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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: For A Greater Good

Two months had past since Lily had told everyone of her pregnancy and today she would going in for her first examination. She had just begun her second trimester and she was just starting to show off the baby bump. They had decided to drive to the healers offices using one of the ministry cars because magical way of transportation could be harmful to the unborn baby. James and Harry were forced to wait in the waiting room while Lily went through the examination. When Lily came out of the examination room she was smiling ear to ear, more so then usual.

"I take it by that smile on your face everything went well?" asked Harry.

"Oh yes we are perfectly healthy" said Lily.

"Well that's good" said James who looked relieved to hear everything was going smoothly.

On the way back to the house and Lily just couldn't stop smiling. It seemed James noticed and asked "So umm did the healer say anything else during the visit?"

"No, just that the babies and I are perfectly healthy" said Lily with a smirk on her face.

Harry snapped his head up in shock as he realized what his mother had just said. "Did she just say…" thought Harry.

"Babies?!" yelled James as he slammed the breaks making the car come to an abrupt halt. "Did you just say babies? As in more then one?" he asked.

Lily nodded her head and said "We are having twins".

Harry started laughing at the look of his Dads face he was staring at Lily with wide eyes and his mouth was hanging opened like a fish.

"Merlin" he said.

Lily just laughed and kissed him on the nose. "Surprise" she said.

James smiled at her and shook his head. "You and your surprises" he said as he kissed her back.

Harry rolled his eyes from the backseat "There they go again" thought Harry as he watched them kiss passionately in the front seat.

"You two could at least wait until we get home, that way I could go up to my room and give two some privacy" said Harry with a smirk as he got the desired result.

James and Lily broke off the kissing quickly and both were very red in the face.

"Well umm we should really be getting home, I am sure Sirius and the others would want to here about this" said James as he pressed on the gas petal of car. He had spoken really fast and was embarrassed at being caught making out with his wife by his six year old son.

Of course everyone found it hilarious when he retold the story about his parents making out in front seat of a car. Especially Sirius, he wouldn't even think about not teasing Lily and James about it for an entire week. He only stopped when both James and Lily cast the silence charm on him for a full six hours. But everyone was even happier when Lily told them the news that they were expecting twins.

But one person who didn't seem to be very happy for them and that was Albus Dumbledore. Harry knew that Albus Dumbledore was the far away from being considered stupid. So he could tell when someone was lying to him over a course of time. Even with Harry tricking Dumbledore's magic into seeing false memories, he couldn't do that all the time. Dumbledore would find out they were fake sooner or later and when he did there was no telling what Dumbledore would do. He only hoped his parents would realized that lying to Dumbledore this way was dangerous. They would have been better off just bluntly saying what they thought to him. He would just say "very well thank you for telling me" and then find a less direct method of gathering the information he wanted , that way everyone was happy. But at the rate things were going now it was only a matter of time before Dumbledore resorted to more drastic actions.

Harry had no idea just how drastic those actions would be…..

Time passed and Harry celebrated his seventh birthday which of course birthdays were always the best. But this birthday was by far his favorite, Lily finally consented that he was old enough to ride a broom. It had felt so good to get up in the air again, it had been so long since he had last flown. His father and Sirius were ecstatic when they saw how good he was in the air and began making bets on which position he would grab as soon as he got to Hogwarts.

His mother was less then happy about his flying talent and usually never watched him fly unless she had to. But he blamed him self for that, it was one day and he decided it was perfect conditions for a dive, so he did one but halfway into the dive she saw Lily and then for some stupid reason he took his hands off the broom handle and yelled over to his mother "Look Mum! No hands!".

Needless to say he had been grounded for a week for doing that stunt.

As the months passed and the twins due date came closer and closer. For Lily it couldn't come close enough, she was at the point now where she didn't want to be pregnant anymore. She was always a little grouchy from lack of sleep and her back was always hurting her. But sometimes when she was in a nicer mood she would joke and say "Hey it feels like they want out to, they're kicking me so much it like they are saying let us out!"

But everyone one told her she had to wait another month or so before they were due. So it only made sense that a pair of twins decided to join the world when no one expected them to. The twins original due date was December 16th, Lily went into labour on November 17th.

Harry and all his uncles waited out side the delivery room, they waited and waited and waited. Now seven year olds are not known for the patience, but Harry thought waiting for eight hours doing absolutely nothing was long enough before asking silly questions.

"What is taking so long?" said Harry as he looked at the clock and then at the delivery room doors for the hundredth time in the last hour.

"These kind of things can take a long time Harry" said Sirius even though he himself was looking at the clock just as much Harry was.

Just then James suddenly came running through the door and quickly closed it shut just before they all heard a thud on the other side.

When he turned around he was met with four expecting stares. He smiled and shook his head. "Sorry nothing yet" he said.

Everyone groaned and flopped back into their seats.

"Do the healers know how much longer this is going to take?" asked Harry.

James sighed "they say soon Harry, but I guess it all depends on the meaning of the word soon" said James exasperatingly.

