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Chapter 12: Sitri Family's invitation

"If it was the Gremories or Ajuka of the Astaroth family I would understand but when have you became acquainted with the Sitri?"

Diehauser looked at his son Masaru who was just as confused as he was.

"Honestly father, I am just as confused I mean I haven't made my debut in the noble society yet since I was too busy hunting for peerage members I simply had no time to come across with other families other than The Gremories"

Diehauser nodded thinking that what his son said made sense since both he and his peerage members were training Masaru and his team on a rotation basis according to their off days. But what Masaru and Diehauser both forgot was the incident where Masaru's teleportation spell went berserk,

"Well it does not matter, so I suppose we will have to buy you a new set of Formal clothes and one set of dresses for each of your peerage members..."


Calfa pushed open the door with vigour while walking towards the son and father duo with pride,

"After the establishment of the clothing brand me and Shuri opened, we have already prepared the clothes"

Diehauser nodded with a stupid look on his face while Masaru thought

'Just how fast did they move with the clothing plans!?'

Once she confirmed that both Diehauser and Masaru registered what she said, she held Masaru's arm with a smile

"And since it was confirmed, we will now allow them to try on the clothes"

'While we take photos of them and use it as our models, fufufu Shuri-san is smart'

It will only be several decades later Masaru would learn of this he would feel like laughing and crying at the same time, just like his father, his grandfather and his great grandfather he could not win against women trickery.

When Masaru was pulled into a room he was made to sit on the chair,

"Now since you are here we will have you choose the dresses the girls will wear for the party"

Masaru looked at his grandmother

"Grandmother, I appreciate looking at them wearing beautiful clothes but I fear my sense for fashion is dangerous"

Calfa thought for a bit

"Well just compliment them, I will talk with Shuri on which dresses they will eventually wear"

It was only when the time for dinner came they eventually stopped trying on a variety of dresses that made even Masaru feel dizzy,

'Thank god it's dinner time... They're beautiful, they're lovely, they're cute... But trying to think up unique compliments on top of each other without a repeat, I almost fried my own brain back there!'

Masaru complained but he did not regret it, as long as the girls were happily smiling he would endure to watch them. But he never said anything about not complaining in his mind!

"Ah it sure feels great to be home again"

Damian was eating several servings more than usual, Dominic his son smiled wryly at his father who regained his usual appetite

"Well I am honestly thinking we are blessed to have a great-grandson like Masaru in our household"

Damian just finished swallowing his food

"Yes, did you appoint him as the heir?"

Dominic nodded

"Yes, but he has not yet debuted in the noble society yet since he planned to go to the Vatican in a few days"

"WHAT!? What the hell you want to do over there boy?"

Damian looked at Masaru with shock thinking it was the craziest thing he ever heard that a Devil actually dares to enter that territory,

"I will not be moving close to the Church's area but there is a potential knight I need to get, her sacred gear might be lower compared to Longinus types but the potential is just as high"

Damian looked at him

"What kind?"

"Blade Blacksmith, it allows the user to create swords of a specific attribute and hers is Holy/light attribute"

Masaru tried to collect his memory

"The only lead I have on this girl is that she has long blonde hair, so I will have to scan each girl I find with this description till I find her. I need her ability should I ever face off against strong Devils who might potentially become enemies."

Damian smiled broadly

"Hoho, so you are going that route huh? But to add her power is also a good idea, the number of stray devils are increasing by the day and having a holy power at your disposal would be good"

Masaru sighed

"I can only blame my childishness for this"

The family enjoyed their first dinner as a whole family which made it extra special.


"So have you find any leads on her?"

a Middle age man wearing a suit was speaking towards his close friend who wore a mantle over his combat uniform, his hairstyle and beard resembled the wolverine in his X-men heydays. He shook his head

"None, there is no blood nor anybody meaning she was kidnapped and willingly to boot... I can't stop searching for her"

Suddenly a Fallen angel came running with vigour, he was a strongly loyal subordinate of the Middle age man which was why the man allows this subordinate to investigate highly secretive information.

The middle-age man took the report from his subordinate, when the man read it he could not believe what he was reading, he looked at his friend with a serious look on his face.

