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Chapter 124: After Earth

Guo Zerui stood at the door of the greenhouse, watching the Earth Warriors clean up the fallen meteorites and putting them in large baskets, some people climbed up the steel frame to repair the smashed roof.

Once the meteorite contaminated the land, the toxic substances it contained would pollute a range of dozens of miles, the damage was very great and it wouldn't fade for 60 or so years. Unless they got a land purifier, these greenhouses would never grow food again.

Guo Zerui still remembered how B Base relied on the two essential cleaning agents and the meteorite tempered glass to make money in the last life. The Warriors in the base almost never needed to worry about hunting zombies, those at the top of the food chain had high level nuclei distributed to them regularly. Most people didn't even need to risk going out to collect materials, those necessary supplies were all hand delivered to them by other bases.

Force could only be used for self-protection, but intelligence was needed to promote social development. 'Mental laborers govern, while manual laborers are governed', Guo Zerui finally profoundly experienced the reasoning behind this saying.

He now wanted to kidnap all of B Base's scientists. While thinking about how they could inquire about some news when they went to exchange for the purification agent, a teammate hurriedly ran over and said, "Gou Ge! Something horrible happened! Da Niu was admitted to the Institute, I heard that the researchers wanted him for an experiment. Go stop them before they dissect Da Niu!"

"What? Didn't the doctor promise boss he would never do human experiments? If he's not trustworthy, I'll shut that lab down!" Guo Zerui clenched his teeth and sprinted toward the West building.

He ran through the guards and went straight to Dr. Bai's laboratory. He saw a group of white coats holding notebooks and writing, and Da Niu was locked behind a transparent walled section and kneeling on the ground. His skin was terribly red, and his blood vessels bulged in green and blue colors, like worms crawling under his skin. He looked like he was being mutated.

"Bai Mo Han, what are you doing to Da Niu?!" Guo Zerui quickly threw out some vines, intending to tie up Dr. Bai and the other researchers, then break in to rescue his companion.

But unexpectedly, a thick steel plate appeared as if out of thin air, it not only blocked the net of vines, in the next second, it changed into a spiraling blade the cut the vines into pieces.

Zhao Ling Feng leaped out of the crowd and engaged Gou Zerui in combat. It was like scissors versus paper, although Guo Zerui had half a year of rebirth on Zhao Ling Feng, in the last life, Zhao Ling Feng was at a much higher level than Guo Zerui, and after a few months of practice, he'd regained his fighting instinct. Guo Zerui was tightly suppressed.

"Watch quietly, don't cause trouble!" He pressed Guo Zerui up against the glass window to face the deformed man.

Guo Zerui took a closer look, the lumps were not his actual blood vessels, they were living creatures. Those living creatures seemed to be controlled by something and were scrambling to leave the body, finally, they found the throat's passage and gushed out, dropping into a prepared pot.

Da Niu freed himself from all the pain and crawled away from the earthen pot.

In the pot, the capillary thin living creatures stretched out tentacles to explore, but found no way to escape, a Fire Warrior that was waiting in the corner cast out a fireball and burned them to ashes.

The researchers determined that there was no danger before they entered the room. They fed Da Niu a light blue medicine, then handed Da Niu and the Fire Warrior 5 level-3 nuclei each.

They immediately grinned, then noticed the deformed face pressed up against the window and recognized their vice-captain after a long look.

"Guo Ge, did you also come to volunteer for an experiment from the doctor? The doctor is so generous ah, he gave me treatment and crystal nucleus." Da Niu patted his pants pocket and smiled, "Doctor, remember me next time you need help. With this medicine, when we camp in the wild in the future, we no longer have to worry about the bloodvine parasite. We can't predict every danger when we go out for tasks, if the team doesn't have a Plant Warrior, it's game over!"

Zhou Yun Sheng recorded the test results in his book and warmly opened, "When there's a job, we'll call you. Don't worry, I won't treat your life as a joke."

The two Warriors nodded and walked away, grinning. They also ignored their vice-captain's imprisonment.