When Harry gave him a confused look he continued " Some of them say the twins will be born in the next hour, while other say they won't be born until tomorrow night, so It's any ones guess really".

Everyone groaned again and prepared for another long wait.

Then Remus lifted his head up and looked at James. "So why are you out here while Lily is still in labor?" He asked.

James blushed and said " Well you see I guess I was annoying her a little to much, and after the first three death threats the Healer suggested I leave for a few minutes and let her calm down I was about to say no and that I wanted to be with her, but Lily picked up the flower vase off the table next her and she through it at me, I had just enough time to get out of the room before it hit me"

Once James concluded his story everyone laughed at him, apparently they found his situation very amusing.

"It wasn't that funny" grumbled James. Which only made everyone laugh harder.

"Mr. Potter you should come back in now" said one of the Healers.

"Coming" said James as he got up headed back into the room. Before he closed the door again he turned to Harry and said "Try to be patient Harry you will be a big brother soon"

and with that James went back inside.

Harry sighed again and said "But what dose he mean by soon? How soon is soon?"

Hours passed and everyone tried everything to occupy themselves, Sirius and Remus even tried having a prank duel but that was stopped quickly by one of the hallway nurses.

"There is absolutely NO dueling allowed here! This is a hospital not a circus" she yelled.

Harry started feeling very fidgety, he just couldn't keep still. Regulus who noticed Harry squirming suggested " why don't you go and walk around for a bit Harry? I promise someone will holler for you if anything happens"

Harry nodded his head and took the suggestion. After walking down the hallways for a few minutes he stopped and stretched.

"Boy, this kind of waiting is the worst" said Harry to himself, or at least that is what he thought.

"I couldn't agree more Harry" said a voice from behind him.

Harry jumped nearly a foot off the ground and spun around to see Albus Dumbledore.

"Oh Merlin! When did he get here" thought Harry.

"Professor Dumbledore? What are you doing here? I mean umm you scared me" he said.

"What am I doing here Harry? Same thing as you I imagine, waiting, waiting for something very important to happen" said Dumbledore mysteriously.

"Well umm if you would excuse me Professor I should really be going, umm it was nice talking to you" said Harry nervously as he walked back the way he came. All the way he could feel Dumbledore's blue eyes trained on him, and it made his skin crawl.

By the time he got back to the waiting room he was still a little shaken up. Regulus seemed to notice and was about to ask him what was wrong when James came running through the door again only this time with a huge smile on his face.

"They're Girls! Two healthy as beautiful as their mother baby girls!" yelled James as he practically jumped around the waiting room and hugged everyone.

When he got to Harry he smiled even more and said "How would you like to see your little sisters Harry?"

"That is such a silly question, I have been going stir crazy out here waiting for them to be born and you ask me if I want to see them? Of course I do! Come on Dad" said Harry excitedly as he pulled his Dad back toward the doors, the incident with Dumbledore temporarily forgotten.

Everyone else followed but James turned to them and said " Sorry guys the healers are only letting Harry and I visit for a few minutes and after that they are letting Lily and the twins rest. Don't worry they said you all will be able to visit them for longer tomorrow morning"

Just before the doors closed Harry heard everyone groan once again.

Harry then saw his mother wave them over tiredly and point to the small bed beside her.

"Meet your little sisters Harry" she whispered.

Harry looked over the railing of the bed and he saw two small bundles of pink.

"They are so small, smaller then I thought they would be" Harry whispered.

"Five pounds five ounces each Harry" said James.

"Isn't that a little to small?" asked Harry worriedly.

A healer who was also in the room laughed quietly and answered " No it's normal for twins to smaller then single babies, don't worry they will catch up soon enough"

"that's good" said Harry as he continued watch is two new sisters.

"I was wondering if you had decided on names yet, so we can start their medical record?" asked the Healer.

James and Lily looked at each other and Lily said "Could we have a few more minutes to make a decision please?"

The healer gave them a knowing smile, nodded her head and left the room.

James kneeled down next to Harry and asked "Do you want to help us name them Harry?"

Harry nodded his head, afraid if he tried to say anything he would yell and wake up the sleeping twins.

"Your mother and I have narrowed the list of names down to four, we both like all of them and we can't decide which two we like the most, they are Kiara, Madison, Amara, and Holly. Which ones are your favorites Harry?" asked James.

Harry thought about it for a minute, he seemed to debate with himself for a little while as he looked closely at the two babies. After another minute he said "I like all of them to".

James and Lily looked at each other in defeat but Harry hadn't finished.

"So why don't we just use all of them?" he asked as he pointed to the baby on the right and said "Kiara Madison Potter". Then he pointed to the one on the left and said " Amara Holly Potter". He then looked back to his parents to see if they approved.

They looked at each other and then back at Harry with proud smiles on there faces.

"That's brilliant Harry, but yet so simple, why didn't I think of that?" said James.

Lily laughed gently and said tiredly "Because you were to busy trying to some how get your name to sound like a girls middle name".

James looked at her sheepishly and blushed.

Then the healer walked back into the room, smiled at them and asked "Have you decided on the names?"

James and Lily both nodded and turned to Harry and said "Would you like to do the honors Harry?"