"I will allow you to read this report if you vow to me on your wife's life you will not make a move"

'Forgive me old friend, but for your sake, I will use your wife as your shackles... I can't let you face despair for real'

The warrior man who heard this was shocked, it was rare times his friend would get serious towards him like this but from the looks of it, it should be a report of his wive and his friend making him vow would mean if he moves he would endanger them instead.

He slammed his fist onto his chest and vowed that he will not make a move unless he deems it necessary, it was only then the middle age man hand over the report.

When the warrior read the report he began to cry, he was crying his heart out of joy. She was alive, so was his daughter. There was a letter attached with an anonymous name but they both knew it was from Sirzech,

"To think the very same boy I was investigating turned out to be your family's saviour"

"But he made my daughter his peerage member!"

The warrior man still felt angry at this thought but the middle age man laughed

"Then read the letter, it should let you feel a bit better"

When the warrior man read it he sighed

"I will at least still see for myself if he is worthy when the time comes for our meeting"

"ah, this spellbook sacred gear is truly mysterious! I can't wait to research it a bit"

The middle-aged handsome man was almost drooling like he was looking at a pair of godly breast while thinking about the sacred gear in the boy's hand. The warrior man could only smile wryly

"You never change..."


It was late afternoon, several carriages were travelling in a line towards the Sitri Family's Manor where the party would be held. Akeno, Shirone and Everest were together with Masaru in a Carriage.

Akeno was wearing a black dress with tiny gems embedded on her dressmaking it appears like a night sky with stars whenever light shine upon her, Shirone was wearing a silver-coloured dress with knee height white stockings.

Everest who normally had her hair in a wild style had combed it in a straight line loose style while wearing a red dress that emphasis her bountiful chests but under the request of Masaru, she also had a scarf at her side to wrap around her neck to cover that area from prying eyes.

In the other Carriages, Stephani and Angelica were together with Diehauser and Diana in a carriage, Stephani was wearing a dark shade of Red dress under the advice of Shuri and Akeno who wanted to tease her and Angelica wore a light green dress while tied her hair in a ponytail.

Masaru naturally made sure to give each of the girl a compliment more unique than the last before they left, so the girls were happy their master was pleased with their dresses but some felt happier as 'women'.

"What kind of person is the Sitri Heiress?"

Akeno looked at Masaru who was still trying to figure out just why he was invited, he thought for a moment

"According to the reports I had to memorize because of Father, her name is Sona Sitri. Her speciality is Water magic, but more than her magic she displays an astonishing amount of talent in Tactics and Strategies. She does have a hard time dealing with her sister who is a massive siscon on top of being the Devil King Leviathan...."

He was shocked! He felt like he wanted to smash his head against something calling himself Idiot for kingdom to come. He forgot about his teleportation incident where he saved a girl,

'How the hell did I not realize it while she openly told me about her problems!? It was so obvious!'

It was at this moment the carriages stopped and the doors opened, Masaru flinched at the sudden stop and immediately pulled himself together but inside he still felt that he truly is too inexperienced.

"It's an honor to meet my saviour, I am not sure if I gave you my name but I'm Sona Sitri, current Heiress to the Sitri family"

The girl curtsied while the girl behind her next to her stepped forward and curtsied as well

"My name is Tsubaki Shinra, I'm Sona-sama's Queen"

She took a step back. Masaru bowed respectfully

"I am honoured to meet you both, my name is Masaru Belial"

When Sona saw the girls behind even she could not help showing a momentary change of expression,

"I am pleased to meet the heiress of the Sitri clan, my name is Akeno Himejima, I am Masaru-sama's Bishop"

Shirone stood next to her

"Shirone Belial, I'm the rook pleased to meet you"

"It's a pleasure to meet Lady Sona and Tsubaki-san, my name is Stephani Adramelech, I am a Bishop similar to Big Sis Akeno"

Sona who heard this could not help but raise her eyebrow and realized that not every one of the girls were in a relationship with Masaru causing her to sigh of relief albeit in her heart. Then Everest came forward which gave Tsubaki and Sona a bit of intimidation from her presence alone,

"Nice to see you again Miss Sitri, I'm Lord Masaru's Rook"

"You became his rook? Didn't you declare you will not follow anyone weaker than you?"

