I guess he forgot that he's 6'9 and I'm only 6'2."

I let out a chortle as my eyes fell upon the box once more with a slight twist of my lips. "How are we meant to get it?"

Sebastian manoeuvred his way to the right side of his bead, bending his knees as he spoke cautiously. "You'll have to go on my shoulders." His brown eyes darted towards me, his lips curling upwards into a smile that exuded sheer mirth. "I won't drop you if that's what you're afraid of, pumpkin."

The scoff I emitted met his ears before I could stop it. "Um," I stumbled over my words. "If you haven't noticed, we're both tall. I'm not looking to fall from a height."

"Well, do you want your gift or not?" he laughed, placing his hands on his hips in a gesture to challenge me.

I bit my bottom lip as I padded over to him, albeit gingerly, with a hint of fear leaving my tone. "I swear to God, Sebastian if you drop me, I'll murder you."

He snorted once he bent his knees once more, gripping the leg that he brought on his shoulder. "How? Death by a thousand tickles?"

A murmur of complaint passed my lips as I noted that I had nothing to grip onto since he was sans a shirt. I could've grasped onto his hair, but the fear that I would pull his hair out prevented me from doing so.

He guffawed when both my hands cupped the underside of his jaw. "Stop laughing!" I exclaimed with a shriek. "Your shoulders shake when you laugh!"

His laughs were muffled by his closed lips, his hands curling around my thighs for better grip. Dragging his feet across the carpet in order for him not to move me too much, the walking stopped when we were in front of the wardrobe, the box, that I realised was a jewellery box, in my line of vision.

"I'm so not moving my hands. I'm getting a bit dizzy."

The groan rumbled through his throat and vibrates against the pad of my fingers. "If it makes you feel better, I'll wrap my arms around you."

Despite hearing my protest, he quickly placed one arm behind me and the other in front, caging me in some way. Grasping the box at the same moment, Sebastian then slid me down his back in a piggyback position.

My arms wrapped around his neck, my legs winding tight around his waist. I dismissed the fact that he was shirtless and tipped my head backwards. "Do you want to put me down now?"

"You're the one holding onto me, pumpkin." He chuckled, turning us around when another voice sounded through the room.

"Can I have a piggyback too?" Avery giggled as she ran towards us with her hair out and fanning around her shoulders. "I even brushed my teeth, Uncle Seb."

I released my hold on him, feeling a little too giddy when my feet touched the ground. Holding the box in my hand, I grinned widely when I saw what it contained.

"You got me a diamond necklace?"

"I got you a diamond necklace." The blush scattered across his soft, tawny cheeks when Avery opted to sing.

"Mira and Uncle Seb sitting in a tree—,"

"Okay, Avery." He laughed, taking the box from my grip to pull the necklace from its ridge. His cold fingertips brushed the skin of my neck when the chain of the necklace rested gently on either side of my collarbone before he clasped it. "How does she look, Aves?"

"Like a princess." She cooed, dragging out the 's' as she did a twirl in her nightdress.

He moved towards her prior to peppering kisses all over her face, their laughter mingling when she was hoisted onto his back. I could only watch silently, practically feeling the love between them.

"What do you want for breakfast, princess?"

A beat barely went before she said. "Ice cream!"

I played with the necklace that rested against my clavicle as Sebastian proceeded to imitate an aeroplane with Avery being his sole passenger. He frowned when he heard her answer.

"How about some actual food? And then later I'll get you some ice cream."

My eyes flitted across their interaction and I didn't feel included until Sebastian gestured to me with a tilt of his head. Avery glanced upon me too when he requested me to follow them.

"What do you want to eat for breakfast, Uncle Seb?" There was a slight childlike drawl to her words, and she absentmindedly covered Sebastian's eyes.

"I'm not going to eat right now, but you're hungry because your stomach is roaring like a lion."

She found his statement humorous, giggling as she moved and tightened her arms around his neck. Her eyes looked over her shoulder to make eye contact with me, her wide smile showcasing the missing gap in her bottom row of teeth.

It wasn't surprising since I knew Sebastian didn't eat breakfast most days. He had told me that his personal chef always had food for him during the day. "You probably have a long day today, let me make breakfast."

He said nothing but took a step back from the counter, placing Avery on her feet. She tugged on the hem of my shirt, looking up at me with a blue eye that seemed to shine. "Can we make blueberry pancakes?"

I peered down at her with a soft smile. "Sure. Do you want to whisk the ingredients?"

