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Chapter 4: Demon Encounter!

There, Jack stood as he dispersed the fire into thin air. Emilia and Marcus, who still stood on top of the two story building, looked at each other in confusion. Jack used his magic just in time to arrive at the last minute and look like a hero, and it was obvious to them that he had done it on purpose. Nico laughed, but Rei still stood guard. Emilia and Marcus jumped down the building, their fall being supported by Jack, and walked over to prepare for their first fight. Jack looked around to see if everyone had evacuated, but behind them there seemed to be some civilians who stood in shock, as much as demons are common, it definitely is not every day that you see a mid level one and above. "Emilia, Marcus. You can deal with him right?" Jack looked at the two who stood next to him with determined eyes. Emilia and Marcus nodded their heads and Jack ran over to the people who needed to evacuate.

Whilst Jack was helping the people, Emilia and Marcus started their fight with a powerful attack together. Marcus created fire and threw it at the demon, it was obvious that was not going to work, but that was not their plan as Emilia followed Marcus by throwing a ball of water around the same size as the fire that Marcus had threw, with this, smoke had clouded the demons vision. Emilia had an advantage as she used water magic, and it was common knowledge that water is effective against fire. Whilst the demon was surrounded by smoke, Marcus attempted a few simple attacks with his fists, but that was all to distract him from Emilia's motives. Above the smoke, Emilia was secretly creating a mass amount of water to fall on top of the demon, let its fire die down for a easy attack. "Now!" Emilia shouted. Marcus threw yet another fireball, not to harm the demon but rather to disperse the smoke like Jack did to the fire. As the quickly disappeared, Emilia let go of the water she produced and made it fall on top of the demon. Emilia sighed in relief, she's never had to make that much water in that short of time since she was a kid. "Who would've thought that we would work so well together?" Marcus laughed whilst trying to cool down from how much physical fighting he had to do. Emilia laughed in return, but the laugh shortly faded.

The demon stood strong with the fire still surrounding him. "How?" Emilia questioned the logic in disappointment, but it was not to take away her determination. "Okay, round two I guess..." Emilia now radiated Jacks energy as she tried to find the fun in the situation. Before Emilia and Marcus could move, Rei suddenly appeared in front of the demon and went for the attack. The demon couldn't react quick enough to Rei's superhuman speed as her knife smoothly sliced through its left hand that it used for defense. "Got you." Rei quickly prepared for a new attack, but the demon was finally getting serious. "Fine." With a voice of anger, the demon kicked Rei into the flower shop to the right of them. Emilia and Marcus were shocked at the sudden change in ability, as Nico looked back and saw the shattered glass that Rei had broken. "Keep calm. I know she's your sister, but I know she will be able to get back up." Jack tried to calm Nico down as e carried a little blonde haired girl to her mother, with her legs being burnt from the fire that the demon produced. After seeing the burn marks on the sweet innocent little girl, Jack himself was finding it hard to remain calm. "Tank you, mister!" The girl thanked Jack with a quivering voice of pain as she was held in her mothers arms, Jack smiled back at her, hiding his anger. The demon laughed as he retracted his fire to reveal his body that stood in perfect shape, minus the hand. His pupils were thin from insanity, they were the eyes that pierced the hearts of many from fear. Jack knew he had to do something.

"Okay, lets do this one more time." Jack stood tall and strong as his hair waved from the wind he started to build up. "Emilia, you heal try and deal with the poor girls legs." Emilia nodded, and willingly followed the determined orders Jack had given. "Marcus, you will be with me. Nico, you can go check on Rei, she hasn't got up yet." Nico ran over to the flower shop and passed Marcus, who ran next to Jack. "How long do you think this market street took to build?" The question Jack had asked was random, but it was important to the plan he had in mind. Marcus looked around and turned to Jack, "It looks like it will take some time, maybe five odd months at maximum damage, why?" Five months at maximum damage was good news to Jack because, "We're gonna destroy his ass." Jack had a huge grin on his face, he knew he was going to enjoy beating the demon after everything it had done. "Marcus, you seem out of breath, but you can still do a bunch of attacks right? Not a specific attack, just make sure you do it fast." It was time for Jack to put his plan into action. After watching Rei put the demon off guard by her speed, Jack knew he had to do the same in his own way, and so getting Marcus to make the demon worn out would be the best way to surprise it with a speed attack. Marcus begun his attacks as he continuously threw fireballs from many directions as fast as he could. Jack could have easily of taken the demon down within seconds if there wasn't any kids around, he would just slice it in half without any struggle, but that was not the case.