Harry nodded his head and walked over to the Healer. She gave him two charts and a quill with ink and said "This chart is for the child on the right and the other one is for the child on the left, write their names here and here"

Harry read over the chart for the baby he had already christened as Kiara. According to it Kiara was born three minutes before Amara at 11:58 pm, Monday night. That would mean Amara was born at 12;01 am, Tuesday morning. Another weird thing he caught was in the physical appearance section, it said they were almost identical in every way except for there eyes, Kiara had green eyes like their mother and Amara light blue eyes like their father.

"Weird" said Harry as he finished signing his little sisters names on the charts.

"What is it young Mr. Potter?" asked the Healer.

"Oh it's just this is the first time I have ever thought of twins having different birthdays" said Harry.

"Oh yes I suppose that dose sound strange, but rare occasions like this one do happen" said the healer.

"And their eyes, they both have different eye color" added Harry.

The Healer smiled down at Harry and said " Yes I admit that one has me stumped".

She looked over at Lily and James and realized they were listening as well. "They are genetically identical in everyway accept their eyes. In fraternal twins different eye color is common, but with identical twins it has never been seen before" explained the healer.

James and Lily looked at each other before James asked "This won't cause any problems in the future, would it?" he felt silly asking if having different eye color would be damaging to the twins health but he couldn't help it.

"No there won't be any problems with that, if anything at all it will help you tell them apart" said the Healer. Though Harry had a sneaking suspicion there was a lot more to it then that.

It wasn't until three days later that the twins were finally allowed to leave the hospital and go home, or at least that was what they had planed on doing…

They were half way home when Harry felt that something wasn't quite right, he could feel the air around them began to snap with magical energy and as the car they were in continued to move the more he recognized whos magic it was. And only one name came to mind.

"Dumbledore" Harry sneered.

Lily hearing the tone of his voice tried to ask "Harry what..". But she never got the chance.

"Oh Merlin!" yelled James as he slammed the breaks on the car.

Harry placed his hands on the twins and tried to protect them form the G force the car gave off as it slowed down to a stop. The twins were now crying and Harry tried soft whispers to calm them down like their mum did, but it was no use they could feel the fear coming from their parents and when Harry chanced a glance out the front window he couldn't help but feel a little fear to.

Outside stood a very angry Albus Dumbledore. If Harry had ever doubted that Albus Dumbledore was the most powerful wizard alive well now those doubts would be well dead and buried. The magic was rolling off him in thick waves and it made Harry shiver. Dumbledore's magic was just a cold and hard as his eyes were at the moment.

"What is then meaning of this Dumbledore!? You do realize I have newborns in the backseat? What are you trying to do get us all killed? Standing out in the middle of the road like that!." yelled James as he leapt out of the vehicle and ran straight at Dumbledore.

'You have been lying to me James, I have no other choice but to take him away and gather the information from a different source' said Dumbledore coldly as he waved his wand a James, causing him to be magically bound and unable to move from the spot where he was standing.

"James! No" yelled Lily as she came running out to help him, Her wand was drawn and ready to counter the binding that Dumbledore had placed on him. But she was disarmed by someone dressed in red and Dumbledore bound her to.

Then ten more people emerged form the fog all dressed in red and they all flanked Dumbledore on both sides of him.

Harry started to panic, he knew Dumbledore would flip when he found out but he didn't know he would go this far. Fearing for his parents lives he jumped out of the car and ran to try and help as well.

But his father yelled at him "No Harry! Run! get away from here, it's you that he wants! We will be fine! Now go home Harry they won't be able to follow you inside the house wards without my say so! Go Harry! Run!"

Harry, with out thinking started to run, but before he could even get past the car he was caught by a man wearing black and red. And unfortunately for Harry this voice he recognized right away.

"You are not going anywhere Potter" the voice said.

"Snape" Harry whispered.

"Ah Severus you have impeccable timing as always my friend" said Dumbledore in an almost pleasant tone of voice.

Snape merely grunted as he dragged Harry to Dumbledore's awaiting hand.

"No! Harry! Albus you can't do this, you can't kidnap our only son! Please I beg you please don't take Harry away, Please don't!" cried Lily form her spot near James.

Dumbledore's expression lightened a little before he said "Don't worry Lily I will return Harry in a few months if everything goes well" Harry mean while was trying to get out of Dumbledore's surprisingly strong grip but he still remained unsuccessful. Just as it looked like they were ready to dissparate Dumbledore held up his hand to signal everyone to wait.

Dumbledore's eyes were trained the car and Harry immediately knew what he wanted.

"No! Dumbledore don't take them! Please don't!' Harry begged. But Dumbledore paid him no heed,

"Severus and Marla go and get the twins from the back seat, they are coming with us as well" he told the first two people on his right side.

"Yes Headmaster" they said as they walked to the car.

Harry and his parents begged that the twins be left alone, and of course they were ignored.

When Severus picked up the small baby in his arms a raised a questioning glance at Dumbledore and said "Headmaster, why are we taking these two as well? After all they are only infants."