She nodded eagerly, which only lead me to arrange the ingredients in the bowl quicker. Sebastian leaned against the tabletop beside us, only moving to place Avery on a high stool so she could reach the bowl.

Once breakfast was ready for Avery and me, I whipped up something healthy for him that was avocado toast with eggs, sunny side up. With a pensive countenance, Sebastian's dark eyes danced across my features, a twitch of acknowledgement pulling his lips into a small smile.

"Thank you." He murmured as his hand held my wrist to pull me down so he could press his lips to my cheek.

Avery smirked almost knowingly as she brought her cup of milk to her lips, slowly sipping on the warm liquid.

Checking my phone as we all ate in the kitchen, I noted that I had work in almost two hours. I made a habit of texting Ada every morning when I wasn't at home, and what she texted me back had me slightly choking on my mouthful.

Sebastian and Avery both glanced at me as I placed my phone on the table, seeking my glass of milk to soothe the slight ache in my throat from coughing. My finger quickly pressed the power button when his eyes drifted to my screen.

"You okay?" Sebastian's arm rubbed at my back, his smile extending across his face when a soft tinge of red covered my cheeks.

"Peachy." I croaked out, holding my hand up in an okay sign.

My best friend was something else.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

To say I was nervous when Sebastian brother invited me in would be an understatement. He and Sebastian looked so alike, but he visibly looked a few years older with a trimmed beard.

His family had to have all the good genes.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Mira." He beamed a sort of gruffness to his voice. "I'm Flynn." I shook his hand with an equally happy smile albeit it masking my anxiousness. He turned to Sebastian with a blow of breath. "Kaia is going to hold it against you that I got to meet her first."

Sebastian rolled his eyes playfully. "You know she can never stay mad at me. And by the way, I got Avery ice cream so she'll be a bit hyper for a while."

Flynn sighed a sigh that was laced with mock disappointed, which was made clear by the grin that slanted across his face. "You really spoil my daughter, mate." He glanced to me when Avery spoke.

"Daddy, Mira makes the best pancakes. I finished everything." She told him animatedly, her voice holding clear tones of surprise as if not finishing her breakfast was normal.

Flynn looked down at his daughter with the same expression I noticed Sebastian did whenever he was around her. Everyone seemed to cherish her. Gathering her into his arms, he allowed an expression of mock surprise to float across his features. "Really? Were they blueberry?"

Avery nodded with bright eyes. "Of course."

"Was that Avery I heard?" a feminine voice asked, a blonde woman who I presumed was her mother coming down the stairs to be met by Avery running towards her. Her blue eyes met mine and she smiled.

"You must be Mira. Avery couldn't stop talking about you on the phone earlier."

Avery hid behind her mother's legs, but I caught the sheen of red that scattered across her cheeks. "You have a great daughter."

Before silence could drift between us, Sebastian spoke up. "I wish we could stay longer, but we both have work. I'll call you guys later." He hugged his brother and his sister-in-law before pressing a kiss to Avery's forehead. "Remember we're going to the zoo next week, princess."

"It was good to see you, Ash," Flynn spoke, stopping Sebastian to hug him tightly again. "Make it a habit to see us often."

His arms wrapped around his brother as he nodded, bidding his family one last goodbye before I did the same. Walking back to the car, it was a silent journey until Sebastian started up a conversation.

"When's your birthday?"

"25th of December. Two months from now."

The deep frown marred his face, but it was gone as quick as it came, a forced smile replacing it. "Damn," he spoke, his voice laced with thick emotion. "I'll make sure you get more than one present."

"When's yours?"

"17th of November."

I acknowledged his answer with a tilt of my head. "That's not far away. The last year you'll be celebrating your 20s."

"You could say that." He laughed, clearing his throat. "James invited me to this dinner with his family, and said I could have a plus one, but I know he meant you. Be my plus one?"

My heart fluttered so hard it was like it levitated in my chest. "Just text me the details." I grinned, unclipping my seatbelt when he stopped near the coffee shop. Leaning across, I pecked him on the cheek. "Smile, Sebastian." My fingers pressed the side of his face until he gave me a smile, a quiet laugh passing through his lips.

"I'll see you later, pumpkin."

Ada muttered acrimoniously to herself as her eyes were glued to the TV screen, Prison Break seeming to grasp all her attention. Seeing as she was a season ahead of me, I pressed my flat palms to my ears, calling her name once more.

"I'm going out, are you doing something tonight?"