Attack after attack, Marcus made sure he did his best against the demon, and it was just enough. Marcus threw one last fireball before he collapsed from exhaustion and jack blasted in front of the demon and used all of his strength to mirror the demons attack against Rei, kicking him into the cafe on the other side of the street to the flower shop. The crowd behind them cheered as the demon didn't seem to get back up after many seconds passed. Jack sighed and walked over to Marcus, "You were a big help, thank you." Even though Jack knew Marcus couldn't hear him, he still showed his gratitude as he sat him up against the closest wall. Nico walked out from the flower shop, supporting the bleeding Rei. "Oh no." Jack had no idea how serious the damage would have been, "I'm sorry, I didn't think it would be that bad." Jack poured his heart into his voice as he apologized, even though Nico laughed it off, Rei looked straight into Jacks eyes with a glare as sharp as her knives. She was not happy. Emilia arrived next to them and her face showed horror of the sight of Rei's damage. "I have done what I can with the girl and the last of the people have evacuated the area, but Rei are you okay?" Emilia asked a stupid question, she knew it was stupid but it was out of natural habit. Rei shot the same glare at Emilia as she did to Jack, "Of course you're not fine, that was a silly question. Sorry." An awkward smile came over Emilia's face.

Before they were all about to leave, they heard a familiar voice from behind them. "Hey! Are you okay!?" Lui ran over as fast as he could with many students following behind him, "I saw the fire and headed over here as soon as I could." Right after Lui explained why he was there, he noticed Rei's injuries when he arrived next to the group. "Oh, I'll heal that up for you!" Lui seemed like a nice person, despite his magic being healing, he chose to be a teacher instead of a doctor at Willstone academy as he had witnessed how many great warriors fight, and he had proven to have been a great teacher. Glowing, yellow orbs floated around as the glass fell out of Rei's skin and the wounds were closed, no blood to be seen. "Okay that should do it." Rei nodded in appreciation and the rest of the students that were behind Lui had all arrived. "Did you guys fight a demon?" James made his way through the short crowd with a sinister grin. Jack, Emilia and Marcus all looked at him with suspicious eyes, "What of it?" Marcus was the first to break the short silence with a strong question, but before James could answer that question, a mysterious girl appeared in front of Jack with a face of excitement, "Woah! That was incredible!" The girl had ginger hair, dark yellow contact lenses and her head only just reached the bottom of Jacks shoulder, she stood there with a note book that was the same color as her hair and a pen that she impatiently waited to write with. "Tell me in detail every little thing that happened, now!" Her pushy personality made Jack feel uncomfortable, but his face only showed confusion, and before he could even ask a question - "Oh! I'm Shazlin by the way! But I go under the name Shazchi for my online blog about events in Willstone City!"

Shazchi stood in front of Jack with a smile well suited for a hyperactive person and although she was annoying, Jack knew he could benefit from her, "Events in Willstone? So did you see the two shady people a couple of streets from here?" Jack was obviously referring to James, who had now left the area, and that mysterious woman, and Jack knew that Shazchi would be a great source of information, "Oh you mean that one creepy dude and the girl with dark red hair? What about them?" Shazchi knew exactly who Jack was talking about, this was a perfect opportunity, "Yeah I may get some information about them, but I will need your help." Jack moved along with his plan to use her as a source of information, "Of course you will need as much information you can get for an interesting story, so how about we stay in contact since I know the shady dude." Shazchi gave it some thought, it was obvious that she was going to make a story about two shady people roaming around the backstreets of Willstone, "Okay! Here's my number! Text me whenever you what!" At first she seemed very cooperative, but she also attempted to flirt with Jack as she handed his number on a piece of paper with a soft wink. Jack blushed and all the students' jaws had dropped, except from Rei's and Emilia's. Rei showed no emotion, but Emilia seemed jealous, "Hey! Wasn't you gonna ask about the demon!? Get on with it!" Emilia tried to push back to the original topic, and it worked. "Oh yeah! So tell me, what was it like to kill a demon?" Shazchi walked right up to Jacks face with a curious look, but it did not last long. "Kill!?" The familiar voice of a psychopath echoed across the street. The demon was still alive.

