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Chapter 8: The Unexpected Mr. Lost

After the fight I started to walked-up to Xia yuanba. he unexpectedly had a big smile on his face.

i walk up to him i looked him dead in the eye, i reached out my hand wanting him to take it so i can introduce myself. the very second he took i could hear Tia in my ear saying.

Tia {Quest complete generating rewards.

Rating Quest completion 175%. ranking SS}

Lai " Wait What, how in the Hell did i get 175% on a quest you ether have 100% are not. Tia please explain this to me".

Tia {Yes, Lai. as you know the quest simply said to get rid of the kids not to give them a once in a life time beating.

and so you inadvertently became the most outstanding child in this city, and once the clans of this city find out what you've done here they will try all types of tricks to get you on their side are force you into imprisonment.

that's why the high %.}

Lai "Oh, shit didn't want that to happen. but i'll deal with that later for now what do i get for completing this quest Tia." with this high rank, i should get something good. No a Great bloodline. If my thought's had a body you'd see me with both my hands crossed, praying for something good. "come on high luck, it's time to get to work. LOL"

Tia {Congratulations on acquiring 6,000 SP. and the heavenly scorpion bloodline}

Lai "all them point's, is sweet music to my ears. but what's a heavenly scorpion?. and what benefits does it bring."

Tia {The Heavenly Scorpion is famed for it's quick, powerful, and venomous strikes. it has pinpoint accuracy.

Heavenly Scorpion Bloodline: the owner of this bloodline will become a poison master at birth, and have a Innate poison body immune to poison. all heavenly scorpions are born first with paralyzing poison. they will have the ability to intake all poison into their body's. once the poison enters the body it will strengthen the pre-existing poison evolving to form something new.}

Lai "That's bad ass". man this will help me with

Tia {Does Lai, with to proceed with fusing now}

Lai "No, Later Tia"

(Back to the moment)

Xia yuanba was now looking down at my hand, it looks like he never gave a hand shake before. Then i see him started to bow his head, i reached out and stopped him before he bowed down all the way and said. "first off never bow to just any one in you life, we are both man so take pride in yourself no matter what any one says. second always start of with you name when some one helps. you okay."

Xia yuanba "Yes your so right my names, Xia yuanba I'm one and two months years old this year. What about you".

Lai "My name is Yun Lai La'Fang, I'll be 1 tomorrow." once i said my age you can hear people in the background saying.

Man "Did you just hear what he said he is about to be 1".

Old Man "Ya that means he hasn't even started cultivating, but he has the ability to not only fight but beat up boys that looks about 7 or 8 years old".

Man "Ya those boy's been training for three year already. not only that but don't cha you see who those boys he beat up are".

Old Man "Oh my, that little boy is in for it later when their family find out about this, so sad".

(back to us)

Lai "Hey we're close to the same age how about me and you become friends, what cha you say Big guy". when i said this. can you tell me, did i see a tear in his eye he can't be about to cry right it's now that serious is it.

all a sudden he throws my hand down then gives me a big bear hug.

Lai "Hey what the hell are you doing, let me go big guy". i could just brush him off me but that will most definitely hurt him big time and i don't want that right. what i want is friend not a yes boy. but i really wanted him to let me go but he stayed that way for one full minute, i know because i counted.

(A.N I know i need some help lol)

Xia yuanba "I'm sorry, you see your just the first person that's willing to be my friend. besides my big brother Xiao Che". he said this while letting me go.

Lai "Oh, that's not something to hug me over is it". for some reason i could hear some running foot steps come to an abrupt stop right behind me. i don't know why but i put both my hands on my ears ducked down and didn't look up. when i was down i felt so safe that i didn't get back up to see why.

Yu Lin "ahahaha Oh, so my bad little Lai knows he did something wrong." yupp you guessed right it was Yu Lin.

Lai "Oh, shit I'm in so much trouble now whats is she going to do to poor little me". i thought to myself.

Lai "bbbBig Sis Lin i-ii-it was them". I said and used my right hand to point at the four kids that for some reason was still on the ground playing dead, too scared to get up. "you guys are some punks just you wait when she leaves I'm going to Fuck you all up again". "i know i didn't kill them, are i would have leveled up right Tia"

Tia {yes your right Lai, i scanned them they are now in a fear state}.

Yu Lin started talking with a scary look on her face not that i looked up to check are anything.

Yu Lin "OOOHHHH really then why don't you look at me, and tell me what they did to deserve a beating to thus degree. i would love to know little Lai"

i started to get up from the ground, i made it so my back was still toward her. i made a little shake to make it seem that i was about to turn around to face her, but to every one's but me, I started running like mad, i ran my fastest which is faster then most adults. i could hear Lin yelling at me saying she wont forgive me when she catches up to me. "sorry for you luck Lin you wont"

Yu Lin "Little Lai you batter stop are so help me"

(About 10 Minutes later)

I ran aimlessly through the city and fond myself in the slums, i could see the homeless. most of them had a look like they didn't what anything in this life but to die. it was a sad sight to behold, run down homes some looked so hungry they might just pass out on their feet at any moment.