Zhao Ling Feng finally released Guo Zerui, he caught a glimpse of his embarrassed expression and snorted coldly.

Guo Zerui had realized the situation, Da Niu was not captured, he'd volunteered to be an experimental body for the doctor and was infected with the bloodvine.

He didn't expect that the essential medicine to combat the bloodvines that all Warriors valued was actually invented by the doctor. He had eyes but could not see ah! B Base got a lot of income from selling that medicine.

There were also two other drugs on the market at that time, the yellow one could quickly restore spiritual power, the red one could quickly replenish abilities. Together with the expulsion medicine, they were known as the Three Great Divine Medicine, all the Warriors flocked to them.

To reborn and witness the birth of one of the Divine Medicine, Guo Zerui suddenly felt honored.

"Bloodvine are very dangerous, one infected person can cause an epidemic. We must not carelessly spread this plant." Zhou Yun Sheng handed his notebook to an assistant and pushed up his glasses.

"N-No, doctor, that really was a misunderstanding!" Guo Zerui immediately remembered that he had infected the doctor with bloodvine. For that mistake, every time his boss pulled him into the training ground, he was ruthlessly beaten down until he vomited blood, then he was healed, and beaten until he vomited blood again, like an infinite loop, he was only released when the boss was satisfied. Death was almost more preferable.

"If you say so." Zhou Yun Sheng nodded, his tone was still very dull, "No matter how heavy the misunderstanding, as long as you can let me carry out my research, I won't mind. When my vaccine is developed, you can kill me if you wish." He said as he walked into the pharmacy room.

Guo Zerui's heart tightened. Listening to the doctor's tone, he still had a deep misunderstanding of him and his boss, he even thought that they were just using him to develop the vaccine.

But it was reasonable, for anyone that was ruthlessly mutilated like that, it was impossible to not hold a grudge against the perpetrators. The doctor was willing to come with them to Shu Prefecture, even if he had to die? That kind of selfless spirit and courage to save all mankind was really difficult to not admire.

Guo Zerui felt increasingly ashamed, his cheeks reddened, then he turned purple after seeing the doctor's test table.

"Doctor, what kind of drugs are these? Are they successful?" He pointed to the extremely familiar colored test tubes filled with a dark red and a light yellow medicine. Eventually, he leaned over them to sniff, and the Deja vu almost made him cry in excitement.

"This one supplements spiritual power, this one supplements abilities, they're both in the experimental stage. Don't touch. You have too much free time. Get out." Zhou Yun Sheng slapped away the hand that was about to touch the test tube.

It really is the legendary Divine Medicine? The doctor is the inventor of the Divine Medicine? This is too much! We picked up a treasure! Guo Zerui wanted to jump for joy.

"Don't touch anything, didn't the doctor kick you out already?" Zhao Ling Feng wanted to kick the other man in the butt.

Guo Zerui kept grinning, not the slightest bit annoyed, he even wrapped around Zhao Ling Feng and pestered, "Why didn't you tell me the doctor was the inventor of the Divine Medicine ah? Did you miss out on any other inventions?" If he'd known the doctor was so excellent, he would have waited upon him like he was an ancestor.

Zhao Ling Feng mystifyingly said, "I was afraid I would scare you to death if I told you. Not only did the doctor create the Divine Medicine, the catalyst to promote the rapid growth of crops, the treatment for drinking water and the black blood disease Dameike capsule were also invented by the doctor. Dr. Bai's value goes far beyond your imagination."

Even if the water was sprinkled with a cleaning agent, some people would still be infected with a disease more terrible than the plague. All the blood in the body turned black and gave off a sickening smell of decay. People who came into contact with the patient, even those with abilities, had a 20% chance to contract the disease.

When mankind was once again hovering on the edge of despair, the Dameike capsule came out, and its ultra-high efficacy shocked the world. Then the creation of the catalyst greatly shortened crops' growth cycle, completely solving the starvation problem.

B Base hid the inventor of the drugs, but it turned out to be Dr. Bai. Before he'd even developed the vaccine, he had already saved countless lives.