Sona naturally knew of Everest, Tannin's daughter. Everest smiled broadly

"Well Lord Masaru is definitely stronger than me in the younger generation, so after he beat me I joined his peerage"

Sona could not help but give Masaru another look as she did not expect the boy who saved her from a Panther to be this strong. Finally, Angelica stepped forward, the presence of a Dark Elves truly is attractive as she immediately captured the attention of Sona and Tsubaki

"I'm honoured to meet the Heiress of the Sitri Clan and her Queen, I'm Angelica, and I'm a pawn of Lord Masaru"

Sona was a bit sceptical and looked at Masaru

"You still have not selected someone as your queen?"

Masaru shook his head

"It's because my Queen piece is mutated that I have to be extra careful and seriously consider before I really do choose someone"

Sona who heard that his queen piece was mutated was shocked as it was a piece that has the lowest rate of coming out as a mutation, she could finally understand why the other spots of his peerage was being filled while he was being careful of who to choose as his queen.

Afterwards, Masaru's father and Diana introduced themselves as well before they were led inside, since it was still early Masaru was separated from his peerage and family when one of the messengers he was familiar with Andre called him out.

"Lady Serfall wishes to meet you young master Belial"

Masaru who heard this felt as if he was dipped in an ice-cold chamber

'Damn! Not that sister loving demoness! She will kill me' Is what Masaru wanted to say but

"I understand"

"So your the young genius of the Belial Family rumoured to have potential to surpass your father and saviour to my So-tan?"

When Masaru entered the room he saw a lady not dressed in her magical girl outfit but a formal outfit which made the room feel a bit colder than usual,

"It-It's truly an honour to meet the Devil King Lady Leviathan"

Serafall could notice this boy investigated her once from the way he acted, she could only smile.

"I have a personal request I would like to make of you"

Serafall looked at Masaru seriously

"I heard you healed your grandfather's disease which is not even known to the current medical world using your Worthless ability?"

Masaru kept quiet and only nodded

"Sigh... no need to be so stiff, I want you to look at two people and see if you can wake them up"

Masaru thought for a moment but he could not recall anything about characters being in a coma state

"I can't guarantee success but I am willing to give it a try"


Serafall smiled while jumping and clapping her hands happily,

"Let us go then!"

She took Masaru's hand and the Sitri clan magic circle formed beneath their feet before they teleported away from the party hall. Andre sighed softly and could only pray

'I hope young lord Masaru could at least wake up the girl before those elders try to sell her away'


Serafall did not teleport to the main entrance of the hospital but instead directly into the room where a lady who was sleeping, her breathing was steady and from her face, he could feel as if he was looking at a beautiful woman peacefully sleeping.

"This is?"

Serafall's usual happy face had a trace of sadness when she began to explain to Masaru the tale of Misla Bael, normally it would not be told to strangers but Masaru needed to understand the circumstance of how the disease occurred to make it easier for him, well if the information was available.

"To think something like this could happen in the Devil world..."

Masaru looked at the woman with pity, treated unjustly because of a tradition she was discarded only because her son did not have the power of destruction?

"Disgusting... such a Clan has no place in this current era to exist now or even in the future of the devil world"

Masaru spoke softly but Serafall heard it quite clearly looking at Masaru finding it hard to believe what she just heard but kept quiet when Masaru without any explanation began to materialize the same magic circles he once did for his great grandfather, but he added a newly learnt scanning magic he recently mastered which scans the condition of the soul.

Once the scanning was complete Masaru could only sigh, Serafall felt her heart wench thinking of the incoming bad news but what she heard made her feel like beating this shameless brat

"Ah it appears the magic I need to use to wake her up in the soul category, I have never used such magic and even with the spellbook I don't want to tamper with her soul unless I am certain"

Serafall playfully punched Masaru's chest


'It bloody hurts!'

"All I can say now is that it will need some time for me to study about the soul and magics related to it before I can attempt waking her up"

"I see, how long will it take you?"