"You didn't kill me you amateur, I was merely resting my body!" The demon walked back outside the cafe and stood with all its anger. "Oh no. If we couldn't beat it then I don't know what we can do!" Jack acted worried, but it was a believable act as he was doing it to seem weaker than he was. It was all an act until, "Jack, stop messing around. The civilians have been evacuated." Lui sighed as he saw right through Jacks act. Jack was annoyed at Lui, but his friends were confused. "Fine." Jack slowly walked further into the street, it was as if everything was in slow motion to make him look like some cool hero as he lifted his right arm and made a Katana with a white handle and red string appear in his hand from thin air, golden ribbons slowly forming it. "Oh, you're aproachi-" Before the demon made the abrupt reference, Jack blasted through the air so fast that he was not visible to the eye as he ran the sword through the neck of the demon, removing its head from its body. "Rest in peace." Jack said his final farewell to the demon, wishing him peace for life after death. Jack made the Katana vanish when looked back to see many faces filled with shock stare at him. The demon that seemed to take everything Rei, Emilia, Nico and Marcus had at the time was taken down in a matter of seconds thanks to Jack. "You were holding back this entire time?" Nico's voice quivered in shock and anger, "Sorry, I know its selfish but I am absolutely not a fan of attention. But I did think it was a great opportunity for you to get some combat training." Jacks voice felt as sincere as it could have been, and Nico accepted that. The faces of shock had vanished minutes after when the police and ambulances had arrived and investigated the scene. All was taken care of and Shazchi had an amazing story to write, because she still managed to interview Jack only seconds after the police was asking him and Lui questions about what happened.

Jack and the rest of the class had to return back to the school as the orange sunset laid on the horizon. Willstone was a beautiful city, and Jack would never forget it. The came to an end as Jack got into his plain black pajamas, closed the curtains, got into his warm bed and picked up his phone as Nico follow. The phone rang just in time for Jack to talk to his family about how his day went.

"Are you okay though?" Elizabeth's worried voice asked the predictable question, "Yes mother. This is me we are talking about. I'm just disappointed I couldn't take my hoverboard because it's apparently not needed for the practical lesson." Jack laughed wit ha warm smile , laying on his bed. When Jack was younger, he learnt about the laws against certain usage of magic, they were all pretty normal but one in particular did not make Jack happy: You were not allowed to fly above five meters in the air unless it is to save yours or someones life. Because of this law, Jacks father made a red, metal board with great aerodynamics for Jack to use his wind magic in a cool way. Unfortunately, Jacks father passed away from cancer when he was just eight years old, and has kept the hoverboard with him in some way ever since as it was the last gift his father had ever given him. "You're so cool brother!" Rue shouted her praise to Jack to bring him back from his deep thoughts, "Aw, you're cool to, Rue!" Jack returned a compliment, but time was running out. Nico sat on the bed opposite to Jack with a warm smile, "Ok, I have to go now. Love you, bye!" Jack said his goodbyes and so did Elizabeth and Rue. "You've got such a lovely family." Jack looked over to Nico, who had been listening in to the conversation, and nodded in complete agreement. "I love them, they love me. I really am lucky, and I always try to be the father figure for Rue, she may look happy but I know she's hurting on the inside." Jacks face seemed sad, and Nico noticed the sudden change in tone, "If you don't mind me asking, what was your father like and how did he die?" The question sounded harsh, but Jack didn't care as he sat up and put his phone on the desk at the end of the bed, looking over to Nico, "I don't mind at all."

"My father was a great man, he was always there when my family needed him." Jacks voice was soft as he remembered all the happy memories he had with his father, "He wanted to be exactly like my grandfather, but unfortunately was not able to bring the sword to his palm, that meant he was not worthy. Basically, the sword is like Thor's hammer." Jack chuckled at his comparison just to lighten up the mood a little, "Because he could not be like my grandfather, he used his healing magic to protect innocent people from danger by becoming a doctor. He saved so many lived, but not his own." Jack looked down at his knees as he prepared for his next sentence, "He died from cancer. Healing magic cannot heal everything, and cancer is one of them." Although Jack was upset, he did not cry, but Nico on the other hand had tears rolling down his face, "I'm so sorry. That must have been hard."

"Yeah, it was."

The sun shined bright through the crack of the curtains. It was now morning. Jack and Nico almost repeated exactly what happened the previous morning, however, they were greeted with no attention. Did Jack get his wish granted? Yes was the answer that Jack was looking for, however, yes was not the answer he got. Jack arrived to a gloomy classroom as Lui signaled to come in. Everyone seemed way too on edge. Jack and Nico sat down, that was when they heard the sudden news. "Four of our classmates have gone missing." The announcement Lui had made was almost unbelievable, but when Jack looked around, he noticed that four students were in fact missing. "What? How could that happen?" Jack asked these questions under his breath, but that was not the last of the surprises. "James got separated from his group and thought it was a prank, but the four people he was with are now missing." That information ran wild in Jacks head as all of James' suspicious actions from the previous day flashed through his mind. This was way to convenient, something was going on with James.

What was James up to? Who was that mysterious woman? All of these questions ran fast through Jacks head, a cold sweat crawled slowly down his face. Both Emilia and Marcus felt the same way, asking the same questions. Something more sinister was going on, but what was it?

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