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Alexa stood up and suddenly she felt his arms snake around her waist and pulled her back down towards him. She landed in his lap gently and he smirked before leaning up and kissing her. She ran her had over his bare chest, toned chest, and he moan into the kiss, before suddenly pulling away.

"I don't want a relationship..." he mumbled quickly and awkwardly searching her face for a reaction."I'm not that kind of guy"

Alexa laughed, knowing he was worrying in case she was one of those girls that once you bedded you couldn't get rid of easily, kind of like STI, "I know babe. This is one time thing"

He was surprised at how confidence and cool her voice sounded. She honestly did feel really at ease with him, Which was surprising when he was Mr. popular and she was the shy, unknown girl.

She noticed his face dropped ever so slightly at her response though and he bit his lip as if he was thinking intently about something. She had to admit he looked hot biting his lip.

"Maybe no though" he questioned raising his eyebrows suggestively at her.

"Now I'm confused" she giggled, running her fingers over his prominent abs, "You just said you are not a relationship person did you not or did that mind blowing sex render me unable to hear correctly?"

He smirked no doubt at her reference to sex, "I know but I was thinking more friends with benefits"

"I'd be all for that" She winked as his face lit up. "But we aren't friends"

"Believe me I will be your best friend if it means getting those benefits" he smirked, raising his eyebrows suggestively again. He knew though that he would get his way, Carson Michael's always got his way.

"Friends with benefits it is then" She laughed before jumping off the sofa, "I've got to go anyway, last day of practice tomorrow, Night friend!"

She bent down and kissed his lips lightly. She could feel he wanted more but she pulled away quickly and walked away, out the door into the clammy air.

One thought ran through her mind through as she carefully made her way back to the cabin, attempting to be as quiet as possible; She was friends with Carson Michaels.

Damn, she had just agreed to be FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS with Carson Michaels.

What the hell was happening?.

"Jeez Louise calm down man" Alexa signed into her phone as she hurried down the street attempting to avoid flustered looking mother with a buggy, "I'll be there in a few minutes"

She missed the majority of Carson's response due to a delivery lorry loudly sounding it's horn as deep green Volvo pulled out in front of it. She heard the last few words though and wow did that boy have a very colorful vocabulary. In all her sixteen years she'd never met a boy who was so obsessed with timekeeping as Carson was. She guessed that's what made him, him though.

It was only a week after they'd arrived home from camp and Carson and her had spent almost every day with each other. Surprisingly enough, they'd spent the days going on days out and getting to know each other. Sometimes she was enjoying greatly. At the moment she was making her way towards Starbucks in town to meet him and she was running late, sometimes it appeared Carson didn't appreciate if his phone call was anything to go on. His text earlier in the morning had just requested to meet him there at two o'clock and now it was almost half past it.

Pushing her way through the Saturday crowds, muttering the occasional "excuse me" She eventually made it to the door of Starbucks. She hurriedly push the door open and was immediately hit with warmth from the air vent above the door.

Sighing contently she glanced around as she began unbuttoning her jacket until she saw Carson in the corner of the coffee shop. His back was to her so as she came to a stop directly behind him she slipped her hands over his eyes causing him to chuckle deeply.

"Guess who?" She giggled failing at her attempt to disguise her voice.

"From your voice I'll guess santa?" he replied sarcastically as she removed her hands from covering his eyes and flicked the back of his head.

"Owwww" he moaned pouting at her as she pulled out the chair opposite him and sat down, tucking her bag under the chair.

Alexa couldn't help but laugh at his childish behavior. Though she had to admit that he looked cute when he pouted, then again he looked cute all the time.

"Like what you see?" her thoughts were interrupted Carson's voice. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and again Alexa laughed.

"Maybe I do" she replied coyly as Carson's face lit up at her response,"How did your match go today ?"

Carson broke out into a grin as he answered her question. "We won! They didn't stand a chance against as especially with me playing"

"Don't get cocky Michaels" Alexa chastised laughing as Carson shot her look of fake hurt.

"That cut me deep darling" he chuckled, lifting the mug back down into the table, "hat did you want to meet here for?"

Realization passed over his face as he realized he had yet to tell her why he'd summoned her to the coffee shop and he leant forward resting his elbow on the coffee table separating them.

"I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to come over to my house tonight?" he asked hopefully, nervous seeping through into his voice.

"I'd like that" Alexa smiled cheekily reaching over and taking a sip from the mug sitting in front of him. It was quite ironic how the school's biggest "player" had stuck-up a ' friend with benefits' deal with her and yet they'd only indulged in said benefits that time at camp. Hopefully that time will change when they got back to his house this evening.

Carson eyed the mug in her hand and she stuck her tongue out childishly at him as he chuckled at her. Suddenly though a thought popped into her head about his reasons for meeting.

"Why did you not just text me and invite me over?" She wondered out loud and she saw Carson take an intake of breath.

" My Home like is.... complicated" he sighed rubbing the back of his neck, "just try and avoid my parents as much as you can. They're a train wreck..."

He didn't elaborate and she didn't want to force him to share personal stuff so she just nodded. Carson smiled, grateful for her lack of questioning before suggesting they head back to his house.

Alexa agreed, silently apprehensive after his previous words but nevertheless they left the coffee and headed back to his house. Funnily enough though, the whole journey home in Carson's care Alexa's mind was not on the event that were to unfold but on Carson's words describing his parents " They're a train wreck..."

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