Masaru tilted his head

"I never studied it before, and from the looks of how complicated the result the scanning gave me, I believe it will take me at least the minimum of one year for me only being able to stimulate her soul to awaken but that will only have a meagre range of success. I will be studying under Ajuka for a year in a months time, I can use that time to study. But please be mentally prepared that it can take longer for me to reach the standard required for treatment."

Serafall nodded and teleported them to a room much further inside but when they appear in the room they heard a discussion right outside the door when Serafall heard their voices she immediately flash cast a presence and magic erasing magic.

"It has been almost 100 years this girl has been leeching off our resources"

One of the voices was slightly young probably in his 30's,

"I have already arranged a meeting with that organization that is willing to buy her even if she is still asleep, maybe with this, we can recoup our losses and even make a profit!"

The two voices fade away as they walked further and further away, Masaru looked at Serafall with an understanding look.

"I can see why you want to cure her"

Serafall shook her head feeling disgusted and angry at the elder of the Sitri Clan

"That was not something that should be allowed, this girl is the last surviving devil who inherited the bloodline of Leviathan"

Masaru thought for a moment

"So they are probably going to use the excuse of getting rid of her before she awakens and become a hindrance for your Devil King post"

Serafall could only bite her lip in frustration that such a scenario will probably happen.

Just as Masaru was about to talk his partner spoke in his mind

[Brat, if you have faith in me then you only have two choices to deal with this girl]

It was rare for Grendel to speak in such an authoritative manner towards Masaru,

'What do you mean?'

[What ever is trying to awaken in that girl can make dragons submit to her like puppets, even I although I am a small part of a dragon soul felt like becoming a subordinate just from being in her presence. What you think could happen if she awakens that thing?]

Masaru sucks in a mouthful of cold air thinking the possibility of being able to control dragons.

[And from the discussion between those two men, I bet that organisation knows of this and intends to use it. Whether it is good or bad, I don't know... My advice for you is to make her join your peerage or kill her somehow]

'Kill!? To go that far?'

[Look at the age appearance of the girl and think about it, 100 years of sleeping, probably about 10 years old appearance...]

'I know I know!'

Masaru sighed, Serfall once again felt like it could be bad news but Masaru turned to her with a serious expression.

"I can heal her, but the condition is for her to become my queen"


Serafall never expected such a condition,


Masaru walk towards the side of the hospital bed looking at the girl

"You heard the discussion outside, I believe she will be sent to that organisation who will use her power to control Dragons... Whether this group of people are friendlies or enemies even you should know its hard to trust in these troubled times..."

Serafall turned serious when she heard about the power

"What dragons? You mean she has a power inside her that can control dragons?"

"Yes, and besides I am certain Sirzech and Ajuka will vouch for me that she will be much safer at my side as my Queen. With this, I can make movements for her safety since she will be part of my peerage"

Serafall naturally understood the terms were favourable but the elders will definitely lodge complaints

"You do know those elders will complain right?"

"It's simple, we can simply keep with the same story where you asked me to check if I can awaken the two ladies. During the process, I was scanning this girl my queen piece accidentally fell out of my pocket and entered her"

Serafall's mouth almost dropped on the ground thinking this excuse was simply stupid but Masaru was serious

"No one is here other than you and me, if they raise a complaint then use that little title and power of yours for a change by asking them if they dare question the Magical Girl Leviathan's eyes"

Serafall who heard this felt excitement burst within her for a chance to get back at these old devils that keep making it difficult for Sona.

"If you intend to take this girl as your queen you will have to take the daughter of her servant. The young girl is an orphan since her mother died, this will be my only condition"

Masaru looked at her

"Can you vouch for her ability and potential for Rating Game?"

Serafall nodded, Masaru looked at the girl thinking if this was really worth it but he chose to trust Grendel's advice

"Very well, I agree"

Masaru looked out the window and the first thought that ran through his mind was

'I honestly wanted to slow down my peerage selection, but why the hell am I dragged in situations like this all the time!?'

"Because of your condition we will do the treatment tomorrow as planned, as the Devil King Leviathan it is my responsibility to tell her about her clan's fate"

Masaru looked at the determined Serafall gave her but a nod before leaving the room together with her back to where they met.

CompleteNoob CompleteNoob

31/07/2020 - Changes made

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