Some time latter. "I feel like I'm lost". it's dark and all the streets like the same to me holy fuck.

then i seem to see some people. so i ran up to them the just to see they all was trying so hard to avoid something are some one. Curiosity over took me so i waited for every one to move out my way so i could see what it was. and it was a man.

The man didn't look like he belonged to the slum he stuck out like a sore thumb. his hair was disheveled, his beard need a shave. His clothes was in ruins with not much left on his body. don't get me wrong he had on pants, but they too was in a bad shape.

When i looked at his face i could see the same look i had when i lost my brother. all that lost, i know it hurts more then anything that can be humanly possible to bare. not know why i shed a tear i'm not the type to cry easily so why you ask, i don't have the answer for that.

unknowingly i walked up to him, i don't know if i did something that set him off but he was about to attack me with everything he had. i could feel Deaths cold embrace.

(Unknown Persons POV)

Looking up, I see people all around. i don't want to interact with them. i haven't eaten in three months the first person that come up to me i"ll kill.

Unknown thoughts. "theirs is so little to live for now. i cant find my friend my loved ones are dead. but i still want to go home to try and get some information, there might just be hope yet just need to live a little longer."

"you all will feel my wrath when I get back to my peak". while i was in deep thought some one walked up to me not looking who it was i released my killing intent at its full ready to kill not care who.

But the moment i looked at the boy my heart gave way and i stopped. my body shut down, i couldn't move my arms. "Who is this boy to make me feel like this"

When i looked in the boys eyes it like he just know that i was going to kill him at the moment, but i must know who he is.

Unknown "Boy whats your name" Getting up off the ground i picked the boy off his feet so i can look at him in the eyes and he can see mine.

Lai "Sir i don't know you can you please put me down your very scary".

Lai " First you try and kill me now your asking me who i am. Fuck that shit" i thought

Unknown "the boys is right if i was him i won't answer a question by a no body". thinking this i didn't put him down i threw him.

Unknown "Now boy tell me your name now".

(End of POV Now back to Lai)

Lai "Why in the hell did he throw me it's not like i asked to be picked up" I thought this while wiping the dust off my clothes. "Lai hell I'll give you my real name"

Lai "Sir my name is Lao Lai Gon". "Wow to think that up on the shot is cool right.

Unknown "Boy do you know who i am" i need to find out why i feel the why i do and if i don't find out now i'll just follow him until i do.

Lai "No Sir, i don't know you. Can i know sirs name" i said this but in my mind i said "Tia can you scan this man form me"

Tia {Yes}

{ Targets name: Unknown


Strength – ????

Resistance – ?????

Agility – ?????

Intelligence ????}

Lai "Shit he is to strong for me to fight even with tricks".

Unknown "Boy you can just call me Mr. Loss".

Lai "Okay, Mr loss I just wanted to help you but you seem to want to be left alone so I'll be on my way Good-bye". i tried to turn and make a run for it to be picked up off my feet yet again that's twice in one day I'm not liking this. i wish i could say "put me down damn it". but I'm not suicidal, making this man upset isn't the right thing to do now.

Mr Loss "and where do you think your going little one". This boy is funny he can't be more then 3 years old right.

Lai "Sir i want to go home please let me down". when i get home i won't come to the place again.

Mr Loss "Boy I'll take you home where is this home of yours"

Lai "No Sir i can find my way on my own just let me down, you know what i can get you some food and bring it back here if you let me go please good sir i promise I'll come back" I'm lying I'll never come back here like ever.

Mr Loss "hahaha, ahahha, hahaha. boy do you think i was born last night. you obviously will not come back. why do i feel like your running from some trouble". not only do i not want to kill this boy, i want to give him an ass whipping for some reason.

LAi "-_- Holy shit he's good. time to lie even harder". That was the plan until i felt a pair of eyes looking at my back and i just want to run but i'm being held in the air by this man. "DAMN IT"

Yu Lin "So this is where you ran off to little Lai"

Lai "S-Ssssss-Big sis please help this man want to take me away from you for ever". if you can't win divert. then try to run again.

Hearing what i said she stopped, then looked at the man. for some reason he said something i didn't expect.

Mr Loss "Little miss i apprehended this boy, who seemed like he was running away from some one, not wanting him to get loss i was waiting here for some one to retrieve him". he said all that while scratching his head.

Lai "you lying piece of shit you just didn't want to let me go". man this guy acts so shameless.

Lin walks up to us and takes me away from this guy. Yet again things don't go the way i plan she's supposed to get mad at him the take me away but.

Yu Lin "Thank you so much sir how can i repay you for helping me with this little one here". she said this while looking at me, i just know I'm going to get an ear full when we get home.

Mr Loss "can i trouble little miss for a meal". he said with a super smile on his face.

Lai "Why do i just want to slap him right now".

Yu Lin "Yes, I'd be happy to serve you a meal follow me uuummm. I'm sorry i didn't get your name Sir". I don't want him to think I have bad manners are something.

Mr Loss "you can call me Mr Loss, that will do".

We all started walking to the house but i really want to run right now "Damn IT."

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