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Chapter 4: So...You're a Warlock?

Ikora saw Isaac walking towards the command room and decided to intercept him and introduce herself. "Isaac, I presume. I saw you speaking with Zavala and Cayde earlier. My name is Ikora Ray and I'm the Warlock Vanguard Representative. Come with me and we'll speak with Zavala, about your training and class pick."

     "Ah, well met Ikora. Please, lead the way."

     Isaac and Ikora walked into the command room and met with Zavala. Cayde, apparently, had extra-tower duties to attend to.

     "Ah, Isaac, you've arrived. It hasn't been long since you left us, have you decided which class you'll pick?" Zavala asks. 

     "I have an idea but what I decide will depend upon a few factors. I was wondering if you could perhaps answer some questions regarding this selection process?"

     "Certainly, ask away."

     "I was wondering if it is possible to train under all three classes and if not can I change my class once it's been chosen it?"

     Zavala and Ikora both looked at each other and then back at Isaac. "...I see well there have certainly been Guardians, who upon reaching a certain level of mastery in their class, decide to take up a second. Ikora and I both have some knowledge and abilities from each others class. This is the first time, however, a newly arisen Guardian has requested to be trained in all three classes. May I ask your reasoning, for wishing to take on all three?"

     "Well, it seems to me that all three classes have valuable knowledge and skills that could prove useful in different situations. It seems a waste to neglect any of them in favor of the other. If being able to be resurrected makes us practically immortal, then wouldn't it be prudent to take the slow and steady path to master all three classes instead of fixating on one narrow path. After all, a man with a saw can cut boards but a man with a saw, hammer, and nails can build a house."

     Ikora spoke up. "That's quite the insightful observation, Guardian. I think you would make a fine Warlock, for what it's worth. However, regarding your request...Zavala, perhaps we should take this matter to the Speaker, since this is the first time and his reasoning is sound. What do you think?" 

     "Hmmm, yes, I agree. We should seek the Speaker's guidance in this matter. Isaac, I do apologize but you've presented us with a bit of a quandary and so we'll have to ask you to stay here for a moment, while we determine the correct course of action." Stated Zavala as he and Ikora walked off, towards the Speaker's Observatory. 

     "All three, huh? That is a novel idea. However, and I'm surprised they didn't bring this up, but trying to focus on all three will make you less effective in a fireteam. If you ever want to team up with other Guardians, then you'll need to be proficient in a role so that your teammates can know they can rely on you. If you want to go it alone, however, why not just choose the Hunter class and be done with it. Surely you can just speak with other Guardians and learn from them." Polter commented. 

     "Well, Polter, the reason they didn't mention that is because they, unlike you, didn't just scoop up the surface level meaning of my words. When they heard my request, they saw past the obvious meaning and understood the implications of not just me but future Guardians, as well, forming teams of hybrid Guardians. Think about it, if you have a team of competent Guardians following all three paths, they could easily adapt and overcome any obstacle in their path. As for new Guardians, they are still fresh and unseasoned. If they are in the middle of an operation and the one running Titan becomes injured and is about to go down, both the other Guardians could swap roles until the Titan is recovered. It would ultimately take them all longer to obtain mastery over their abilities but they would be much better off because of it."

     "...I...well, I suppose you may be right. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what they decide." 

     "I suppose so."

     Ten minutes later, Ikora and Zavala return with Cayde in tow. 'They all seem to be in good spirits. I hope they agree to it.' Isaac thought. 

     "Well, who would've thought our new Guardian here was such a Revolutionary. Being a Hunter isn't good enough for ya, huh? Just gotta have all three, huh? Alright, but be warned, fresh meat, greed cometh before a fall." Cayde joked.

     Ikora addresses Cayde. "...Actually, Cayde, it's pride that comes before a fall and your antics are not necessary in this moment. Isaac, all three of us have discussed your request with the Speaker and each other. 

     "While we agree with your reasoning for seeking this path, the Speaker was adamant about the fact that a brand new Guardian without a direct representative in the Vanguard simply wouldn't do. As you're aware Cayde, Zavala, and myself represent the Hunter, Titan, and Warlock Guardians respectively. Each Guardian reports directly to us and come to us for training and guidance. 