"Because I have plans for them as well, now do as I say Severus" said Dumbledore in a commanding tone.

Snape bowed his head and said "Yes headmaster". Then as soon as he and the other one Marla were back in place, babies in their arms, Dumbledore said " You all know where we are going, on the count of three, one…Two…Three!"

And then all of them disappeared leaving two very distraught parents behind.

As soon the world came back into focus Harry immediately recognized where they were, although he wished he didn't. They were standing right in front of number 4 Privet Drive..

Dumbledore dragged him towards the house, Harry could hear Snape and the other one follow them still carrying Kiara and Amara.

As soon as they stepped on to number fours drive way Harry could feel that the place was heavily warded with protection spells.

"Probably to keep me inside" Harry thought miserably.

Dumbledore knocked on the door and a short while later Petunia answered.

"How may I…."her words seemed to get stuck in her throat. Her body seemed frozen as she stared at them in shock.

"Good morning Petunia. May we come in?" asked Dumbledore, seemingly oblivious to Petunia's current state of shock.

Her mouth was moving as if she wanted to say something, but no words came out.

Dumbledore however took this as a yes and walked inside pulling Harry with him, and his two lackeys followed him still holding the screaming babies.

Inside the house looked exactly as Harry remembered it, nothing had changed.

"Vernon come down here quickly!' screeched Petunia. Apparently she had found her voice again.

Vernon then came stomping down the stairs, causing the whole house to vibrate. When he caught sight of people that were inside his house and his face gradually started turning different shades of red.

"Get out of my House now! I will not tolerate your…your kind in my house!" he yelled.

"Good morning to you as well Mr. Dursley" said Dumbledore in a kind of voice that sounded like he was having tea with them. "I have come to settle that small debt you owe me" he said just as pleasantly. "I want you to house these tree children under your roof for three months" he finished.

"No! absolutely not! They are not welcome here!" yelled Vernon.

"I see, would you rather I undo what I did for you" said Dumbledore, only this time his voice was a lot more colder, and he had drawn out his wand and pointed it up the stairs.

"He is pointing towards Dudley's room" thought Harry.

Vernon growled and said "Find but we are only keeping the boy, we do not have the equipment nor the money to care for squirming, freaky babies".

"No equipment or money you say? Well I think I can remedy that" said Dumbledore as he took out his wand again and waved it. Suddenly a bunch baby supplies appeared, two basinets, a changing table, two carrying seats, a box of diapers, some bottles, a container of baby formula, and baby bags that had cloths, blankets and a few toys. " I charmed them so you will never run out of anything as long as all three children are in the house" he explained.

"Well I think we should be going, I will see you in three months Mr. Potter" said Dumbledore as he let himself out. Snape and the woman placed Kiara and Amara in the new carrying seats and followed Dumbledore out. Harry ran after them but he got to the door just as they apperated away.

"I can't believe this, I can't believe that manipulative old fool would do this" said Harry more to him self the to the other people in the room. Harry walked over to the twins and tried to calm them down, after about ten minutes the twins thankfully fell in to an exhausted sleep. Harry continued to kneel by the twins and remained silent, letting the Dursley's speak first.

"You are Lily's son aren't you?" asked Petunia quietly.

Harry nodded his head as he placed blankets over the two babies.

Petunia seemed to debate weather she really wanted to asked her next question or not, her curiosity won out.

"Then why are you here and not with…Them?" she asked.

Harry couldn't stop the tears from coming to his eyes, for some reason he decided to answer her question truthfully.

"I think it is because Dumbledore got mad at my parents for keeping secrets about me from him that he wanted to know for a long time. They had wanted to protect me from his manipulations I guess. I suppose they never counted on how Dumbledore would react when he finally found out the truth. He found out the truth today and plucked us out of our owe car and dragged us here" he said, not letting the tears in his eyes fall.

Then a thought struck him and he turned to face Petunia. "He asked you to write too him about me didn't he?" Harry asked, trying to keep his voice quiet so the twins could sleep.

Petunia looked shocked at the sudden question and looked away. Not wanting to look into Harry's bright green eyes as she nodded her head yes.

Harry clenched his fists tightly as he fought to control his temper.

"So that's why he sent me here, he can control the Dursley's a whole lot easier then he could control my parents, and in controlling them he can also control me a lot easier to" Harry thought angrily.

Vernon who had been remarkably quiet until now asked "If he was only after you why did he bring those two?" he said as he pointed his finger at the twins.

Harry thought about it for a minute and looked at Kiara and Amara sadly before he said "I can't be sure, but I think he brought them to make sure I don't try and run away, he knows I would never abandon them without anyone to willingly care for them"

Vernon merely snorted at his answer and said "Fine, they are your reasonability, don't expect us to baby sit for you, and you will earn your keep around here, Petunia will give chore list to do every morning before she takes Dudley to school. I expect all of them to be done before I get home is that clear?" Vernon asked.

Harry glared at him but didn't argue. Vernon could only make life harder for him if he did.

"Yes sir" he said

"Good, now I suggest you get all this stuff out of the hallway, you and those pink things can have the second bedroom, its the third room on the right up the stairs" said Vernon as he stomped his way towards the kitchen.

