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RWBY: Grimm's Soul RWBY: Grimm's Soul original

RWBY: Grimm's Soul

Author: PheonixRebirth

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: A Dragon Awakens

A boy wakes up to loud sounds. He was sleeping in an abandoned building underground. "What is it this time?" He said frustrated. Not long ago he had been a Draco Grimm. Then these people invaded the area he had been sleeping in. For many years he had been sleeping here. Previous people had invaded his cave and tried creating a town. He had chased them all away and turned the city above into a ghost town. A few months ago, a new group that called themselves the White Fang had come into the area and woken him up. He decided to tolerate it when he saw that it didn't seem like they were trying to stay here permanently. As they had woken him up, he decided to eat any that would come into his corner of town.

After eating a large group that came into his cave to get rid of him, he had been able to turn into a Dragonoid. This form is very similar to a fauna. He looked exactly like a human, except for the scales on his wrists and feet and the horns on his head. When he learned this ability, he also gained a soul. His true form dropped all Grimm essence and became a true dragon. It seems that he got his soul from taking bits of the souls of the ones he ate. He also gained intelligence and basic information from these souls. With this, he was able to learn to speak and learn the intentions of the White Fangs.

The sounds today were different. They were sounds of explosions. From what he knew, nothing like this was supposed to happen today. The sounds started getting clearer as he focused on them. He could hear the sounds of girl voices among the explosions that he now guessed to be sounds of fighting. These voices stirred an urge inside him. He decided to go out and check things out. He took some of the still intact clothes left around and put them on. The masks worn by the White Fang did not appeal to him, and he had long destroyed them all.

When he reached outside, he saw most people heading to a train on the other side of the cave. Several White Fang had seen him walk out of the cave known to be dangerous and saw the blood on the uniform he wore. They assumed he was the one that had been killing all the troops sent down there. They start shooting at him.

The bullets just seem to bounce off him. He walks up to one of the men shooting at him and punches him in the head. The head gives no resistance and just flies off the body. The rest who see this start screaming and running away. He ignores them as they are no longer an annoyance.

Wings pop out his back and shred his shirt. He flies down the train track following the voices that had bewitched him. As he starts to get close, he sees a cart detach from the train. As he reaches it, it explodes and makes him crash into the wall. He gets up with a growl and throws the wreckage into the roof. A hole opens up and several Grimms fall through. They growl at him until he punches the biggest one, removing its head.

He starts chasing the train again. Seeing another detached cart coming towards him, he covers his body with his wings, protecting him from the blast and throws it out of the way. This causes a new hole to appear. With each cart, more Grimms follow him. He finally reaches the train. He tears a hole in the roof and finds two beautiful girls fighting. A shorter one with brown and pink hair is standing over a blonde one. The shorter girl is about to kill the blonde one who was just knocked unconscious. He jumps in and grabs the hand of the girl. She turns around with a frown on her face. She is surprised to see the handsome face of a boy with purple hair and golden eyes with green flecks in them. She gets free of his grasp and jumps away.

There seems to be a questioning look in her eyes. Why would a random stranger stop her? She runs forward and starts attacking him. He blocks several of her attacks before getting annoyed. He breaks through her attacks and slams her into the ground. "I will claim both of you. Neither of you are allowed to die," he says with a growl. He opens a portal and throws the short girl into it. He turns to do the same to the blonde girl, but a woman with black hair and a mask stands between him. He stares at her, an urge to take her appears. But a feeling of danger comes from her. He jumps into his portal to escape death.

When he enters the portal, he appears in a small room. The room is his own private dimension. Each true dragon has one to store his treasure. The girl he threw in the portal is waiting for him. She looks at him with apprehension. He searches her for injuries and notices that her voice box is destroyed. Anger fills his mind. "Who would do such a thing to such a beautiful person?" He says. The girl's eyes fill with surprise when she hears his caring tone. She is even more surprised when she feels a cool sensation in her throat. She opens her mouth and makes a sound. Tears appear in her eyes. "Thank you." She says in a very raspy tone. "Relax," He says. "It will take some time before you can talk clearly." She nods and pulls out a notepad. On it, she writes, "Please take me to **** ******. My friends are there and I think they would like to meet you. I am Neo." "Very well, Neo. I will take you to your friends, as long as you accept to be mine in body and soul. If you refuse, I will take you and keep you locked away until you vow to be mine." Neo thinks for a few minutes before nodding her head. "I accept," She says with her raspy voice. She then writes on her notepad again. "We must hurry. They will need our help with the next part of the plan."

He chuckles and says, "So impatient, my dear." The scales on his arm start moving. Before long, they take the form of a ring. The ring looks like a dragon that is eating its tail. "From now on, you belong to me, Jormun, and me alone." He says as he holds her left hand and puts the ring on her fourth finger. The moment he lets go of the ring, the head releases the tail and bites into her finger. She releases a gasp of pain as the ring tightens around her finger. Jormun brings her hand to his mouth. He sucks on her ring finger and it heals as the ring seems to join with the skin before just looking like a tattoo.

He tilts her head up to look into eyes. A glaze covers her eyes for a moment and she feels her body heat up a bit. He pulls her in close, feeling her body against his. He seals her lips with a kiss. After pulling away, the glaze leaves her eyes. There is just a blush on her cheeks. She starts to rub herself against his leg. Jormun chuckles at her eagerness. "There will be time for that later. Aren't you in a rush?" The two walk into a portal and appear before three people near a large school.

PheonixRebirth PheonixRebirth

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