She paused the show, glancing up at me when a smirk crept onto her face. "I'm going on a date. But dressed like that, you're definitely going to be doing a certain someone." Her eye fell into a wink, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Sebastian get it for you?"

"Haha, very funny." A saccharine grin marred my features as I touched the lace material. "And yeah. One of the two gifts he gave me today."

She made it an act to swoon. "You two are so cute." When a knock sounded on the door, she stood up and brought me into a hug. "Have fun."

Trailing towards the front door, I pressed my palm to my thigh before unlocking and opening the door. Sebastian was adorned in a cut-to-precision Armani suit, his stark black and slim tie contrasting against his white dress shirt.

His teeth sunk into his bottom lip as his eyes raked over me. A beat of silence passed before his words slid out of his mouth in an almost breathless whisper. "You're a beauty."

The grin broke out on my face and I ducked my head as my cheek warmed. He held out his hand, silently leading me to a car where George was driving. My lips were coated in a layer of lipgloss, which prevented me from biting it. "Thank you." I felt my heart speed up.

The scent of his cologne met my nose and I clipped my seatbelt with my eyes closed for just a moment. He tilted his head toward me. "Thank you for accompanying me tonight."

When we arrived at James' parents' house. The first thing I noticed was how elegant the mansion seemed. Sebastian got out first, opening the door to help me out.

He steadied me as we walked across the cobblestone walkway to a grinning James. "There are my two favourite people." Sebastian laughed and brought him into a tight hug once James released me from his arms. "You look divine, Mira." A lazy grin played on his lips. "Aren't you two the power couple that isn't actually a couple?"

"Very funny." Sebastian drawled, linking my arm with his when James led us into the mansion.

A plethora of pleasantries were exchanged between Sebastian and me and James' family. His mother handed me a glass of champagne as I was seated beside Sebastian at the table.

I was nervous, but they were all warming. James had a twin sister who had the same electric blue eyes with a twinge of brown at the top of her left eye and a younger brother who stood out with green eyes and was the same age as me.

Juliana speared the salmon with her fork as she rendered me with a smile. "So, how did you meet Sebastian?"

Jon, James' younger brother snickered. "You know how they met from the press."

"Not from their side," she countered, giving him a pointed glare.

"There isn't much to that night." Sebastian cleared his throat, smiling lopsidedly. "The press got it pretty much right."

The rest of dinner went with far more interesting conversation, and when James was showing us around, it was mainly for me, but Sebastian didn't want to leave my side, Juliana pulled me aside.

"I don't think I need to tell you this, but we've known Sebastian for a long time. In one night I've seen him smile more than he has in weeks. You're good for him, friend or not."

Her elegant deportment seemed to belong in the mansion that the family-owned, her arm linking with mine as she smiled at me like she knew me for years.

"Any friend of Sebastian's is a friend of mine."

"I agree," Jon spoke, a coquettish grin dotting his lips. "You're just friends right?"

Sebastian looked at me over his shoulder from where he was talking with James, outstretching his arm. "Come here, Mira." He beckoned softly.

Juliana chortled and lightly shoved Jon. "You don't have a chance, mate."

Jon rolled his eyes and held his hand up in mock surrender. "It was just a question, Seb. You can relax."

"Hardy har har, Jon."

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I have your towel," Sebastian murmured from the other side of the door, hooking the towel over it from the small gap that the door left. "Do you want to sleep straight after?"

Taking the towel in my hands, I wrapped it around my body and open the door to raise my eyebrows at Sebastian. "Would we be doing something else?"

A thin layer of embarrassment covered his cheeks. "N-no." He directed his gaze over my shoulder. "I'm going to make us tea, two sugars, right?"

He didn't give me the opportunity to answer as he pivoted on his foot and left me in his bedroom. A laugh slid passed my lips as I took hold of my overnight bag, pulling out some clothes.

Traipsing to the living room, Sebastian leaned against the counter in the open kitchen, his hand holding out my cup of tea. Our fingers brushed and I tightened my jaw momentarily.

After placing the mug on the countertop, I slid onto the surface and bought the warm liquid to my lips. He simply stared at me with a small smile.

"You know what I think, pumpkin? I think that despite the fact that for the past couple months, I haven't let anyone close to me, there's something about you." He smiled a bit wider. "It's not even the cuddle pact that ties me to you. I genuinely like spending time with you, and I ignore that voice in my head."

I took another sip of my tea to mask my growing smile.

"I know it's soon, but you're starting to be the best thing that's happened to me in a long time."

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