"Yes sir, thank you sir" said Harry as much as it pained him to say it Vernon could have easily tried to stuff them into the cupboard under the stairs instead.

Harry carried the twins up the room and inspected it. There was a few broken toys laying scattered around the floor. After setting the twins on the bed he picked up the broken toys and through them away. The only other things in the room now was the old wooden desk and a night stand that was by his bed.

Then all of a sudden he found himself faced with a problem, he knew you were never supposed to leave newborn babies alone, so how was he supposed to carry all the supplies up to the room. He needed two hands to carry the twins.

"I'll watch them for you" said Petunia as she had read his mind.

"What?" Harry asked thinking he may had heard wrong.

"I'll watch them for you, just this once, so you can go and get the things from down stairs" she explained further, making it clear this was only time she would do this.

Harry looked at her closely searching for any signs that she might be deceiving him, he found none.

"Alright, thank you" he said before he left to gather the supplies.

Harry somehow managed to fit nearly everything into the tiny room except for the changing table the only way he would be able to get it to fit is if he got rid of the wooden desk, but it was too heavy for him to carry down the stairs. So he had no choice but to ask Vernon to help him move it to the garage. By some miracle he agreed, but only because he didn't want him changing the kids dirty diapers in the middle of his nice hallway.

By 10:00 am all the Dursley's were out and continuing their lives as if nothing had ever happened. Vernon had gone to work, Petunia went to one of her gardening clubs and Dudley went to a friends house. They didn't give Harry any chores that day but was told not to make a mess and to familiarize himself with the house, because he would be doing a lot of work around it for the next few mouths he was there. Harry spent most of the day taking care of the twins, feeding them was easy for the most part all he had to do was mix the baby formula with luke warm water and filled the small bottles, with a bottle in each hand he brought them over to his hungry sister's. next he had to burp them, this he was a little nervous about because he had never done it before. He had only seen his mum do it a few times at the hospital, his dad was to afraid to do it because he said he would accidentally hurt them by patting them too hard. Unlike his father he didn't have the luxury of handing them over to their Mum, he was the only one they had at the moment so he was just going to have to do his best for them until they were back with there parents.

"Forgive me if I don't do this right the first time alright you two" he said to the both of them. The twins stared back at with their big green and blue eyes respectively.

Harry bit his lip before asking "Who wants to go first?"

They both stared at him again for a second and Amara started to cry.

He laughed as he picked her and said "That was a rhetorical question you know"

Meanwhile, while Harry was getting settled at the Dursley's. James and Lily were going crazy trying to figure out where Dumbledore had taken there kids. Right after getting out of the magical binds they went to Hogwarts thinking that would be the first place Dumbledore would go, but when they got there and talked with Minerva she had told that the Headmaster had not been seen all day. When they told her what had happened she promised she would help them look as well. Sirius, Regulus, and Remus of course promised to help. They spent days trying every finding and tracking spell they could find, but still all turned up nothing.

"They must be in a heavily warded place, that's one way none of these spell could find them" said Remus.

"Gee! No kidding Remus if they weren't we would have found them by now!" yelled Sirius angrily.

Remus was about to yell back at him when James stepped in. "No don't start that, all of us need to work together, if we start fighting we lose all hope of finding them?" he yelled.

Sirius looked a James apologetically the pressure of finding the children was getting to all of them, but James and Lily were hit with it the most, neither of them had slept a wink in since Harry and the twins were taken, and they had eaten just as much as they had slept, nothing. Minerva had informed them that Dumbledore was back at Hogwarts but he only talked if it was related to the school, the moment anyone mentions the Potters he leaves or tells the person who said it to leave. Both James and Lily had tried to "talk" to him but he wouldn't see them,

They had thought about going to the ministry about it, but it was decided the ministry wouldn't be any help, many people looked up to Dumbledore so no one would believe them if they said he had kidnapped their children, even if they testified under the influence of the truth serum the ministry would just say some crazy die hard Death Eater was trying to frame Dumbledore for crimes he didn't commit.

So with Dumbledore locking himself in his office at Hogwarts and the ministry countering anything they say, James, Lily, Sirius, Minerva, Remus, and Regulus were on there own.

On the sixth day of their search the day started just like all the other ones, on luck, nothing. Until that afternoon…

"Finally! James, Lily, I got something" yelled Regulus.

"What is it Reg?" asked Sirius.

" I found a spell that will tell how the kids are, no matter where they are or how many wards are protecting them, here" said Regulus as took out his wand and started saying a very complicated incantation. Then he ended it with an equally complicated wand movements. When he was finished a large disk of light appeared in front of them.

"James point you wand at the disk and say Harry's full name" said Regulus

James did what he was told "Harry James Potter". Then the disk projected out a chart that showed all of Harry's vital signs and some other facts.

"Now Lily point your wand at the disk and say Kiara's full name" Regulus said to Lily.

"Kiara Madison Potter" she said in shaky voice.

An other chart appeared next to Harry's with Kiara's name on it.

