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Chapter 4: Do You Believe Me Now?

Angeline was gone for about two hours now. She said it would take her about an hour to reach the house and finish there. That is why Rhaxtyx was lazing around in the hut, running various simulations in his head. Trying to feel the laws. But something was keeping him from actually doing it. What was it?

"I don't think sitting around will help. Though there is not much I can do right now. Before I know the differences, neither can I cast spells nor move my mana. Sh*t. I hate to be bound."

Out of boredom he started to walk around the small room. There were no windows here. There really wasn't anything really. Just a magic circle written with blood.

'This cannot go on. I have to do something! What's out there, I wonder.'

Rhaxtyx walked out the door to a forest. There was a path leading somewhere but it could not be seen clearly as sky was getting darker. There were crickets here and there singing their songs, as well as fireflies illuminating the woods with an eerie green light.

Forest was dead silent apart from the song of crickets and the occasional hoot of some owl. The time for night shift was about to come. Some predators were going to sleep and some took advantage of the dark. Forest at nighttime always seemed kind of creepy to Rhaxtyx. He always thought why would anyone come close to these kinds of places at this kind of time. But now he understood. Nighttime had its own beauty.

'Cool wind hitting my face, the smell of green. To think that it would be this beautiful. I should've done this a long time ago.'

Rhaxtyx decided to take a walk in the woods. Taking in the scenery and experiencing something like this for the first time, he was happy. He walked for ten or so minutes until he saw a flash with the corner of his eye. He focused there but saw nothing.

"Hmm. Must be my imagination."


He jolted with a big explosion. When he looked towards the source of the sound, he could vaguely see a bright spot. He squinted his eyes but could not see clearly. Then he saw another flash like lightning and after five or so seconds he heard the sound of lightning.

"Five seconds. Could run there. Would take about what, fifteen minutes? Was that the village Angeline was talking about? Maybe."

The light of curiosity emerged in his eyes. He licked his lips with anticipation, got ready and kicked the ground. He did not have tremendous speed neither his steps shattered the ground. His speed was average like everything about him. But his eyes were locked on to his target, never faltering. He was not bothered with forest floor. Uprooted trees? No problem. Big roots? He could jump over them.

Like he said, after fifteen minutes he came to a hill that oversaw the village. Burning buildings, flying spells. He was excited alright.

"Well she was right. She really will show me how to cast a spell. With a scenery like this, I can think of it as she kept her promise."

After he fixed his breathing, he went towards the village at a moderate pace. As he watched the spells flying everywhere he noted everything.

'There is nothing different so far. Maybe the imagination system? Materials? What is it?!'

He kept on thinking but could not come up with anything. Every single thing about magic and spells seemed exactly the same. The feel it gave when you were an observer, the sight. Even the mana waves it emitted.

'Well, I don't think I can find out like this. So there is only one choice left.'

"I have to find out with my body! There it is, my chance."

He grinned from ear to ear and prepared himself. What's the worst that can happen? With that thought in mind he ran himself to the trajectory of a fireball. He rubbed his hands together and licked his lips.

"This should be fu *BANG* UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-"


Angeline was hiding behind a market stall, keeping an eye out for the mercenaries. She did not know how they found her or how they figured out it was her. All she knew was that she had to run and she was running out of time.

"Damn. What timing. Did they really have to come now? At least wait until I leave. *Swish* Ouf! That was close!"

"Come out and plaay. Princess~"

"Surround her! We need her alive!"

A magic missile whizzed over her head. Even though Angeline evaded this attack, there was an archer nearby. They could fire at any moment and Angeline did not know their exact location. And like that wasn't enough, there was a wizard and these two had their bodyguards as well. All in all it would be a hard fight if one decided to.

As she was thinking what to do next, a distant voice could be heard. It was like someone was screaming, and it came closer and closer. Quickly. When Angeline looked towards the source she was astonished.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me."


A young man with white hair came crashing down. He hit the ground. Then hit the wall of a house. Then stopped in a market stall. He shakily stood up, spit a mouthful of blood and wiped the corner of his mouth. His eyes were serious and the mage of the mercenary group could not stare into them. His face was adorned with a grin and that made this young man scarier. He opened his mouth. Everyone held their breath, awaiting his next words.

"This. Was. FUN! OH MAN! I wanna do it again! But before that, seems like impact is same too, and according to what I got-"

As he limped around mumbling to himself, a smack could be heard. When looked, Angeline could be seen face palming. Young man continued on, and after a while nobody bothered with him.

"This idiot, really."

"You know her, princess~?"

"Shut up, idiot." *Smack* "Ouch!"

"We are in luck! After capturing her we have another bounty. A demon has come from the skies men, quite literally!"

