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Rogue Secrets Rogue Secrets original

Rogue Secrets

Author: Deshiree

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 1. On The Run

Puffs of white whisps spilled from my lips as I struggled to take in the frigid air, my lungs screaming with agony with each breath. Leaning against the rough bark of a thick oak tree, I felt my body tremble with exhaustion. Shivering from the unrelenting patter of freezing cold rain that descended from the heavens, I hugged my naked form with ice chilled arms. God i was so cold.

Amber eyes flicked around the lone trees and over grown bushes for any type of shelter, anywhere that would offer a reprieve from this wet hell of a night. Chilled droplets rolled down my eyelashes as i tried to blink past the rain, my heart skipping when a loud gun shot sounded over the storm. Whipping around to stare off through the forest behind me in fear, I scanned the area for only a few moments before I forced myself to turn and run. I didn't come this far to end up back in their cruel hands again.

Ignoring the profound cry of my aching muscles, I forced one foot in front of the other, swatting at tree limbs that stretched out like skeleton hands trying to claw at me. Panic started to creep in with the fear as I staggered blindly through the wet forest. I couldn't let them take me back. Death would be my companion before I let that happen.

For two long years I had been the subject of their twisted fascination. All because I had gotten too comfortable and shifted to close to their damned gated hell. Who would have known that the only humans that had ever seen me change from wolf to woman had to have been some organization that thrived on the unknown. I had been their first and only specimen they had tranquilized and drug into their cells.

Shuddering at the recent memory of them forcing me to shift back and forth to the point of passing out flashed through my mind. The sudden pain that had ripped through me had pulled from me subconsciousness, only to find three of them had me pinned down while one of them took the last thing that was still pure about me. They had wanted to see what it felt like to breed with a different species. If I would be capable to conceive.

Disgust rolled through me and I had to will the bile from coming up my throat. Tonight was the first time I had killed a man. Even in pain, they had been no match for my strength, even as exhausted as I had been. Desperation would make anyone do what I had done.

Gasping in the cold air, I shook off the vivid memory and failed to see the small fallen tree in time. Yelping in pain as my shin came in contact with the rough surface, I wasn't prepared for the sudden impact of the forest floor jolting my naked body. Moaning softly, I simply laid there panting. My left leg from my knee down throbbed and my lungs felt like I was sucking in balls of icy fire. Something was digging into the soft flesh of my right breast, making it uncomfortable to remain laying sprawled out as I was.

Urging my limbs to move, I pushed myself away from the leaf covered muck I landed in and got myself onto my hands and knees. Raising my head, I noted that there was mud and twigs now intertwined with clumps my auburn colored hair. Lovely.

Looking past the dirty tresses of my hair that hung around my face, I froze when my eyes fell on the shiny golden glow of a doorknob. Scrambling to my feet, I limped towards the two story bricked house in awe. Hundreds of acres of woods spanned around me and I happened to come across a huge dark house. Glancing at the darkened windows, I prayed no one was home as I approached what looked to be like the back door to the place. Wrapping my shaking hand around the doorknob, I held my breath and gave it a hard yank.

The lock gave an audible metal crack as I broke it and I stood there frozen to the spot, listening for any sound that indicated that someone had heard. After a few heart pounding moments, no one came running and I slowed pushed the door inward. Wincing at the light whine of the door hinges, I quickly darted in and gently shut the door behind me.

Turning, I surveyed the small clean kitchen I had walked into. A small counter top island rested in the middle of the floor, a clear glass bowl was set in the middle filled with fresh fruit that had my shaking form suddenly ravenous. Shivering uncontrollably, I quickly top toed over and snatched up an apple and sank my teeth into it's shiny red skin. Sweetness flowed over my tongue and I had to swallow the moan of bliss the small bite caused. I honestly couldn't remember the last time I had anything so sweet or so fresh.

Glancing over at the darkened doorway that led out of the kitchen, I hobbled around the island towards the stainless steel frig. Reaching out to grasp the long handle, I stilled when I spotted my reflection staring back at me from the gleaming metal. I looked horrible. Like some uncivilized woodland imp had wondered in. Mud, leaves, and small twigs about covered me from head to toe. My pale skin shone in patches through the globs of yuck, one of my pale pink nipples stuck out like a beacon. Yup. A dirty woodland imp.

A soft inhale behind me made my blood run cold. Turning towards the sound with wide fear filled amber eyes, my gaze caught and held the most shocking pair of bright green eyes I had ever seen. I could only look back as his piercing gaze dropped slowed down the length of my form. Black hair tossled from sleep, full pale pink lips, strong masculine features with a hint of black stubble shadowing his jaw. Covered in just a pair of tight fitting black boxer briefs, all his tanned muscled glory was left bare for my wondering eyes to eat up. He didn't seem to have an ounce of fat on him. All rippling muscle and oh god. He had that sexy v that started at his hips and drew the eyes to his rather large bulge of man flesh hidden away.

Heat flushed my chilled flesh. Here I was checking him out when I stood naked and mud smeared in his kitchen that I had just broken into. Clenching the apple I still had in my left hand, I swiftly covered my exposed breasts with my arm, or tried to with their overflowing volume, and dropped my right to cover my feminine bits. Green clashed with amber as our eyes met again, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

His dark brows drew together and as he lowered his slightly raised hand did I notice that he had been holding a gun. I could feel the heat rush from my face as I paled, my eyes locked on the shiny black weapon that could end my life in a heartbeat.


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please forgive me if there's some mishaps. Haven't written in ages and haven't posted a story online in years. Would love your feedback! Thanks so much!

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