Regulus then turned to James once again and said "Now the same thing for Amara, James"

With more excitement this time James said his youngest daughters name.

"Amara Holly Potter"

The third chart appeared next to the other two and in another flash of light the charts floated in front of the people in the room.

"Do they say where they are?" Lily asked timidly

Regulus waved his wand and said "Location"

But all three charts gave him the same answer "Warded, Location Unknown"

Everyone sighed in disappointment, " It was worth a try Lily, but these charts could also give us clues as to where they are, if we look at them close enough" said Regulus trying to cheer her up a little.

It seemed he was a little successful as she took a deep shaky breath and nodded her head.

"How are they?" she asked.

"Well lets have a look shall we" said Regulus as he waved his wand again and said " Vital signs".

Then graphs appeared on the charts and all were labeled with the following sections.

Physical Energy

Magical Energy

Heart rate

Blood Pressure



Overall Health

"Harry doesn't look all that good" said Sirius as he stared at Harry's life signs.

Remus, knowing the most about human physiology came closer and studied the data it showed on Harry.

"Well, he may not be feeling all that great right now, but there isn't anything wrong with him, looks like he has been working too much and not letting his body rest, and judging by his hunger level he hasn't eaten very much in the last few days" explained Remus.

Lily started crying in James's arms not able to take much more. James held and to Lily tightly and hesitantly asked "what about the twins?"

Everyone slowly turned their heads to look at the twins charts, all of them afraid of what they might see. If Harry was no the verge of passing out what were the chances that two one week old twins were still alive? What they saw shocked them, not only were the twins still alive but their life signs were stable. The only thing the at seemed a little low was there physical energy.

"Low energy is normal for twins or any baby for that matter, we've all heard about the sleepless nights that babies can give with crying" said Remus.

Regulus seemed to suddenly think of something and began look between Harry and the twins charts.

"What are you thinking Reg?" asked Sirius. He could practically see the gears turning in his brothers head.

"I think I know the reason for Harry's exhaustion, we have all been assuming that someone is take care of Harry and the twins, well what if Harry is the one taking the ultimate care of the twins but there is no one taking care of him? Think about it, if Harry is taking care of the twins by him self that would take all his time, leaving no time to care for him self" said Regulus.

"I think your right, he was very protective of them at the hospital, I can see him pushing himself to the limit if it meant keeping them healthy and safe" said James as he glanced back at Harry's chart worriedly.

"I just hope we can find him before he goes beyond his limit" he said just before Harry's Over all health meter went down another point.

The first week in the Dursley's house went by what seemed to be a blur for Harry. Each day was the same, He awoke in the morning when the twins awoke, and then he changed them, . After he got each of them dressed he put them in there carrying seats and brought them down to the kitchen where he fed and burped them. Once they were done he placed them out of the way of anything but in a place where he could keep an eye on them while he made breakfast for the Dursley's. Usually around 6 o clock while the meal was cooking Petunia would come down and he would give her a cup of coffee and then finish cooking the breakfast, Ten minutes after Vernon would come down and demand food, he would plate and serve them breakfast. If the twins started crying he immediately tried to calm them down again, Vernon would away get mad if they cried to much, sometimes when they just wouldn't stop crying and they were just fed, changed, and burped he was often forced to cast a wand less silence spell on them. He didn't like forcing them to be quiet like that, but it was either that or let Vernon silence them, which was something he preferred not to think about. After breakfast Petunia gave him the chore list before she left and like every morning she would yell "Don't make a mess" before she slammed the door behind her. As soon as they left Harry would remove the silencing charms off the crying babies and calm them down the proper way, holding them and rubbing their backs, after both of them had calmed down Harry would do the dishes. After he was finished it would be time to feed and change the twins again. So his day was a mix of cleaning, cooking, and caring for Kiara and Amara. The only time he actually had time to eat anything him self was late at night and he was able to swipe a few granola bars from the pantry that the Dursley's never ate and a 1 liter bottle of water that he usually sipped at during the day while he worked. He always made sure he refilled the bottle every night before he took to twins back up to their room and got a few hours sleep at night.

Harry survived on the granola bars and water without out getting sick for about a month and a half. Though it was more of Harry's shear will alone that made him keep going for as long as he did. He mostly ignored all of the protests his body gave him but there are times when the human body says "the hell with ya!" and starts to go in strike…

It was one of those days when Harry awoke to the sound of the twins crying and the sun shining through his window.

"What!? The suns up already?" said Harry as he shifted over in his bed and looked at his clock on the night stand, which to his horror read 7:30 am.

"7:30!?" he yelled as he jumped out of his bed, he immediately regretted this action for his head exploded in pain and the room started to spin.

Harry waited for the dizzy spell to end before he stood up slowly this time and made his way over to the twins.

"Sorry guys, this isn't a good start to the day, is it" he asked.

He eventually managed to get the hungry twins changed and dressed. He was bringing them down the stairs when another dizzy spell hit him. Luckily he was able to sit them all down on the step as he waited for it to pass.