     "If we were to allow you to follow all three paths, then that would, according to our conventions, place you either outside the chain of command or under all three of us together with you being left with no one direct superior. Any decisions made regarding you, no matter how small, would require all of our consent. However, the Speaker has not out right denied your request. All you need to do is choose a single class, as per the normal procedure, and we will all assist you in your endeavor to walk this unique path, whenever we are able. Whichever class you choose, will only determine to whom you will directly report, while leaving open the option of receiving training from any of us. Is this an outcome that's amenable to you?"

     "Actually, yes, that's perfect. I'm just glad that it's permissible. As for my class, if I have to choose one, then I'll go with Warlock."

     "Ahh, excellent choice, Isaac! If that's the case then you can report to me from now on. As for your training, we've discussed this for a while and normally we would give you a week or two to train before sending you out to raise your affinity with the Light. As it stands, however, we were wondering did you receive your initiation while fighting your way out of the Cosmodrome?"

     "Hmmm, if you mean that invigorating infusion of Light that allowed me to wield it, then yes."

     "Excellent, since you've already unlocked your affinity and the path you seek to walk is one where you use methods from each class as a tool for every respective situation, then why don't we introduce you to Solar Energy. You can spend the rest of the day or as long as you need to try to understand and wield this energy. 

     "Once you obtain even the slightest bit of control over Solar Energy, we'll run you through a quick physical training session with Cayde, before sending you into the Cosmodrome to face of with any Fallen you might encounter. While doing this, you can utilize the Light in any way you see fit and try to find your own fighting style. 

     "Once you've increased your affinity at least five times, we'll bring you back in and hopefully that experience of having to fight with nothing but your own strength and abilities will help you decide how best to utilize the training we'll be offering you. That being said, because this training is unconventional and because Cayde is constantly itching to get out of the Tower we'll be sending him along as a tail to back you up, should you get into any serious trouble."

     "You know what? I really like the sound of that. I'd say that's as good of a plan as any. When can we get started?"

     "Right away, actually. Gentlemen, it would seem that the matter has been resolved and I am Isaac's Vanguard Representative. We'll leave you to your duties and return once he's met the requirements to proceed." Ikora addressed her teammates. 

     "Very well, then. Good luck, Isaac. I hope to see great things from you." Zavala dismissed himself and returned to his musing over the various maps upon the command table.

     "Right, I'll get out of your hair then. Just don't take too long, fresh meat. This tower is seriously cramping my style." Cayde said while leaning against the wall.

     "Just follow me, Isaac, and I'll get you started with your meditations."

     Ikora led Isaac back into the Tower proper, a short ride down the elevator, and through a series of hallways. Once they arrived at a doorway with an orange sun emblazoned on it, Ikora ushered him in. This room was a sectioned off area that connected to a larger circular room, via a short downward flight of stairs. The partitioned off room had a large glass window that looked down upon the circular room. The circular room had twelve segments covering its perimeter, each segment seemed to be designed for one person meditation. In the center of the room, there was a slight circular depression in the floor and ceiling. Each segment had a series of four increasingly larger circles leading from it to the depression in the center. 

     "This is a Solar Meditation Chamber. Here you'll find twelve compartments that you can meditate in. I'll show you how it works from here, although, you'll also be able to control it from your chamber. This is how you start it." 

     Ikora activated an image on the console before us, which operated the mechanisms in the room. A small sun like light appeared between the two circular depressions and quickly grew to the size of about two beach balls. "You'll enter the chamber and engage it thusly. You want to try and familiarize yourself with the energy being emitted from this minute star. Attempt to empty yourself of any desire to control it, that will come later. For now, simply try and attune yourself to this energy and become one with it. The more attuned you become to this energy the less you will be burdened by the heat that it generates. Once you've sufficiently increased your attunement, you can activate a pillar, like so." 