Guo Zerui sincerely nodded, then he hammered his heart with a fist in fright. Fortunately, he didn't succeed in killing the doctor, or he'd have become the scourge of mankind. Now, when his boss calls him to train every few days, he wouldn't feel resentment for the beat down, he'll accept it as well deserved!

While he was pondering, the doctor's voice came from behind him, "Wait, don't go, there's one thing I almost forgot."

"Doctor, if you have anything to ask of me, no matter what it is, I'll fulfill it properly." Guo Zerui did a U-turn, ran to the doctor's side, and flattered him like a eunuch addressing the emperor.

"I have a few recipes here. Tell Lei Chuan to hastily recruit some chemical scientists, they'll be in charge of developing them." Zhou Yun Sheng led the man to the office and opened several computer files.

Guo Zerui leaned over the screen for a moment, and when he realized what the recipes were, his eyes almost popped out into orbit.

"Doctor, where did you get this information?" He asked, choked.

"I hacked into the B Base research lab and downloaded them." Zhou Yun Sheng's tone was flat.

"Doctor, you are too good! I'm going to tell boss and the chief." Guo Zerui gave a thumbs up and ran off in a fluster, when he reached the door, he turned back, his face flushed, "Doctor, did I tell you that I love you more and more?"

Without waiting for the doctor to respond, he stepped forward two steps to grab the doctor's face, then he printed a loud kiss on his forehead. Then he laughed and ran away, looking very goofy.

Zhou Yun Sheng frowned, and was preparing to wipe away the saliva, but Zhao Ling Feng was already holding a handkerchief and rubbing his forehead while secretly cursing.

Lei Chuan and Jiang Yuanshan were in the warehouse taking inventory. B Base wanted food, crystal nuclei, or weapons in exchange for the meteorite tempered glass and the two purifying agents, other materials would put you on the bottom of the waiting list.

However, those three things were the foothold of any base, who could casually give them out? The two sorted out a number of materials and turned to leave, their expressions very gloomy.

At this time, Guo Zerui ran in laughing, and shouted, "Don't move, these materials are not allowed to move! Go to the Institute, quickly, the doctor needs you for something!"

When the doctor requested it, Lei Chuan and Jiang Yuanshan naturally wouldn't delay, they immediately left, then ended up sitting stiffly in the chair, staring at the computer's screen in a daze.

After a few minutes, Lei Chuan said in a low voice, "Doctor, this information is very precious, very precious, but we probably can't let it out." The doctor was assassinated just for wanting to share his own research, but he didn't want the doctor to think that they were just as selfish as B Base.

Unexpectedly, the doctor immediately nodded in agreement, "I know, these were stolen from B Base. As stolen goods, of course, it needs to be hidden, or it will cause trouble."

Lei Chuan sighed in relief, then he explained further, "Once we develop finished products and our base is strong, I'll share the results with the other bases in the south and form a Southern Alliance. B Base is now trying to set up a national base alliance to monopolize all the resources. We have to get rid of their stranglehold, or the average person will not be able to live. We're innocent men charged as criminals for treasuring a jade ring [A person's talent will arouse the envy of others], before we have the strength to protect it, we have to hide our treasures, or we'll face a disaster."

Zhou Yun Sheng nodded in understanding, then he pointed to the screen and said, "Look, they're ready to sell you these products, but the ones they use are completely different. They've added a certain metabolic agent that will cause the purification agent to fail within 5 months. In other words, you'll need to exchange supplies every five months. While your own base doesn't have enough food to eat, you'll still have to feed them. This is tantamount to cornering the nation's survivors and stripping off their flesh and drinking their blood, they're no different from the zombies."

Lei Chuan was enraged. In his last life, he'd witnessed countless bases being exploited by B Base and eventually destroyed. The doctor was right, those who only cared about their own interests, disregarding their compatriots' life and death, were no different from zombies. In fact, they were more damnable than the zombies, because they were still human.

SlothfulxQuiet SlothfulxQuiet

Oh, this was another good movie that featured Will Smith.

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