He finally managed to feed and burp them and he was shocked it was as if they knew he was unwell and they either slept or lay quietly. For that he was grateful until he saw the note no the kitchen counter from Vernon. It read:

"Boy, you better make the house look and smell good today! Because of you sleeping in we are late. I warn you Boy another stunt like that and you will regret it!


Here is your list of chores today…."

There was a list of at least 15 things he was supposed to do before dinner that evening.

Harry sighed, turned to the twins and said sarcastically " well that was sure nice of him" as he crumpled the note up and throw it in the trash can.

He only suffered from two more dizzy spells that day and the twins were surprisingly cooperative. Only crying when they needed to be fed or changed, so by some miracle he managed to get all the chores done to Vernon's satisfaction.

Unfortunately for Harry his headaches and dizzy spells only got worse over the week and he eventually developed a bad cough and a sore throat. He had no idea how but he still managed to look after the twins well enough, however his chores around the house suffered greatly, he could have sworn Vernon would have hit him one evening he came home and almost nothing was done if Petunia hadn't intervened by saying "If you hit him and he is knocked unconscious who will make the little brats be quiet?". Vernon seemed accept this and instead yelled "Get out of my sight you lazy freak!" Harry grabbed the twins and as quickly as he could went to their room.

That night Harry managed get the twins down to the kitchens for their nightly feeding. While he was feeding them he noticed they were holding there bottles on the own because his own hands were shaking to much to hold the bottles still. He knew the chills he was feeling were caused by a fever and the shaking was really him shivering. He hated that feeling, he felt cold and hot at the same time.

When he saw the little twins feeding them selves he couldn't help but smile.

He then suddenly felt very tiered, his head began to feel heavy and he couldn't keep his eyes opened. He let his head rest on the kitchen table while the twin ate their fill. He never realized that he had dosed off.

Harry was awoken by a repeating thump on his head, when he looked up he could see the twins holding their empty bottles in their hands. He figured from the tear streaks on their faces they had tried crying to wake him up, when that didn't work they hit him with the ends of the bottles.

"Sorry I guess I dosed off" he said to them tiredly.

They each gave him a look that seemed to say "duh!"

"I guess I walked into that one huh?" said Harry. He tried to laugh but he started coughing instead.

Once the coughing attack lessoned he grabbed the handles of the twins carrying seats and slowly took them back up to their room. Harry just managed to set the twins down when he collapsed between them. He felt very tired again and couldn't resist to urge to allow him self to sleep.

The twins turned their heads and looked at their older brother, they didn't know much but they did know the person laying on the ground shivering had taken care of them and that same person needed help. Then the twins looked at each other and when their eyes locked and something extraordinary happened. The twins began to glow, Kiara was surrounded by a faint green, the same emerald green that her eyes were, Amara was glowing a light blue, the same color as her sapphire blue eyes. Suddenly their two magic's flared up like flames and when the two magic's mixed the whole room was engulfed by a bluish green light, and when the light faded the three occupants that were in the room were no longer there….

One Week earlier with James and Lily (AN: This was when Harry first started feeling sick)

No progress had been made since Regulus had found the status charm , But no one gave up, as long as the charts said that the kids were still alive out there no one even thought about giving up.

Thanks to the status charm Remus and Sirius had managed to convince James and Lily to sleep. Now that they knew there children were alive, they were too tired to argue with them for long.

There was always at least one of them keeping and eye on the kids charts, letting everyone stay in the piece of mind that the children were alright.

Although all of them had the fear that if one of the kids did get sick they could do nothing but watch the charts.

It was in the middle of January that that fear was brutally realized.

It was Lily and James turn to watch the charts that day, little did they know that it was going to be their longest watch yet. As soon as they looked at the charts they knew something was wrong. The twins were very hungry, but Harry's chart worried them the most. Harry's heart rate had sky rocketed, but his blood pressure remain low, and he also have a small fever of 99.5.

"Moony! Moony something is wrong with Harry" yelled James.

Remus came running from his room that he had been stay at in the Potter's house since this happened and ran into the living room in hast.

"What is it?" he said as he made his way over to Harry's chart.

"It's Harry, what's wrong with him?" said James as he started to panic.

Remus looked at Harry's chart and after a minute he sighed and said "Oh Harry"

"What? What is wrong with him?' asked James again.

"Harry's body is starting to shut down, its trying to make him rest, making him feel so miserable that he will give in and just let him self rest, if he dose allow himself to have a real meal and a full eight hours sleep now he'll be fine tomorrow morning." said Remus. Thought he looked a if he wanted to say more but didn't know how to say it.

Regulus encouraged him by saying "But…."

Remus looked at every one sadly and then continued "But if he keeps going as he has been he will only get worse. In its finale stage Harry will be to weak to move and his only chance at getting better is if someone force feeds him, basically doing everything for him and allows him plenty of sleep, if…if he doesn't get any treatment within one day of entering the finale stage he'll, he'll….' Remus couldn't get the words out.

"He'll what! Remus!?" yelled James who was yet again hold a crying Lily.

Remus turned his head away from them and closed his eyes before whispering the two most feared word's that any parent would ever hear "he'll die".