     She activated another image and one of the first circles, from the depression, rose to its full height stopping about a foot short of the minute sun's bottom. Then another even smaller minute sun appeared on top of the pillar. "These smaller minute suns act as amplifiers and you can increase the intensity up to four times, as you can see. But that's for another time, for now simply focus on obtaining and increasing your attunement. Spend the rest of the day here and we'll see if you can control it tomorrow. Are you clear on what you need to do?"

     "Absolutely, Ikora, and thank you for instructing me."

     "Of course, Isaac. It's not a problem at all. Well, if that's all, I'll leave you to it then. Good luck, Isaac. I'll see you tomorrow." Ikora says as she turns around to leave. 

     "See you tomorrow."

     Isaac went down the stairs and entered the meditation chamber. He sat down in one of the segments and activated the same image that Ikora had on the available controls. The minute sun grew to its full size and filled the room with an oppressive heat. 'Alright, Isaac, you can do this. Don't focus on the heat or discomfort. Empty yourself and feel out the source of it all.' 

     Isaac willed himself to remain calm and unphased. He tried his utmost to put all of the physical sensations out of his mind. It wasn't easy and nearly three hours later completely soaked in sweat and his skin beet red, Isaac finally was able to detect the Solar Energy itself. As soon as he noticed it, he focused on it intently sensing the way it moved, how it created heat, and how it reacted to its environment.

     Isaac stayed in the Solar Meditation Chamber for four more hours, before heading back to his room and going to bed, after dinner and a shower. 

     The next day, before he went to meet with Ikora, Isaac did what he had intended to do,  when he first arrived at the Tower. He focused on the Light inside of him and imagined it creating a rapidly expanding sphere of pure Kinetic Force from his palm as he thrust his palm outward. He then coordinated that scene with his actions and, as soon as he thrust his arm forward, his palm released the energy he had imagined and slammed into the wall he was facing, causing him to stagger backwards. "Hah, magical melee ability acquired."

     Isaac then imagined the Light,  within his body, forming a balanced yet repulsive force under his feet and before he could attempt to actually jump he felt a weak force attempting to lift him off the ground. Isaac focused harder on this task and put more Light into it but the increase in power was negligible and ultimately unable to lift him off the ground.

      'Oh well, I suppose it probably shouldn't be that easy. Especially, considering that I've never even increased my affinity once. I've only just unlocked this potential. I should probably be satisfied with my progress so far but it's really hard to be without knowing how I stack up against other newly arisen Guardians.' 

     Isaac then attempted to rediscover the Solar Energy he felt in the chamber. He remembered, as best he could, last night's meditation and everything he had experienced during it. He then focused on the Light inside of him, drew it up into his hand, and willed it to conform to all of the characteristics he had witnessed in the Solar Energy. As he did so, a small pathetic flickering flame appeared in the center of his palm. "Ha, done and done, son. 'The slightest bit of control' has been achieved."

     "Good job, Isaac. I didn't really think you'd pull it off so soon. It usually takes a bit longer than just a day, before Guardians get the hang of it. That being said, that flame is pretty feeble so I'm not really sure how much you're going to be able to accomplish with that." Polter commented. 

     "Oh, geez, well, thanks for the vote of confidence, guy. I really appreciate your enthusiastic outlook. Anyways, I need to go see Ikora." Isaac reequiped his new armor and headed for the command room. 

     Isaac went and picked up a light breakfast, before heading to the command room. Upon entering the command room, he went directly to Ikora this time.

     "Good morning, Ikora. I've got a little surprise to show you." Isaac greeted Ikora.

     "Oh, really?" Ikora's eyebrows rose slightly. "Did you perhaps manage to exert some control over the Solar Energy?"

     Isaac lifted his right hand up towards his chest with his palm facing upward. An instant later a small feeble orange flame could be seen flickering within that palm. 

     "Well done, Isaac. It seems I was right about you. Cayde, you owe me five hundred Glimmer." Ikora called out to Cayde, who was across the room. 

     Cayde came running over and saw the flame flickering in Isaac's hand. 

     "Well, I'll be damned. Looks like fresh meat has some talent. Alright, Ikora, I'll get you your Glimmer but, of course, this means it's time for my special training. I call it the Rigamarole."

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