"Hehehe! Hot blood. Demon Blood!"

"But we still have to get her idiot! Miss Ange, sorry for the wait, I think it is about time that you came out of your hiding hole don't you think?"

"You came here in vain! You will leave empty handed, if you can leave that is!"

"Wrong answer."

{Flames that came from the deep. Awaken! Turn my enemies to ash! Go and unleash your fury!}

The wizard conjured a fireball within his hands and with a flick of his fingers, launched it towards Angeline. Fireball grew in size as it went forward and at the end of its journey, it was as big as a cow. Angeline got out of the way quick fortunately and caught Rhaxtyx by the scruff of his neck and threw him under some cover.

"What are you doing here?! Didn't I tell you to wait?"

"Well if I kept on waiting, I don't think you would come back at all."

"Are you saying I'm weak? I can at least get away from here!"

"I don't know about that."

"Look I'm fine by myself. You will be a burden with your inability to control mana!"

"Relax, I'm a God! This much won't kill me! It can't even hurt me!"

"You were limping around and spitting blood literally ten seconds ago."

"That's a matter of opinion."

"No it's not! Anyway, can you run? I'm going to make an opening for you."

"Are you seriously asking a god to run? No way! I'm here to have some fun!"

"This is not an advice! We need to run! We will meet in the forest."

"Where? That place is dark and big! How am I supposed to find you?! And did you just boss me around?"

"You just go. I'll find you."

"Hey wait! Sh*t man. She doesn't listen!"

After speaking, Angeline jumped over the rubble and ran towards the wizard. His bodyguard was waiting for her. As the swordsman kept her busy, wizard prepared a chant and fired spells aiming towards her occasionally.

'Why is she risking her life for someone she met only hours ago? Intriguing.'

While this fight was going on, Rhaxtyx sneaked around the marketplace and went towards the forest he came from through some alleys. He was still limping but he didn't care that much. Even though he got bruised, he still had the body of a god. So it was not a problem for him.

After running for about an hour or so into the forest, he lost his bearings and in the pitch black forest, there was no way he could find where the hell he was. He looked around but to no avail. The sounds of combat just cut off after some time and he did not know if it was over or the foliage did not let the sound pass.

Rhaxtyx was out of breath and sat under a tree. After running for long, and considering he never worked out, it was a miracle that he did not lose his consciousness.

'Damn it! If only I could gain something from that! What a wasted opportunity. Oh and I hope the girl is okay too.'

As he caught his breath he tried to stand up. But just as he was about to, he saw some bushes across him move. He was about to prepare a spell but when he tried, the mana dissipated from his hand.


He was thinking a way to defend. Any sticks around? No. Any stone to throw? No, not big enough to hurt. He was losing his calm. And after one last shaking, a rabbit jumped out.

"Whew. It was just a rabbit. You scared the hell out of me little friend. Haha!"

"How about some real threat?"


"You let your guard down, Rex. You just died."

Angeline came out of nowhere and put her knife over his neck, cutting a thin line but not drawing blood.

"So it was you, huh?"

"Were you expecting someone else?"

"Not really, no. You are stronger than you look right?"

"Of course! Anyway, we can't stay here too long. We have to move and make camp."

"Whatever you say."

And they went deeper in the forest. After they made sure they dropped their pursuers, they set up camp. Angeline gathered food and Rhaxtyx gathered stick for the fire. They sat down and while they were eating, Rhaxtyx asked.

"So, can you tell me about magic now?"

"Sure. But we have to learn your affinity first. Before that I can't tell you anything exactly. I can't even know if the spells I know are suitable for you."

"Like I said. I. Have them. All! I'm THE God of Magic! Why won't you believe me?!"

"Because you look exactly like a demon and I almost can't sense mana in you!"

"Tell me this then! What do you call here? What is the name of this world?"

"It was named Thyra in ancient times but, why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

"That's it! I am the God of Magic of the world called Grelia! It has two suns and one of them rises from west! Does it look like there are two suns here?! You summoned me directly from my domain as I was chilling! As for why I can't use magic, the laws are entirely different! I don't know the laws of this world! Here stab me."

"Why would I- Hey!"


Without waiting for Angeline's words, Rhaxtyx drew her knife from her waist and stabbed himself in the gut.

"See? Even if I stab my heart I won't die. It hurts but that's not the point!"

"Wha- Wha- How- What? What are- "

Angeline was shocked and scared from what she witnessed. She stumbled backwards as she pointed at the knife. Even normal demons would grimace in pain when they were stabbed but this 'demon' in front of him was even smiling while he showed the knife in his gut.

"Do you believe me now?"

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