For the longest time the only sound in the room was Lily's sobs and the rest had tears in their eyes.

Sirius looked up at Harry's chart wiped the tears in his eyes away and said "Come you guys who is to say Harry won't just let him self rest today and have him self a nice dinner? For all we no he'll be fine in the morning like Moony said" he looked at everyone as he was desperately looking for someone to agree with him.

Regulus looked at Sirius sadly and said " Siri don't forget that Harry is the one looking after the twins, if we all know Harry as well as we think we do he won't rest until he knows the twins have someone looking after them"

Sirius looked as if he had been punched in the gut before he realized what Regulus had said was true. Not knowing what else to say he sat back down and put his head in his hands and cried silently.

Another half hour passed and no one had spoken until Lily raised her head from James shoulder and looked at Remus with watery eyes.

"Are…Are you s.. sure that is what is wrong with Harry? I mean couldn't he just have a cold or a flu and he'll just get over it soon, Harry has always been able to fight off illnesses quickly" Lily asked. She had said it in a most desperate voice that almost sounded like she was begging to tell her that he could be wrong.

Remus had yet to look away from Harry's chart and when he spoke his voice was barely above a whisper " I wish I could tell you what you want to hear Lily, but I can't, I won't lie to you, I am positive of what Harry has, I know the symptoms very well because I fall in to the first stage very morning after a full moon. That is why I am always resting after every full moon, my life depends on it. Besides if he dose have the cold or the flu as you say he would still need rest to get well again"

Lily began to tear up again and lay her head back on James's shoulder.

Then James spoke up and with determination in his blue eye and voice he said " Then we will redouble our efforts to find them, look in any book we haven't memorized from cover to cover for any tracking or locating spells we haven't tried yet. We'll go on twelve hour shifts, half of us working during the day while the others eat and sleep, and no ifs or buts, if there is one thing that this has taught me its no to go beyond our limit if we can help it, if we do then we are of no use to anyone. We can't waste any more time we have until…. Until.." James paused he didn't know how long his son had left.

"Moony how much longer dose Harry have?" James asked fearfully

"I can't be sure James, it all depends on if and when Harry reaches the finale stage, after that he'll only have a day left. Someone should keep watch on his chart , if his Physical strength drops to 1, his magical levels drop to 10 and his fever reaches 103 that will mean he had entered the finale stage" said Remus as he warily wrote the three numbers on a piece of parchment.

James looked at the parchment and then at Harry's current vitals before yelling "Come on everyone lets move! And someone owl Minerva and tell her what is going on, maybe she will be able to drill some scents into Dumbledore before it is too late"

With that said everyone worked harder then any of them had ever worked before, but they were no closer to finding a solution, nothing worked. Minerva had no luck with Dumbledore, as usual he magically pushed her out of his office every time she brought up Harry or the twins, She even tried sending him a howler but he knew a spell that could destroy it before it delivered it message.

As the days passed and they saw Harry's vitals grow weaker and weaker until one night around 1:00 am the thing they had all feared happened. Regulus was monitoring the charts while Sirius and Remus flipped through books.

Regulus was in the middle of carefully looking over each of the charts, when suddenly he took a double take at Harry's vitals, he didn't want to believe the numbers he was seeing on Harry's chart but he rechecked them twice there was no use in denying it now.

"Siri go and wake James and Lily" said Regulus gravely.

"Why? What is it?" asked Sirius who hadn't yet caught on to his brothers tone.

"Just go and get them! Harry has entered the finale stage" Regulus yelled desperately.

Sirius's eyes widened and he started running up to James and Lily's room. When Lily and James came down they rushed over to the chart and their reactions were instantaneous.

"Harry no no Harry please Please" but Lily's pleas were drowned out by her hysterical sobs.

James on the other hand began muttering location spells they had already tried and had failed with. When he began to have difficulty saying the spells because of all the emotions building up in him, Sirius and Remus placed there hands on his shoulders he looked at them, they to had tears streaming down there faces but the look in there eyes told him "You can break down and cry you know, no one will think less of you".

That had done it for James, he managed to run over to Lily and he collapsed on the floor next to her, taking her into his arms and together they mourned they loss of their first born son, Harry.

While every one was crying no one noticed the twins magic levels increase ten folds and no one noticed a flash of bluish green light in the middle of the living room either. It wasn't until 10 minutes later did Regulus noticed the location icon flashing on the three charts, it took him a minute to fully realize what it meant.

"James! Lily! Everyone look! it has a fix on there location!" yelled Regulus.

"What!" everyone yelled.

Regulus quickly fumbled with his wand, when he managed to get a grip on it he waved it at the charts and said "Location!"

The address that appeared on the charts made everyone gasp.



(AN: pheww! I swear I didn't intend for this chapter to be so long. I just couldn't stop typing until this point. Anyway I hope you all liked it and here is what to expect in Chapter four:

Can James and Lily bring Harry back to his healthy self once again?

Find out Dumbledore's true reasons for placing Harry and the Twins in the Dursley's house.

And don't miss the encounter with Harry and Dumbledore.

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